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Sister Starts My Harem Ch. 06

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A Rocky boat ride, and a meeting with Mom.
16.6k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/07/2020
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Hello again. Thank you for your comments and all of the five-star ratings. I look forward to seeing your reactions and hearing your thoughts every time I post a story. So, please keep them coming.

Also, I apologize for taking so long on this installment. My work has been demanding lately. But, more importantly, I put some real time into this one and hope that it shows in my writing. I'm trying to get better with each chapter.

Enough said. Enjoy! I know I did.

Chapter 6

Andorra gave us a group yoga lesson on the pool deck this morning. Afterward, just as class was breaking up, Mom took me aside for a short private chat.

"I know what's been going on around here," she said, making a chill run up and down my spine. "Can you and Jeannie come by tonight for a talk?

My thoughts immediately started racing. What does that mean? Does mom know about Jeannie and me? Already? Fuck, I can't believe it. But it sounds like she does. And she wants us at her house later to talk about it.

Like I said, Fuck!

I don't know what Mom plans to say, or do, tonight but I promised her that we'd both be there. So now that leaves me with one critical decision.

Do I tell Jeannie right away or wait until we get back from today's snorkeling trip?

I've silently debated this since we cast the boat off from the dock earlier. On the one hand, telling Jeannie now will likely upset her and ruin an otherwise fun filled day. Depending on what mom does tonight, this may be the last fun day we'll be having for a while. On the other hand, Jeannie may have hurt feelings if I don't say anything right away. Keeping this secret, even for a short time, is like lying. And we promised; no secrets and no lies.

In truth, it doesn't matter what I choose. Mom will do what she will do, regardless. Even so, I want to do everything I can to soften the blow for Jeannie's sake.

I mentally chew on this for a couple of hours until we arrive at the reef. I cut the engines and drop anchor a short swim away from the circle of buoys that mark the dive zone.

The girls gather up their snorkels, masks, and swimfins while I do my safety checks. I'm not diving today. Instead, I plan to stay on board and keep watch while they are in the water.

Now that we've stopped, it's time I came to a decision.

"Hey, Jeannie," I say. "I'd like to talk to you about something. Could you come below decks with me for a few minutes?"

"It Looks like Jack's feelin' horny," Taylor calls out.

"You don't have to be all cloak-and-dagger, baby," Shauna adds with a laugh. "If you and Jeannie wanna get some Boom-Chicka-Mow-Mow, just say so. You know we're all down with it."

I smile and say, "Taylor, you should come too."

"It looks like Jack's feelin' extra horny," says Shauna. "He wants you both."

"You should have let me suck your cock in the shower this morning, sweety," Sarah adds. "Then you wouldn't have this problem."

I usually love their sexy banter, but I'm too stressed about our situation, so I can't enjoy it. Without answering Sarah, I head below to the main cabin, followed by Taylor and Jeannie.

"What's going on, Jack?" asks Jeannie once the cabin door is closed behind us. "You've been acting strange since we left the dock."

"Yeah, you're acting all broody and quiet," adds Taylor. "It's no fun. What gives?"

I'm not sure how to couch the news, so I just lay it out for them:

"Mom knows about us."

"What!" Jeannie exclaims, slapping her hand on the bedside table. "Fuck! Fuckity-fuck-fuck!"

I suppose I should have softened the delivery somewhat.

"Easy, Jeannie. We expected this," says Taylor.

"I know," Jeannie replies. "But, I hoped it would take her longer than a week to figure it out."

Taylor puts an arm around Jeannie's shoulders and says, "We knew it was bound to happen sooner or later. We agreed that It was inevitable. That's why we talked it through, remember?"

Jeannie nods in reply, and I ask, "What do you mean you talked it through?"

Taylor explains, "I'm sure you've noticed that we're thorough planners. When we came up with all of this, we assumed that your mother would catch on eventually. So, of course, we discussed it and planned out how to handle it once she did. Unfortunately, she figured it out sooner rather than later."

"I'm just pissed off, that's all," says Jeannie. "We're having so much fun. I wanted it to go on forever."

"Me too," Taylor agrees, sounding surprisingly calm. But we always knew the secret wouldn't keep. That's why we discussed it, sweety. To be ready."

"I know," replies a sullen Jeannie.

Taylor continues to soothe Jeannie by gently stroking her arm and askes her, "And you remember what we decided to do first, right?"

"We decided to remain calm," Jeannie answers.

"Exactly," says Taylor. "We decided to stay calm and think before saying or doing anything. So, hopefully, we don't make things worse than they already are."

