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Simply His Ch. 27-30

Story Info
Chances, Visits, Questions on Hold, Advent of Dawn.
10k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/02/2015
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Chapter 27



I look at our entwined fingers and smile; then I look at him and he is staring through the window with his mind on several things. We are driving to my office and have a meeting with Carter at first hour. Ever since we walked out of the airport he has been going through many things all at once. I peeked into his head and left quickly when I got dizzy in the vortex of his thoughts; a meeting with Alpha Demark, who I still haven't met, a visit to the Smithson Pack to catch up on the status of their recovery from the horrible attack of Cornelius and Agape. On that note; Caleb has been worried that he sent his best trackers, they were truly remarkable, yet they came back empty handed. Cornelius and his pack has vanished, he even tried to track them with satellites with no results. He had rejected that idea at first because on a forest area there would not be many chances to detect them, yet he still tried as a last resource and it also failed.

I close my eyes and try to relax him, I only learned I could do this yesterday, but I am so excited. I imagine a thin cloak covering him and soothing him, helping him relax. He shifts on his seat and then wraps his arms tightly around me, kissing me softly as he smiles. "Thank you..." He whispered as Alex announces we are there. I take a deep breath, I am glad we took time to come back to the city, I needed to control my abilities or this city and the wolves in it would drive me crazy.

Outside the car there are two gentleman with expensive suits, I immediately sense they are wolves. Caleb walks out first then extends his hand to grab mine and lead me to the door. Both gentleman bow their heads. "Greetings Alpha Rowen." The tallest one replies, then he looks at me and with a smile he bows his head. "Welcome back, Luna."

"Thank you." I said calmly, Caleb was not worried nor annoyed, so there was no need for me to be either as well. I pulled his hand though, bringing his attention. 'Introduce me, maybe?' I mind linked him and he chuckled.

"Julius is my lawyer, he is one of the many loyal pack members who choses to be here in the city. Julius, this is our Luna."

"It is an honest pleasure to be at your presence, Luna. Welcome to the family." He said kindly. I felt goosebumps on my skin at the honor of being called that, and feeling the pack bond start to attach with him.

"And the quiet one is Kade, he is my accountant, also from the pack. He can't talk, but he can communicate." Caleb nodded at him and he replied with a bow, then I heard him. 'An honor to meet you, Luna.' And I smiled. 'Thank you Kade' feeling the invisible connection of the pack firm to him as well.

"Do you have everything ready Julius?" Caleb asked and after a confirmation nod he pointed at the entrance for me to go first.

The security has changed, the annoying security arch was now gone, instead there was a simple wall and behind it two security staff could catch anyone walking by. I am sure there is additional electronics behind that wall. It was a definitive update, one that assured less people stuck at the entrance.

We arrived at our floor and Carter was talking to Janine, his assistant, giving her instructions. He grinned widely when he saw me and came to greet me with a warm hug. He was so alive. His scent was one of trust and honesty.

Ah yes, I started to notice how scents could tell me more about a person than only their smell; I could catch their mood, their feelings, and lately I also started to notice part of their personality.

"Meadow darling, so good to see you back... and you look stunning! vacation suits you!" He greeted me and I giggled. "Hello Mister Carter, it is wonderful to see you."

"Caleb... you took good care of my ace here, I am thankful for that. Did you gave her time to work on our little project at least?" He said perking a brow and I blushed. Caleb was laughing hysterically. "Of course I did, after all, I had to kidnap her in order to force her vacation." I rolled my eyes and shook my head at them both.

"So who are these guys?" Carter asked finally, nodding at them both.

"This is Julius, my lawyer, and Kade, my accountant. We brought you a first draft for you to look at. Where is your lawyer?" Caleb asked, pulling me closer to him with a gentle tug on my hand.

"Tom should arrive any moment, please let's get into the meeting room." He encouraged us and I led the way.

Caleb sat on the edge of the table at the left, and pulled me to sit next to him. He strategically left the end for Carter who grinned at the sign of respect. There was no doubt that Caleb knew how to deal with people like him.

