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Sister-In-Law Affection Ch. 03

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Ashley gets rescued and rewards as best she can.
6.2k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 05/13/2012
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This story is continued from a previous chapter.


When I woke up and I was already late for work. But fuck it, I owned the company and it was Friday. The other guys at the office probably got more done without me there anyway. I felt no compulsion to hurry.

I dragged myself into the bathroom. I left the door unlocked as I showered but Ashley didn't let herself in this morning, she was already gone. My girl was gone too; not surprising though as she was rarely still home at this late hour on weekdays. Both the girls waitressed, but Kay had to be in a lot earlier. Although I liked to see one or both of them before heading out to work, I didn't mind having the apartment to myself today.

I still hadn't spoken with Ashley since we'd.....what? Become lovers? Had sex? Hooked up? For some reason my mind needed to classify everything logically. Apparently I'd never properly determined what a single hand job qualified as. I cursed myself for wasting time thinking about it when I still had much more important things to work out.

She was my girlfriend's sister. We lived together. We'd grown closer over the last few years, closer than was appropriate. We took it too far a couple of nights ago after my girlfriend Kay had gone to bed. Ashley had caught me perving out during what was supposed to be a back massage; but instead of freaking out and having me arrested, her reaction was to grab my cock and finish me off on her face.

Wow, it was fantastic but now things were a mess. I'm sure Ashley was terribly upset and she had zero emotional stability to begin with. Who knows what her reaction to this was going to be. She'd probably move out, I'd have to confess to Kay and she'd leave me too.


What was I going to do about Kay? Ashley and I knew we had unspoken sexual desires for one another, but they were always just that, unspoken. I'm sure Kay never suspected anything of the sort. While she tolerated and even encouraged our affection for one another, that obviously didn't extend to hand jobs and facials.

We'd breached the trust of one of the most generous people I knew. How could I explain my infidelity and reconcile with my long time girlfriend? I loved Kay. I loved Ash. I loved them both.

It would have been so much better for everyone involved if we'd kept it all proper. Well, that was the voice of morality talking; my libido couldn't have been happier crossing that line. Damn me for allowing sex drive to trump higher reason; I should have been stronger. Prior to all this I had convinced myself I was stronger, but it turns out I was just another degenerate who couldn't keep it in his shorts.

The shower water was running rather cold by this time. I'd lost myself in thought again.

"Go to work, Top" I said aloud referring to myself by nickname.

My parents had named me Topher. I don't know; I guess I didn't think much of the name. It was alright but I far preferred the abbreviated version Top. Not pronounced "Toph", just "Top". Rhymes with mop. It was unusual, but Top had stuck and I'd gone by it since I was a kid. It rolled off my tongue without a thought.

Eventually, I did go to work and I struggled through another day. I got home and discovered Kay had been screwed out of another big money Friday night shift at the restaurant. She was home and her friend Laura was over as well. Normally, three or more of us in the same room early on a Friday evening would have evolved into a night out with the gang at the bars. But tonight I guess no one was motivated enough to pick up the phone and we ended up just hanging on the couch watching some movies.

It got to be about 10 or maybe a bit after, the three of us were still watching the TV when I heard footsteps coming up the stairwell. It sounded like 2 people talking as they ascended. The apartment door opened and now I could definitely tell there were two people coming in. One of them was Ashley and a male voice. They came down the hallway a few steps and appeared together in the entrance to the TV room.

"Hi Ash" Kay greeted her sister.

"Hey there Ashley. I haven't seen you in a while", Laura said excitedly as she ran over for a hug. Laura was Kay's friend, but I guess she knew Ash as well. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

"Hi, I'm Dom" the kid said, introducing himself. Dom was a rather tall guy. I usually don't really notice how tall other guys were, but he must have been about 6 foot 3 inches.

"I'm Laura. What are you two up two?" she said in her upbeat, overly happy voice cutting Kay and I off from introducing ourselves. That's just how Laura was, absorbed with herself and what she was doing. She was pretty much oblivious to the slight.

I can't say I mined the inadvertent rudeness, though; it gave me an excuse not to talk to this shit head. I'd seen him before somewhere, I was pretty sure he worked at the restaurant with Ashley. That would make sense, as Ashley would have just gotten off work and had already managed to find a guy to bring home with her.

