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Sister Wins a Bet with Me Pt. 01

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Brother hates to lose, how does she fix him?
11.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/10/2020
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is. Special thanks to goducks111 for his help and making this a better story.

For all of you that hate gay stories or even a single gay act, I don't want to give away the story, but you are safe to read this story. Really, your safe.


Chapter 1 - I WIN!


I have finally beat my big brother at Madden Football. For six months, I had been improving. For six months, I had been losing and paying my debts. I have done his clothes, cooked, taken out the trash, cleaned up his room. All kinds of mundane and simple tasks. This time, victory is mine.

The doorbell rings, and I answer it.

On opening the door, I jump on my big boyfriend and crush him in a hug. I started dating him when we were juniors in High School, and we graduate together in a few weeks. We have been sexually active since I turned eighteen. He has a good size cock, and we do all kinds of fun and kinky stuff. I love the man. We plan to marry after college.

I scream at him, "Trey! I finally beat my brother! You did it. You made me good enough."

Trey doesn't seem thrilled. Ok, I get it. Why should he care if I beat my brother at anything? Good question. Our parents were both three sport, four-year lettering sports stars in high school and college. They were both competitive. They made us competitive. Everything with them is a game, with a prize for winning and chores for losing.

The prizes and penalties are generally minor, but it is anything the winner wants. We have seen both parents naked because one lost a bet. That happens around National Nude Day or Valentine's Day.

I send Trey up to my room. As soon as I dispense justice, he will fuck me until mom or dad get home. Now I have Bill right where I want him. He is sitting on the couch with a smirk on his face. He now knows I sort of cheated, I had Trey teach me how to play good enough to win.

I don't care, I win, and I now get to make him do something. His wins were easy, I did simple chores around the house. This is a big deal; this needs to be something better. I need to be quick; Trey is waiting. Hey, Trey will want a blowjob first thing. I hate his taste. Bill can do that for me.

I look at Bill, I have a massive smile on my face. He doesn't anymore.

I use a low voice that's full of air, "Bill, I want you to go upstairs, into my bedroom, and give Trey a blowjob."

Bill about blew a gasket, "Please no. Not that. Please. I gave you easy stuff. I was nice to you. No, you can't do this to me."

He looked like he was going to cry on me. Fuck you. I have been doing all your cleaning for the last several months. This is a big deal; you need to do something that will teach you I am king! Trey is going to love this! This will be a 10 on his kink meter.

Bill is crying now as he stands up, "Please Sandy, anything else. Pleaseeeeeeee."

I humiliate him, "You're not reneging on a bet, are you? You know how mom and dad feel about that. You might as well move out and forget about college. NOW GO!"

He walked up the steps like his shoes were made of cement. Several times he looked over his shoulder, and my arm pointed up. Soon he is out of sight. I hear the tell-tale sound of my bedroom door squeaking open and then closed.

I sit down smugly, knowing how much my brother hates gay porn. Many men are weird that way, I never understood it, but hey, it's their problem.

I hear my door open and close. I then hear my brother's door open and close while Trey is coming down the stairs. Wait a minute, that isn't right. Trey should be in my room. He doesn't have his typical smile on his face. Oh shit, this is bad.

I bolt up and stand between him and the door. He is furious.

I am timid, "Hey Trey, I take it my surprise did not go over well?"

Trey's voice is much louder than I prefer, "Oh, you could say that all right. What a crappy thing to do. Your own brother? That is darn right mean. You now have two problems. One, I am done with you. Anyone that treats family like that, I can only imagine what you are capable of with me."

I interrupt him, "But Trey, I love you."

Trey scoffs at me, "I bet you love your brother too. Oh shit, I better not say bet around you. I am out of here."

As he moves around me, I ask, "What was the other thing?"

Trey stops in the doorway, his hand on the doorknob, "He didn't take it well. You may have broken him."

With that, he closed the door and walks quickly to his car.

I opened the door and ran after him crying, "TREY! No. Please don't leave me. I can fix this."

He never again made eye contact with me. I stomp inside and run up to Bill's room. No knocking, I just push my way in.

I yell at Bill, "What the fuck happened? Were you so bad he dumped me? Did you bite him? EXPLAIN!"

Bill is unresponsive. He is curled up on his bed in a fetal position. I see his shirt is still on, and he is under the sheets. He won't look at me, he covers his head with the sheet. It sounds like he is crying. I rip the sheet off his bed. He took his shoes off; otherwise, he is clothed and still won't look at me.