After a minute, Sarah came in with small coffee cups for all, she has been with the him ever since Carter started the business, she was a wonderful soul who radiated kindness and pride into everything she did, no matter how small. When she passed me my cup, I smiled at her and thanked her, she blushed and remained quiet. A few minutes later, Tom walked in, looking rushed and apologizing for his delay, blaming the traffic. He was being honest, but it was too funny.

The rest of the meeting went easy; Julius read the base contract out loud and Carter couldn't help but have his mouth open; Caleb was literally giving away a fortune to merge as a silent partner, requiring only to be consulted when a major change was required, this included firing a number of five or more employees, change on high position staff and all decisions regarding security, including the implementation of new security gadgets and tracking devices on the company vehicles and outside staff. Kade put the cherry on top when he delivered a study on the investment profit generation through a timeline, that put Carter almost to the edge of sanity.

"I am not really sure what is your win on this contract Caleb, you are giving too much and taking so little." Carter said with a sigh, scratching his head with his left hand.

"It is easy, and I know what I am doing. I take this like an experiment. I am helping your company and taking the opportunity as a test program for the implementation and field test of new technology. For example, the new entryway detector system, tracking devices and similar security gadgets. This works wonderfully with my new endeavours. I don't like testing this kind of stuff in a closed farm. I want this tested live and so it becomes a win win opportunity. Of course I can keep my eyes on my princess at the same time, that is a plus." Caleb chuckled as he pulled my hand up and kissed it. I shook my head at him with a smile. "As if I need to be kept under surveillance." I chuckled and he laughed.

"Well, I don't know what you think Tom, this sounds like a damn good deal for our side." Carter asked our lawyer and he was nodding with wide eyes, extremely aware of everything said. That and his cut on the deal. "Alright Caleb, you got yourself a business associate." "Bring that thing, ready to sign, monday would you Julius?"

"Yes Sir, I will bring this for you first thing in the morning." Julius replied, his assured smile showed he knew well how to elaborate the most appealing deals.

"Well then that is all for now, Caleb and Meadow? mind you two staying a big longer?" Carter added and we both nodded, dismissing our lawyers and the accountant on the way. Once they were out, he looked at us and smiled, shaking his head. "You two are good for each other. I am glad you are serious on your relationship." He said with honesty.

"I know what is good when I see it, and I haven't been able to pull away from this one ever since I laid eyes on her." Caleb said while he caressed my hand gently, making me blush. He would always find a way to surprise me with his words.

"Meadow, what are you planning to do? You have the new implementation plans working better than before, from what I could see on the draft you emailed me. But your role in the company can't stay the same. I need to promote you to head of department now." He said and I was flattered by his trust. I had no way to doubt his intentions, he had shown his trust in me before I was associated with Caleb, I knew his words were true.

"I am flattered Mister Carter, but I am not sure I can take the job." I said a little hesitant at first. He frowned and looked at Caleb who lifted both hands as if in surrender. "He has something to do with my decision but not all of it. I would like to offer you maybe my services as a consultant, if you would agree. I will stay here until we both can find someone new capable for the job, and after that, I would be holding monthly meetings with you here perhaps?"

"May I know why you want to do this Meadow? and please be honest." He asked, tapping his pencil on the table.

"I want to spend more time with Caleb, that is true. But I also have a chance to assist as a consultant in his company too. I know you will understand this is a big opportunity... I can't let pass." I said, forming the words as they came to mind. I didn't plan any of this, but I was sounding convincing enough even for myself. He laid back against his chair and sighed. "That would mean a cut on your paycheck too Meadow, tho I think you aren't really interested in that."

I smiled at him and nodded. "My paycheck will come from him as well, don't worry." I grinned and pointed at Caleb and he joined with a laugh.

"Ok Meadow, you are bound to this office till we find your replacement, and it better be a good one." He finally said with a smile and I agreed.

The day went by quickly with all the things I had to catch up, people to talk to, announcement to prepare for monday and the call for filling my place now out on the respective sites and newspapers. I quivered when I sensed Caleb coming for me, our connection giving me warning of his playful mood. He knocked on my door and came in. "Ready to go out for dinner?" He smiled at me and I beamed of joy.

