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"Sisters" Looking after One Another

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On her first cruise Ingrid discovers some fringe benefits.
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"Sisters" Looking After One Another on a Cruise

Why was I feeling down? I'd just made a sale, the commission on which would cover my basic salary for the next two months, yet I was not feeling the excitement that I should.

I was just 4 weeks into my first contract as a manager for the specialised jewelry concession on a medium-sized cruise ship based out of the UK. This was my first time at sea and was a step into the unknown. I had wanted to travel, ever since I was a little girl growing up in Norway. I suppose it was the Viking blood in me that wanted to explore. I also had an artistic side to me with a passion for jewelry. So after qualifying in gems and jewelry, then working in various shops and auction houses for 5 years, I had taken the plunge. I had applied, with success, for the job I had seen advertised in a trade paper.

Of course, it would mean I would be away from Mike, my live-in boyfriend of three years, but our relationship was strong enough, or so we both hoped, that it would survive the extended periods of separation that would come with my new job. At least when we docked in the UK he could come down and see me, and there were options for him to join a cruise if he wanted.

This was the chance of a lifetime, and I had decided that I should commit to at least two contracts to see if it was right for me. After that, we would see. Each contract though was for nine months.

All the staff and crew were very friendly, and welcoming to the newcomer, and God, how they all worked hard. With long hours, little sleep and a pittance for pay, I suppose for some of them, it was better than no job at all.

How they managed to keep a smile on their faces, and cater to the whims of the passengers was beyond me. Although the majority of the guests were no trouble at all. Many of them seemed to know and treat the crew as friends or even family. It was just the occasional one who was obnoxious or unthinking.

Working in the retail area and as an independent, I wasn't expected to wear the company uniform, so I had a nice array of clothes with me. But I still worked long hours, sometimes from 10:00 am till 10:00 pm. Oh yeah, there were breaks in that, but sea days were long and could be boring, especially if the weather was rough and business was slow. Fortunately, I was a good sailor and didn't suffer from seasickness, unlike a lot of others. You'd be surprised how many of the crew admitted to that, and took various remedies to get them through the day. Sea-bands were one of the most popular and effective, I'm told.

I was in the buffet restaurant which catered to both passengers and some of the crew, such as the entertainment staff, myself and a few of the senior customer-facing service crew. I'd just decided what to eat for my meal after closing the shop at 10:00 pm when Pauline, who worked on the customer services desk, came and joined me.

"Hi Ingrid, you're look a bit glum, everything okay?"

"Oh, hi. I suppose so, just a bit down. I shouldn't be as I've just made a great sale."

"I know. I saw the sale register on the ship's accounts system. Some lucky girl has got herself a present."

"Yeah, an older couple were just browsing, and he suddenly looked at that big diamond necklace and decided to buy it for his wife. It's their wedding anniversary in a couple of days, and of course, the earrings had to complete the set. So, yeah, it was a good sale for me. And I didn't have to work too hard for it."

"Why so glum then?"

"Don't know, I'm just a bit low at the moment."

Pauline waited for a moment before she replied. "This is your first cruise, isn't it?"


"Missing home? Your boyfriend?"

I nodded my head, suddenly unable to speak, tears filling my eyes.

Pauline's soft hand took hold of mine and held it gently, fingers softly caressing with a tenderness that I hadn't expected.

"Feeling lonely?"

"Yeah, and horny if I'm honest, but I'm not into cheating."

Pauline's hand continued to hold mine as her thumb stroked it gently.

"You don't need to be lonely, or horny. There are ways to look after that and without cheating."

Her words suddenly made this simplest of friendly human contact so much more intimate than it could ever be. And with a totally different meaning than simple kindness.

"There's a way we girls have of looking after our sisters if you ever want to join us."

I looked at her, not sure I was interpreting her words correctly.

"Do you mean what I think you mean?" I asked incredulously. A soft sweet smile confirmed my suspicions, and the pursing of full ruby red lips and a pink tongue moving from side to side, licking them suggestively.

"Of course I do. The boys all know who is that way. I mean, all you have to do is watch them mincing about all over the place. It's almost bloody expected of them. But we girls are a little bit more discrete, and as I say, we know how to help a girl out if she has a need."

"But I'm not gay, and I have a boyfriend," I protested.

