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Sissy Powers Ch. 06

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Leah back to work.
2.5k words

Part 7 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/08/2020
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I woke to the sound of Clara moaning, in obvious and sublime sexual pleasure. Opening my eyes, I was quickly reminded that I was once more a beautiful woman, seeing my prominent tits thrust towards the ceiling. Second, I saw what was causing the moans: Clara had her entire right hand inside of her pussy, and was moving it in and out!

She saw me watching and smiled. "Hey babe! So you really did stretch me out! Look what I can do now!" She removed her hand from her vagina, balled up her fist, and inserted it again. "This takes barely any effort at all! It's so fun, and makes me feel like such a slut!" She beamed at me, obviously happy to have been permanently stretched to fit my unearthly cock.

"Oh baby, that's so hot, your body is permanently mine now..." I moaned, watching her fist herself and the pleasure knowing that she was mine forever radiate from her beautiful face. "We should talk, though, and figure some stuff out?" I asked, not wanting to interrupt if she was on a roll.

"Sounds good, honey!" Clara said, pulling her dripping hand from herself and offering it to me to taste, which I did eagerly.

"Thanks, honey! But anyways, we should figure out how you didn't, you know, die..." I suggested, and she laughed.

"I was thinking it this morning, you know, while I was, uh... checking the stretching job you did on me," she laughed, "and I'm pretty sure you went right through my cervix and into my womb..."

"But - but that isn't really possible..." I said, my medical training at odds with this information.

"And is having a colossal cock and transforming into a woman strictly possible?" she teased, causing me to shake my head. "Right, so I say we don't look a gift horse in the mouth! I personally loved feeling you soooo far inside of me, so I vote we just keep doing that whenever we feel like penetrative sex! Oh, but just so you know, although you did really stretch my vagina out, I couldn't reach into my cervix like that. So other things can enter me, but nothing could ever even theoretically go as deep as you!" she said proudly, bragging about the fact that her pussy was mine and mine alone.

"That's incredible, baby!" I exclaimed, so happy to know she was feeling good about these changes. "And you liked that level of penetration?" She nodded an emphatic 'yes' before getting serious for a second.

"You are, I think, some sort of Tantric sex god. But setting that awesome point aside for now, are you going to work today?"

I was a medical researcher at Beth Israel, working on hormone therapy for psychiatric patients. I know, right? But anyways, I had done well enough since starting that I could work from home whenever I wanted, and chose to do so today. "And you know what's great research on the effects of hormones?"

"Let me guess, switching between estrogen- and testosterone-based bodies and fucking me silly?" she asked hopefully.

I laughed, smiling at her enthusiasm. "Close, I mean the transforming part, but the fucking you silly is probably more of a personal time activity." I winked at her, letting her know that that was still very much on the table.

"Are you going to be Leo again all day?" she asked, somewhat crestfallen. "I mean I love you no matter what body you're in, but I don't think your normal cock would do anything for me any more, and I don't think I'll be able to take 'the beast' again like at all today..."

I laugh, smiling my understanding at her. "No, baby, I was actually planning on hanging out like this," I gestured to my perfect, big tits and bouncy bubble-butt, "and trying to just get that awkward conversation out of the way now. I have a video call with the team in like an hour, so I'll get some work done and then try to explain, well... my tits."

"You should get dressed up nice and professionally in some of those class outfits we bought you!" Clara exclaimed, obviously eager to help her girlfriend get ready. I smiled, and we moved to the shower to start getting ready.

After much fuss, I stood before the mirror checking myself out. I was wearing elegant black sandals, mid-calf khaki capri pants, and a flowing white blouse that had sleeves halfway down to my elbows. My hair cascaded down my back, with a sinuous braid wrapping around from my right temple to the back. All in all, I looked like a gorgeous businesswoman!

"Well, I'd say mission accomplished!" Clara exclaimed, pulling my in for a hug and a kiss.

"I look so pretty..." I commented, loving how my shirt seemed to flow when I moved.

"Right, so your coworkers will be put at ease by the way you look and should have an easier time accepting you!" Clara suggested, beaming at me. "But now, alas, I have to go to work, too. Bye, sweety!" She kissed me again, more sensuously this time, and walked into our home office. She was a website administrator for a popular web-hosting service, helping small companies create the first sites and maintain them. It was interesting work, with a lot of funny stories. Not all of the sites were even pornographic! Though she was usually a bit frisky after work...

