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Sisterly Love Ch. 20

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Howie and Steph get together again. What about the future?
5.2k words

Part 20 of the 23 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/04/2017
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Sorry for the delay in completing this chapter, but I've been ill.


"You know something, Sis?" I whispered, "You've got the most perfect ass in the world, it feels wonderful, I might have to bite you later just to make sure it's real!"

Stephie grinned up at me.

"You can bite me as many times as you like Howie! I was just thinking the same thing about you; you've got so many lovely places to bite, I don't rightly know where to start!"

With that, Stephie moved up slightly so she could kiss me, her lips soft and moist against mine. I drank her kisses in, while my own hands roamed over her body, especially those magnificent tits. We continued kissing and I felt a stirring in my cock. Stephie noticed too, breaking our kiss to wriggle against me as my engorged dick began prodding against her sensitive pussy.

"Howie, my God, are you ever not ready?" she giggled school girlishly, catching her bottom lip between her teeth in a way I found irresistible.

We had the apartment to ourselves, Candy being occupied with her latest beau, Wendell, who had taken her to the ball game at Shea Stadium to see his favorite team the Cubs, play the Mets, Candy's favorite team.

"Hey, listen, Steph. Before we get going again, I was wondering ..."

"Oh ... and what were you just wondering?"

The grin on her face suggested that she already knew what I was going to say, or rather, ask of her.

"Um, I was wondering if I could take some pictures of you ... you know, for those times you're in the city and I can't get away to be with you."

"Oh, now that's so sweet of you, Howie. That's what I keep telling Candy, you're so considerate that way."

"Um, Steph ... I was hoping I could take them with you showing off your boobs, you know?"


"Uh, well you don't have too, Stephie. I was just ..."

"Who's going to see these pictures if I agree to pose for you?"

"Me! Just me, I swear to God, Steph."

"I have your word on that, Howie?"


"You'll keep them hidden in a safe place. Like Mom won't stumble onto them when she's cleaning your room?"

"I have a safe place. She hasn't found it and I know she's searched my room a few times."

A moment later I added, "Probably more than a few."

"Okay, then I'll pose for you, not just now, but later, okay?"

"Sure, anytime you want," I said and wanting to show my gratitude, I rubbed her buttocks while she murmured appreciatively.

"Want some more of this?" I asked, knowing she did.

I gently pried those luscious cheeks apart exposing her anus to my eyes. Then began teasing her there by rubbing a finger over it and made her gasp and jerk. Laughing she pulled me close and kissed me hard, sending her tongue swirling into my mouth.

As the kiss went on I pushed the finger into her anus causing her to squeal into my mouth,

before rolling over me now on top of her. Without breaking the kiss, I took my dick in hand and sent it back into her pussy while she groaned happily into my mouth.


I spent the next few minutes slowly fucking her while fingering her ass. Stephie seemed delighted at my version of a double penetration, kissing me repeatedly, sucking on my lower lip and nuzzling my neck and throat then kissing me while I continued fucking her.

The moment I took the finger from her ass, she grunted and placed both legs on my shoulders, saying, "Try it this way. See how much deeper you can go."

I powered into my sister, setting her gorgeous breasts dancing with the force of my thrusts. Stephie was almost delirious with pleasure, from the pace and power of my lovemaking. She recovered eventually and clasped her hands around my neck; wrapped her legs firmly around my midsection and began matching me thrust for thrust.

"Oh, shit," I groaned, "I'm cumming!"

Stephie let herself go, no longer holding anything back; grinding and humping for all she was worth, pumping wildly against me, thighs against my chest, nose to nose as we hammered feverishly at one other; the only sound in the room the rhythmic slapping of flesh against flesh and the hoarse gasping sounds of two lovers striving furiously for even more and deeper sexual fulfillment.

"Ooooh, God ... Me tooooo!" She yelled and followed with, "Harder, Howie ... HARDER!"

Already discharging about a pint of sperm into her, I resorted to short, quick strokes to help facilitate her climax at the same time.

"FUCKKKK YEAH, BROTHER! FUCKKKK YEAH!" Stephie shrieked as I continued pumping a seemingly endless supply of semen into her before collapsing exhausted beside her.

We lay there sweat-soaked and unable to move for several long minutes. Then my sister groaned and rolled against me, trailing her arm across my chest as she pulled me down to give me a sweet kiss.