I grabbed my purse and walked to him, kissing his lips tenderly. "I am ready... let's go." I said and he growled lowly, a grin on his face as he looked at me. "Maybe I just got new ideas..." He said in a slow sexy voice that made my heart jump and beat faster. "Yes? what other plans?" I asked as he moved me into the office and closed the door behind him, a click announced it beeing locked.

I felt my cheeks hot and red as he slowly slid his hands on my body, my breath cut with anticipation. "Caleb... we can't be loud here..." I warned him, and just as I said those words I realized I would never put a stop to his intentions. It was as if his cravings became my own ones, though I was the only one who thought about possible outside consequences.

"I am not sure I can control myself around you." He whispered to me as he pushed me against the desk; his hands locked briefly on my waist as his eyes burned me. "Tell me to stop...if you must" He said in a low raspy tone and I gasped, lifting a hand to pull him to me, crashing our lips together. His thumbs slid under my silk blouse and slowly lifted it exposing my goosebump filled skin. I arched slightly as he reached my breasts and rubbed my hard nipples with his fingers, tugging them over the thin bra fabric. I felt like I was being sent into overdrive when he surprised me with lowering his lips into my mark. He licked my sweet spot and I groaned, digging my fingers in his back and almost tearing his shift. I jumped upon my desk and spread my legs, forcing my skirt to climb up around my waist, I pulled him closer and locked my mouth with this. This was the only way we would both remain quiet enough. I felt him grow harder by the second as he pressed against my thighs and pelvis. He slid his hands behind my back and undid my bra, making me moan with pleasure as I felt my breasts bounce free. He broke our kiss and I arched my body, leaning on the desk as I rested my back on my arms and elbows; I saw him grin as he gently put my bra to my lips and whispered. "This might help with the noises." And I bit the piece of lingerie as if my life depended on it.

He kept grinding his covered hardness against my damp panties as he leaned on me and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I closed my eyes and quivered, each small rub of his tongue on my skin sent waves of pleasure all over my body and ended down my intimacy. Then he bit me, softly. I whimpered quietly thanks to my own bra and it felt so good. He started nibbling my nipple and I almost came as his hard cock pressed more on my wet lips, but then he stopped and moved to the other nipple, leaving me breathless. I wasn't going to last much longer this way, and I knew how to set him on fire. I wanted him to take me, right there and then, so I opened my mouth, letting the fabric slid away, and I whispered. "Take me..." and then 'Take me' I repeated with my mind.

He growled lowly and I heard the almost mute sound of his pants being unbuckled and then drop on the floor. He pulled my wet panties aside and locked his eyes with mine as he pressed his manhood deep inside me with one slow but unstoppable thrust. I collapsed into the table, unable to think straight nor wanting to. Totally involved, there was only him and me, and him in me.

There was a connection between us, beyond physical. Something triggered each time we would unite in an intimate way. I felt how the world shifted and moved differently, and my wolf came closer to the light. She was still hiding in the shadows, but I could see her eyes and her attention now completely into us. It wasn't as if there was a 3rd person watching us, no, even though I feared it could be. It was like part of me was closer to completion.

Caleb moves slowly on top of me, slow but deep thrusts, his face tense as he tried hard not to groan or moan loudly. I pulled him to me and he kissed me passionately, thrusting hard and deeply. I groaned, thankful for his mouth on mine, my nails digging in his back as my legs wrapped around him. He moved more deliberately and slowly, pushing me against the desk as I began digging his skin with my sharp nails. I felt how perfect he rubbed every inch of me and I arched more, writhing below him. Then he pulled away from my lips and I felt his hand on my mouth, I didn't understood why until he bit my mark and thrusted deeply inside me and I screamed aloud and within my mind. Deep, hard, intense thrusting as he pushed me to the edge and beyond. Another bite and I exploded, my body shaking as I came hard and melted completely. I heard him grunt and howl within his mind as he thrusted one more time and came with me, filling me with his seed, prolonging the exquisite pleasure.

