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Sister Cities Ch. 04

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Learn how the 2 cities are growing - there's another change.
5.1k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/18/2019
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Continuing the Good Deeds

Madigan stepped from the long-range transport onto a street teeming with people. She blinked in surprise as she had to quickly sidestep through the throng to avoid being jostled. She headed for the baggage pick up and was grateful to find that retrieving her luggage was quick and easy.

She left the transport station, struggling with her large case and a bulky bag slung over one shoulder. Pausing, she carefully pulled a few braids out from under the strap on her shoulder.

Her hair was her one real vanity. Thick and full, reaching down to her hips, it was every shade of red from the palest of pinks to a dark, rich burgundy. Her mother's good-bye present to her when she'd embarked on her journey was to spend hours braiding it and entwining a multitude of sparkling crystal beads. With every move of her head, the beads glittered and showcased the many shades of red.

All along her journey to this strange and isolated land, the people she had encountered had regarded her with everything from wonder to suspicion. The farther west she'd traveled, the more the looks they gave her showed uncertainty and mistrust. Thus far she'd found it more amusing than insulting.

She had spent her life set apart from the people around her. Family, friends, and everyone else, it seemed, looked at her like she didn't quite belong. The strange, unexplainable marks on her wrist didn't help her reputation. She had excelled in school, passing her peers by leaps and bounds, and began to seek higher education at the tender age of twelve. Against her parents' wishes, she'd enrolled in her country's best university when she was only thirteen.

While math and science came to her far too easy, relationships with people were another matter altogether. When Madigan had taken the time to look up from her books and studies, she found herself surrounded by strangers who seemed to have nothing better to do than ridicule her. It just made it easier to stay dedicated to learning.

At eighteen, she had nothing more to learn at the university and a full-grown, lush body that she didn't know what to do with. She quickly found employment with a medical science laboratory and, for a while, managed to forget life once again as she fell deep into her work. Fashion was nothing more than comfortable clothing for work and creative ways to hide the strange marks on her wrist. Her social skills beyond talking about work were nearly nonexistent.

But eventually, a male co-worker managed to break through her concentration of constant work. For the first time in her life, Madigan found herself seduced by something other than knowledge. The man, nearly fifteen years her senior, tall and lean with dark handsome features, soon taught her all about her sadly lacking sexual education. She was swept away on a tide of sexual pleasure, and for the first time in her life, felt like a giddy young girl in love.

Once she was thoroughly smitten with him and was willing to give him all he asked of her, she discovered the truth. His wife intercepted a planned romantic weekend and entered Madigan's life with all the fury of a scorned woman. Madigan's heart shattered and as her tears fell, the man's wife felt enough pity for Madigan that she gentled her voice told her about how things were not always as they seemed. Luckily for Madigan, as soon as she divorced the cheating bastard, she surprised them both by taking the young girl under her wing and helped her navigate some of the social aspects of life she'd missed out on.

Once Madigan learned how to be a woman, and what to do with her full, curvy body, work finally took a step back. Soon she had blossomed into a confident woman who knew how to handle the nearly all-male workforce she was in. If she wanted sex, she knew how to find it safely, and if she didn't, that was okay, too.

Now at the age of thirty-seven, here she was, thousands of miles from home to begin yet another chapter of her strange, almost out-of-order life. Stepping clear of the crush of people, Madigan found herself staring into cool green eyes. A slender blonde in an elegant emerald suit gave her a nod of greeting.

"Hello," said the blonde. "I'm Mistress Fleur. Mistress Leona is waiting for us at the Manor." She turned and waved to a young man behind her, who quickly stepped forward and took Madigan's heavy case.

Relieved to have assistance, Madigan gave Fleur a warm smile and said, "Then I'm guessing you know I'm Madigan?"

The blonde gave a delicate shrug and said, "You... stand out of the crowd. Knowing you were coming from a distant country, it was an easy distinction to make."

Madigan sensed that Mistress Fleur's voice contained nothing but sincerity. No critical judgment hid behind her words. Glancing around once more, she realized the people surrounding them were mostly dressed plainly in natural colors, causing Madigan in her bright blue and green traveling outfit to be a vivid spot of color. The woman was right about her standing out.