I settled down at my own desk and pulled up my latest project, a study on the effects of hormone treatments on developing rat embryos. The study had produced fascinating results, and I easily lost myself in my work until a notification popped up telling me it was time to sign into the meeting.

My video loaded, and the screen showed that the rest of the team was already there. "Okay, great, welcome Leo, now let's get st- wait... Who are you?" the project administrator demanded.

I laughed and smiled, waving at the team and getting almost only smiles back. Wow, people really just liked me from the get-go as a beautiful woman, huh? "Hi, everyone. So, well... I'm Leah... But I'm also Leo." I explained to them a modified version (but strictly G-rated) of what happened. Basically, I told them that I'd been playing around with the hormone therapies and one seemed to have made me a woman. They were all puzzled as to the feasibility of this, and it took some convincing to make them believe, but I knew very specific details about their lives and eventually they did accept it.

"This is going to take some getting used to, but there's no reason it can't work," mused the director, Dr. Matthew Faulk.

"Yeah, the team's about even gender-ratio-wise anyways," suggested Tiffany Carter, my co-investigator. "Welcome to the team, Leah!" I smiled at her; I'd known she would be understanding.

"Well this is fascinating," one of my male coworkers said, appearing a bit nervous. "Was the transformation complete?"

"Well I don't know about reproductive capability, but Clara seems fully satisfied that my sexual anatomy is 100 percent female, and functioning properly," I giggled, getting a lot of shocked faces at my bluntness.

"When you say your anatomy..." the same doctor trailed off.

"I mean my tits and pussy, Mark," I rolled my eyes. He had always been slightly awkward around the women on the team, and apparently now I would be able to enjoy that as well.

"Can we... Like... See?" he asked hopefully, and there was an indignant chorus of protests from the ladies on the call.

"Did you seriously just ask a woman that you work with to flash you?!" Tiffany demanded, outrage and fury on her face. "You unprofessional..."

"No, no, it's fine," I said calmly. "This is a bit of a shock and I guess it is kind of relevant to the work we do. Sure, Mark, but only this once," I demurred, rolling my eyes. In one smooth move, I pulled my beautiful blouse over my head. Then I reached back to unhook my supportive but classy white bra, but I felt Clara's hand already there.

"Let me help, honey," she whispered in my ear. "This is so fucking slutty and I love it!"

I smiled, and Clara slid the bra down my arms, setting it on the desk.

"Holy shit," Matt exhaled, looking away from the screen. "If my wife walks in here right now..."

"Well don't I feel inadequate," whistled Tiffany, winking at the camera.

There was a round of supportive, complimentary comments and then Clara helped me re-dress, kissing me on the cheek before returning to her desk and sitting gracefully. Well, she faced me and spread her thighs, revealing no panties and a dripping pussy, but still, there was elegance to it!

After that, my workday actually got on pretty smoothly. I made some progress analyzing those test results! And there were a few 1-on-1 conversations with my coworkers, all of whom expressed their support and desire to continue working with me as we always had. I took pity on some of them, who clearly could not tear their eyes away, and showed them a bit more skin on our calls, but mostly just to thrill my fiance who was watching me and drooling at my sluttiness.

Finally, it was time to break for lunch. I rose to go to the kitchen, but Clara cleared her throat and looked at me expectantly, spreading her legs again and quickly stroking her pussy. "Excuse me, lover, but after that display do you really think I'm going to let you start lunch off with anything but my dripping cunt as an appetizer?"

I blushed, and walked towards her, settling onto my knees between her thighs. "How silly of me. It was really that hot?" I asked coyly, moving in to sniff her arousal.

"Um, well all of your coworkers, people I know from the holiday parties and visiting you and all, people I've known for years, now know that I'm with the clearest 10 to ever walk the Earth. They've seen your gigantic, wonderful titties and they definitely know that I've licked and tasted every part of you. So yeah, I'm horny! So, how about you - UNNH!"

I had dived in and started licking, tracing her lips and flicking at her clit. She moaned in pleasure, shaking in her chair and flooding her pussy with arousal. "Yes, you little slut! Eat me! Pleasure me with your tongue!"