He took several hard breaths right next to my ear and I quivered, then he lifted me up gently and took me with him on my chair, making me straddle him. We kissed softly and tenderly; both holding on one another. 'I love you so damn much my Princess...' He whispered to me into my mind and I smiled. 'As much as I love you, my Alpha...'


Chapter 28



He chuckles as I point Craig where to turn. I am happy that Alex stayed home this time and Craig came instead, although Caleb has been more than careful when I am around him, I haven't felt anything towards him since Caleb and I mated fully. To me it was a big relief, I didn't want to feel insecure near him, especially since he was Caleb's third in command.

"Ok, now turn left on the next corner and slow down, the store is in the middle of the block." I smiled. As soon as we turned the last corner, I noticed something wasn't right. The store was closed and she never closed on a saturday morning.

"Perhaps she is on vacation?" Craig said scratching his head and I frowned, stepping out of the car to look inside the store thru the windows. "The flowers are withering, the store has been closed for days." I looked at Caleb with worry eyes and he pulled his phone out. "What is her name?"

Half hour later we arrived at Saint Mary's Hospital and I rushed to the information desk. "I came to see Crista Ward? They told me she was here on intensive care." I spoke quickly and the nurse quickly assisted me. I ran to the elevator and hit the 4th floor, Caleb and Craig reaching me just in time before the doors closed. As soon as they opened I rushed to find her room. I stopped half way my search, I turned my back and saw a paralyzed Craig and Caleb holding him. I took a deep breath and tried to focus, I walked back to them and Caleb gave me a warning sign 'Hold on, I think he just caught the scent of his mate...' He whispered to me and I relaxed. 'Go find your friend, I will help him find her and try to make him calm down.' He said again and I nodded. 'Thank you...' I whispered back, turning around and resuming my search.

I found room 469 almost at the end of the hall and I knocked gently, waiting for a sign. "Yes? Come in." I heard the young Bella, Crista's daughter, invite me in. As soon as I we saw each other, she jumped to my arms squeezing me. "You are ok!" She almost whispered-screamed with excitement. In our hug I could see Crista, my mom's friend, filled with tubes sleeping. I held Bella from her shoulders and questioned her with a look.

"She has pneumonia and has been like this for days. She has also been worried about you. You didn't show up last weekend." She whispered lowly and I felt a shot of guilt.

"I was on a trip with my boyfriend, he kind of kidnapped me in order for me to leave. I am so sorry." I replied in the same low whisper. She shook her head and smiled. "That is good Meadow! You needed someone to take care of you... You already look happier." She smiled at me.

"Meadow? is that you?" I heard Crista call me from her bed. "Oh darling... I was so worried about..." she coughed a little and Bella rushed to her side, helping her take small sips of water until the glass was empty. "Thank you dear, can you get me some more?" She asked Bella and she nodded and ran outside. Once she left the room I walked to the edge of Crista's bed and took her hand, feeling her week. I tried to hold any tear from coming out.

She smiled at me. "I am happy you are well darling. When you didn't show up last saturday I was worried." I shook my head. "I am so sorry, I should have called. My boyfriend took me on some forced vacation time. I made him promise we would come visit her after."

"Ahhh Meadow, you found someone special, haven't you?" She half whispered, I could feel her energy slip away. I squeezed her hand and pushed part of my own energy into her; I didn't know if it was possible, I just knew I wanted to.

"Yes, he is a wonderful man, he has literally shaken the very core of my existence. I love him madly." I smiled, unable to hide the emotions that Caleb brought in me.

"I knew you would only get attached to someone that kind of special, your mother and I always felt you and my daughter would be the exception to today's crazy youth." She half giggled and then coughed a bit more. I sat in the chair next to her without releasing her hand. "How did you find us?" She continued.

"It is saturday, and I headed to the store and it was closed. I peeked through the window and noticed the flowers weren't being taken care of, I knew something had happened. Your name and a few calls was all it took." I said, rubbing her hand slowly.

"Oh god...! Is it saturday already? my poor flowers...!" She said just as a scared Bella rushed back in.

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