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Sister Must Share Bed with Brother


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"What was the promise?"

"That is exactly what I asked him. He asked me, 'Don't you remember what you asked me about six weeks ago and I told you I could not answer your question until you were an adult?' I thought back and remembered exactly the entire conversation. He then asked if I wanted him to answer my question now that I was 18 and was now an adult."

"And, what did you say?"

"What do you think? I told him I had been waiting for my answer. I felt my mattress sag from his weight as he sat on my bed directly behind me. He said, he remembered I asked him if I knew any real men. He said the answer to the question is that he does. He said, 'You wanted to know what real men have that women want.' He paused for a moment then he asked if I still wanted to know. Leah, I could hardly talk. My throat was as dry as dust. I was able to get out, in a very hoarse whisper, 'Yes, I want to know.' I felt his hand on my shoulder. He very slowly slid his hand down my arm until it was at my wrist. In the dark his hand felt huge. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and lifted my limp arm placing it behind me. He put my hand directly on top of his bare cock."


"No Shit Leah, he really did. My hand was on the hard shaft of my brother's bare cock. It was huge and very hard I could not believe it. He put my fingers on his balls. That was when he let go of my wrist and said, 'Baby Sister, that is what a real man has that drives women crazy.'"

"Oh Fuck! What did you do?"

"At first not much. I didn't move my hand away and he didn't move off the bed. Slowly I began moving my hand and feeling him. After a couple minutes I rolled over onto my back. The light coming in through my windows from the street light outside gave me enough light I could see him. I had never seen him look as good as he did right then. His body looked incredibly large as I lay there looking up at him. I moved my other hand between his legs and began feeling him with both hands. His body is so muscular and I could see the light gleaming off his hairy chest. I had his balls in both of my hands as I was looking down at his cock. Leah, it was so hard and it was pointing up at maybe a 45 degree angle. It looked even larger than it felt. Leah, he is so thick and long, it was a moment I will never forget as long as I live. It was such a special moment for both of us. At that moment I did not see my brother, I saw the most handsome man I had ever seen."

"What happened next? Did he stay?"

"He touched my waist and asked, 'Is this the teddy I gave you?' I couldn't say anything, I just nodded my head. In the dim light I could see him smile and saw his head move as he looked at me laying there. He looked at my face clear to my toes. He said 'I hope you like my gift. You sure make it look good Sis. Your body is so fucking hot.' I have no idea how I summoned up the courage, but I asked him if he only had the one gift for me on such a special birthday."

I was getting excited and asked, "Oh fuck, what did he say?"

"You are not going to believe this, but he said, 'I do have another gift for you, but only if you really want it.' I asked him if he had ever heard of a girl who didn't want all the gifts she could get. Then I asked him what the other gift was. Leah can you believe he told me I was holding it in my hands and that if I was a really good girl and took care of the gift he had for me there was a surprise gift inside it?"


"Yes, he really did."

"What did you do?"

"I moved my legs apart and told him since it was his gift to me, he needed to decide how he wanted to give me the gift himself. He was between my legs and close enough I could see the smile on his face as he lowered himself closer to kiss me. Leah, you can't imagine it. That kiss was unlike any kiss my brother or for that matter, any man had ever given me before. I melted as I felt his hands on my body. I felt his hand move between our bodies then his fingers between my legs. I felt him touch the crotch of my teddy. When his bare fingers touched my bare pussy I almost cried out and woke the entire house. He looked at me grinning. He asked me why an adult woman felt like a child. At first I didn't understand then I realized he was talking about my shaved pussy. I just grinned and told him all my lovers like be bald."

"What did he say?"

"He grinned and asked me how many lovers I have. I told him in just a minute or two, I hoped I would have my first. I don't count the guy who took my virginity, he was not a lover. Caleb told me he liked that and that my future lover did like my bald pussy." He asked if I wanted to feel him inside my pussy. I said I did. He told me to take hold of his cock and put it in me."

"Did you do it?"