He has a large king-sized bed. I kneel on the edge, so I am close enough to pound on him with my fists. I know it's because of him that I lost my boyfriend. It feels good taking out my aggression on Bill. He does nothing to stop me. This soon loses all therapeutic value for me. I get up, leave his room, and slam his door. I go into my room and slam the door.

I sit on my bed, crying. I feel a heavy weight on my chest. I can't believe my brother would be so cruel to me. How does he make my boyfriend leave me? How can Trey leave me? I have done everything he wanted. I let him fuck me in front of the football team at a party once. I love him. This can't be happening.

I fall asleep crying.


I wake up to my mom, gently nudging me. I wipe my eyes, but they start to water again.

I explain to mom, "H-h-h-he d-d-d-dumped m-m-m-me." More crying. "Trey dumped me today."

Mom hugs me, she says nothing.

Finally, mom asks, "Why?"

My crying slows, "I have no idea." My crying stops and my anger rises as I think of Bill being the last person to see Trey. "Bill went upstairs, saw Trey, he went back to his bedroom, and Trey comes down mad and says we are finished. He then stomps out of the house and runs to his car. Why would Bill hurt me so bad?"

Mom shouts, "Bill, get over here!" Nothing.

Mom is louder, "Bill, get over here now!" Nothing.

Mom gets up, she is pissed. I follow mom as she stomps to Bill's room. No knock, mom is too mad for that. Bill hasn't moved and doesn't acknowledge us.

Mom shouts at Bill, "BILL! Look at me!"

He doesn't move. His eyes are open, but it's like he is a million miles away. Mom pushes him hard, and there is no response. Mom rolls him over onto his stomach, and almost immediately, he rolls back into the fetal position with his hands protecting his head. Mom is started by this behavior.

She takes my hand and drags me out of the room. I want to go beat him up, I am still pissed at him.

Mom looks at me with a new eye, "What happened today before I got home?"

What the hell? Why is she accusing me? I didn't do anything wrong.

My voice is soft, "After school, we often play Madden Football. Today, after like six months, I finally beat him, he didn't take it well. He goes up to his room and later, Trey comes down with an attitude, he is mad at me."

Mom walks away, I hear her starting dinner. I have nothing else to do, I help mom with dinner. It's not long before dad is home. Mom is like a guided missile to dad; she gives him the standard kiss. It's funny, after all these years they really do love each other still.

Mom uses a sense of urgency to instruct dad, "Honey, our other child needs your ... guidance. He lost at Madden Football ..."

Dad shouts, "He what? No way!"

Mom is annoyed at the interruption, "Oh yes, to Sandy no less. He did something to make Trey break up with her, and then he ignored me. He is YOUR son; YOU deal with him!"

Dad has a defeated look, he puts down his coat and briefcase, then takes a walk up the stars. We hear him knock on the door, then he walks in, and the door is closed. Dad won't take shit from him; he will get to the bottom of this.

It only took a few minutes, and the door opens, and I hear steps coming down. Mom and I go to look, and only dad is standing there. He is shaking his head.

Dad is mellow as he says, "I have never seen that before. He is completely unresponsive. I wanted to hit him, but I didn't get any sense that it would register. Let's give him a day or two. If nothing changes, I will take him up to the hospital. If he doesn't eat, I have no idea what else we can do."

Mom looks at me, "Did you leave anything out? I think we are missing something here. The pieces don't add up."

I shrug my shoulders; nothing sticks out to me. Mom looks at me suspiciously. What did I do? This isn't my fault. Can I help it if he can't handle losing to a girl?

Chapter 2 - Parents

Gail (Bill and Sandy's mother) point of view:

I am resting on our bed; my husband just pounded the crap out of me in a new position. We are following a web site to try new positions. This was a good one, a form of doggie.

My pussy is throbbing, my heart is racing, I am fighting for breath, and Jason (my husband) is at my side, catching his breath as well. His hand is on my breast; however, he knows to leave the nipples alone. They are fragile and might kill me if he played with them. He just spent forty-five minutes making love to me.

It takes a few minutes before either of us can talk. I love this man.

Jason asks me, "How much of her story do you believe? Sandy's story?"

I giggle a bit, "Oh, I believe everything she told us was the truth. I wonder what's been ignored or glossed over. She is immature, everything revolves around her. That was quite the accomplishment to beat Bill. He has had her doing all kinds of things around the house."

