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Sister Must Share Bed with Brother


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Grinning I said, "I love you to big brother." I closed my eyes and he kissed me a sweet tender kiss before letting me go. We both grabbed clean clothes and got dressed.

Picking up a pair of shorts identical to the ones I wore the day before I asked, "Do you think I should wear these?"

"I dare you. I would like nothing better than to see Dad spank that sexy ass of yours."

"Maybe not today, but I am not throwing them away. I will just wear them when he is not around."

Tyler shook his head grinning as he continued to hunt through his suitcase for something clean to wear.


At the breakfast table we were all sitting around enjoying what Mom had fixed. Dad and Tyler had decided to go to the range to shoot clay pigeons. I never understood why they called them 'clay pigeons' they certainly didn't look anything like a pigeon. If a woman had been naming them she would have called them flying saucers or even clay discs, but never clay pigeons.

Mom told me she needed to go to the store to get some supplies for her crafts. I told her Zoey and I were going to meet up later this morning.

Mom asked, "What do you and Zoey find to talk about? The two of you are together constantly."

"I don't know Mom, we just talk."

Tyler piped up saying, "Mom they are talking about all the men in their lives."

In a scolding voice said, "Tyler you are always teasing your sister. Don't you ever tire of that?"

He looked at me then at her and said, "Nope, I actually enjoy it a lot. The Prom Queen is so easy to mess with."

Mom was shaking her head like she was giving up trying to get us to play nice.

"Mom, do you know what Daddy said to me last night?"

"No dear, what?"

"He said he was going to spank my bottom."

Daddy piped up and said, "I did not. What I said was if I saw that girl I saw yesterday wearing those tiny shorts, I was going to spank her ass."

"WILLIAM!" Mom said in a scolding voice.

"Mom, he said I am not too old for him to spank."

Tyler said, "I was a witness to this conversation. Tell Mom what you said."

I looked back down at my plate trying to let the subject drift to something else. I heard Mom ask, "Leah, what did you say to your father?"

"It does not matter Mom. We were just fooling around."

Tyler, always the one to help out, said, "Mom, she said it might have been punishment in the past, but now she might enjoy a spanking. At least it was something like that."

Mom looked at us and said, "You two do keep things interesting around here. William, maybe it is time for you to see if the old methods are still effective."

I looked at Tyler who was grinning from ear to ear. Daddy said, "Maybe if I see that girl in those shorts again. I just might have to warm her little..." there was a pause as he looked at Mom then he said, "bottom."

Chapter 10 -- Conversation with Aunt (Zoey)

I could hardly sleep last night. My mind was racing as I thought of Leah and Tyler sleeping in the same bed. I couldn't decide if I thought Tyler had fucked her or maybe Leah got cold feet. We were supposed to meet up this morning and I was sure she would tell me what happened.

I was bummed out. After talking with Leah about Caleb, I was looking forward to him coming into my room last night. When I got home I learned he and a couple of friends were going rock climbing this weekend and they had left before I got home.

My uncle had to go into the office this morning which left just my aunt and me at home. I was sitting in the living room reading a fashion magazine when she came in and sat down.

"How is it going Honey?"

"Not bad. Leah and I are meeting up in a couple hours."

"I like her. She is such a sweet girl and she is so pretty."

"Yea, we are best friends."

"I know that, but do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

This was a little unusual for her and was making me nervous. I didn't want to talk about personal things, but how do you say no? "Sure, I guess it is okay."

"Honey, don't misunderstand, but are you and Leah more than best friends?"

How does my aunt know so much about me? Does she have cameras planted in my room and microphones in my purse? "I am not sure I know what you mean."

"Honey, if my suspicions are accurate you know very well what I am talking about. I just want to know what is going on in your life so I can be there to support you. I am not judging you, I think I have already shown you that."

She did have a point and if she really knows what it appears that she does know, lying will not be a good choice. I had never lied to her and she had never lectured me. She knows Caleb is fucking me and has not said one word against it. I decided to pursue it a little further to see what she knows.

"Well, maybe we are a little closer than most girls who are best friends."

"Do you want to tell me how long this has been going on?"

"Not long at all. Maybe a couple of weeks."