"Thank you Howie, that was wonderful, I love you!" she whispered. I licked her lips and gasped, "And I love you too, Stephie!" Fondling the firm, bouncy flesh of her fine ass as while planting little kisses all over her face.

My sister giggled as I kissed her, and after a time, gently pushed me away, whispering as if we were not alone: "You do know that this can't continue don't you?"

"Why not?" I replied. "I know that I love you and you love me. We can get married and move someplace we're not known and live happily ever after."

The look on Stephanie's face was one of shock.

"You--you're serious?"

"Of course I am, Stephie. Don't you see? We love each other and have our whole lives ahead of us. You have a decent job right now, and when I finish high school ..."

She stopped me right there, placing a finger to my lips.

"Howie--Howie--look, the reality of our situation and believe me it is just that, a situation--is that we'll be doing this until one of us meets someone else, or we're caught and even then ... maybe we'll continue from time to time. We really do love one another after all."

"Meet someone else?" I said with raised eyebrows. It was my turn to be shocked. I had seen us riding off into the sunset together. Sure siblings don't get married every day. But I was certain it happened. We couldn't be the only brother and sister not to fall in love.

"Howie," Stephie said so tenderly my heart felt like it was melting. "You know I love you."

"Yeah and not just as a brother either, Steph," I got in before she could deny it.

She smiled and touched my face with the tips of her fingers. It was a caress I've never forgotten.

"Yeah, not just as my kid brother; you're a fantastic lover, Howie. But what we've been doing is in a sense wrong ... even though I freely admit it feels so right. I don't want what we have to ever end, but Howie, my dear, sweet brother, it can't go on. We'll be caught, and then the shit will hit the fan. It will destroy both of us. I don't care about myself, but I do care about you. You have your whole life ahead of you. I can't allow you to throw it all away for something that will never truly happen. They won't let us keep doing it, Howie. They have all sorts of laws to prevent us from moving forward the way you want to."

"You don't want to spend the rest of your life with me?" I said feeling my heart starting to crumble.

"That's just it, Howie. I do! But ... we can't! Sooner or later it will come out and we'll be ostracized, and that's putting it mildly. I could wind up in prison and you--you could be placed under the State's supervision, which would mean in a home for wayward boys until you're 21."

"And think about, Mom. She'll be dragged into this--this mess. Your involvement with Mom will come out too, and make matters even worse. Do you want to see her sent to prison too?"

"NO!" I sobbed, for I was crying at this point. My dreams were being shattered with each word spoken. Stephie strove to drive her point's home. "And think about Mom. Does she know about us?"


"What about when she does find out? How do you think she'll feel?"

That was the first crack in my sister's argument against our moving forward.

I countered quickly. "I don't care what she thinks. She brought her sister Elaine home expressly to fuck me. She was showing me off to her."

"Howie, how can you say such a thing? Surely you don't mean that!"

"I heard her on the phone, telling Aunt Elaine how big my dick was, and what a great fuck I was. I confronted her on it. She didn't deny it. Aunt Elaine came to our house and I fucked her. I fucked Mom the same night. It was bizarre, Stephie. Mom was bragging about the girls fighting over me at school. She approved of my bringing my girlfriend to the house to fuck ... so long as I used a condom and she was on the pill.

"That's how much Mom cares," I said, summing things up.

Gnawing her lower lip, Stephie countered by saying, "Assuming we continue this, I'm saying assuming, we can't just run off together, they're too many things that have to happen first."

"Like what?" I demanded, not having thought any of this out before hand.

"You have to graduate High school. You'll be nineteen then, almost acceptable in today's world."

"Yeah ... so okay, I graduate."

"And college. You've got a good mind. College waits. You can decide what to major in and go for the appropriate degree. Earning a decent living is a must. Maybe you can go to NYU or Manhattan. Columbia is a possibility if you can get aid from somewhere. Oh, there are plenty of schools here in the city that you can go too. I could continue working and help support us, I guess."

Had I head right? It sounded like she was caving on the subject.

"As for Mom ... well as sordid as it sounds I think if we want to keep us a secret you'll have to continue with her. I swear I'm not jealous. I'll have to see an occasional guy to keep my part secret as well. Um, that would include Candy as well, I guess. Oh, and the girls at school. I guess you'll have enough stamina to keep one or two of them happy as well."

Why was I liking her ideas more and more?