Jason asks, "I wonder how many we didn't see."

I am confused by his remark, "Excuse me? What? What do you mean by that? Why would they hide a payoff?"

Jason smirks, "Honey, he is eighteen years old with raging hormones, she is twenty and hot with good sized breasts. You don't think that he ever asked for something sexual?"

I am shocked at his suggestion, "Not Bill, he loves his sister. He wouldn't jeopardize their relationship. No way."

Jason shakes his head, "I agree that he is very mature for his age. But, winning so many times, it had to cross his mind. I would bet a large amount of cash on that. Hormones are a big deal."

I counter, "Slave for a day?"

Jason counters, "Hey, I only said money."

I give him my shy smile, "Best case, you own me for a day. Worst case, I own you for a day. Do you really lose?"

Jason kisses me, hugs me, and then smiles, "Ok, you talked me into it, slave for a day. If we can't prove with certainty, it's null and void."

We have done these before. Jason is far more outlandish and sexual with his day. I am more a nice dinner, club dancing, and then fuck all night. We continue even after the midnight hour.

Before we were married, Jason shared me with a friend. He never allowed a gang bang or a stranger, a fact I am grateful for. He seems to know my limits.

I walk over to Bill's room. I see he took a shower and can only assume he used the toilet; I don't see a yellow stain on the sheets. He is sleeping peacefully.

Bill loves bacon. I will be late getting to work, but I am making bacon and eggs. He should make his way down for that. Nothing stops him when it comes to bacon. I use a griddle, allowing me to cook lots of bacon at once, for a stronger bacon smell. No peep from Bill. I fry up some eggs and drop some bread in the toaster. Still no Bill, I am concerned now.

I make a plate and bring it up to his room. For a guy, this sure is a clean room. It occurs to me; Sandy has been cleaning it for paying off the bets. Could Bill really ask Sandy for a blowjob? I just can't see it. I set the plate on his nightstand. Now I can gently push him a bit to wake him up.

He stretches his arms out, and when he saw me, that was it. He curled up into a fetal position and looked away from me. Damn, this isn't good. I grab a slice of bacon. This isn't just a slice of bacon. No, this is thick-cut, butcher's quality that has been fried to a gentle crispness. Too much, and it turns black and is too crunchy. Too little cooking and it's floppy.

This bacon is perfect, and I place it near his nose. He has no reaction at all. I can hear his stomach growling. Now I am concerned. No, now I am scared. What do I do? Sandy ran out of the house quick. I sense this is her fault somehow. How?

I yell, "JASON!"

My husband comes around the corner, dressed for work, "Yes, honey?"

I state the facts, "He won't touch bacon, I'm worried."

Jason is short but uplifting before he runs out of the house, "Try the school nurse, your health insurance company, and the internet. I sure would like to talk to Trey, see what he knows."

I call in sick. School, work, friends, internet, health insurance companies, all blank. The best I get is ER for a psych eval. I go check up on Bill, and breakfast is still on the plate.

I am freaking out, what do I do? I drive to Trey's house. With Trey and Sandy dating for so long, I have met his parents a few times. They are good decent people, just like Trey is. I have nothing else to try; I will talk to Wendy first and then Trey if needed.



Wendy answers the door, "GAIL! Good to see you. What brings you out this way, and what happened to our kids?" We hug as she ushers me into the house.

She sits next to me around a small kitchen table, makes a few cups of coffee, and tosses a few cookies on a small plate for us.

I start, "In talking to Sandy, she is clueless about what happened. She says Bill went upstairs, and then Trey comes down pissed off, dumps her, and leaves. We have no idea what Bill said or did."

Wendy asks the obvious, "What does Bill say?"

I sigh and have a tear in my eye, "That's why I am here, I have no idea. Since that happened, he is in his bed, in a fetal position, and unresponsive to anything or anyone. He had just lost to Sally at Madden Football, but that doesn't seem traumatic enough to cause his freaking out and withdrawing like that.

"I was kind of hoping that Trey told you why he broke up. I have tried school, work, the internet, and the insurance company. Nobody has a clue. It obviously feels like a trauma thing but losing in a game?"

Wendy shakes her head, "I know your family is competitive, but that is too much. I did ask Trey about the breakup, but he didn't feel like talking about it. He should be home soon."

We talk about our husbands until Trey comes home.