"Neither am I, given the choice. Look, I'm married, with a kiddie, but sometimes 'a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do,' to paraphrase John Wayne. After all, we're away from home for a long time."

"You are joking. What does your husband say? Does he know?"

"He sort of guesses sometimes something happens and accepts that I get relief where I can. He knows I would never go with another man, but he's willing to turn a blind eye to another girl. Actually, I think it turns him on, but I never tell him, and I don't rub his nose in it."

"Fuck me!"

Pauline giggled as she said, "If you want me to."

I had to join her in laughing. Suddenly my mood had lifted, not that I was going to take her up on her offer, not that she wasn't attractive, the exact opposite in fact. She was of mixed Anglo-oriental heritage. Petite, yet with an inner strength to her. Slender, with small boobs and slim legs. Black hair that tonight hung loosely around her shoulders. High cheekbones that would cut paper, they were that sharp and wide almond-shaped black eyes. Yes, even if I wasn't gay Pauline was a very attractive woman.

All at once, some things became clearer to me. Some of the looks at my hands by other female staff. "Is that what the rings I see some of the girls wearing are about?"

"Uh huh, it doesn't mean anything more than you are interested and available and a member of the club. There's no pressure, and you can always say no to an advance. I'm not saying anything more apart from letting you know you don't have to be alone."

"Hang on, you can't stop there," I cried as Pauline went to move away.

"Okay, here's how it works. If you wear one of our rings, then that is a message that you are open to an approach, but there are subtleties to how you wear it. Wear it on your right hand, then it's just a message that you are a member of the club. On your left, then you're open for a direct approach. Not everything works out, and not everyone is into casual hookups. Me, I'm not generally. I've got a thing going on with one girl, but we both know it's just an onboard fling for both of us when we are on the same ship. Actually we are both married."

"Fuck me."

"That's the second time you've invited me to do that," Pauline laughed, "Do it again, and I will take up your offer." I wasn't sure Pauline was joking the way she said that, the look on her face suggested otherwise.

"No way, I told you I'm not gay, not even bi-curious."

"And I've told you, neither am I given the choice. Look, I've got a spare ring with me. I always carry one at the beginning of a new intake of crew. Take it, you don't have to use it, but if you change your mind, well at least you've got it."

Pauline slipped one of the simple black metal bands into my hand and walked away, leaving me shocked and thinking as I went back to my cabin for another lonely night's sleep.

My sleep was interrupted by erotic dreams and thoughts of Mike and how he would react to knowing I had gone with a girl. My fingers worked my sex tirelessly as I fingered myself to a desperately needed orgasm. My thoughts filled with Mike taking me over and over again, as I surrendered myself to his every desire.

Next day was a port day, so the shop wouldn't open until we sailed in the early evening. I spent the morning wandering around the ship, looking at all the other women in a different light now. Peering at their hands, trying to see who was wearing a ring, and on what hand, and who wasn't. I wasn't, but I had the one Pauline had given me in my pocket. My hand kept going to it, twirling it between my fingers, half slipping it on. No! No way I'm not going down that route, I thought to myself.

I was just going down the gangplank for a quick walk ashore when Pauline and another girl joined me. The two of them laughing and larking about, full of joy. Even half an hour off the ship does that to us after a while. Pauline, and her friend asked me to join them for a coffee. One added advantage to going ashore was that most ports had free wifi access which all the crew took advantage of.

"Ingrid, this is Tala," Pauline introduced her friend, a pretty-looking Filipino girl who looked to be around her mid-thirties with a lithe pleasant-looking body. "Well, have you thought about what I told you?" Pauline asked.

I went red with embarrassment until I realised that both of them were wearing what I now called lesbian rings. This other girl must be Pauline's partner. The way they held hands confirmed my suspicion.

"Not my scene," I said emphatically, "One thing though, everything seems very organised, is there some sort of organisation?"

Pauline laughed again. "No, sweetie, not an organisation, but most ships and companies have a similar sort of informal arrangement, but nothing is organised, and not everyone uses a ring as a means of identification. You just need to know the signs and clues. This ship has had a long tradition of us girls helping ourselves, so it just seems that more organised. Some ships hardly have any interaction, others a lot more. On our ship there are about thirty serious girls, so that's a good amount."