"Um, I don't want to share you with any other guys, Steph."

"Oh and why not? You'll have Mom, probably Aunt Elaine and the girls at school and me. What am I chopped liver?"

That put me on the defensive, I wasn't going to win from there and I think I knew it even then.

"But it's you that I love, Howie. Anyone else would be a ..." Stephie paused for a long second before finishing, "you know ... kind of substitute?"

Then she changed the subject before I could manage a protest, saying, "You said you wanted me to pose for you?"

"Oh yeah!" I said, jumping at the chance. Had I been fully mature I probably would have saw it for what it was, a distraction, a really good distraction, but I digress.

While I scrambled to find my digital camera, Stephie put on a pair of Salmon colored panties and struck a pose. She used the wallpaper for a background, stuck her thumbs in the sides of the panties as if she were pushing them down and gave me as seductive a look as I've ever gotten from a woman. Of course those magnificent, upturned breasts stole the entire thing, but my thought as I snapped away was that eventually I would stop looking at her tits long enough to savor the rest of her.

That was before she laughed and told me she was going to change. This time she donned her light blue teddy. She loved this item, I'm sure of it for she wore it constantly. I must have taken forty or fifty shots of her this way, standing by the window, with those spectacular breasts jutting out as she pranced around the room making them jounce and jiggle for my benefit.

The last sequence I managed was with her wearing a pinkish scarf, (probably the wrong term for it, but who really cares?) with a half slip covering her lower torso, but bring those Mmmm, breasts to one's immediate attention. The breasts and the eyes make these fantastic photos.

The next day I took several additional shot of her and even some of Candy, but somehow Candy's were lost or stolen and won't be represented in the available pics the reader might request.

Stephie jumped my bones after that and then we showered (separately) and went out to catch a movie and some Chinese for dinner afterward.


I woke up looking into her big brown eyes. She was propped up on an elbow smiling at me.

"Hi" Stephie said softly, "I've been looking at you for nearly half an hour"


"Because you're beautiful"

Her teeth are perfect as her smile widens and she moved her hand onto my chest and ran a finger lightly over my nipple before touching her lips to mine. Her right leg was resting on top of mine and I could feel the heat from her groin against my skin.

"That's nice," I murmured.

"What's that?" Stephie said dreamily. Her leg is moving slightly, up and down over my thigh, I felt dampness on my bare flesh above my knee.

I was lost in the warm, wet cavern of her mouth, the sweetest mouth I'd ever tasted. Her tongue parted my lips and licked gently around my gums. "You taste of pussy," she giggled.

"Do I?"

"Mmm, yes, it's my pussy"

"Does it taste nice?"

"Mmmm, yes it does, Howie."

A noise is gradually invading my brain; a dull rhythmic thudding, coming from behind me. Stephie sees me trying to make sense of it and giggles, "They've been at it all night"

"Who, what?"

She kissed my neck and ran the palm of her hand over my nipples. "You really sleep like a baby, don't you?"

I reached up and ran my fingers through her long, light brown hair. "Yeah, Mom tells me I'd sleep through a fire alarm. But what's that noise?"

"Oh, the thumping? It's Candy and what's his name?"

"Wendell," I say, providing his name to Stephie and wondering why she doesn't remember him from yesterday. My sister snorted with suppressed laughter, and then confided that they've been fucking all night.

I moved my right leg, more to get comfortable than for any other reason and Stephie sighed, "You're making me horny again." I realize then that I can feel her pubic mound; it's soft and smooth and damp, very damp.

"Is that really them going at it?" I asked seriously. "I mean, have you peeked in on them?"

Her hand moved down over my stomach and took hold of my rapidly swelling shaft. "Yeah, it was hot"

"Did you see Wendell's cock?"

"Yeah, Candy was sucking it as if it was a lollipop."

My mind flashed back to the previous afternoon when I had watched her do exactly that to him, and then joined them. I didn't feel the least bit of guilt about it lying next to Stephie. Why was that? I wondered.

My sister's hand began stroking my cock. She kissed me again. I moaned. "Do you want to fuck, Steph?"

Her breath was warm in my mouth, her breasts, those glorious breasts mashed against my chest. "Yes, Howie, but please call me Princess, while you do."


Her index finger tickled my anus. "Because that's what I dream you call me every night before I fall asleep."