I had already decided he was a pretty boy gym-rat. He had some sort of European accent and the machismo that he was trying to pull off was downright offensive. We'd never intentionally hang out or find one another amusing in any fashion. This guy was a toad.

But mostly I didn't like him because she was going to let him fuck her.

To be frank, Ashley had been around the block a few times. Hell, I'd watched her go around the block. I would never call her a slut; more like desperate to find someone - and she was always willing to give the next guy a chance to be the one. She'd bring them home and I'd be forced to witness some random loser getting lucky with Ash.

I was always jealous. I did so much for her: I'd shown her a thousand kindnesses, kept her safe from any sort of harm, gave her the male attention she craved. I had basically filled in as her boyfriend between each of her failed attempts at a relationship. More or less, I was her boyfriend when it was convenient. The real travesty was, I never got the sex. I figured it wasn't fair that all these other guys got to nail her and I had to endure.

This time it was different.

I couldn't exactly spell it out to her with words at the moment, especially with my girlfriend Kay right there, but I wasn't about to let Ash be with any other man ever again. The snag was that even if I could have talked to her right then, Ash and I still had this gigantic, unresolved moral dilemma between us. We still hadn't spoken a peep since I came all over her face two nights ago.

This predicament was just so fucked up.

I needed to do something fast. I had about 5, maybe 10, minutes before she'd disappear with shit head into her bedroom.

Kay and Laura were right there, so I couldn't say what I wanted to without revealing everything. I was effectively muzzled. No matter, words were not my strong suit and I decided I didn't need them anyway. As Laura bantered on with the small talk incessantly, I managed to get Ashley's attention. I gave her a look, speaking through expression: 'What the hell are you doing?' I was trying to convey how crushed I was that she was doing this and my extreme disapproval.

She looked confused. Didn't she realize that I loved her? How could she ignore the sex play we'd just shared not 48 hours ago? Surely that changed everything between us.

It seemed an eternity passed. I feared the worst; that she might completely disregard me and carry through with her intentions to screw pretty boy Dom there.

'Ashley, I want you to be all mine', I communicated as best I could with expressions.

I could hear silly Laura, Kay and Dom prattling on but they may as well have been a thousand miles away. All that mattered right then was Ashley.

'Please don't do this'.

Finally, she understood. Her face softened. She accepted. At that moment, I knew that she loved me and was mine forever.

I smiled and let her know that I loved her, even if I couldn't vocalize it yet.

It may go down as one of the most fucked up "awwww" moments ever. My future wife was right there in the room while I pantomimed some sort of courtship with her older sister - who had only paused to say hi on her way to bang some other guy. Not exactly a fairy tale script.

I was ecstatic though. I felt we'd managed to get around a giant obstacle between us. Not too bad for a couple of facial expressions. Not that everything was solved, far from it; but I'd settled enough to prevent the immediate disaster.

We locked our gaze for a few moments as lovers would. I didn't care if Kay noticed; it's not as if she didn't know I cared for Ash. Maybe it was too intense and lasted a bit longer than friends would have shared, but I doubted Kay could have picked up on all that. I just don't think she's all that perceptive; otherwise she would have objected to Ashley and I a long time before our affection had boiled over to a hand job and facial.

Tunnel vision. All I could see were her hazel eyes. I had looked deep the other night while she jerked me off but that was mostly lust. This was love and I drank it all.

I remember so clearly. She was wearing thick black eyeliner with a white eye shadow. I don't think I'd ever seen it before but I'll never forget it now. White, with a hint of frosty blue-green glitter. Her hazel eyes were so sexy; I just lost myself in them as we communed.

It was a lot to pack into 5-6 seconds. However, there were still practical matters to be dealt with, namely Ashley ditching the loser she brought home. I would have gladly run him off, but Kay was sitting right there on the other couch. If I just charged to her rescue now without motive, it surely would have betrayed our romance before it had even started. I was pinned down. Ashley would have to fend for herself though I ached to protect her now more than ever.

Ashley stumbled into an uncouth attempt to get Dom to leave. She jumped back into the ongoing conversation.

