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Sin on Little Mill Road Pt. 02


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This was Anjanae's room and much like the master bedroom, enough light filtered in through the open door to make out figures on the small bed. It was Kami and a black man that were spooned together with my wife facing the wall. They were covered by a sheet that hid most of their bodies, although I could see enough to tell that the man had his arm wrapped over her waist. Like the woman with the pastor, I sensed that this was the younger man of the group, which meant that he was around thirty-five. I had only seen him in the choir robes, but guessed he was around six-foot-tall and in reasonable shape, which matched what I was now seeing.

I thought by their stillness that they must be asleep, but suddenly, right before me, I saw his hips move, and then a few seconds later they did again. The slow, easy way it happened made me think that he had his cock buried into Kami from behind which was confirmed not long after, when after another move, she reached back with an arm and draped it around his neck. He started to pick up the pace and it looked like they were about to shift to full fucking when two things happened in quick succession. First, I heard a car engine start, which momentarily startled me, and then seconds later Pastor Mathews appeared at the door. He was standing naked with his heavy cock dangling over his full set of balls and immediately engaged the other man in a discussion. As a result, he had stopped his movements into my wife who lay still as she watched the interaction.

Suddenly, the man with Kami flipped the cover off them revealing their naked forms and as he pulled away from her I saw that he wasn't wearing a condom. It incensed me to think about how reckless she was acting, especially after making it my lone demand. I thought about hitting the window to announce me presence or run around and enter the apartment, but before I could decide, they rose from the small bed and left the room. I was certain where they were headed, and it was only a few steps over to the adjoining window where I arrived just in time to see my beautiful wife climb onto the bed. The pastor was reclined in the middle with his hands behind his head and my wife moved forward and kissed him passionately. Right behind her was the other man who grabbed her by her hips and pulled, breaking their kiss and positioning her where her mouth was right over the pastor's cock. Then, without ceremony, he moved onto the bed and slammed his shaft into my wife.

By the movement of her body and the look on her face, I knew she must have emitted a loud cry. On his second push, her face landed on the pastor's groin and she grabbed his thick cock and pulled several inches into her mouth. They quickly found a rhythm and for the next few minutes I watched Kami being sport fucked by the two black men. Finally, having decided I had seen enough, and thoroughly out of physical and emotional energy, I walked back to the car.

I slept fitfully as I expected a call from Kami, but it never came. It wasn't until at little past ten that I heard a car pull up and when I went to the window I saw it was the pastor's. Inside, I could see Kami exchanging some words with the black man, and then she left the vehicle and moved towards the door. She looked tired and when she stepped into the house I could see that she was truly haggard. It didn't appear that she had slept at all, which made me think that one or both of the men had fucked her all night.

"Morning," I said, unable to hide my irritation.

"Hi...I'm sorry. I fell asleep," she replied.

"Kami, it doesn't look like you slept at all," I fired back, and then added, "Tell me what happened."

"Let me shower first," she responded with a nervous look.

"No, why don't you tell me now," I demanded.

"You know what happened," she said looking down at her feet, and then as if she had received a shot of adrenaline, she said, "You said it was okay, so don't make me feel bad."

I took a deep breath to fend off my anger, and then a calm voice I said, "Just tell me about it."

"I did it with Jero...Pastor Mathews and another man, too. Roland," she stated.

"Just them? How many times?" I asked.

"Yes, just them and it was a lot," she answered in a small voice.

"Did you use protection like I asked?" I challenged her, wanting to know if she would be honest.

"Yes...mostly," she replied, and then added, "Not always."

"Kami! Why? It was my one request! What if you get pregnant? An abortion would devastate you and you can't have a black man's child," I yelled.

"I know...its stupid, but I get too damn excited..." she whimpered.

The aroma coming from her body led me to believe she hadn't showered, so I pushed, "So, right now you're full of semen?"

"Just let me shower," she answered brushing by me as her tears started.

She was in the bathroom for almost an hour, and when I heard the door open I met her in the bedroom. She was dressed in a robe, but for some reason I wanted to inspect her body and see the damage.

