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Sister's Phone Dominates Her Life

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Can devoted brother save slut sister from herself?
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All participants are 18+. No giant boobs or dicks. Fictional characters and events.

My sister, Claire, is in love with her phone. No other way to say it but she can't live a moment without it. You might expect this if she was a teen but she's 25. I mean, she got a job as a real estate agent that requires her using a phone all the time. Think she got the job because of the phone usage and not the other way around. She also collected a traffic ticket for texting while driving and another for distracted driving - she was on the phone when she got into a minor accident.

I'm a year older at 26 and a free-lance writer and also work on assignments. We share a small three bedroom house that we grew up in. Our parents died of COVID, so we now own the house. Since I work from home when I'm in town between travels, it's perfect. She tends to be around the house a lot when she's not showing a property. She says she gets as much business from calls and on-line than going into an office. Nobody just walks into a realtor's office these days.

Claire is small bundle of energy. She's barely 5'1" and a hundred pounds soaking wet. Even then her long red hair that reaches her waist would soak up a lot, contributing to the total. Plenty of freckles almost merge into a tan when she gets some sun, although she normally slathers on sunscreen by the bucket. A small nose, bright, almost golden brown eyes and high cheek bones complete the picture of her face. She is quite pretty but not movie-star beautiful. Although, to me she is the most beautiful woman I have ever beheld. Of course, when she gets embarrassed her entire body seems to glow red hot. You'd swear that you could warm up your hands by putting them near her face.

She's a little self-conscious about her small chest. Since we live in the same house and I do laundry, I know she's only an A-cup. She has a really nice ass - the kind you'd love to pull on to get her deeper into an embrace. That's just a dream, though, as we hug and only kiss one another on the cheek, as normal siblings.

She has an uncanny ability to surprise the shit out of me by her quick change of direction - ignoring an obvious fault to focus on something else entirely. Deep down, she's stubborn once she's made up her mind. Making up her mind, though, is sometimes like her hitting a barrier, chipping away till it falls. It's never dull talking to her as her changes in direction are breathtaking. You don't know if she accepts, rejects or simply holds in abeyance when she switches topics.

I'm Rob, all 5'10" of me. Given that I'm always also in motion, I'm only 160 pounds. Work out whenever possible and have been known to run marathons in some exotic places. I have brown hair with a reddish tint. I don't have a problem with Sun exposure, so am pretty tanned. Can't say that I'm handsome, just sort of average. Nose a bit bent due to a short-lived boxing career as a teen. My eyes, too, are golden brown.

Claire loves sex. Guess you'd say she's a slut. Most anything in pants is fair game. She rotates from long-term relationships to a series of one-night stands. I have the unfortunate opportunity to meet many of them when she brings them home. I would tell her that it doesn't bother me to see her and hear her with all these guys but that would be a big lie. Every time I see her with one of them, my heart goes cold.

Since she had a bout of chlamydia in high school, she's been firm that her lovers wear a condom. She probably buys them wholesale as she has a big bowl of them in her room. She's also on the pill. Once a condom broke and she makes absolutely sure she is doubly protected.

About a month and a half ago she got involved with a guy named Gary. Thought she was serious as he was always over and she was always on the phone to him. She started to take movies of them having varieties of sex. No big thing but she made a huge mistake. Instead of just storing them on her phone she uploaded them accidently into our household cloud account. She must have got a setting wrong so that everything was both uploaded and stored on her phone.

When I went into the household account to check when taxes were due, I found them. Oh, shit were they hot! Her body was exquisite. Hard nipples, a flat stomach, trimmed red bush and an ass to die for. Moses could have gotten the Ten Commandments from her burning bush. Although there was sound, I didn't need that as I hear it live on an almost daily basis. Gary would lick her tits till they shone, then her pussy till she was screaming through multiple orgasms. She also looked like she was an expert at giving head and deep-throated him regularly. She didn't seem to like missionary and usually went with doggy or cowgirl. Gary didn't mind a bit. One problem that was obvious was that he came very quickly. Now, if it had been me, I wouldn't have lasted, either. Looked like they did an occasional anal but she didn't appear to enjoy it as much.

