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Sister's Debt: Breaking Barrier

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A non-sexual story of a siblings breaking barriers.
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Hi reader, this chapter is non-sexual and focuses on the change in sibling relations.

"So how much is it?"

"Please don't yell Ravi."

"I won't Radhika, just tell me, how much is it??




"How in hell, did you accumulate so much of debt?"

"I borrowed only 20k, but she is charging crazy interest."

"But isn't she your friend?"

"She was. I don't know." and then she burst into tears.

Ravi had no option but to console her and let the issue subside for a moment. He held her tight in his embrace and in a brotherly way slowly caressed her hair, trying to get her to calm down. It was 2am at night when he had walked in on my sister sobbing in her undergarments. Her room was opposite his and while returning from their common washroom after his midnight peeing schedule, he heard Radhika crying.

Once she stopped crying, he asked, "Can't we give her something else?"

"There is one thing. She wanted me to choose that option, but this is my fault, and I will have to own it and not let anyone else pay for it."

"I am the elder one so let me decide what we should do."

"It's either me or you."

"So that's it?"

She didn't say anything this time but just nodded. Ravi was still quite relaxed as he knew that it was a girl who was not family or close was going to see him naked.

"It's better na, I would anytime prefer sharing my nudes over you."

"But it is my fault, and I can't let you pay for it."

"It's okay. Next time I break something in the house, you take the blame, simple!"

Radhika couldn't understand how her brother could be so chilled out over such a thing? It was as if she was fretting over a petty thing.

"So, is it final then? I share my pics and your debt gets repaid?"

"How can you be so normal with it? I am devastated and I haven't slept for over a month for this...."

As it turns out, her friend had asked Radhika to share her brother's nudes at first place. Radhika spent an entire week thinking of how she could manage this. And then after lots of begging, her friend gave her an option that she could either share her pics or her brother's. Radhika's blackmailer was going to use Radhika's nudes to settle her other debts which meant that more people were going to have access to her pics and there was a good chance of her pics going public or maybe viral.

"See, we treat these issues or body's privacy in a different way than most girls do. For us, being topless is many times normal and if someone was to watch us naked, we would at least want it to be a girl who is not family and maybe", Ravi took a pause to find words, "getting appreciated of our looks would be a very good thing."

This was all basic common sense but maybe she was too tensed up to think any of this on her own. Radhika was overwhelmed by her brother's support and went in for another long hug.

The next day, Radhika heard some noise and instantly knew that when a trimmer is used in their bathroom for more than 3 minutes then his brother is using it for places other than his mouth. As mentioned earlier, Radhika and Ravi shared a common bathroom. This was Ravi's, one of those monthly routines which would often choke up their bathroom drain and bring a big confidence to her brother's face. To know that he was doing it all for her made it less weird all of sudden. Earlier, she used to feel disgusted to think about the activity being carried out with that trimmer but now she felt quite normal as if thinking about it wasn't bad. After a good hour, Ravi came out topless with just a towel tied around his waist and directly entered her room.

"So, you are all clear on the terms of this settlement?"


"Faceless shots, 5 pics settlement it is?"


"And she doesn't know whose pics is she receiving...."

"I kept the entire conversation gender neutral and vague."

"So, I think I should use your phone to click, send and then I'll delete it myself."

"Yes and..."


"If you don't put in efforts to make those pics worthy of settlement, the settlement won't be over."

Ravi saw disgust in her sister's eyes. He knew they never discussed such private matters with each other and though they were mature enough to share, he respected her choice to keep it private.

Both Radhika's parents were working and like always had left for the office before these two could wake up. She didn't have anything to think of and her phone, her one big point of distraction, was locked with her brother in his room. Minutes passed by and she was getting too concerned. After some 20-25 minutes, she even thought to knock at his door. An interesting fact was their doors never had proper lock since they were young. Their mother was paranoid of her child being locked and stuck and that's why she freed the locks, so now their rooms couldn't be locked. More to this, being an Indian mother, she believed that her unrestricted access to their rooms was more important to their privacy.

Another 5 minutes passed and now every 5 minutes, Radhika started getting an urge to barge in his room and know the truth but the fear of finding his 6 feet tall naked brother stopped her every time.

Almost an hour later, since he had taken her phone, he returned to her bedroom and said, "Here, have it" and handed Radhika her phone. "I spoke to her on call, it's all settled, and I've deleted the things from your phone. She promised me, she won't harass you now."

And that was it, Ravi went back to his room and locked the door. Over the next few days, everything went back to normal. Her blackmailer never called back. Ravi seemed more confident. All her worries which clouded her life for over a month, had suddenly cleared up.