"Take you robe off, please," I said.

For a moment, she gave me an odd look, and then she was pulling the garment off her shoulders. It fell at her feet revealing her lovely body that was covered only in a thong. With a nod, I indicated that should come off too, and without protest, she pulled in down her legs. Surprisingly, her body showed fewer marks than I expected. Of course, her pussy was raw and swollen, but other than that, there were just two hickeys that I could see. One was small and just to the inside of her nipple on her left breast and the other was a larger, quarter size bruise on the underside of her right orb.

"Finished?" she asked with some irritation after a few seconds.

I nodded my head and she quickly pulled her thong back in place and then together we moved to the bed. I pulled her close to me although neither of us spoke as the seconds turned to minutes. For almost half an hour, my mind churned as I processed the events, but finally I reached a conclusion about what to do.

"Kami?" I asked, hoping she was awake.

"Yes..." she answered in whisper.

"This is the last time we're going to come out here for a while," I said.

"Okay," she said, no doubt thinking it was to end her involvement with the pastor.

In a way it was, but there was more to it, so I replied, "We're not coming back until your pregnant."

She was silent for a while as she thought about the message, and then replied, "You're going to give me a baby?"

"Yes, honey," I said, and with that she grabbed my arm and pulled it tightly around her.

We left for the city as soon as she finished a nap, and on the drive, she explained that she was confident that the sex with Pastor Mathews and the other man had occurred during a safe time in her cycle. In fact, her period started just a week later, and as soon as it was over, we started to prepare. The first two months were unsuccessful, but sometime during the third it happened. It would have been a gross understatement to say she was ecstatic and now that she was safely knocked up, we decided a couple weeks later to go to the country.

I had made multiple trips out to tend to the horses and check on the place and had purposefully steered clear of the pastor. However, for Kami, it would be her first return visit and as we got closer, I could see she was getting excited.

"So much to do!" she said with enthusiasm, and then said something that surprised me, "You think we'll see Anjanae?"

My first reaction was to equate the child with the sex she had experienced with the black man, but as I reflected on it, I think Kami viewed it much differently. To her, being with Anjanae exhibited her maternal instincts, and I had to concur that when she was with the child they were clearly evident.

"I guess we can if you want to," I replied.

I thought about reengaging with the black man and I wondered how he would react. He had certainly become a part of our lives and our abrupt disconnect must have registered. However, I also felt his curiosity must be piqued, and he was unlikely to turn down an opportunity to see Kami.

"Just Anjanae?" I teased.

"Stop it. And yes, just Anjanae. My play days are over," she declared as she rubbed her barely pregnant tummy.

"No play? No wine? Are you going to make it?" I asked with a laugh.

"It's going to be challenging," she giggled.

As soon as we arrived, Kami grabbed a bag of apple treats and took off to find the horses. I unpacked the car, opened the windows to let things air out, and knowing she would likely be gone for some time, I decided to drive down and see if Pastor Mathews was around.

"Phillip, dear Lord, where have you been?" he asked as soon as he opened the door.

After a handshake and quick hellos, he invited me inside. For just an instant, I thought about the decadent taking my wife had experienced in the small apartment, but I could tell he was nervous, so as soon as we were seated, I started to explain.

"I know it looked like we disappeared, but we haven't been out in several months," I began.

"I know...I know. Is she okay? I thought she must have not...reacted the party," he asked.

"Yes...well..." I started, but he interrupted.

"I was was like she was possessed. Even Kay never got that wild," he said and his message instantly got my attention.

I thought about trying to trick him into revealing more, but decided I would take a more direct route, and asked, " seems that more occurred than she shared. Why don't you tell me what happened?"

Instantly, his face got a distressed look, and then he responded, "I don't want to start trouble..."

This time, it was me that cut in, and I said, "No one is going to get in trouble. It was months ago. I'm just curious and want to know. Kami told me that she had sex with you and a man named Roland multiple times."

"And Clifton," he said.

"Clifton?" I asked, although I suspected I knew who it meant.