Trey opens and closes the door, then is running up the stairs when Gail shouts out, "TREY! Come here, please."

He walks around the corner, and he looks surprised to see me.

Wendy starts the interrogation, "The day you dumped Sandy..."

Trey cuts her off, "I am not talking about that. Talk to your daughter. This isn't fair to her."

Wendy is heating up, she doesn't like being cut off, "Just shut up. This isn't about Sandy, well, we don't think so. This is about Bill. He hasn't eaten or responded to anyone since you last saw him. They don't know how to help him without knowing what the issue is."

Trey takes over, "That's why I dumped Sally. I had been helping her win at a game. It seems she beat Bill finally. You know how they are, when you lose a bet, you are told to do something. Bill had his sister clean dishes, clean his room, take out the garbage. Normal stuff. Well, the first time she wins, she sends him up to see me."

Both Wendy and I look at each other in shock. Trey is very uncomfortable telling this story.

Trey looks so sad, "I was expecting Sandy. Instead, Bill shows up. His eyes are watered up, he looks sick. He stutters as he tells me that Stacy selected as payment for winning the bet that he had to give me a blowjob."

Both Wendy and I scream, "WHAT!!"

Trey continues, almost in tears, "He was so pathetic looking. I don't want a blowjob from a guy. He was obviously very disappointed in his sister. Hell, I was too. I stuck my arm out towards him and pointed a finger at him. I commanded him to blow slightly on my finger. I told him I would kill him if he touched my finger.

"Very nervously, he leaned forward and blew on my finger. I tell him, you just gave me a blowjob, you have completed your task. Now get out of here. To say he was relieved would be the understatement of the year. I started walking down the stairs, thinking I would yell at her.

"Then it struck me, that was so disrespectful of her brother. He made her do small shit, and she makes him suck a dick. Then I realize she doesn't care about me. I was just someone that fucked her. Oh shit. Sorry. I mean, I kept her happy."

I smile at him, "No, I think you were right the first time. How did Bill act after he ... you know?"

Trey seems sad, "He came into the room like someone just shot his puppy, and he left in just as bad a mood. I would have thought to cheat Sandy would help. It certainly didn't."

I get up and hug Trey. What a fine young man he is. He wraps his arms around me and returns my emotions, he is hurting.

As I pull away, he softly says, "If there is anything I can do to help Bill, I am there for you. Sandy, well, she can burn in hell."

I snort, "Thank you, Trey, and thank you, Wendy. You have helped me out a bunch, I can't thank you enough.

Chapter 3 - Game Plan

It's dinner, it is just the three of us, Bill is still up in his room, refusing to eat. This time I know the full story. I understand what Sandy really did, and it pisses me off. I can't believe what she did to her brother after he had been so decent to her. My anger has been building all afternoon.

We are halfway through dinner when I announce, "I went over to see Wendy today." Sandy stares at me, she is scared. "I was hoping to see if Trey shared any details with her." Sandy looks to be near tears. "Trey wasn't there. We had a nice cup of coffee." Sandy relaxes, she thinks she is safe.

"Lucky me, Trey shows up. Jason, you would not believe the story he told me." Sandy is trembling, I look her way and smile. She might fall to pieces. "Want to guess what Trey said? Oh, wait, Sandy, how about you tell your father. I think he is going to find the story his little girl tells him amazing, right?"

Sandy looks sick, "I don't know any more than I told you already."

My husband is a smart man, "Why do I get the feeling that your mother knows a whole lot more than you are telling me. Give me the full story this time. My son is upstairs dying because he won't eat. I want the whole story God Damn it!" He strikes the table hard to make his point. The plates and silverware all jump.

Sandy is all in tears as she starts her tale, "Trey had just come over and went up to my room. He was waiting for me to finish my game. After six months of losing to Bill, I finally beat him, and I was overjoyed. I was on a huge high. I was thinking about Trey and what we would be doing very soon.

"Trey and I do a lot of kinky things. I occurred to me that having Bill blow him would freak him out. It would also punish Bill for six months of beating me. He had me do all kinds of shit."

Jason is furious, "So, with no regard for your brother at all, on a whim, you send him up to blow another guy, a stranger to him. Holy shit, I wish I had you for a sister!" The sarcasm is dripping out the corners of his mouth.

I too am furious, "Please tell me, all-powerful daughter, what demeaning, horrible things did Bill do to warrant such a heinous punishment from you?"

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