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Sisterly Love

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A new lease on life for my one and only sister.
4.5k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2019
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The following is the first in what will be a long series. At least three installments, most likely more once I'm done documenting everything. What transpired at the time was too lengthy to even think about publishing in a single narrative so please bear with it. Thank you.

As always, comments are welcome as long as they are constructive.


Out of the blue one day I got a troubling phone call from my one and only sister Brenda, who lives back east. While we keep in regular contact, I never had an inkling of how depressed she'd become, and seemed during our conversation. When I questioned her about it she broke down and started crying.

A little background is probably necessary. Brenda's divorced and has been for two years from her second husband. Her first husband was a literal scumbag who treated her like crap. Up to and including physically. He was the proverbial Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The perfect gentleman before they married, but treated her like dirt afterwards. I don't know why she stayed with him as long as she did, but long enough to have three children. Her second husband was the complete opposite. But only in certain ways. And little did I know from her not sharing it with me, their marriage was all but sexless. Had been from the start, which was okay with her at first because of how her first husband sexually abused her. The reason it was, her husband had more "affairs" and mistresses than you could count. Before, and more so after they married. I was surprised it took so long for her to find out, except I think she knew all along and accepted it since he was a "good" husband in most other ways. What finally prompted her to get a divorce was everyone else eventually finding out about it since he was screwing around with anyone and everyone. Including some of her close friends. It got so bad in the end he didn't even bother being discreet about his extramarital affairs. If you could call them that. More like dalliances since he was the worst kind of philanderer there was. I hate to think of how many other marriages he might have ruined.

When it finally dawned on my sister how much of a fool he was making of her she filed for a divorce. It was consummated quickly and very amicably in her case by getting the house and half of everything else. And it left her pretty much set for life financially since he was a wealthy man who owned a thriving local business.

After my sister regained her composure she said she had a big favor to ask.

"And what would that be? You know I'd do anything for you."

"Would you mind if I come stay with you and Walter for a while?"

It was the last thing I expected, especially since all her family, being her three daughters and their families, live back east.

"Why would you want to come stay with us and be so far from your family?"

"I need to get away for awhile. And I don't have anyone else to turn to. Been two years since my divorce and I still can't get my act together. And to be honest, being close to my daughters only makes matters worse. They treat me like an 80 year old and as though I'm senile. Sometimes I think all they care about is whose kids I'm going to babysit, and when. Plus when I once found someone, which wasn't easy, they had a hundred reasons why he wasn't for me and eventually scared him off. They seem to feel my whole life should revolve around them and their families versus me having one of my own. I'm not blaming them entirely for my state of mind as it's mostly my fault, but I'm stuck in a rut. If I don't do something I'm going to end up being a lonely old woman before I know it."

"I always wondered why you never found someone else. Not necessarily to get married, but for companionship...or at least some occasional sex. As I said before, you know I'd do anything for you. How long do you expect you'll need to stay with us to get your head screwed back on straight?"

"I like the way you put that. Sounds like something Walter would say. As for how long, a month or two. Hopefully not any longer."

Oh my is all I could think. Plus I couldn't imagine how Walter was going to react to a month or two, or even longer. Especially since our "lifestyle" has changed in recent years.

"What about your house? Who's going to take care of it while you stay with us?"

"I've decided to sell it and move into a condo or something in a 55 or older community. It's way too big for me, and a hassle to maintain since I have to hire someone to do just about everything in spite of having three son-in-laws. So while it's on the market the real estate company agreed to take care of things until it sells. Which they claim shouldn't take long because of the location and asking price."

"Sounds like you've given things a lot of thought. So when do you want to come and stay with us?"

"Hopefully I can get a flight and be there by the end of the week. Earlier if possible. I know, not much notice, but I'm at the end of my rope and I don't have many options. At least viable ones. I need a change in environment, and the sooner the better."

I had a number of options she could give some thought, but didn't attempt to share them. The last thing I wanted was to give her the impression I was trying to avoid her staying with us.

"You're right, you don't, and it isn't much notice. But it does give me enough time to get things organized here for you."