My aunt was silent for a few moments then asked, "Is this something you feel strong about?"

"I am not sure if I understand what you are asking."

"Okay, I will make it a little clearer. Do you and Leah feel like you prefer girls over boys?"

She really could get to the point. "No, neither of us prefers girls, we like both. I guess maybe we are what you would call bi-sexual."

"Did you know that is not uncommon?"

"No, I hadn't given it a lot of thought."

"It might surprise you to learn how many women you know share your feelings."


"Yes but it is sort of like what you and Caleb are into. Some of these things are just not out there in the open. Loving girls is not illegal, like incest, but it still is an activity some people do not accept or understand."

"Aunt Sue, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Honey, you are such a pretty girl, but you are also very smart. I think you are smart enough to figure things out on your own without someone shoving your face in it."

I was not sure what to say at that point. I did have one question. "Aunt Sue, would it bother you if Leah and I came here once in a while and spent time in my room talking about... well about things?"

She looked at me and grinned. "I think that would be nice. If at any time Leah would like to talk to someone other than you or her Mother, I am always willing to lend an ear and talk to her privately about things that might be of concern to her."

"Would you also like to talk to me?"

"Honey I am your aunt and I think we have a really good relationship already. You already know you can talk to be about anything. I was just thinking maybe Leah might like to know she is always welcome here and I will always make time for her."

I don't know why, but I felt a little relief at her answer. It might be a little awkward with my aunt, but it appeared she was interested in getting to know Leah much better. I decided to text Leah and have her meet me at my house. I was not trying to set her up with my aunt today, but I could introduce them and then Leah and I could go to my room. Sometime during the afternoon I would tell her about my aunt's interest in her.

Chapter 11 -- Are You Interested (Leah)

My phone buzzed letting me know I had a text message. It was from Zoey and read, "Come to my house whenever you want. Aunt is cool with us talking privately here, if we both want to."

I texted her back, "You Sure?"

Seconds later she replied, "Absolutely."


"If you are free, come now." That was followed by another that read, "Text when close. Meet you outside and explain."

I thought that was strange, but sometimes Zoey is like that. I sent text, "Leaving Now."


As I got close I sent her a text letting her know I was almost there. As I pulled up in her drive, Zoey came out the front door. She climbed in the passenger seat. She looked excited and I could tell she had something important to talk about.

"What is going on?"

"You are not going to believe this. My aunt was asking me all sorts of questions and it is obvious she knows about you and me. Long story short, she said it is cool for us to spend time in my room and... This is the part that will blow your mind. Can you believe my aunt likes girls?"

"You are kidding, right?"

"Nope, seriously, but that isn't all. She said if you ever wanted to talk to a girl other than me or your Mom, she will make time for you two to talk privately anytime you want. I think we both know what she wants to talk about."

I sat there looking at her waiting for her to burst out laughing at having pulled a joke on me. The thing was she didn't laugh. What she did to was ask, "Well what do you think?"

"I am not sure what to think."

"She likes you. Are you interested?"

"Let me think on that a minute."

"I hear you girl, but think fast. I was going to introduce you to her. I know you have already met, but only if you are interested, I was thinking I would introduce you then make up an excuse to be gone for an hour or so. Is this grossing you out? If it is, I will just tell her..."

"No, not at all. Does she know we are bi and not lesbians?"

"Yes she knows. She is too. She told me if we knew how many women we know who are like this we would be very surprised."

"Well, I can't say I was expecting this, but she has always been very nice and she is pretty. It might be fun to learn from an older woman."

"Cool, let's go and I will make the introductions. Once I see all is cool, I will find a reason to leave."

I took a deep breath and said, "Okay girl, lead the way."


"Aunt Sue, you have met Leah. Her brother just got home from college last night. He is home for the summer. Her brother and Caleb are good friends."

"Leah I am so happy to formally meet you. I have seen you and Zoey hanging out, but we haven't really spent any time getting to know each other. You are such a pretty little thing."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Please call me Sue or Aunt Sue."

"Okay Aunt Sue"

"Do you have time for a glass of lemonade?"

"Sure, I guess so."