I pushed her leg so as to open her to me then entered her. It was a surprisingly languid coupling, nothing frantic at all. We both came inside of ten minutes and went back to sleep.

I woke her with a kiss about an hour or so later. Not on the mouth, but between the legs. Stephie screamed so loud it brought Candy running in from the other bedroom. She was fully dressed. I guess Wendell and her were about to leave the apartment--and in fact did so moments later--after my sister, fully awakened at this point scissored her legs around my neck, assured her that she was okay, and when Candy persisted, told her to "Fuck off, he's just going down on me again! You two kept us up all night. Now it's our turn."

And I did go down on her; waving goodbye to Candy and Wendell without looking at them.

I recalled several things that had gotten Stephie off previously and set out to duplicate them, hoping to lean a few more things along the way. I began with a few well placed kisses then worked my fingers along her pussy lips until she moaned for the first time.

Then I got serious and rocked the heel of my hand against her clit.

"Jesus Christ! Where did that come from?" Stephie gasped in surprise.

"You can thank Aunt Elaine for that move," I laughed, pressing even harder.

My sister was already shoving her hips and fully engorged clit into my palm. I slipped my middle finger into her saturated cunt and felt her shiver.

"I love you, Brother dear!"

I answered her by added another finger and twisting them this way, then that, while she murmured in delight. Then I jackhammered both fingers into her for a full thirty seconds and had her "Oohing" and "Aaahing" as she started to cum.

"Am I'm doing it right?"

"Oh, yes!" She squealed delightedly.

I returned to her clit, this time after putting pressure on it, I rubbed small circles around it and then sent the fingers back for another jackhammering session.


I found the elusive g-spot, and delighted it with the tip of a finger. Drops of juice ran down Stephie's thighs and butt. The walls of her pussy ballooned, opening themselves to me. So I slapped them lightly, eliciting even louder moans and groans of delight from her.

I laughed and spoke softly to her. "Did you know your pussy changes colors when you're excited?"

"Nuh--no!" Stephie gasped.

"Yeah, it's chameleon like in that first it's pink, and then red, and finally purple."


I added a third finger and slowly masturbated her. "Wow, Steph ... the lips ... you know the lips of your cunt. Um, they're swelling, flattening out. Must be your cunt opening up to me."

"Ohhhh, Howie ..."

I felt a new explosion inside.

I inspected her clitoris, teased it by stretching the skin around it. Then stroked it several times.

"Oh my god... Howie! AHHHHHH!"

A glance at her magnificent tits found her nipples fully engorged and I went for them, squeezing and kneading, my lips crushed the sensitive nipples before I roughed them up sucking and chewing on them all of which drove her wild.

Then again, my hand hadn't left her pussy, and I was still frigging her as I went at those nipples. Stephie exploded.

She came harder than I'd ever seen her. A flood of juice was expelled from her cunt and soaked the sheets we were laying on.

"Ahhh, Stop Howie! No more ... Please, no more!" She cried imploringly--but didn't mean a word of it.

The fact that she was still grinding her cunt against my hand as she continued her climax tipped me off.

So I fucked her for good measure. My sister later told me she'd cum so many times she lost count, but it must have been more than fifteen times. She also told me that she was too sore 'down there' to do it later when I got horny again.

I settled for a blowjob. Poor me.


Meanwhile, back in Yonkers, my mother was coming out of the shower when the doorbell rang. Of course I wasn't there at the time, but the parties involved eventually told me what transpired and in that light I'll present it to you with some author's license. And since that means additional sex scenes I doubt you, the reader will complain too much.

Could Howie be home early? Did he have a fight with his sister? Maybe it's someone else. I'd better put a robe on.

She was glad she had, for on opening the door she saw a stranger; a young man who promptly identified himself as one of Howie's schoolmates.

"Um, hi Mrs. Lamella, I'm Duane. Duane Masterson. I go to school with Howie. Is he home?"

Clutching the robe tightly around her nude body, Rachel inadvertently drew attention to her body by revealing its curvy shape and Duane; already a young man quite familiar with female anatomy took it in and liked what he saw in his first glance.

"Oh, I'm sorry ... Duane, is it? Howie's visiting his sister in the city."

"Wow, I could have sworn he was going to join me tonight at a game." Duane caught himself before letting slip he had slotted Howie in for entertaining a MILF just outside of Yonkers that evening. Now he would have to fill the bill himself.


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