Mistress Fleur turned to the young man and gave him quick instructions. She then waved Madigan over to stand in the shade of the building. Madigan began to notice how people would dip their heads toward the Mistress in reverence as she passed them. A small transport pulled up nearby. Her young assistant stepped out and gracefully helped Mistress Fleur into the transport, then turned and did the same for Madigan, who accepted his hand with a surprised smirk. She couldn't remember a time in her life when anyone had treated her as if she were someone important.

Once the transport was gliding gently over the river toward yet another large city, Mistress Fleur began a brief history of the area. Mistress Leona had stumbled into a small, dusty, backwater village and, over time, turned it into a thriving city that they renamed as Prime. Across the river, where Madigan had arrived, was a busy town called Possibility, the growing point of which was an inn and general store owned by Fleur herself and her previous husband, Titus

Madigan noted a bit of humor in Fleur's voice as she told the story of an old church in the original town that had tragically burned down. She explained that the former priest's habit of leaving lit candles, combined with a poorly placed curtain tassel, had caused a surprisingly hot and ravenous fire. The devastation of the church opened up the grounds for Mistress Leona's large Manor house, where they were currently heading.

With the construction of a university and laboratory in Prime, Mistress Leona hoped to draw in more people to their sister cities. Madigan's head began to swim with questions. She was here because this Mistress Leona had traveled to her country thousands of miles away. The woman she'd seen at a small conference had been young. She simply couldn't understand how someone so young had almost single-handedly built two thriving cities; not to mention the young Mistress Fleur's hand in things.

"Look, I'm a woman of science, and what you're saying simply isn't possible. Mistress Leona would have to be over a hundred years old to have accomplished all that," she protested.

Mistress Fleur nodded, a strange sparkle in her eye. "Yes. She's currently 287 years old. Just for your information, I turned 175 last month."

Madigan felt her mouth drop open, but no words came out.

The transport glided to a stop in front of a large and glistening white Manor. Six columns graced the front of the three-story house and large, cultivated flower beds dotted the grounds. The young man got out first and helped the women from the transport with old-world charm.

Mistress Fleur gestured to the man and said, "This is Silas, by the way. He's our resident virgin and is off-limits to all. So please, do not entice him in any way." With a grin that showed off his dimples, Silas ducked his head, hurried to gather Madigan's luggage, and carried it up the front steps into the Manor.

Still trying to form words that simply refused to be uttered, Madigan followed Fleur, feeling slightly dizzy with all her questions and confusion. Entering the large foyer, Fleur waved Madigan into a small, formal parlor decorated in shades of yellow. There, the beautiful brunette Madigan had seen at her conference sat in a chair perusing a handful of papers.

Fleur waved a hand and announced, "This is Mistress Leona, founder of Possibility, revivalist of Prime, and creator of the University of Prime."

The brunette rolled her eyes. "I'm just Leona, please. You must be Madigan and I can see the exhaustion and confusion all over you. Please sit. Fleur—"

"I'm off to make tea," the blonde announced as she swept from the room.

Madigan nearly fell into a dainty yellow and white striped chair across from Leona. She stared into warm brown eyes and tried to comprehend all Fleur had told her. With a shake of her head, sending her braids and their glittering beads swishing, she leaned back and shrugged.

Leona studied her for a moment before saying, "Fleur told you quite a story I assume."

"That would be putting it mildly, yes." Madigan's accent sounded fluid and out of place.

Leona held up her wrist and showed her strange, glowing scrollwork. Stunned, Madigan held up her own wrist where her matching markings, which, although they blended in with her darker skin color, were still very visible. All her life she'd wondered about them, never knowing where they came from or what they meant. "I can tell you another outrageous story now, or I can wait until tomorrow after you've rested a bit," Leona said, her voice gentle.

When her mind went completely blank, Madigan simply stared for a moment. "Tell me now. Let's get it all out."

Leona then launched into a story of an explanation of the mysterious marks on their wrists. She paused briefly when Fleur wheeled in a cart with a teapot, cups, and tiny cakes and cookies. Fortified by a sugar rush and the calming tea, Madigan listened carefully as Leona told a story that defied all of Madigan's scientific beliefs.

Carefully sitting her now empty cup back on the cart, Madigan leaned back in her chair and studied the two women. After a moment she remarked, "You do realize that without proof, I'll never believe a word of what you just said?"