Zoey spoke up saying, "I need to run to the Mall to make a payment I forgot about. It has to be done today. It looks like you two have stuff to talk about, I should be back in maybe an hour and a half to two hours. Is that cool?"

Her aunt said, "Sure honey, we will just talk and she can tell me all about the things you did in school that your uncle and I never knew about."

Zoey smiled and waived as she headed out the door. I had met her aunt, but she was right, we had not really sat down and talked, but we were not the strangers anyone watching the introduction might have thought.

"Leah honey, I don't believe in a lot of stupid games. I am sure Zoey told you she and I talked. I just want you to know I have always thought you were one of the most beautiful and exciting young girls I have seen around here."

"Thank you Aunt Sue."

"You are quite welcome. Honey you are 18, right?"

"Yes. I turned 18 a month ago."

"My, you are a young one. Excellent! I think we both know why Leah had to go pay that non-existent bill at the Mall. I don't want you to feel pressured at all and if you feel uncomfortable we can sit here and talk about anything until Zoey comes back. If you have any interest in getting to know me and me getting to know you, I am very interested in that, but please, only if you want to, not out of some sense of duty to me or Zoey."

"Aunt Sue, Zoey told you she and I have almost no experience, didn't she?"

"Yes dear, she did. Let me ask you, does an older woman interest you?"

"Yes ma'am." She just sat looking at me and didn't correct me for not calling her Aunt Sue. She was looking at me, not as one woman looks at another, but rather as a lover looks at his or her partner. She stood and came to sit really close beside me on the couch.

She took my hand in her own and kissed the back of it before placing it on her bare thigh just below the hem of her skirt. "Honey I know you and Zoey enjoy making love to each other. Do you like touching an older woman's soft skin?"

"Yes ma'am, I do."

She placed her bent index finger under my chin and turned my face toward her own. "Honey you have incredible skin." Slowly she parted her lipstick covered lips and kissed my cheek. She moved my hair out of the way and kissed the side of my neck and even the back of my neck. It was such a tender and erotic kiss it sent chills down my spine. She moved back around and looked me in the eye. Very slowly I watched her tongue lick her top then her bottom lipstick covered lips. She opened her mouth as she moved ever so slowly toward my own lips. I didn't even think about it, my mouth just opened instinctively. Her lips were the softest lips I had ever kissed. It was such an erotic kiss. I closed my eyes which only intensified the softness of her lips and the faint minty taste of her tongue as it entered my mouth.

Kissing her was unlike any kiss I had ever shared, even those with Zoey. Once our lips were together and her tongue was in my mouth she became much more aggressive as her hand was behind my head and she was pulling my lips almost painfully against hers. I felt her hand on my leg. She was still kissing me, but her fingers were dancing up and down the length of my thigh.

In a hoarse voice she said, "Oh fuck Leah, you are such a fucking incredibly beautiful and sexy woman. I knew I had to have you in my bed."

I was really getting into this. My excitement was building rapidly. I placed my hand on her breast. I could feel she wasn't wearing a bra. I kneaded her breast in my hand. She pulled away and lifted her blouse over her head giving me direct access to her bare flesh. When I masturbate I like to pinch my nipples. I did this to one of her nipples and she moaned, "Yes Baby, Oh fuck yes. That feels good. Pinch it harder baby, I like it rough."

She was wild with lust. She backed away from me, with my hand still on her breast. "Baby let's go into my bedroom where we can be more comfortable. I simply have to have you!"

We got up off the couch together and headed into her bedroom. As we walked both of our hands were fondling the other woman. Once in her room she said, "Stand right there and let me undress you. This is like opening the most wonderful gift."

Slowly she began unbuttoning my blouse. As she undressed me she kissed my flesh as she exposed it. It was not long before we were both naked and on her bed. She was obviously much more experienced and the more dominant of the two of us. She kissed her way down my body then came back up to kiss my lips. Her fingers were on my clit then probing inside me.

She had turned on some soft romantic music. I closed my eyes when I felt her lips on my pussy. She licked and sucked for the longest time. I was in my own little dream world when I was startled by a male voice asking, "Honey, is this a new lover? She is quite a looker."

"Yes Baby, this is Leah, she is Zoey's friend. Leah this is my husband Ben."

I didn't know what to think, this was so strange.