A week later, her thought process turned to a different angle, she started wondering what could have happened in that one hour. Her mind started spiraling and she started creating fake scenarios in her brain of what all could have happened. She created multiple fake scenarios and the common thing in all of them was her super-hot naked brother. She thought of checking her recycle bin to see if he really had deleted pics from everywhere but knew that if he hadn't, she would be seeing his nudes. These thoughts filled her sleepless nights, sometimes getting her body core warmed up and her throat turning dry from so much sexual tension that was unknowingly getting build up.

Next day when Ravi was again passing by topless, she found her eyes stuck up over his smooth flesh. She was finding her actions helpless and herself embarrassed in all these situations. The same night, she wanted to finger out this sexual build up and started watching porn under her blanket. This was a fool-proof way to masturbate in a room without functional lock. She was struggling to not imagine her brother in that porn so after lot of trial, she gave up. She was imagining his raw naked chest and much more. The orgasm that stemmed from her dirty incestual thoughts was huge and quite satisfying. Next two days were filled with embarrassment but that didn't let her curiosity die. She ended up calling her blackmailer to get to the details of those 60 minutes without giving much information.

The call started out as a courtesy call to personally ensure that her nightmare was over. Radhika spoke in a victim regained authority way and understood every detail. As it turns out, the conversation was simple. Her brother sent out a msg, "Are you ready for it?" Once she confirmed, she received 5 pics and then a call to ensure the settlement was over. When the blackmailer turned greedy, Ravi sent out another 5 pics specific to her demand without involving his face and that's how it ended.

"Rads, your brother is super-hot, you don't know how many times I have seen his pics on slideshow mode and what not? You know what I'll loan you another 10k if I could have him for a night."

Rads or our Radhika was super curious now. That night, she mustered some courage to check the deleted folder of her phone and wondered if Ravi had deleted pics from there too. Guess what? He hadn't. That night, Radhika did one of the biggest sins ever on the face of earth or maybe it was all in her head. She masturbated with his pics on slideshow mode and the orgasm was as big as the previous one. She completely soiled her undies and even ruined her pants with her juices dripping over for many more minutes after the job was done. She didn't even remember falling asleep but next morning, woke up pretty fresh.

It was quite early, and her parents had left for the office. With nothing much to do in the entire day, she thought to have a lazy day. She took some fresh undies and pants to change into and headed for the bathroom. Before she could enter the bathroom, she heard a sobbing noise coming from Ravi's room. Skipping the undies, she put on her pajamas and immediately went to Ravi who was topless sitting on his bed edge.

After lot of insistence, he shared, "She broke up with me."

Ravi was in long term relation turned long distanced relation over past 6 months. His girlfriend felt it was not working and broke up with him.

"It's okay, it will ease up with time and you will find someone else" she said, caressing his arm to calm him down. They both sat opposite each other. Rads as we will call her now tried wiping his tears many times. Ravi kept sharing his ordeal about how much he was involved in this relation. Rads was now equally devastated seeing his heart broken. The thing he missed most was that in anger he had deleted everything that belonged to their relation.

"I have a way to restore your data."

"You do?"

"Yes, but I know you would put the entire stuff out of context and judge me."

"No, I won't but pls get my stuff back."

Rads retrieved it for him and while retrieving saw many cute and objectionable pics of the couple.

"You know you should delete her pics maybe after you've confirmed that the relation is done for real."

"That would be the ideal thing, but I would like to hold on them for longer."

"I know most boys would want to hold these pics for their greed, but I would want you to delete them."

"She was the only girl I have been with in every way."

"But you'll find someone else soon, don't worry."

"You never know, and I'll think about it."

"My blackmailer would be happy to pay 10k for a night with you."

"Oh really!! Well, we can use that kind of money, but I have issues being with someone without any connection."

"Yeah, I can understand. Trust me, you'll find someone very soon. You are...."

Then it clicked Ravi. "I didn't delete my pics from the deleted folder of your phone" Ravi interrupted Rads and soon her fear came true.

"You didn't restore them, right?"

Her eyes widened for a sec. Her breath and words were both stuttering. "Arey Ravi, you... ".

"You still have my pics and you saw them."

"Arey Ravi, I didn't see anything"

"You are lying, how could you? How could you breach my privacy at a time when I was trying to get your mess sorted."

"You have to understand from my perspective."

"That you are a pervert sister?"

"What? How can you call me something like that?"

"Then what was is it?"

"You won't understand."

"What is it that I can't understand. I understood your blackmailing scenario very well so maybe you are incapable for explaining but I can understand very well."

It was a big blame on her. She knew she had nothing to hide and was caught red-handed-stark-naked. With almost on the verge of bursting into tears, she spoke.

"Ravi, I was terrified for almost a month and that bitch made me think about you and your naked pics in the first week itself. Then you turn up and everything is resolved as if it was nothing. As if you possess this power like Thanos and one snap made my biggest problem disappear. Nudity in any sense is a big topic for any girl and I was tensed for so long. My curiosity made me speak to that bitch and restore those pics and the longer I resisted, the more my feelings changed for you."