"How much worse could it be?" Jeannie responds.

"let's figure that out," Taylor continues. "What makes you think your mother knows about you two, Jack? What happened? Did she accuse you or say something suspicious?"

"It wasn't an accusation, not exactly," I say. "Mom pulled me aside after yoga class. She said that she knows and wants to talk with Jeannie and me tonight after we get home."

"She knows? OK, what does she know?" asks Taylor. "What did she say, exactly?"

"She said that she knows 'what's been going on around here.' Those were her exact words," I say, using my fingers to make air quotes.

"Did she seem angry or upset?" Taylor asks.

I think about this for a moment before answering, "No, not angry. And not upset. More concerned."

"OK, that's good," Taylor says. "Annie has always dressed and acted very conservatively, so I think she would be shocked, angry, and upset if she were talking about incest. And Jack says that she wasn't any of those things."

"OK, but what else could it be?" asks Jeannie, still upset but calming down.

"It could be almost anything," Taylor reassures her. "She might be concerned that I moved my stuff into the pool house only a few days after meeting Jack." She smiles to lighten the mood. "Or maybe she noticed that her son's a man-whore who fucks a different one of your girlfriends every day. Or maybe Andorra saw Rocky get in the hot tub with us last night. Jack was there too, and everyone was naked. Rocky's only eighteen, and Andorra is very protective. She may have asked Annie to talk to you both about that."

Jeannie says, "That does sound like something Andorra would worry about."

"My point is," Taylor continues. "We can't be certain about anything Annie does or doesn't know. But I think incest would freak her out. And she sure wouldn't calmly wait until later for a chat."

"Taylor's right, Jeannie," I say. "We can't assume that mom knows about us just because it's the one thing that scares us the most."

Taylor tries to put Jeannie at ease. "See, Hon, that's everything we know. And it ain't much," She says. "So I say we stop worrying until we find out more. And we won't know anything for sure until tonight when you speak to your mom. So, Let's have some fun and enjoy ourselves today. Worrying never fixed anything."

"You're right, as usual. Thanks, sweety," says Jeanie hugging Taylor and kissing her cheek. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"Right back at ya," Taylor replies.

"OK, then," I say. "No worrying until we know more, and let's have fun today. That's an order. For both of you."

"Yes, Jack," they say in unison, being cute as always.

"I just have one more thing to ask," says Jeannie.

"Sure," I answer. "Go ahead."

"Was Shauna right, Jack? are you feeling randy? Do you want a little somethin'-somethin' before we go back up on deck?"

"Yeah, Jack," adds Taylor, lewdly rubbing the crotch of her bikini and licking her lips. "It's been a couple of days, and I've got an itch that I can't quite reach. Do you wanna help me scratch my itch, baby?"

"I'm itchy too," Adds Jeannie rubbing her crotch to mimic Taylor. "How about giving us a good scratching before we go back up?"

"Sorry, ladies," I say. "I'd love to, but the girls are waiting on deck, and there's only so much daylight. I'd like to be back home and docked before dark.

"Party-pooper," says Taylor sticking her tongue out. "I guess we're on our own, sister. Let's jump in the ocean and rub one out together."

"Sounds good to me," answers Jeannie with a giggle. "We can jerk off in the ocean, just like Jack does."

"For the last time, I did not jerk off in the ocean," I say, shaking my head once again.

"Sure, Jackie," Taylor answers from over her shoulder as they climb back on deck. "You didn't jerk off in the ocean. We believe you. Sure we do."

"We do. We really do," adds Jeannie, and they both giggle, enjoying my frustration.

As soon as we emerge from below, Jeannie gathers the other girls:

"Hey guys, I'm not keeping any more secrets about this stuff. So, I want you to know that my mother said something suspicious to Jack this morning, and it makes us think that she knows we're fucking each other."

The twins gasp, and Rocky says, "Oh my God, Jeannie. What are you going to do?"

"Nothing," Taylor answers for her. "At least for now, anyway. We're not worrying until we know more, and that won't be until tonight after we get home. Annie asked the two of them to come over for a talk when we get in."

"So," Adds Jeannie. "We're putting it out of our minds and enjoying ourselves today."

"Sure, that makes sense," says Shauna. "But, when you find out what's going on, you'll tell us, right?"

"I promise. We'll fill you in the minute mom is finished with us," says Jeannie, giving Shauna a quick hug. "Now, let's check out this reef."

Rocky, as I should have expected, immediately starts stripping off her bathing suit.