"Please don't go through a lot of trouble just for me. Now I hate to be rude, but I have to go. One of my daughters has called three times since we've been on the phone. Most likely it's one of her bogus emergencies again. I'll call you as soon as I have my travel arrangements made. I love you, and I can't tell you how much it means to me letting me stay with you and Walter for a while. Damn! She just called again, so I better go."

After the call ended, I sat there for the longest time with a zillion things going through my mind. First and foremost was how Walter was going to react. He loves my sister dearly and I know when we were still living back east, which was years ago, he was infatuated with her in some ways. And her with him, especially between marriages. They always seemed to flirt with each other and I'd be the archetypal jealous wife. Whenever I'd mentioned something to Walter about it he always said it was just my imagination. And it very well could have been since I wasn't the most secure or confident person back then. Not that I blame him since my sister was quite the head turner. I can't tell you how many boys we competed for and she always won out. Not that she still isn't. While older, she's still a knock-out. But unlike me, she's lost all confidence in herself and has become very insecure after two failed marriages.

During dinner I broke the news to Walter.

"One to two months you say...and maybe longer. My guess is it will be the latter."

"It's what she said. Not that I could have put a time limit on her staying with us."

"No you couldn't. And if it was anyone other than your sister I'd be concerned about someone living with us indefinitely. But under the circumstances there's not much we can do except help get her act together as she put it. It's first and foremost. Once she does, we'll go from there."

"Most of the burden will be on me with you working. Not that it shouldn't be since she's my sister. The biggest drawback will be with our new 'lifestyle', which will have to go on hold for a while."

"Yes, it will unfortunately. But there's not much we can do about it."

What didn't get said, and I'm sure Walter thought about it as much as I did, is our personal sex life, which has taken a big turn for the better thanks to our new lifestyle. More robust, as well as a lot more spontaneous even with Walter working. I can't tell you how often he comes home for lunch since we live five minutes from where he works, and fuck like crazy for an hour or so. As for the weekends, at times there's nothing but sex. I don't think there's a piece of furniture in the house, or place including outside, where we haven't had sex.

The only good news is with the layout of the house, which is a 125 foot long ranch with the master bedroom on one end and the spare bedrooms on the other. Even as vocal as I get sometimes when I orgasm it'll be unlikely my sister will hear me. Although I'll have to keep the decibel level down for a while to be on the safe side.

Just as Walter was about to say something, my iPhone chimed. It was my sister to inform me she'd be here the day after tomorrow. She gave me the airline, flight number and time before thanking me again for agreeing to take her in for an extended stay.


Needless to say, the next day Walter came home for "lunch". As for last night, sex was out of the question since he scheduled a round-table with the third shift employees at work, and right after dinner showered and went to bed since he had to be there at 3:00AM.

Since we would only have about an hour I made sure I was more than ready since it would be our last "noonie" as we call it for a while. I took a late shower and even gave myself an enema to clean my rectum. I was so horny I couldn't help using one of my favorite toys beforehand. Orgasmed twice. Both times while using a vibrating anal dildo as I fingered my clit.

Right after my second orgasm I heard the garage door open. I put the toy away and got back on the bed so as to be lying there seductively when he walked into the room.

"Seeing you naked and ready for sex sure beats going to McDonald's for lunch. Especially since you have my favorite fishnet thigh highs on."

"I sure hope so...and it'll save you from getting heartburn. Now get undressed and let me have at that cock of yours."

As we always do, I set the clock radio alarm to go off in forty-five minutes. Being the "chief bottle washer" at work, the last thing Walter ever wants is to set a bad example. Like taking an extended lunch. After I did he was buck naked and waving his semi-hard dick at me.

"Get on the bed Walter so I can suck your cock. I've been thinking about nothing but all morning. But don't you dare cum. I want you to fuck me in the cunt first before finishing in my ass. Got it?"

"Got it Lacey."