"Yes, the other man in the choir," he confirmed.

"So, all three..." I said.

"Yes, all of us and I say...I mean what was strange was...she just couldn't get enough. Wanted more, all night," he explained.

"Nothing with the other women?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"No...but they watched her...everyone did," he replied, then added, "She kept getting off."

It was certainly a different message than she delivered and one that showed something of her I wouldn't have expected. The sex in the country had certainly been passionate, but I would not have characterized it as the wanton display that was being described. I knew I needed to think it through, and that would take time, so I decided to move to the purpose of the visit.

"You know...Kami was a bit shocked at her behavior, but there's more to it than that. We've been wanting to start a family and it was too dangerous to do that with the...other activities. So, we stayed in the city and now she's pregnant," I told him.

"Outstanding!" he cried out, and then quickly added, "I'm glad that's the reason."

"Yes, it's very exciting," I replied.

He shook my hand and then asked, "Would you mind if I came by to say hello?"

"Well, that was one of the reasons for me coming by. Kami really wants to see Anjanae. Would it be possible to bring her with you?" I asked.

It was quickly decided that he would drop by at eight with his daughter, and a few minutes later, I left. I was back at the house for almost twenty minutes before Kami appeared, with a smile on her face.

"I missed this place," she declared.

"What about it?" I asked as a thinly veiled tease.

"Stop it," she said, instantly spotting the innuendo.

"I went by to explain things to Pastor Mathews. He was excited to hear the news and is going to come by at eight with Anjanae," I explained.

"Perfect," she declared and it wasn't long before she began to prepare for their arrival.

My wife had changed into jeans and a simple top when the knock came on the door. I was much closer but by the time I opened it, she was right beside me.

"Anjanae!" she called out, making the young girl smile.

"Nothing for me?" the black man asked, and after a few seconds, she turned to him and allowed him to give her a hug.

"Hello Jerome," she said in a very friendly tone.

"You definitely have the glow," he told her, which brought an excited smile.

For the next hour, the pastor and I sipped wine in the kitchen and watched Kami and Anjanae interact. They were truly enjoying themselves and I couldn't help but think what an outstanding mother she would be. It also made me wonder why we had ever gone down the road of the illicit sex, as now I wished she had become pregnant long ago.

"You are indeed a lucky man," the black man said.

"I know, it makes me wonder why I ever let her do the crazy stuff," I said, candidly.

"Oh Phillip, don't think that way. You park that for now, but there will be a time to pull it back out, and now you know what's there," he counseled.

We were well into our second bottle when the black child began to crash, and since things were going so well, Kami took the child to the bedroom to lay down. When she returned, she eyed the wine hungrily, although she knew she couldn't.

"It's not fair," she declared, and then looked at me and said, "You shouldn't drink either. You should show support."

Her words brought a big laugh and we continued the lively banter until we decided to sit. Moving to the sofa, Kami took a place between the pastor and me, which forced up some surreal memories. When the second bottle was gone, I stood to open a third and while I was using the corkscrew, I watched as they engaged in a whispered conversation. Now the thoughts hit me full-force and I could feel a strange sensation surge through my body.

"Pastor, are you trying to get into my wife's panties?" I asked pointedly.

Instantly, my wife gave me a shocked look that showed some guilt, but the black man, sensing my mood, chuckled and then said, "I was trying."

"Make any progress?" I asked.

"I was just starting to," he laughed.

"Hey, I'm right here and you weren't getting anywhere," Kami stated.

With that, I walked over and re-filled his glass, moved back to the kitchen and then said, "I'll just stay over here and see how far you get."

Part of it was the wine and part of it was the description of her over the top behavior during the choir gathering. Within seconds, he had his head bent so he could whisper into her ear, but Kami, now with my full attention, pretended to ignore his efforts. The pastor had perseverance, showing no signs of flagging even in his inebriated condition.

"Really? Did that really work when I was drunk?" my wife suddenly said while laughing.

"You weren't always drunk," he answered, which made me laugh and brought a faux irritated look from my wife.