"Actually, Dom was just dropping me off from work. My car stalled and he was nice enough to give me a ride". Apparently, the car trouble bit was a continuing lie. I found out later that Ash really had approached Dom for a ride. It was the surprise premise for luring him to her bedroom. "I'm sure he has to be getting home"

Pretty boy's night had just taken a big time turn for the worse. If I wasn't still smoldering pure jealousy, it would have been amusing.

"Ahhh, I thought....I thought I was staying over..." Dom stammered.

"Well, it's late and I didn't think anyone was going to be home. We um, sorta have apartment rules about guests staying over" she lied. She wasn't doing very well at it. Shit head's expression soured.

Laura was a bit clueless, but even she could see this train wreck of a conversation in progress and retreated back onto the couch with Kay.

"Aww, you're joking with me right Ashley?" he asked with a forced smile trying to change the mood.

I so desperately wanted to jump up and take over. I was teetering on the verge of action. My guilty conscience kept me on the couch.

"I think it's time to say goodnight, Dom" she replied.

Ashley moved the conversation out of our sight and back down the hall toward the apartment door. Their voices were still audible, but the three of us still in the TV room couldn't distinguish words. It was certainly getting more contentious; apparently she'd led him on rather hard.

I was shaking my head without shaking my head. Why this Ash? Like shit wasn't already fucked up enough. The girls looked concerned too, cocking their ears to eavesdrop as best they could.

"Oh, that's just great that's great, sweetheart", the asshole barked.

Ashley's exact response was lost under the TV noise, walls and interposing angles, but it was evident she was becoming distressed. I should have jumped up to rescue her but I worried it would lay our entanglement bare for everyone to see. I guess my mind was playing tricks on me or something, normally I would have been nobly defending Ash.

It was Kay who broke my paralysis. Once again, she unwittingly enabled my budding romance with her older sister. She caught my attention and gave a flick of her head toward Ashley's situation.

"Go" she mouthed, flicking her hands to shoo me from the couch.

Ah, the irony and the guilt just then. There was my girlfriend, unwittingly dispatching me to aid her romantic rival. It tinged my conscience, but Ashley needed saving and I was just the guy to do it.

Now, I'm not the most intimidating dude at first glance. I was 5' 9" at best and had a quite demeanor. No other guy was going to pick me out as the threat in the room, but that was their mistake. I did weigh over 200 pounds, and while I can't say it was all muscle, I was constructed out of some pretty rugged stuff.

I'd played rugby since I started college and I had earned a reputation of being tough amongst the tough. I'd certainly held my own in the rough and tumble and I was flat out devastating in a tackle. Underestimating me was a common mistake on the field and I'd thumped plenty of victims. After 10 years of rugby, I figured I could handle myself well enough against any guy I'd be likely to meet in my own hallway.

Besides that, Dom was all talk. I vaguely overheard him chatting up Laura about the gym or some such bullshit. To me, talking was nothing but bluffing. Like a puffer fish full of air.

I stepped out into the hallway and squared up. From a distance, but squared up none the less. Conversation stopped. I gave shit head a scowl and tilted my head a bit. I made it pretty clear I was about to toss him down the stairwell and curb stomp his pretty teeth on that bottom step.

He sized me up and reevaluated his chances. Now faced with the prospect of a physical confrontation with angry me, I wasn't so easy to overlook. He was mad, but he wasn't taking me lightly.

He gave me the mandatory, face saving "Fuck you" as he departed, but he definitely departed.

All along I was pretty sure he wasn't prepared to mix it up, nevertheless my adrenaline was pumping. I wasn't bluffing at all. I really would have wrecked that guy. Now I was all jacked up. Raaaar! Adrenaline is powerful; it was going to take me a bit to come down off the hormone.

Ashley locked the door and put her back against it. She was beaming gratitude and admiration but I wasn't receptive in my current state. I could feel the chemical reaction still coursing through me. I shook and twitched my arms. I'm sure I looked like some typical muscle head showing off as I walked back down the hall to the kitchen. I didn't mean to; I hated myself a little bit for doing it, but damn I was still fired up.