While I've never mentioned it before, the master bedroom has a large mirror on the wall adjacent to the foot of the bed. It was already there when we bought the house. A huge mirror which covers the entire wall between two doorways. One door leads to the master bathroom, the other to a large dressing area and eventually a walk-in closet. It measures about ten feet wide and six feet tall.

The reason I mention it, it allows for a great view of things when having sex. In this case for Walter to view my behind while I suck his cock. As he often does, he sat upright at the head of the bed while leaning against a couple of pillows. In between his spread legs was yours truly with my ass upraised, which gave him a clear view in the mirror of my ass, asshole and pussy. Something he loves as much as sitting on the divan at the foot of the bed with either a side view of me in the mirror on my knees sucking his cock, or of my backside as I do.

As soon as I was between his legs I took his semi-hard dick in-hand. After pushing the foreskin back I took his cockhead in my mouth and gently sucked it. I know I mentioned it before, but Walter has a huge cockhead with the corona about one and a half times the diameter of the cock shaft. It's a pleasure to suck, almost like a Tootsie Pop, which I did until it was nearly as purple as a grape flavored one.

After his dick swelled I released it with my hand and gradually took more and more of it in my mouth. Slowly but surely I slid my mouth down around it until it started to enter my throat. With Walter's long eight inch dick it's not often I can deep throat him. Even when I do it's only for a brief moment, and quite often I'd gag. But today would be an exception as I took a deep breath through my nose and plunged down until he was fully inserted in my mouth and throat. I held his cock fully embedded for as long as I could, which was only a couple seconds before slowly raising my head back up all while sucking as hard as I could. A process I repeated several times.

"Wow Lacey. It's not often you go all the way down on me, but when you do it's simply fabulous seeing my cock buried in your mouth. Thank you for the special treat."

After releasing him from my mouth..."You're very welcome Walter. My pleasure, but I wish it wasn't so difficult and I could do it more often. Now I want you to give me a special treat. Talk dirty to me as I suck your cock."

"Dirty or slutty?"

"Both...and don't be bashful. And I also like it when you fantasize with me when we have sex."

"The fantasy part's easy, but slutty is out. No way can I demean you. Now what are you waiting for...we haven't got all day so suck my cock you dirty cock sucker."

He made laugh, but it's exactly what I did. I took about five inches of his long dick in my mouth and began to bob up & down on it with a vengeance while sucking furiously. So hard I made my patented loud slurping sounds.

"I love watching your luscious full lips sliding up & down my cock Lacey. Especially with lipstick on. And I love seeing saliva ooze out your mouth and down my cock shaft. No one sucks cock better, and looks and sounds so damn good doing it. Keep sucking, and don't stop until I tell you."

After a short pause he continued..."I can't tell you how much I enjoyed watching you suck another man's cock for the first time. It was a long time fantasy of mine, and to see if someone else would enjoy your oral skills as much as I do. It's probably not normal for a man to fantasize about watching his wife suck another man's cock, but when I watched you suck Ron's on the cruise the first time it was pretty amazing. Not forgetting how it blew my mind away the second time when you let him cum in your mouth. Watching you gobble down his cumload was incredible. Now keep sucking baby since you do it so perfectly."

After another short pause..."Speaking of fantasizing, I wonder if your sister Brenda sucks cock as well as you do. I bet she's nearly as good. And just as good at taking a cumload in her mouth."

I almost choked when I heard him. I couldn't help wonder if he just made it up for my benefit since I mentioned something about fantasizing, or he has fantasized about it. I'd have to be naive to think he hasn't. Any man with normal testosterone levels would.

At that point I noticed the time on the clock radio. After releasing his cock..."Time is running short Walter, and I need to be fucked before you head back to work."

"As much as I would like to cum in your mouth, you're right. Now get your lovely ass in position bitch, so I can fuck your tight pussy and even tighter asshole."