"I'm swimming naked," she announces. "I've never skinny-dipped in the open ocean. I wanna' commune with the 'Earth Mother' and all that." She stands naked with hands-on-hips to challenge the other girls. "So, who's with me?"

"Earth-Mother, Smerth-Mother," Sarah says. "You just can't keep your clothes on."

"Guilty," says Rocky with a shrug and a smile. "But, like I said, who's getting naked with me? Don't be a bunch of sissy girls."

"Maybe we'll get lucky and surprise some scuba divers," Shauna says while removing her bathing suit and exposing her breathtaking tits.

"Or some horny mermen," Jeannie quips, dropping her suit on the deck next to Taylor's and Sarah's.

"But Jack's the only man for us," interject Sarah. "Merman or otherwise."

"No doubt, but how about some horny merwomen," Taylor adds and quickly corrects herself. "I mean mermaids. I wonder if there are any horny mermaids around these parts."

"There are today," I say to the five naked beauties as they get ready to dive in.

With grinning faces and a loud 'whoop...whoop' mating call from Taylor, they jump off the stern dive platform, making a giant splash.

In truth, none of them can keep her clothes on.

I watch for other boats and periodically count heads when the girls pop up for air. It may seem excessive, but keeping them safe is my responsibility. It feels like the natural order of things, and I enjoy being their protector.

I keep one eye on the surrounding water while I pick up their dropped swimsuits and police the deck.

After finishing my chores, I take a seat, open a magazine, and read while keeping one eye on my lovely mermaids as they swim. After about twenty minutes and sooner than I expect, Rocky climbs back into the boat to stand naked and shiny with seawater on the aft deck.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, concerned by her early return. "You're not hurt or anything, are you?"

"No. No, I'm fine. Everything's fine," Rocky assures me. "I just wanted to ask you something in private."

"Oh," I say. "It's just that you came out of the water sooner than I expected. What's up?"

"OK," she says and draws in a deep breath. "I know that we're just getting to know each other. And I'll understand if you say no. But, would it be OK? Umm." she pauses to wind up her courage:

"Can I give you a blow job?"

"What?" I burst out in surprise. Always provocative, Rocky never disappoints.

She answers in a rush, "I noticed this new feeling yesterday. Or maybe even the day before when we were on the beach. There's something irresistible about you. It's like an invisible force drawing all of us into your orbit, like gravity. I don't understand how it works or even why, but I can feel its pull. And, there's no use fighting it."

I sit there slack-jawed, not knowing how to respond.

Rocky charges on, "Anyhow, It's not just a sex thing. When I'm with you and the girls, It feels like I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

"The six of us are already in love with each other, and it feels like destiny. It's like we're in one seriously fucked up fairytale. We don't need any ceremonies or vows; we're a family. And It's been so long since my parents died that I forgot how wonderful that feels."

"I understand," I reassure her, a little choked-up. "I can feel it too. I think we all can."

Rocky continues, "I know, right, and you're the man of this family. I feel that too. And now that I get it, I want more; more of you, more of my new sisters, more of, well, all of it. But most of all, I want to be a woman for you, fully. But I'm new to this, and I'm going to need some help."

She grins, starts batting her eyelashes like a cartoon vixen, and finishes with, "So, what do you say? How about a nice blow job to seal the deal?"

"You don't have to do this, Roc," I tell her. "Remember what Jeannie said last night. Sex with me isn't a requirement. You're already part of, well, whatever all of this is. You know, the circle, our unconventional family."

"I know I am. But it's not that, Jack," she says, placing her hand flat on the center of my chest. "The circle gives me the confidence to go after what I want, just like the girls said it would. And I want this. I want you. And isn't it about time that I get to have some fun too? So, please, let me do this."

Now it's my turn to take a deep breath, "Rocky, I've been attracted to you from the moment we met. You're extraordinary, beautiful, smart, and so much fun. So, of course, I want to be closer to you. But, this is sudden, and I don't know what to say."

"Then say yes," she answers with a wry smile and twinkle in her eye.

"Please, Jack, may I suck your cock?"

I pause before answering:

"OK, you've twisted my arm. How could I say no? After all that, of course, yes! I would love a blowjob from you."

"Wow, awesome!" she shouts. "Can we do it now?"

"Um, OK," I say, trying to keep up with her innocent energy. "Do you want to go below?"

"Well, that's the other thing," she says with sudden shyness. "You know how I am; a bit of an exhibitionist. So, I want to do it right out here in the open. In front of the birds, and fishes, and God, and everyone!"

