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Sister Must Share Bed with Brother


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"Yes Sis if you were not my sister...." I thought to myself, 'Yes, you really are high maintenance,' but I would never admit that to her.

Chapter 6 -- Yes Daddy (Leah)

Mom went all out fixing dinner on Tyler's first night back home. Mom is a great cook and it really was delicious. I had helped Mom finish fixing dinner and helped her clean up the dishes. It was nice having my brother home. I really did miss not having him around.

I would never admit it to him but I was really bummed out he could not be here to see me when I was crowned Prom Queen. I get a kick out of him teasing me when he calls me Prom Queen.

Tyler can get by teasing me a lot more than anyone else. I like it from him, but if others tried it I would scratch their eyes out.

After talking with Zoey today I feel a lot better about sharing my bed with my brother. I had no plans of seducing him or anything else to occur between us, but I was not as upset about it as I was at first. When we were talking today it slipped out I am on birth control before I realized what I was saying. I didn't really mean to share that information with him, but it was out before I realized what I had said.

The knowledge that Zoey and her brother have gone so much further than Tyler and I will ever go did give me a better feeling about him being so close. I wondered about what to wear to bed. I know most guys sleep naked. I wear an oversize t-shirt, but nothing under it to bed. It might be interesting to see what modifications we would both need to make in our sleepwear.

Dad and Tyler had been talking constantly since Dad got home. I listened in a little, but they began discussing things I had absolutely no interest in so I went into Tyler's old room, where Mom was working. She looked up and smiled as I entered.

The elephant in the room was obvious, so I took it upon myself to let the elephant out. "Mom, I am sorry I blew up about sharing a bed with Tyler. We talked about it and it is cool between us. I should not have been such a brat."

"Sweetie, you don't need to apologize, I understand how it is, but until your father strikes it rich, this old house is what we have and we have to make do. After Tyler completes college our finances will be a lot better."

"I know, I really do understand. I am just sorry I acted like I did. Tyler and I went for a walk and talked it out. It will not be a problem, I promise. I think he is more upset about there being no empty dresser drawers than he is about sleeping in the same bed with his sister. Mom, can you believe he actually said I am high maintenance?"

She looked at me over the top of her reading glasses and said, "He said YOU are high maintenance? Where on earth could he have come up with an idea as ridiculous as that?" The sarcasm in her voice was plainly evident. She grinned and said, "I will have a talk with that boy and set him straight."

I threw up my hands in mock indignation and left the room saying, "I can't believe my whole family is against me."

My father heard me and said, "Come here baby, sit on Daddy's lap." I am a Daddy's girl and proud of it. I sat on his lap as he put his arms around me. "Tell me what is wrong and Daddy will fix it."

"Daddy, Tyler said I am high maintenance and Mom agrees."

He looked at Tyler who shrugged his shoulders as he grinned. I felt my father's arms pull me tight as he whispered in my ear loud enough for Tyler to hear, "It is okay Baby, he didn't really mean it. He is just jealous you are our Prom Queen and he wasn't Prom King."

I gave my father a kiss on the cheek and jumped up off his lap. As I was heading back to my room Daddy said, "Oh yea, before I forget. I drove by the house today and saw some girl who looked a lot like you Baby, but I know it could not have been you since she had on a pair of shorts that if the material they had been made out of cost a dollar per square yard, would have taken less than five cents worth of material to make. If you should see her around you might tell her that her legs really are beautiful, but she does need to cover her cute little butt better."

I looked at the couch and saw Tyler grinning and read his lips as he mouthed the word, "Busted."

"Okay Daddy, if I see her I will be sure to mention it to her. I think she wears them because it is so hot." I gave Tyler a dirty look when I saw him grinning as if to say 'I told you so.'

"That may be true, but an inch or two of fabric would not add an excessive amount of additional heat."

"I will tell her... that is if I see her."

"I am sure her parents will appreciate you looking out for her. You might also mention to her she is not too big for her father to take across his lap and heat that cute little butt up with a spanking."

"Daddy, I will tell her, but you might want to consider what was a punishment for her a few years ago, could now be something she might actually enjoy." I kicked my leg up and blew Daddy a kiss as I hurried down the hall. Once out of sight I stopped to listen to Tyler laughing.

I heard him say, "Dad, she may be Daddy's girl, but she is definitely not your little girl any longer."

I heard Daddy say, "That is for damn sure. Why did she have to grow up to be so damn pretty? I worry about all the boys. Trust me I know what she does to every red blooded man who sees her."

"It is okay Dad, I will keep an eye on her."

I thought to myself, 'Maybe so big brother, but who will keep an eye on you?'