I laughed again. While my asshole might be tight, I seriously doubted my pussy was still. Quickly I got on my forearms and knees while facing the mirror so I could watch Walter fuck me from behind. As soon as I was, he was on his knees between my legs and inserted his cock in my already soaking wet pussy. Since time was at a premium he immediately went into full fucking mode with rapid in & out strokes while holding me firmly by the hips. And as always, he was careful not to bang his long cock hard against my cervix. I was so wet from sucking his cock my cunt made loud squishing sounds every time he plunged forward. He also took advantage of my wet pussy to lubricate a thumb before inserting it in my anus. Something I love when being fucked in a doggie position.

Didn't take long after he inserted his thumb before I orgasmed, and pretty intently. All while I let loose with a flood of pussy juice all over his cock and groin. After my orgasm subsided..."I'm ready for you to do me in the ass...and when it's time for you to cum, make sure you do it deep as possible."

"Don't I always Lacey?"

"No! Sometimes you shoot your load all over my asshole and ass."

"Not today Lacey, even though I know you love it when I shoot my load on you. And don't pretend you don't. Before I shove my cock in your ass, I can't help but ask if Brenda has an asshole as pretty as yours?"

"I wouldn't know Walter. While I've seen her naked more than once, it's the one thing I've never seen up close and personal. Especially a view similar to what you have. Now enough about Brenda, fuck my ass."

Walter rubbed his cock soaked in my pussy juice up and down the valley between my ass cheeks. A process he repeated several times after dipping his dick in my cunt as you would a fountain pen in an inkwell. When the well went dry he followed up with a large dollop of spittle on my anus, which he rubbed in and around my asshole. Once assured I was wet enough he placed his cockhead against my anus and pressed forward until it popped in beyond my anal ring. When it did we both moaned.

"I love the feel of when my cock first penetrates your asshole Lacey. Pretty incredible, as well as the sight of it as it enters your ass. A visual treat which is hard to beat."

"Enough with the commentary fuck me, and good and hard."

"Be my pleasure Lacey."

Once his cockhead was inserted he slowly plunged forward until his entire eight inch dick was buried in my ass. Then be began a slow deliberate humping motion with long deep strokes. So deep his balls would gently bump against my pussy, and on the back stroke only his cockhead would still be inserted.

After he established a steady rhythm I joined in by humping backwards every time he lunged forward.

"C'mon Walter...fuck my ass harder. And faster."

Which he did much to my pleasure. One nice thing about Walter as he's gotten older, he's developed tremendous staying power. Especially when you consider I sucked his cock for a good ten to fifteen minutes before he fucked my pussy for nearly as long. And here he was now fucking me in the ass. He reminds me of the energizer bunny the way he can keep on going. Rarely does he ejaculate prematurely, or worse, before I orgasm. It's one of the nicer aspects of having sex with a mature or older man.

"I love fucking your pretty bumhole Lacey. Especially the way you tighten your sphincter muscle around my cock when I'm cumming. The only thing I enjoy better is you sucking it. You're not only the best cock sucker there is, you're the best when it comes to anal."

"You too I'm ready to orgasm again so do me good and hard until I do."

While it's hard for someone with a long cock to fuck you as fast in the ass as someone with a short one, he still pounded away at a pretty good pace. So hard, his testicles repeatedly banged against my pussy and I thought for sure they'd be sore afterwards. Just as I felt the first twinges of an impending orgasm, Walter announced he was going to cum.

"Do it deep in me as you can Walter."

His only reply was a loud groan as he pulled me firmly against him and ejaculated. And timing couldn't have been more perfect. As soon I felt the first stream of hot cum shoot into my rectum I squealed in delight and orgasmed. His cock throbbed and pulsated with every cum shot and my pussy let loose with a loud cunt fart and gush of pussy juice along with each one.

"Damn it Walter. I love it when you fill my ass with your hot load. I wish you could go on forever."

After what seemed like six to seven good cum shots, which is a big load for Walter, his cock stopped pulsating and slowly began to shrink. When he removed it, it left me with a large anal gape.

"It's quite the gape you have Lacey. I can almost see what you had for breakfast."

"Very funny Walter. And so you'll know, you need to work on your vocabulary when you talk dirty to me. Or else I'll need to give you some tips on...."

I never finished as the alarm went off.


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