"Hell yes, I did it. I rubbed it up and down between my lips. Leah, it felt so good. I was so wet I could not believe how wet I was. He asked me if I was ready. I told him I was so far past ready. He warned me it might hurt a little since he figured I would be tight and he is so large. He said it would get better once he was inside me and I stretched out a little."

"Did it hurt?"

"Yes, quite a bit at first, but he was very gentle and went really slow. Once he was inside me he stopped and lay on top of me. He told me how good his cock felt inside me and how he had always wanted me. He said he had told himself I had to be an adult before he would even think about touching me and I would have to make the first move letting him know I was interested. When be began to move it was the most wonderful feeling. He asked me if I wanted him to wear a condom, but I told him I was on birth control and I wanted my big brothers next gift deep inside me. I told him he was never ever allowed to put his semen in a condom when he was with me."

"Leah, my brother filled my pussy with his semen for the first time that night. He has kept me filled on a pretty regular schedule since then. It always feels so good, but that first time was really special."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, yes. The next morning my aunt kept glancing at me, giving me smiles like she knew something. I was afraid she must have heard us or something and I didn't have the courage to face her. I tried avoiding her, but she got me in a corner and I could not easily slip away. She asked me how I enjoyed my birthday party. I told her it was really nice and thanked her for the cake and gifts. She grinned and said, 'That was quite a gift Caleb gave you. It was pretty, but maybe a little unusual for a gift from a brother to his sister.' I said, 'Yea, you know he is always joking around like that but it was such a pretty red satin.' I was mortified when she said, 'Oh no honey I meant the gift he gave you after everyone else except you, Caleb and I had gone to bed. That is the gift I was talking about. I agree, the teddy was very pretty. You need to take care of it. I want you to remember whenever you get a man's semen on any of your clothes make sure to let me know so I can be sure to get it washed out.'"

"No Shit? I would have died right there on the spot. What did you say?"

"What could I say? There was no use denying it, she obviously knew what happened. I did ask her how she knew."

"What did she say?"

"She said, 'Honey, when a man gives a pretty girl a gift, like that teddy, there is not much doubt what is on his mind. I have been watching the two of you and I knew it would happen before too much longer. I am happy Caleb had the willpower to wait until your 18th birthday."

"How about sense then?"

"She has made several comments. I don't know how she does it, but every morning afterwards she tells me to make sure to get anything I need cum washed out of into the laundry and that if I had gotten my sheets wet to strip them off so she can wash them."

"It sounds to me like she is really cool about it."

"Yes, she is great. She just reminds me to make sure I take my birth control pills and to get frequent check-ups with my doctor."

"WOW that sounds great. I have to ask, was Caleb as good as you thought? Do you have any regrets?"

"Even better and not a one, in that order."

I had been so drawn into Zoey's story I had forgotten all about my own issues. Maybe it would work out, but however it turned out I knew my Mom and Dad would not be as cool about it as Zoey's aunt. Of that I was absolutely certain.

Chapter 5 -- Home for the Summer (Tyler)

This past Spring semester had been a long one and I was more than ready to go home for the summer. We would see how things went, but I was seriously considering transferring to a college less expensive and closer to home. I could still get a good education if I stayed at home instead of having to attend an Ivy League college with an overpriced name and reputation.

Mom told me she needed to talk to me when I got home, but wouldn't say much else regarding what it was about. I was looking forward to seeing Leah. My sister and I are a little less than three years apart in age and have always been very close. It always gave me a charge when we were in high school and guys I didn't run around with would try to be friendly with me. I always knew what was up, but I played along so I could watch them make fools of themselves and to screen who got through the protective wall I had constructed.

All guys who have smoking hot sisters know what I am talking about. Leah was the head cheerleader and always very popular. She was homecoming queen her Senior year. My fun was when guys thought they had sucked up to me enough they had the confidence to ask if I could set them up with my hot sister. I always told Leah when a guy was starting to show interest in her. Some of them she wanted to ask her out on a date, and others she had no interest in.