"Yeeay, Top's our hero!" I heard Laura cheering. "He ran off the big, bad wolf." She broke into a sing-song chant. "Top saved Ashley. Top saved Ashley." Yeah, she was kind of an idiot that way. I could hear her bouncing around the room and she had Kay and Ashley laughing off their anxiety. I guess it was a bit tense for everyone. We were all just letting off steam in our own manner.

I was in the kitchen now, trying to settle down a bit. Having 'saved' Ashley I was feeling like a hero. I fancied myself like the dominant head of the lion pride after defeating a rival male in a challenge for mating rights. I should have been entitled to walk in that room and mount all three females right there on carpet.

As I calmed down, I found it interesting how quickly hormones had devolved me thousands of years to basic animal instincts. Hormones easily trumped higher reason in a flash -- all that were left were base impulses to kill and fuck.

I have always regard myself as a rational, intelligent man able to control himself and live according to the rules of civilized society. The last couple of days were steadily proving me wrong. I wished I cared more, but fact was I didn't. Fuck it, this was great.

Ashley came into the kitchen to see me just then, alone. Our eyes met instantly, her expression was all gratitude and admiration.

"Thank you", she spoke softly. "You rescued me again, Top." She was crossing the kitchen and closing the short distance between us. Her swift appearance and approach made me a bit tense and excited. This was the first moment we were alone together since our initial sexual encounter. My heartbeat was still elevated from the adrenaline of the throw down; now it was skipping with her growing proximity.

She came to me and leaned her head on my left arm. She was a bit less than five feet tall; I'm sure this was as close to leaning her head on my shoulder as she could manage. Wrapping her arms around tightly she gave my arm a hug. Her soft skin and warmth felt exquisite pressing up against me. All the fight in me was giving way to fuck.

I took my free hand and ran it up the back of her neck into her hair. Clenching it I pressed her cheek harder into my arm. I leaned over a bit and gave her a kiss on the top of her head as I massaged the back of her head with my right hand.

I drew her into me with my whole arm, never relinquishing my vantage of having my hand tangled up in her hair. I slid her face from my arm to my chest making our embrace chest-to-chest.

I'd given Ashley plenty of hugs before, it was a standard display of affection between us. In fact, if Kay had walked in on use right now I wouldn't have even been embarrassed -- unless of course she were telepathic and could read the twisted thoughts running through my head.

It would have been ridiculously easy to take Ash by the back of her head and force her to her knees. I could feel her willingness to please me; I wasn't telepathic either but this was palpable. Dirty thoughts ran through my head while I held her against me.

Fantasy took over. Down, girl. There you go, pop it out and rub it on your face. I envisioned my cock smearing her mouth and cheeks with precum. Push it in there, Ash. Yeah, in your mouth. Good girl - that's it, take it. Thrusting in and out. Oh, I would have cum a river in her mouth.

Back in reality she was still leaning on me and we held our embrace while my mind's eye ran amok. I could sense her sharing these fantasies too. My mind flip flopped from the real to imaginary and back to the real again.

In the physical world chemistry was hard at work. Hormones were having their effects on both of us - silently compelling us to breed. Pheromones wafted at point blank range, intoxicating our senses. There was a tingle where our skin met. Every strand of DNA in me was programmed to take her right there in the kitchen.

Rationally it was unattainable, but I couldn't help myself. I was going to fuck her right now and plant my seed. I tightened my grip, making a fist of fingers and hair. Drawing her body in even tighter, I pressed my arm against her back vertically and tugged downward.

She resisted, but I was not dissuaded. Her body was pressed chest to chest with mine, she was firmly held captive. I pulled harder, buckling her neck and tilting her face toward mine. I could see her gritting her teeth, resolute not to go down where I wanted her. She opened her eyes, wincing slightly at the discomfort. My eyes held her now just as my arms and hands did.

I spoke my first words to her since our sex play two nights past. "Ashley, please", I begged. I held my grip but eased up. My left arm was around her waist now as well, pulling her against my ridiculous hard on. I ground it against her belly.

"We can't, Laura's here!" she spoke softly so as to not be overheard. And so she was, just two rooms away. It snapped me back to reality. I heard her and Kay talking about some nonsense as they had resumed watching TV.

Aaarg! I release Ash who backed away a few steps. I held my hand out, open palm facing her, fingers spread in a silent apology for my forcefulness.


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