"Honey, why don't you change into your robe," I said.

A smile quickly appeared on the black man's face, but her irritated expression started to look real.

"No, honey. I'm a pregnant wife. No more monkey business," she answered.

Undeterred, the pastor returned to his whispered seduction and I decided to remain silent. Seconds became minutes and then I saw that he was stroking her bare arm with his fingertips. In addition, Kami looked like she had sunk further into the sofa so that she was slightly below him. Despite her statement, it certainly looked to me that he was making progress. Suddenly, my wife's body moved like a shiver had coursed through her body. It caused her to lean forward slightly and broke the connection with his hand, but when she relaxed and leaned back, the pastor's hand found her chin and turned it his way. On the first kiss, their lips barely touched, but on the second they remained connected for several seconds.

"Honey?" she said looking my way.

"You'd be more comfortable in your robe," I responded.

For several more seconds, they engaged in their low conversation, and then my wife slowly rose and left the room without looking my way. The pastor and I traded excited looks, although I think we both had doubts about her return, and with each passing minute those thoughts rose. However, just when I thought it was clearly over, she appeared. She was in her robe and barefoot, which immediately made me think of the phrase "barefoot and pregnant", and it was evident that she had freshened her makeup.

Pastor Mathews let her sit without speaking and then returned to his whispered seduction. This time, his efforts were much more fruitful and it wasn't long before they were trading kisses. The connection quickly increased in passion and it was during a long one that I saw his hand find the folds in her robe and disappear. The movements made it clear that he was massaging her breasts which caused her to be forceful with her lips. Now, it was she that was grinding her mouth hungrily against his.

When the kiss broke, there was a sudden flurry as her robe was removed and together they worked on his clothes. It seemed like it was only seconds until they were both naked, and the black man guided her to straddle his waist. It was Kami that found his heavy cock, brought it to her opening and slowly descended onto its length.

"Mmmmm...ohhhh..." she whined as it entered.

"I've been missing this," he whispered seductively, which brought a rapid nod from my wife, and then noticing her nipples he said, "Baby, you're already getting dark."

"Yes, and their sore," she moaned.

Kami started with small movements but they quickly grew until she was riding his entire length. As more was fed to her, her passionate wails increased to the point I became concerned about waking Anjanae. I moved to close the hall door, which brought no reaction from the lover's, as they were completely consumed by their mating.

"Damn, you're milking me," the man of God let fly.

"It feels so good...please don't stop," my wife begged.

"Never going to stop. You're back where you belong," he grunted.

Kami's orgasm came fast and in litany of cries and moans she exploded onto the black shaft. She wrapped her arms around the black man's neck and thrust her chest forward. Spasms hit her body, from her thighs to her shoulders, and it was during one of these that he announced his release.

"Oh, it comes...coming for you now...ugggghhhh...ugggghhhh..." he let out, and I visualized his seed filling my wife's occupied womb.

They remained in an embrace while occasionally kissing during the long period it took for them to come down. Finally, Kami, with an extended moan, lifted from his shaft and I could see his half-hard cock coated with a combination of their juices.

The pastor watched my wife's ass as she left the room, and then looked my way and said, "Thank you."

After that evening, they met often, but always in our house. As the pregnancy progressed, she became hornier and I thought it was likely a combination of her hormones and the constant sex she was experiencing. It wasn't uncommon for the pastor to give her a mind-blowing orgasm and then have her wake me in the middle of the night for more sex. Any guilt had long since evaporated, and she would often ask the black man to give her details about her aunt.

"How are you today?" I said to the hardware store owner when I stepped inside.

It was a picture-perfect spring day and I had dropped in to pick up a list of things I needed to complete a few chores. The store was empty and by the look on the man's face he was eager to chat.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," he replied, and then followed with, "How are things over your way?"

"Fine, too," I said.

"I hear that ol' pastor has a new girl in the choir. A young white girl. Pretty, they say," he laughed.

It had been several months since Kami re-joined the church choir and even though she hadn't participated every week, it seemed it was unique enough that word had spread.


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