I had to admit, if I wasn't her brother I would certainly have been in line to try and take her on a date. She is a tease, but not as bad as her friend Zoey. I think Leah is the best looking of the two, but not by much. They both turn the heads of men without even trying.

Zoey's brother Caleb and I have always been good friends. I haven't talked to him since moving away to go to school. We always watched our sisters and laughed as the guys made fools of themselves trying to date them. Caleb and I even talked about how we might one day date each other's sister. It made sense with us being good friends and our sisters being good friends. Maybe one day, but so far it hadn't happened.

Zoey is a beautiful girl in her own right. I prefer my sister's long blonde hair to Zoey's shorter auburn hair and Leah does have larger tits. When we were in school and Leah was around my friends and me, when she would leave they would say, "Too bad she is your sister buddy, but it is good we don't have to compete against you for some of that beautiful babe's attention."

I would usually punch them in the arm, but it was all in good fun. I knew they would not hurt her, at least if they wanted to continue to live. I have to admit I might have been a little overprotective of Leah, but sometimes the guys she liked I knew better than she did. Whenever I found out some asshole was interested in her, I would have a conversation with the guy and patiently explain to him why he had suddenly developed a change of heart and had lost interest in her. Let's just say I never had one of them challenge me and Leah would often comment wondering why those guys had suddenly quit talking to her or even avoid her if they found themselves in close proximity.

Dad knew what I was doing and he always enjoyed hearing the stories about the guys who would suddenly lose interest in the most gorgeous girl in school even after she had shown interest in some of them. I never told mom, but I think dad might have let her in on the conversations I had in secluded dark corners with my sister's boyfriend want-a-bees. If mom knew what I was doing I am sure she appreciated me looking out for Leah, but like I said, she never let on to me that she knew.

I pulled into the drive and Mom was the only one home. She helped me carry everything into the house. As usual, Mom was full of questions. I answered many of her inquiries then had one of my own.

"Mom, what was it you wanted to talk about? Over the phone it sounded like it was something serious."

"Tyler, it is just your sister."

I joked asking, "What's wrong is she pregnant?"

She gave me a dirty look and said, "Don't even joke about that. No, she is not pregnant, but she is upset."

"What about?"

"Baby when you left for college, I needed a room for my crafts. You know I make that stuff and sell it at the flea market to help out with the bills?

"Yes Mom, I know about your crafts. What does that have to do with Leah and more importantly what was so important you could not tell me about it over the phone?"

"I didn't have a choice I had to take your room for my crafts. That means you and Leah are going to have to share a room and she is not happy about it."

"So Leah and I get to bunk up like when we were kids?"

"Exactly and that is what I told her. Can you please talk to her about it and let her know it will be okay?"

"Sure Mom, I will take care of it. Don't worry about the little shit like that when there are much bigger things to worry about."

"Tyler, I know you have been away, but when you are home can you please clean up your language?"

"Okay Mom, I am sorry, but once in a while some shit might just slip out."

Mom gave me a dirty look and said, "I figure some battles are worth fighting and others are better ignored." She just grinned and shook her head before giving me a big hug. "I love you Baby. It is good to have you home."

"I love you too Mom. Speaking of sisters, do you know where Leah is?"

"I think she and Zoey are out together. Wherever you find one the other will be close by."

"Unpacking can wait until after I talk to Sis. I am going to kick back and watch some TV and relax. Is there any beer in the fridge?"

"Yes, your father has something in there. Not sure what it is."

"If it is cold it will be perfect."

I grabbed a beer and turned on the TV. A college football gave was on and I was pretty sure it would be a good one. As I watched I wondered to myself how this conversation with Leah would go. I know it shouldn't have, but the thought of sleeping in the same bed with a beautiful woman, even if she was my sister, made my cock harden just a little. I can't help it that my sister is so good looking.

The game had been a good one. Just as it was winding down in the last few seconds the team with the ball was ahead and was in the process of killing the clock by taking a knee each time the ball was snapped. I heard the door and looked up to see Leah coming in. She saw me and a huge smile came across her face. From what Mom had said I thought I would be in for a fight with her, but it was a much different reception that I had anticipated.