Chapter 7 -- Bedtime (Tyler)

Dad busted Leah and it was comical. After she left he looked at me and gave me a grin and wink. I had not snitched on her, but somehow he knew. Mom and Dad were always good at knowing what we were doing, but Dad was the master at the skill.

I had to laugh at the way she shrugged off his threat of a spanking. She really is a tease and I would never admit it, but her comment did make me wonder what it would be like to spank her, but I would want to spank her ass naked. The thought of this did cause some pressure in my groin. The thing is she knows damn good and well how beautiful and sexy she is. At 18 years of age she has done a pretty good job of learning how to use her looks to her advantage.

It had been a long drive and I was beat. I told Dad I was heading to bed. He said he was off the next day since it was Saturday and suggested maybe we could do something together. I told him that sounded great and headed toward Leah's bedroom. I saw she was already in bed so I quietly stripped to my boxers and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. I always feel better after a shower and I really did not want to climb into Leah's bed stinking of sweat from the long drive.


As usual the shower felt great. I dried off then wondered what I should wear to bed. I prefer sleeping naked, but since I was sleeping with Leah right next to me I figured I probably should wear at least a pair of boxers.

I didn't want to put back on the dirty pair I had just taken off, and the clean ones were still packed away. Taking the chance my sister was asleep I decided she would never know the difference as long as I didn't wake her as I crawled into bed. She always slept in every morning, so I would be up and out of bed before she woke up.

I dashed across the hall and into her bedroom, or I guess it is now "our" bedroom. Leah was laying on her side facing away from me. Lifting the sheet I slipped under it. Her bed felt great compared to the bed back in my dorm room.

I lay there for a while looking at the light from the window reflecting off her long blonde hair. I have told her many times if she ever cuts her hair I will not be happy. She tells me I need to wash and brush it once in a while if it is that important to me for her to keep it long. I guess she is trying to make the point that it takes a lot more extra effort than if she wore it short.

She started moving and had rolled onto her back. I could not help myself from looking at her. She really is quite remarkable. Her nose is perfect and her lips look so damn kissable. She has high prominent cheek bones and her eyebrows are perfectly shaped. Even her ears are cute. I am very proud she is my sister.

Laying there looking at her was having an unplanned but expected consequence. I could feel my cock begin to harden. How the fuck could I be getting hard just lying here admiring my sister? I thought to myself this could not, or should not, be happening. I turned the opposite direction putting my back to her. I would just go to sleep and my cock would get the hint and go to sleep as well.


The sun coming in through the window woke me up. Somehow during the night I had turned back toward Leah. Her back was toward me as we both faced the same direction. The bad part is I realized my arm was now draped over her side and my hand was resting on her breast. My cock was hard and was pressed between her thighs. Her night shirt had slipped up and I could feel her bare cheeks against my pubes. What the Fuck was I doing?

I very gently backed away and lifted my hand from her breast, and my arm from her side. I rolled to my side of the bed. Her bed is not very big so it is sort of hard to keep much of a distance between us. Despite having moved it from between her thighs, my cock was actually leaking pre-cum.

This is not what I wanted to happen. Yes she is a hot woman, but she is my sister! I muttered "Oh Fuck" out loud. I realized I had said if much louder than I had intended. I was actually thinking it and had not meant to say it out loud. I heard the rustling of the sheet and feared I had awakened Leah. That was when I heard, "Is something wrong?"

Chapter 8 -- Something Wrong (Leah)

I had awaken to find my brother's arm draped across me. His hand was actually on my breast, although I did have on a night shirt. As oftentimes would occur during the night, my night shirt had pulled up a little exposing my bare ass. I could feel his warm body against my butt. What surprised and excited me the most was his cock was hard and somehow it had become lodged between my thighs. It was between my thighs and the top of his large manhood was touching the lips of my pussy.

I lay there enjoying the presence of my brother's body against me like that for several minutes. It was all I could do to keep myself from wiggling my ass against him or pressing his hand harder onto my breast. I kept thinking about what Zoey had told me about Caleb and her.

The sun must have awakened him and I felt him try to move away. He was obviously trying to do it without waking me. I didn't have the nerve to let him know I was already awake and wanted him to just stay up against me just like he was.

He rolled to the other side of the bed, but became alarmed when I heard him say "Oh Fuck." Thinking something was seriously wrong I moved to check it out and see if I could help. I think that made things worse since he did not expect me to be awake.

I asked, "Is something wrong?" Once he got over the shock I was awake, he said, "No Sis, go back to sleep."

I may only be 18 but men can be such babies. I decided we needed to move past this since this was likely going to happen again. "Tyler, I was awake long before you woke up and moved."

"You were?"

"Yes I was, and furthermore liked you laying up against me. Your body felt really good."

"It did?"

"Yes stupid it did. I like feeling you against me like that. If you are going to sleep naked, maybe I should sleep naked too. Would you like that?"