Leona and Fleur shared a look before Fleur nodded slightly and said quietly, "We need her knowledge."

Taking a deep breath, Leona looked at Madigan and tilted her head slightly, "A woman is staying here. Her name is Tavi and her birthday is a few months away. She wants to change, to remain with us. If she's agreeable, you can... maybe not watch the act itself, but certainly view the before and after changes." She shrugged and added, "It means waiting for your proof, but it's all I can offer at this time. In the meantime, would you still be willing to work in our laboratory, maybe teach at the university?"

Madigan nodded and said, "Of course." She shrugged "You hired me to do a job and I'll do it. Whether or not I believe you when you say you've lived to be nearly 300 years old just from having sexual intercourse with virgins, that can wait until I work it all out in my way. Scientifically."

"Sounds fair enough," said Leona, her shoulders relaxing a bit. The women then launched into a more normal discussion of Madigan's salary, job expectations, and creative freedoms.

When Madigan began to visibly droop from exhaustion, Fleur stopped the conversation and took her to her room on the second floor of the manor. Plush and comfortable, the room had everything Madigan could need. After a quick shower and a change into pajamas, she snuggled into the large bed and fell deep into slumber.

The next morning Madigan found her way to the large, sparkling clean, and slightly intimidating Manor kitchen. Equipment and utensils that she'd never seen before were lined up, ready for use. As she stood, trying to decide which of the strange pieces of equipment might produce a cup of coffee, an older woman swept into the room, breezing past Madigan.

The new woman, another blonde, but this one with darker hair more honeyed in color, began to efficiently operate one of the appliances, and soon the enticing aroma of coffee drifted in the air. The blond turned and, propping a hand on her hip, looked Madigan over. "Coffee will be ready in a bit. I'm Tavi. You must be the new one. I like your hair." Her words were clear, even, and spoken in an exceptional rapid-fire manner, but Madigan was able to easily piece together all the different subjects.

She answered in kind. "Thank you for the coffee. You are a godsend. Nice to meet you. Yes, I am the new one. Once more, thank you." She gave a friendly smile as she answered. She had pulled her braids back from her face but left the majority of the red strands to fall down her back.

Tavi gave a tinkling laugh as she turned and opened a cupboard to take out two large mugs. "Good job. Most people have trouble keeping up with me. You're here for Leona's university, right?"

Madigan moved forward to take the offered cup and said, "Yes I am. Well, more for the laboratory, but I'll still teach when she needs me to."

Holding out the steaming pot, Tavi filled Madigan's cup before her own. She then moved to the oversized built-in refrigerator and took a large bottle and poured an eyebrow-raising amount of creamy liquid into her cup. As Madigan sipped the best coffee she'd ever tasted, Tavi gave hers a quick stir before taking her taste test. She caught Madigan's eye and gave a grin and said, "I actually like a little coffee with my flavored creamer."

"You would ruin the best thing I've ever tasted on sugary cream?" Madigan asked, pretending to be scandalized.

Tavi's delightful laugh rang out once more. The two women sat at a table tucked in the corner and chatted. After a bit, an entire team of kitchen workers filed in and began their day. Soon a plate of sliced fruit and another of assorted breads were placed before the women. Madigan was amazed at the efficiency of the Manor workers and how nearly each and every one of them held a smile or at least a pleasant expression.

"So, you're the one that's supposed to uh... turn young?" Madigan asked as they finished their breakfast.

Tavi's warm gray eyes studied Madigan for a moment. Then she said, "I know what it sounds like." She licked her lips and tapped her fingers on the table a bit. "I grew up in an orphanage. No idea if I even have parents or not. The nuns just found me on the doorstep one day. No note, no nothing." Her expression turned distant as she lost herself in her past. "I spent most of my life alone, just trying to survive. Then just about a year ago, this woman, a young beautiful woman, came into the news office where I was working. She tells me she wants to place an ad looking for women who have an unexplained marking on their wrist."

Tavi smiled to herself. "I just held up mine and asked if that was what she was looking for. This woman tells me her name is Leona and that she can tell me what they mean if I want. She took me out to dinner that night. Best meal of my life up to that point. The story she told me then"—Tavi shrugged—"somehow I just knew what she was saying was true. That very night, I packed my bags and left with her. She brought me here."