"Why is it so big of an issue? As if you've never shared nudes with your boyfriends."

"I did but never fully nude."


And the conversation turned from heated up to lowly curious one.

"No! I mean most of them are topless with my puppies popping out" and she half discretely pointed out her breasts, "but even the full naked for birthdays or anniversaries are not frontal fully naked, I like to hide and play a bit. I would lie down naked on bed and then share so he knows I naked but I not fully visibly naked."

"Loser. Me and my girl would share everything, even other people a bit and we were totally comfortable about it."

"Yeah!!" she said in a shocked manner, "I saw your deleted stuff." These two sat comfortably opposite each other on the edge of the bed now.

"But you aren't virgin, right?"


"So, you've been naked with other people!"

"Only 2 of the last guys"


"And you?"

"Half naked with a few. Full one with just this one."

"Is it why you are so attached to her?"

"Yeah, I mean apart from emotions, we'd been having sex for almost all our relation and the relation meant a lot to me."

"I understand, you guys are also complicated. Differently complicated but not as simple as it seems."

"It's the emotion that makes it bad."


"So did my pervert sis masturbate with my pics?"

And she blushed and he understood, and he started laughing loudly and she blushed and smiled a lot more.

"You have to understand, even girls have needs."

"I've seen so much of your raw body, but I never thought to pleasure myself."

"I know!!" Rads continued explaining herself. "Either I've felt too much horny or I've felt too much guilty in these last 2 days." Another pause. "So, I want to ask something?"

"Go on."

"So, how much of me have you seen that I shouldn't have shown maybe."

"Your legs in one, your ultra short denim shorts and two, your white skirt."

"And?" asked Rads with much interest.

"Your turning 18 party dress hid nothing between the breasts."

"It was a front plunge dress."

"You once wore this... top with armpit side quite loose and I saw your side boobs and a little under boobs also."

"Yeah, I saw you staring maybe but you know we try to distract ourselves when it's you or me."

"A year back, you might be horny and have gone commando, I saw your...."




"Your camel toe!"

"Shut up. I'm embarrassed." But she was happy. She was starting to feel equal.

"Anything more?"

"No" said Ravi and looked down with a pinch of shyness.

To make the conversation less awkward, Rads added, "Plus, pleasure business in this house is bad, when will we get the locks?"

"I don't know but I want to know, what do you think now?"

"About what?"

"About me. Do you still want to masturbate or think about me and see my pics?"

"Ravi, what do you do when you saw me in ways you shouldn't have seen."

"I try to distract myself."

"So now? We are obviously good-looking people, mature and realize that we aren't kids anymore and then we have seen each other. So now?"

"I guess we can be mature and accept and I would like to explore this side of ours."

"I've always wanted to be this free with you. What do you have in mind?"

Rads didn't hesitate and with one pull removed her top. Ravi froze at that moment. Obviously, his eyes were fixated on her toned and amazing breasts, and she was looking at things in his eyes. Things she surely wanted to see.

"It looks different without clothes," said Rads to break silence between them.

"I find it perfect."

"Actually, I wear padded bra for a good shape and to look big."

"I know, I have seen your bra many times and the first time I noticed the padding, I touched it."

"Really? What about my panties?"

"Your black thong is my favorite."

"You know about it?"

"Yeah. You had left it on the floor in the open, I saw and realized it's better if I keep it in your drawer rather than mom finding about it."

"Yeah, that would have been a chaos."

The silence filled the room again.

"I feel equal now" said Rads.

"But I was naked."

"And what if I get naked and you want more from me? There is no one to stop us here."

"I don't think we would slip."

"What if I offered more and you didn't hesitate?"

"So, this is where we draw lines?"

"Yes. So, now we have no issues if we accidentally show things to each other"

"Yes. But I want to add something, and I am not getting greedy as you will accept this.... that sometimes you brush your body parts unknowingly over me."

"Haha... I've brushed my body more to the house furniture than you. I've snubbed my toe so many times, I wonder how it is not fractured yet?" Rads laughed and then said, "but I get it. Let's hug like this."

And both the topless sibs hugged.

"Closer" said Ravi.

"Tighter" demanded Rads. He was crushing her breasts in his embrace, but she was enjoying it completely. Her hands roamed over his muscular back. His nose slid from her shoulder to her hair inhaling her toxic smell deeply. Neither wanted it to end but Rads consciousness hit first, she asked, "Enough?"

Ravi hugged her tighter and his hand roamed across her smooth back. Rads who had loosened the grip anticipating departure from this once in lifetime experience bit his neck, tightened it again. Both were intoxicated with each other's sweaty and human odor. A bit stinky yet such a powerful odor that they couldn't stop themselves. A minute more and a minute more, then Ravi loosened his grip after that last squeeze. Nothing happened after that. No words spoken. Clothes worn. Smiles exchanged and privacy given to each other.

But. Everything changed after that.

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