Sometimes he can be quite the conversationalist. "Yes stupid, don't you think a girl likes to be touched or feel a man against her? If you are going to sleep naked and want me to sleep naked, I will."

"Yea of course, but you are my sister."

"Really? How long have you known I am your sister? I only found out a few months ago we are brother and sister."

Sarcastically he said, "You always were the smart one when it came to figuring things like that out."

"One of us had to get the brains in the family." Reaching over his hip I asked, "Is that thing still hard? It did feel pretty good between my legs. I am pretty sure it got some pussy juice on it as well."

"No Shit? I am sorry Sis. I really didn't mean to do that."

"Stupid, you were not inside me, you were just pressed up against my pussy and as I have said, it felt really good. I figure since I am wet some leaked out onto that thing you are so proud of."

He was beginning to wake up a little more and was getting cocky as he said, "You have to admit it is something to be pretty proud of."

"Yea maybe, but I really would not know since I only felt it pressed against me and haven't really seen it yet." Without warning I jerked the sheet covering him off, rose up and looked over his side. It was big and I could see something wet at the tip glistening in the sunlight. "Not bad if I do say so myself, but the question is if it is just for show or do you really know how to use it."

"Sis, are you sure you want to go where this is rapidly heading?"

Running my fingers through the hair on his chest I smiled and said, "Yes, but only if you want it to go there yourself."

"As much as I know I am going to hate myself for saying this, maybe we should get up and get dressed. If we feel the same way tonight we can see how it goes, but if we come to our senses before then we will not have any regrets to be sorry for."

"I can't say I like it, but it is probably a good idea. Can I at least touch it before we get up?"

I heard him talking to himself more than he was talking to me when he said, "I guess it won't hurt anything, just don't try anything."

Grinning I quickly sat up and in one quick motion pulled my night shirt over my head. He looked back to see me naked and said, "What the fuck are you doing? What if Mom or Dad walk in here?"

"In answer to your first question, I am getting comfortable, and regarding your second question, neither one of them comes into my room without knocking first. Now where were we? Oh yea, I was about to touch my brother's big hard cock."

I pressed my bare tits into his back then reached over and wrapped my fingers around his hard cock. As soon as my fingers came into contact with his cock he let out a moan and said, "Oh fuck, that feels good."

I could not even get them half way around it. He let out another groan. I asked, "Does big brother like baby sister's hand on his big manly cock? What does it feel like having the prom queen holding your cock?"

"It is a penis."

"No, big brother a penis this big and nice is definitely a cock. Oh shit can I touch your balls too?"

"Sure why not? You have come this far."

"Can you feel my tits against your back?"


"Do you like them?"

"Yes, you have a nice set."

"If you want you can roll onto your back and suck on them."

"Sis, we are going to get caught. What would Mom or Dad say if they walk in here and see me with my cock in you?"

"Oh, I see how it is. Now you want to fuck your sister. I thought we were going to wait until tonight. Did you change your mind?"

"I didn't change my mind, but you sure have. At least that is how it appears to me."

I began to stroke his cock with my fist. I could see he was really enjoying what I was doing. I pushed a nipple to his lips. He groaned again and opened his mouth. His tongue felt really good as he licked my hardened nipple. I was not sure how much longer he could last, but it did not appear it would be much longer. His moaning got more intense and I realized I really was playing with fire, but I didn't care. I was having fun.

I let go of his cock and climbed on top of him spreading my legs over him. His cock looked painfully hard. Taking hold of it I lowered myself until his cock just barely brushed against my pussy. I looked at Tyler and his eyes were locked on me. "You really do want your little sister's pussy don't you?"

"Oh fuck yes Sis, put it in."

I let go of his cock and leaned forward. Laying my tits on his chest I kissed him as our tongues battled. He looked at me wrapping his arms around me and said, "Sis you are so fucking hot. My cock hurts is it so hard. I can't wait, I have to put my cock in you."

I pulled up and out of his arms then jumped up off him and out of bed. I took a chance nobody was in the hall as I said, "I thought we were going to wait until tonight, give ourselves a chance to think about it so we could make sure we would not regret it. It will be so much better tonight, you will see. I opened the door and dashed across the hallway into the bathroom.

Yes, it was an evil thing to do, but it was so much fun. Tonight he will be so horny and he will be a tiger in bed and I can hardly wait. He has no idea how close I came to sitting on his cock. Hopefully he does not catch me and murder me. I know it is not nice to tease a man like that, but tonight it will be so good.

Chapter 9 -- Daddy Said He Will Spank Me (Leah)

I finished up in the bathroom and wrapped a towel around me, wrapping my hair in a second towel. Opening the bathroom door I saw nobody was in the hall and walked across opening the door into my room then closed it behind me.