As I stood I said, "Hey Prom Queen." She gave me a dirty look as I teased her about being elected Prom Queen this past school year. I told her I felt sorry for the other girls who were chosen as candidates since they did not stand a chance of winning when my sister was one of the candidates.

"Sis you have it in the bag." I told her when she had called and told me she was one of the candidates. She came over to me wrapping her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek then asked, "How long you been home?"

She smelled of powder and perfume. As always she looked absolutely hot. I realize I have a bias, but my sister would have to really work at looking bad in order to pull it off.

It was warm outside so she was wearing one of those tops that ties in a little knot under her tits. She had on a pair of shorts that I was confident Dad hadn't seen; otherwise she would not have been wearing them. They were very short and made her long shapely legs look even longer. When I hugged her I could tell there was no bra under her top. She was wearing a pair of girly sandals. "Maybe a couple of hours, I am not sure. I have just been watching the game." Wanting to change the subject and talk to her I asked, "Hey Sis, you have anything going on that can't wait? I would like to take a walk and discuss something with you."

"No, nothing going on that can't wait."

"Great, let's get out of here."

As we left I glanced back and saw Mom watching. I read her lips as she mouthed the words, "Talk to her." As I closed the door I nodded letting her know I understood and that was my plan.

Once we were away from the house I asked, "Sis, how is everything going?"

"Great now that you are home. I really have missed not having you around."

"I know, I have missed you too. Mom told me about this bedroom thing. I am sorry, maybe I should just get an apartment or call one of my buddies and bunk with him. It is not fair to you to have to share your bed with your big brother."

She looked at me, but was quiet. "One of your guy buddies I assume?"

"Maybe, but who knows." I grinned and said, "Maybe there are still some hot chicks from high school around who have not yet had a ring put on their finger."

She doubled up her fist and hit my shoulder and said, "You better just leave those sluts alone. You never know what diseases they have."

"Sluts Huh?"

"Yea, you know the type. I know it will suck to have to share a bed with your kid sister, but it would be better than having that thing hanging between your legs, that you are so proud of, getting all full of infection and having to be amputated or maybe even falling off."

"Now that you put it that way I can think of worse things than sleeping with the Prom Queen."

"Will you please quit calling me Prom Queen? It is so embarrassing."

"Was my sister not the Prom Queen and did she not get more votes than any other Prom Queen candidate in the history of the school? If I understand this right I will be sleeping in the same bed as the aforementioned Prom Queen. What part of this story do I have wrong?"

She wrapped her arms around me again and said, "Big brother, even though you can be a royal pain in the ass at times, I do love you and am very happy you are home."

"Same here Sis." I grinned and said, "Have you seen all those guys at the windows in the houses we walked by? They would give anything to be in my shoes at this moment." Even though I had not seen anyone, I never tired of teasing my sister.

"Yea right. I am sure they would." In a sarcastic tone she said, "Dad has had to resort to putting guard dogs around the house at night just to keep the men a safe distance from the house."

I started laughing at the mental image her sarcastic remark brought up in my mind.

"How is your hot friend?"

"You mean Zoey? She is fine."

"You mean to tell me she is not pregnant yet?"

"Tyler, seriously? She is on birth control just like me."

I was not expecting to hear those words come out of the mouth of my 18 year old sister. I had to wonder if that meant it was a preventative measure Mom took, or if she is sexually active and it is needed. It would not surprise me if she is not a virgin, but I didn't know for sure and now really wasn't a good time to explore that topic.

"Let's head back home so I can unpack. I don't suppose you have an empty drawer or two. If you don't that is okay, I can live out of boxes and my suit case."

"Sorry, but I don't have enough room for my own stuff. I dream of a huge bedroom with huge walk-in closets. In my dream house I would have one closet just for shoes."

I could not help but to laugh at her and say, "I pity the poor man who snags your beautiful high maintenance ass. He better be filthy rich."

She put both arms around my bicep as she danced along beside me and happily said, "I am worth it and you know it. Do you really think my ass is beautiful?"

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