Back on the ship after we had sailed and I had closed down for the night, I was going back to my cabin when I bumped into Pauline again. She saw I had the ring in my hand, playing with it. She came up to me and said, "Not sure if you want to put it on?"

"I don't know. I mean, I'm not into girls, but I'm...."

"Frustrated. And there's only so much fun a toy can give you."

"I've not even got a bloody toy, I didn't even think to pack anything. Anyway, I've only got one, and I don't use that very often."

"Poor baby," Pauline whispered as she took my hand, rubbing the outer part of my thumb just as she had done in the restaurant the day earlier. This time there was a lot more in the gesture. The inference was plain to see. "If you want to try something, something different, and something that's nice... then we can." She left the rest of the sentence hanging.

I went red and gulped, afraid to answer her, looking at Pauline I saw only concern and love on her face. Very slowly, almost imperceptibly I nodded. Pauline, didn't speak, just held my hand and smiled, "Your cabin then," she eventually said.

I closed the cabin door behind us and turned to face Pauline, who came up to me and placed the lightest of kisses on my lips. It was so light, and gentle that I almost didn't register that her lips had just pressed against mine.

Pauline's hand went around the back of my neck and pulled my face closer to hers as she kissed me again, this time just a little bit harder and her tongue pressed out to run along my lips. Facing down my hesitation, I began to kiss her back softly at first, with both of us taking our time. Out of sheer nervousness and not knowing what to do, I let Pauline gently guide in a way so as to not frighten me. Of course, I'd kissed a man before, but never a woman.

Pauline continued to kiss me, her lips and tongue becoming more and more demanding as her passion rose, taking mine with it. I felt a hand move to my breast and cup it, squeezing. I moaned into Pauline's open mouth at the touch. She giggled at my reaction as she stepped away from me.

"Ingrid, before we go any further, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I... I don't know... Yes. No. Yes. What about you? I thought you had a partner."

"I do, oh how I do. Yeah, Tala and I pair up but we are not a pair and are not exclusive, but normally we don't stray much. As I say, this is all about enjoyment and releasing tension for us all. She will be jealous. Tala would have liked to go with you as well; maybe next time she'll be lucky. Okay, but one thing, we only do as much as you want to do, and I'll stop when you say so."

"I'm not sure if I will be able to. Stop, I mean."

Pauline inclined her head towards mine until our foreheads rested against one another's. All the time looking deeply into my eyes. Her hands went to the buttons on my blouse and slowly, one by one, undid them. As she eased the blouse over my shoulders and let it fall to the deck, her lips traced their way along and down my neck and shoulders, placing butterfly soft kisses as she went. I held still in thrall at the tender way she was seducing me. Oh I know by now I was willing, but this still seemed like a gentle seduction, and by now, I was ready to be seduced. And isn't that the fun of being seduced, knowing that you want it but still being teased and guided into something new?

Pauline's lips continued their path, dropping lower down my chest until they came to my bare breast. I hadn't bothered with a bra tonight. My boobs, although not small, are firm enough to not need one. I was slim and athletic in build, tall and lean. All of the cross-country skiing in the winter and running in the summer kept me trim and fit. My long blonde hair was allowed to fall loose around my shoulders. My pale blue eyes were blinking in response to the lightest of touches as Pauline continued to kiss and now suck on the nipple of one breast. While the other was being twisted and pinched by her other hand.

We were still in the doorway of my very small cabin, but at least with my position I had a cabin to myself and a bed, not a bunk. It was on the lowest of the passenger decks, so was better facilitated than the normal crew cabins.

Taking the lead a bit more, I walked us to the bed, still kissing as we went. When we got to the bed, Pauline again eased away from me and, in a couple of deft moves, had undressed and was naked.

She was very slim with small breasts that had dark brown, very erect nipples with hardly any areolas. Her hips were narrow and her legs thin and slender. Her bush was neatly trimmed. Even in this situation, I wasn't into women, or so I told myself, but I had to admit that Pauline had a certain allure and sexiness about her. Her skin, the colour of pale bronze, seemed to shimmer with good health.

I reached behind me and undid the clasp of my skirt and with Pauline's help pushed it and my panties over my hips to fall and pool at my feet.