Tyler was still laying on the bed, but had the sheet pulled up to his waist. He looked at me. I had been holding the towel wrapped around me with my fingers. I let go standing there as he watched gravity unwrap the towel and pull it to the floor.

His eyes were hungry. I asked, "Does big brother like his little sister's body?"

"Teasing a guy like that is evil and you know it."

"Well, maybe a little." I noticed since dropping the towel his eyes had not risen above my boobs. They were traveling up and down my body, but on a very limited vertical plane.

"You know it was evil. I should bend you over the edge of the bed right now and shove it in you."

"I can't argue with that and if that is what you want, I am sure I would enjoy it. I know you would enjoy it, but if you wait until tonight I promise it will be worth the wait."

"I ought to do what Dad threatened last night and spank that sexy ass of yours."

"I promise if you do, I will like it. The problem is Mom and Dad will hear that for sure."

"Shit Sis, I really need to cum. I need to fuck you."

"I know you do and I want you in me more than anything, but I promise to make it up to you tonight."

"Okay deal, but one question before we go eat."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you a virgin?"

"Why do you want to know? Does big brother want to claim his sister's cherry?"

"I admit I would have loved to do that, but I suspect someone has beat me to it. Am I right?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but yes it is already on another guy's trophy wall. Are you upset?"

"Sort of, but not really. Who was it?"

"You don't know him and he was an asshole. If you had been here he would have been one of those guys you threatened and chased away."

"You knew about that?"

"Yea, Mom told me that you and Dad laughed about how you chased them away and I would wonder why they acted the way they did."

"Hope you are not mad."

"Hell no, looking back every one of those you chased away was a creep. I just didn't see it at the time."

"Come here Sis."

Tyler threw the sheet back and I could see his cock was slowly growing as he looked at me and saw me looking at his cock. He opened his arms and I stepped into his embrace. It did feel good having his arms around me. Our naked bodies felt great pressed together as he held me in his protective embrace. He can be a real asshole at times, but he is still my brother and I do love him.

A knock on the door and the sound of Mom's voice announcing breakfast was ready almost gave us both a heart attack. I yelled loud enough for her to hear through the door, we would be right there. Tyler pulled me tight to him and his cock was poking into my stomach. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. "Sis you are so fucking sexy and I do love you. If anyone even thinks about hurting you, let me know and I will fuck him up." minotaur"naked cheerleaders"tarkustrooper MP3 2022kristenstoriesHero incest storiesjoriskhuysmans juliecatwoman gangbang storyLitetrica mistress submits"adult porn stories""gay sex stories""literotica celeb""literotica cousin"litertica aunt sissyIncest gay forcefuck sex stories/s/happy-wife-happy-life-1/comments?sort_by=created-descindia sugar sex stories litorica" woodmanone " storiesliterotica loving wives power play/s/turning-contest-a-girl-guides-sis/comment/8381967Husband's Fantasy Backfires Pt. 03Amothers sin lushstoriesHE PENETRATED ME TO THE SOUL AND LOOKED STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES LITEROCAmom loves to read lerotica"literotica interracial"literotica home for horneh monsters cockringHousewives and cheerleader ch. 13 lesbian sex"incest erotica"Literotica gaymaker"literotica pegging"zev95lyricsmaster revenge senseifucking karima ch.home for horny monsters ch 58 page 4literoticialiteroti a fibaromy female landlord incest litroticaSAMUELX FAT ASS EBONY BITCHES AGONIZING ANAL STORIESliteroicamy little ventrue pt07"literotica revenge"the morrissons ch 19 eroticason is a substitute to my husband taboo sexstoriesPage 2 sweet sister sex storymy mom femenized me litrotica story/s/marys-business-trip/comment/5125099"make me cum""crossdresser sex"Mothers gift taboo sexstoriesxnxxlitterotica nudist nipplesoneclickchicksstuck together "unstick us" fanficliteroticiamy wife poses naked for my friends storiessirsinnmoviesadultincestliterotuca mbtaichiLiterotica mommy drip"stories of incest"www.literotica fkk urlaubsex story,my horny white,black cock slut,ooooooooh fuck me harderliterotica.comdhud khaoyali xxx"mind control literotica"kates test bdsmmy mother Bangles and anklets sound . LiteroticaGiantess shrinks her he dropped them on Kelli's Tongue"adult chat room"pornbimbogay literotica moneylitoeritca "park" glroyholeliterocticainterracial,sexstories,oooooh fuck me hardbromance literptica"make me cum""literotica story search"Reluctance Lerotica/s/webslut-madison-ch-25moms reluctance taboo sexstories"literotica interracial""best blowjob""how to give a blowjob"king marries his queen mother taboo sexstoriesFucking my four sisters on a sleepover story