"And maybe other boats too?" I ask.

"Yes!" she answers. "Other boats too. That would be amazing."

"I don't know about that," I say warily.

"And I want the girls to catch us in the act. That's most important," Rocky continues, ignoring my reply. "When they climb out of the water, I want to surprise them. So, can we do it out here? Please, Jack."

Rocky's kinky excitement is infectious.

"Why not," I say with a laugh. "I can't wait to see the looks on their faces either."

"Maybe they'll even stay and watch," she says conspiratorially. "The thought of that gives me goosebumps."

Her face takes on a thoughtful expression, and after a brief pause, she adds:

"Now remember, aside from flashing strangers, I don't have much experience when it comes to sex. And, by not much experience, I mean not any. I've never given a blowjob. And, without the internet, I wouldn't know where to start. So, you'll have to tell me what to do. And, please let me know if I'm screwing it up."

"Don't worry. You'll be great," I say with a smile. "Enthusiasm works every time, and you have piles of it."

"OK," she says. "But I want it to be good. Nope, I want it to be great for you. So give me some pointers and let me know how I'm doing."

"If you're looking for oral sex advice, you should ask the twins," I tell her.

"I know, and I would have. But then there's no surprise?" Rocky says with a wink.

"You're just a big show-off, aren't you?" I tease.

"I am. And I'm so excited right now. I can't wait for the girls to catch us," Rocky says. She's practically hopping from foot to foot.

"How do we start?"

"Well, how about a little kissing?" I say. "May I kiss you?"

Rocky seems surprised that I'd asked for permission.

Her eyes light up. "Oh, yes!" she says, "Yes, please. But let's move over there." She points to a spot in the middle of the aft deck. "So the girls get the best view when they climb up."

Despite her excitement, I can tell that she's nervous, so I plan to move slowly. I want to give her every chance to stop if she gets cold feet and changes her mind.

We move to the spot she picked, and I take her into my arms for our first real kiss.

Rocky is tall, and I barely need to bend my neck for our mouths to meet. I start with a delicate closed-mouthed kiss, and I can taste the saltwater on her damp lips. She feels firm yet willowy as I pull her lith teenage body tightly against mine and stroke her smooth, still-wet skin. I softly draw my tongue across her closed lips, and she sneaks hers out to lightly tickle the tip of mine.

Rocky seems ready for more, so I push my tongue into her mouth and kiss her deeply. She responds, and her body relaxes as she melts into me. I can feel her excitement rise as I slowly move my hand to touch her petite breast.

"Oh, Jack," she whispers. "They're so small. I've always been embarrassed about it. I look like a boy."

"Hush, Veronica," I say, using her beautifully feminine name. "Your body is exquisite, and your breasts are perfect."

"I wish they were big, soft, and round for you, like Sarah's and Shauna's," she says with a pout.

"Stop it," I whisper into her ear. "I love their breasts, and I love yours too. I've wanted to touch you like this since I first saw them yesterday by the pool."

As I trail kisses downward along her long lovely throat and across her collarbone, her skin smells of the ocean and tastes clean and salty.

She draws a sharp breath when my sucking mouth finds a nipple. It's small and rubbery, like a spongy pencil eraser. She moans as I press it tightly between my lips and tickle it with the pointed tip of my tongue.

Our slow and careful pace builds the sexual tension, and I can tell that Rocky is getting more aroused. So, I tell her what to do, just like she asked:

"Now reach down and touch me. But start on the outside of my shorts."

Rocky moves her hand down to cup me in her open palm.

"That's good," I say. "It's OK to rub or squeeze if you want."

She starts gently petting me. And with her face pressed against my neck, she whispers, "It's getting bigger. I can feel it."

"That's because I like what you're doing," I say. "Are you ready to reach inside?"

Rocky sounds anxious when she softly says, "Oh, yes." Then she gingerly slips her hand into the top of my shorts, reaches downward, and wraps it around my rubbery shaft.

She rests her head on my shoulder, holding still while rhythmically squeezing as I begin to harden in her hand.

"It's so big," she whispers. "I saw it in the hot tub yesterday, but it was soft. I didn't know it would grow so much. I hope it fits in my mouth."

"We can stop here if you're worried," I say.

"No way," she answers. "I'm doing this."

So, I tell her, "Then pull down my shorts."

My dick snaps free from my shorts and barely misses hitting her face as he pulls them off, leaving me standing naked and fully erect. My cock bounces to the rhythm of my heartbeat, and her head slowly nods as she follows it with her eyes.

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