"Baby isn't she just the most beautiful little thing?"

"Yes she is that."

Ben said, "Leah I am so sorry if I scared you. You see Sue enjoys sharing her bed with both men and women. I don't care how many women she has as long as I am her only man, so don't mind me. You two ignore me and enjoy each other, I just dropped by for some papers I forgot this morning."

"Thanks honey, you should taste this pussy. It is delicious."

"That is okay, I am sure Leah is freaked out enough without me sticking my tongue inside her. Besides that it looks like the two of you are doing just fine. See you tonight baby and it was nice meeting you Leah."

With that he was gone. Aunt Sue looked up and said, "Honey I am so sorry about that. It was not planned even though he does enjoy watching. I hope this does not ruin it for you."

"No ma'am, it just surprised me."

She smiled and put her mouth back over my clit. I could feel her sucking my clit into her mouth. Her tongue was flicking over my sensitive little button.

She gave me three orgasms before I told her I couldn't take any more. I told her I wanted to taste her, but she told me I could taste her next time. "Honey you look exhausted. Just lay back and let Aunt Sue hold you and we can enjoy the touch of one girl against another."

I closed my eyes as she held me with one arm and her other hand lightly traced designs on my nipples, clit, tummy and anywhere she could reach. It felt very relaxing. She did pull my mouth to her nipple and said, "Pretend you are a baby and you are nursing on Aunt Sue."

I did as she asked and I could tell she was really enjoying my mouth on her breast. We were still on the bed with me sucking on her nipples when Zoey returned. I was beyond being embarrassed and didn't stop. I glanced up and saw Zoey watching. Her hand was down inside the front of her tight latex shorts. I could see she was massaging her own clit.

Aunt Sue said, "Zoey, why don't you go ahead and get comfortable. You and Leah can use my bed. I will close the door so you two can have some privacy. I will go start dinner while the two of you relax.

Zoey was naked and in bed with me in a flash. She was looking into my eyes as she asked, "Was my aunt good? Did you learn anything new you can teach me?"

"You are not going to believe how good she is and as far as learning new things; what do you know about your uncle?"

Chapter 12 -- Getting Ready for Bed (Tyler)

I enjoyed hanging out with my father today. He wanted to go to the range and shoot skeet. I always like to spend time with Dad and shoot. I am not an expert, but I am really pretty good with a shotgun. That is what made today so disappointing. I do believe if I had been shooting in the opposite direction I would not have done much worse.

It did not matter what I did, I could not hit anything. It was humiliating and especially in front of Dad. What made it easier to accept was I knew exactly why my performance was so horrible. The only thing on my mind was the thought of my sister's sexy nude body in bed under me tonight. I have had sex with several girls in high school and college, but tonight I knew I was going to have passionate sex with the most beautiful woman I had ever been to bed with. This was also a woman I loved more than any other woman in the world.

Tonight I was going to have my hard cock buried deep inside my kid sister. Just sitting here thinking about it makes my cock hard. The bad thing is Dad could not figure out what was wrong with me and my inability to hit the clay pigeons. I wanted to tell him it was not him or the shotgun that was causing the problem, but there was no way I could explain to him that millions of his son's sperm were going to be swimming around in his daughter tonight.


We had eaten dinner earlier this evening. Even though I normally stay up late, tonight I wanted nothing more than to go to bed early. Tonight I wanted to go to bed at 8 PM, but I didn't tell anyone else. I could hardly take my eyes off Leah. Now and then she would catch me looking and give me a sexy teasing grin.

I love her long hair. When I tell her to never cut her hair she teases me saying if I like it so much I should have to wash and brush it. Tonight she saw me watching her and when she knew Mom and Dad were not looking she would give me a wink, or she would touch her breast and give me a grin. Once she even spread her legs wide then crossed them. Her teasing had me on the edge of my seat.

"Tyler, you want to do something fun?"

I was afraid to answer. Mom and Dad were right there in the same room with us. I knew I had to give her some kind of answer. "Sure Sis. What do you have in mind?"

"Brush my hair."

Inside I was excited, but I could not let on that I actually wanted to do this. "Sure, you are always hounding me to brush your hair. If I do this do you promise to not cut it?"

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