"Just like that?" Madigan asked.

Nodding, Tavi answered, "Just like that. And in four months," she said, patting her face and pointing to the small lines around her eyes, "all this is going to be new again."

Madigan leaned back in her chair and said, "You really think that by... fucking a virgin... you'll turn young again? Just some magic, voodoo, hoo-doo, whatever is going to make you live forever?"

"Yeah, I do," Tavi said with a shrug. "You know what, I'll let you watch. The whole thing. Well, as long as Silas doesn't get performance anxiety, then you can watch. If he objects or can't get it up, then you'll have to understand. This is too important for me to jeopardize."

Madigan ran her tongue over her teeth. "You'll let me watch you have sex and see what happens after? You don't have a problem with that?"

Shaking her head, Tavi answered, "None at all. As I said, this is too important to me. You're a scientist, you need proof. I've always been drawn to media, to explaining things, to telling the world things they should know. You need to know and I can show you."

With her mind nearly brimming with questions and the need to know more, Madigan said, "I'd like that."


Madigan stood with Tavi in the latter's private bathroom. She looked over the woman standing in front of a mirror, wearing nothing but a robe. With her honey blonde hair brushed, soft, and shining on her shoulders, the woman vibrated with excitement. Earlier that day, Madigan had given Tavi a medical exam, noting any and all signs of age. Every wrinkle, every soft dimple on the woman's body was in a file down in Madigan's office.

Leona had coached both women, but Tavi had assured the brunette that her presence wasn't needed. With Madigan watching from the sidelines, Tavi was confident and ready to get things started. Biting her lip, Madigan tentatively asked, "Are you sure..."

Tavi whirled around and stuck a finger in Madigan's face. "Don't you dare. We have both been over this with Leona and Fleur. This is happening. I want to be young, I will be young and I will stay young. Forever."

Holding up her hands in surrender, Madigan took a small step back. "Okay, okay. I'll be right here. You know, just in case." Over the past few months, the women had become good friends and Madigan had grave feelings of concern for Tavi. While she couldn't deny that there was something about Leona and Fleur that couldn't be explained by science, she also didn't want anything bad to happen. The older woman was like the older sister Madigan had never had and she didn't want to lose the wonderful relationship.

Giving the tie of her robe a fierce tug, Tavi spun on her heel and headed for the bedroom. Madigan stepped out of the bathroom and sat in a chair right beside the door, placed there just for her. If Silas had difficulty with her watching, then she could easily duck inside the bathroom and be out of sight. The young man had agreed to Madigan's presence, but neither woman wanted to put undue pressure on him.

Silas entered the room a moment later, wearing nothing but a loose pair of soft pants. His young, strong body gleamed in the light, and he gave Tavi a smile that showed his dimples. "Are you ready, Miss Tavi?" he asked, his voice low and mischievous.

Tavi gave a tinkling laugh and wrapped her arms around his waist. The age difference between them didn't seem to faze either of them a bit, but Madigan couldn't help but find the picture striking. The healthy, robust young man with the older, softer woman made for an interesting contrast. She knew that Silas had been given lessons by Leona and had even been coached by a few older men that taught at the university.

She watched as Silas cupped Tavi's face in his hands and gave her a gentle kiss. Moving one leg forward just a bit, he pressed his thigh to her center, causing Tavi to push in harder. After a few moments, when Tavi's breathing had accelerated, Silas leaned back and teasingly untied her robe. Sliding his hands over her shoulders, he let it drop to the floor.

Tavi had kept her body slim, but it still showed subtle signs of age. Her breasts weren't as firm, nor her ass as perky, as they used to be. Silas didn't seem to mind at all. He cupped her moderately sized breasts, gently squeezing and rolling a nipple between his fingers. Madigan heard Tavi's quiet moan, and even though she watched with a clinical eye, she felt a stirring of her own down below.

Silas waltzed Tavi to the side of the bed, their steps a dance of smooth movement. He continued to kiss and fondle her as he lowered her to the bed. Once she was reclined on the pillows, he stepped back and gave her a teasing smile. Slowly he began to inch down his soft pants, his erection clearly evident.


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