I smiled, not letting up, and pushed her to her first orgasm. Her back arched and my beautiful silk blouse was drenched, making me giggle a bit into her pussy. When she stopped screaming, she begged me to put something inside of her, and I slowly traced a finger up her thigh to her opening. Sliding it in, I felt her wetness, but none of the usual direction. Wow, she really was loose!

"Yeah, my used cunt is going to need more than just a slender finger," she moaned, eyes fluttering at the naughtiness of this reality. I added a second and then a third finger, and only then started to feel her vagina squeezing me. I pretty effortlessly added a fourth, and her breath started to quicken again, with her obviously nearing a peak.

I decided to relent and really pleasure her, and slid my entire fist into her once-tight passage. Her back arched almost out of the chair, and her legs gripped my arm while I pistoned my entire fist inside of her. Now I could feel real contact with her walls, and the pulsing of her orgasm, as she called out my name and her pleasure.

After a few more orgasms like that, Clara looked at me hungrily and pushed me down onto my back. Climbing onto me so she straddled my face, facing towards my feet, she pulled open her desk drawer and took the dildo we had bought for me (the small one) from it. "Keep eating me and don't fucking stop!" she cried, as I was already busy doing so. "I'm going to fuck you and make you squirt!"

She was true to her word, giving me 3 squirting orgasms in as many minutes. I was so turned on that the second the dildo entered me I arched up into her pussy and came, and then did so again when she turned the toy's vibration on. The final orgasm of our lunch period was a simultaneous one, with me reaching my fist into her while she plunged the toy into me and stimulated my clit with her finger. We both screamed each other's names, and our shouts were definitely heard by the entire building, if anyone was home.

Afterwards, we lay there cuddled up on the floor, before giggling and going to actually eat. "I love you so much," I told her earnestly.

"I love you, too!" she responded immediately, before smiling and looking excited to tell me something.

"What is it?" I asked, and she promptly started talking in a hurried, giddy tone.

"You remember Heather, from the store?" I nodded. "Well we've been texting, you know, when you haven't been fucking me, and she wants to come over on Wednesday for dinner and to spend some time with us! She only knows about Leah, though..."

I smiled, glad my little slut was living out her bisexual fantasies of arranging a date with a woman. "Sounds fun!"

The rest of lunch, and the rest of the workday, proceeded smoothly and without notable occurrences, and we were just celebrating my first day "back to work" with a good round of "69-ing" when the doorbell rang.

"Ugh, and I was about to cum!" Clara pouted, diddling my clit irritably.

"Me, too... " I trailed off, then resumed licking gently.

"You're right; they can wait for a minute!" Clara gasped, and dove back into my pussy. We both shuddered out an orgasm, enjoying the feeling of mutual pleasure, and then pulled clothes on and went to the door.

When we opened it, a 50-something woman wearing a nice, summery dress and strappy sandals greeted us, before her nose twitched and her smile widened. "Well it seems like I'm interrupting," she laughed, causing us both to blush.

"Uh, well..." I started, but she cut me off.

"No, no, dear, no embarrassment! See, that's actually kind of why I'm here..."

"Sorry if we've been too loud!" Clara said hurriedly, gripping my hand and looking at her feet. God, what cute feet! I'd have to do something fun with them later, I resolved.

"What? No! In fact, good for you!" the older woman laughed. "In fact, I'm here to meet you both. My name is Barbara Sundahl, and I'm a Tantric priestess. I had felt some very powerful energy coming from here, and decided to investigate. I think it's pretty obvious what I was feeling!" She smiled again, looking at us warmly.

We both blushed furiously, before looking at each other. Could this woman give us some answers? Clara nodded, signalling her consent to continue the conversation if I wanted to, and I opened my mouth to speak.

"Maybe we should do this inside?" she suggested, "This seems a bit personal for the doorstep..." We both laughed in agreement, and I waved her through the door.

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ClarasBestFriendClarasBestFriendover 3 years agoAuthor
Updated eBook

Hi everyone! So after a bit of a break to write other stories, I'm excited to be working on this one again! I started off by revising and editing the chapters posted already. The updates have been submitted here, but publish faster on Kindle. Please consider supporting my writing by buying/reading the updated eBook!


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