Pauline let out a little gasp of appreciation as she saw I was fully shaven. She lasciviously licked her lips as she grinned at me. Relaxing me, yet at the same time ramping up both my expectations and uncertainty. Butterflies were dancing in my stomach.

Suddenly I was flat on my back on my bed, legs hanging over the edge and wide apart. Pauline dropped to her knees in front of me, and asked with her eyes did I want her to continue. My returned look said yes.

"My God, you smell divine," Pauline muttered as she bent her face to my groin. I could smell the sexual arousal emanating from me, and I'm ashamed to say, my pussy was wet, not just moist but wringing wet. I hadn't realised how excited Pauline's slow seduction had made me.

Pauline kissed my belly and then worked lower and lower until she was at the top of my slit. Skirting it, she kissed her way down to my groin and then moved inwards, but before she got to my pussy she stopped and went the other way, kissing down and then back up my leg. Again at my groin, she kissed across it, just brushing her lips over my opening and then down and up my other leg.

My legs were shaking in anticipation and longing now. For God's sake, kiss my pussy, I thought to myself. Stop bloody teasing me. Pauline giggled as she said, "Anything you want, you only had to ask." I hadn't thought those words, I'd said them out loud.

Pauline's mouth was over my pussy in an instant as she licked it. I nearly screamed at the first touch. Pauline's tongue delved deep and long into my slit, then flicked out as she reached the limit of how far she could extend her tongue, before dipping back inside and repeating her actions.

Every lick was driving me insane, the feeling was somehow different from when my boyfriend performed cunnilingus on me. My pussy was responding by trying to clamp down on Pauline's tongue. I was sighing and moaning with desire and excitement. Pauline's mouth moved to my clit and covered it completely, sucking the nub into it as she rolled her tongue around it, at the same time,easing a couple of fingers into my cunt, finding my G spot instantly as she pressed on it.

My legs snapped shut, holding Pauline's head in place as I climaxed, body shaking and shivering. A hot glow infused my torso as my orgasm continued until it gradually subsided. My legs parted, allowing Pauline to finally escape.

There was a look of awe on Pauline's face which was sticky from my cum as she looked up at me, blown away by the length and intensity of my orgasm. God, I must have needed that more than I thought. Oxytocin suffused my body as I lay back, regaining my breath and composure.

I can't say what I'd expected to do when I'd agreed to take Pauline back to my cabin, but I'm certain I never expected that I would have a massive climax, nor that I would respond to that by instantly burying my face between her legs and eating her pussy as if I was starving, but that's what I did.

Pauline was just extracting herself from between my trembling thighs when I grabbed her, flipped her onto her back and plunged my face between her legs.

My tongue licked tentatively over her fleshy folds, then not freaking out, as I'd expected, I pushed inside, savouring the tangy yet sweet coating that was gently leaking from her.

"Yeah, baby, just there," Pauline encouraged me as I grew more confident, but, more importantly, more at ease with what I was doing. My tongue flicked and licked and probed her opening, as I rubbed my nose on her clit, making Pauline squeal with delight.

I managed to reach a hand upwards and squeezed a boob, finding the nipple, I pinched it. Pauline squealed again. By now her hands were entwined in my hair as she guided me where she wanted my tongue to go. I licked and sucked and fucked her pussy with it. Plunging it as deep inside her as I could get it then slowly dragging it back out, trying to scoop up some of the sweet nectar she was leaking.

"Yes, yes, oh fuck yessssss," Pauline sighed as her hands forced my face tight against her mound, crushing my lips against her as she came.

As I eased myself from between her legs, my face was sticky from the cum that was covering it. Pauline pulled me tightly to her as we kissed, her tongue licking over my face as she cleaned up her love juices from it.

"Wow, you were good. I thought you'd never been with a girl before," Pauline whispered.

"I haven't, and I never expected to."

We lay in silence, each contemplating the things that had happened between us. I knew this was just a casual fling between us, and that I had never expected to go with another woman. When Pauline had first explained what was going on on the ship I had been shocked, and I admit it, a little repulsed. Now, I could understand it, and why it was popular, especially among the women who are married, or with a long-time boyfriend. Would I be joining that group more frequently? I didn't know I admitted, but it was a possibility. I mean nine months is a long time.


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