You can guess that my hand was kept busy viewing this. Of course, I could have told her and deleted everything but it was too hot and this seemed the only way I would ever see her like this. I moved the files to my private account as soon as they appeared. I know I'm a perverted, bad brother and should hang my head in shame. It was just too exciting and I readily admit my love for her wasn't exactly unselfish.

Gary lasted two weeks before he was replaced with Roger. Same set of movies, only this time with Roger. Based on what I'd seen with Gary, he wouldn't last too long. He was one and gone, although he did make sure she got off a couple of times. She was all go and he was all slow. Five days was all it took.

She had a few one-nighters but none of them was a repeat.

Next up was Ben. She really appeared to like him and their sex was varied and uninhibited. As I was watching the movies in real time, I could hear her screaming full volume. Thought I was going to wear out my dick their first time in her bedroom. By now I was a pretty good judge of her lovers. Ben was an excellent lover, attentive to her needs. Ben lasted almost three weeks. His failing was that he became possessive. That didn't come from the movies but from him being over at the house and his phone calls to me asking where she was. Claire was a free spirit and didn't take kindly to this.

An old friend, Bill, was almost as much in love with her as I was. Bill was 32 and a photographer that I worked with many times. He had some of his work published in National Geographic, that's how good he was. He had been over to the house many times and met her frequently. She never dated him, so didn't realize that he felt that way towards her. Since he was a really great guy, I was worried that she might actually go out with him. I felt the potential for her getting into a very long term relationship with him was very real. Therefore, I certainly didn't try to advance his cause. Not unselfish, am I?

She went through a one week long dry spell. At the end of it we were sitting on the sofa watching some inane program on cable TV, having a glass of wine. One thing we hardily agreed on was we both liked good red wines. We would occasionally spurge on a couple of bottles, especially after she had a good sale or I got an article printed. We had gone through about half a bottle of an excellent French red and were just mellow. It was a Friday and neither of us had to work the next day. She was stretched out with her feet in my lap as I casually rubbed her feet and lower legs. Something we had done many, many times. For some reason, (maybe there was something in the wine?) it felt really erotic. Of course, any touch felt erotic to me but more so tonight.

"I miss Gary tonight. It would feel great to have him loving me but that's passed. Know he's already dating another woman."

Maybe it was the wine or the evening but I made a big mistake. "Yeah, he was a great stud."

I immediately realized my error. How would I know? Well, maybe she would miss this. Quickly changing the subject "Ready for another glass or maybe something to munch on?"

"Another glass sounds good. Not hungry."

I was only too happy to get up to pour more wine. Hopefully, I dodged a bullet.

"How do you know he was a great stud? She asked with a puzzled expression.

"I could hear you screaming a lot."

"I don't think I screamed more than normal. Were you looking through the keyhole?" she kidded.

"No, I wasn't looking through the keyhole."

"Wait, did you open up my phone?"

"No. Even though I've seen you put in your passcode many times, I've never invaded the privacy of your phone." Felt a bit guilty here but it was truthfully exact.

"Something doesn't ring true here. You look guilty, Rob."

Even though I wasn't as blatantly obvious when I blush, I was still a reddish head and it showed. Looks like I'm caught. "All right, when you save your movies to your phone, you also upload them to our household cloud account."

"HOLY SHIT!!!! You've seen them?" Talk about being bright red. From the top of her head to the tops of her feet, she was as red as a ripe strawberry.

"How much of them have you seen? Are they still in the cloud? Delete them... NOW!"

"They're long gone from our account. However, I have copies on my account..."

She was as angry as I've ever seen her. "Get rid of them... Erase them!"

With tears in her eyes "Why did you watch them? How could you do this?"

I could only go with the truth and tears in my eyes. "A couple of reasons: You are the hottest thing I have ever seen. I couldn't pass up the chance to see something that was hotter than any porn ever filmed.

Second: Don't you realize that I'm hopeless in love with you and the only way I will ever see this side of you is through these movies? I know I shouldn't have watched them and I really feel miserable about watching them but I couldn't help myself. I'm ashamed of invading your privacy.

Don't you realize how difficult it is for me to watch you go on and on with other men? You sit here and have phone sex with guys while I'm sitting next to you or even when you're at the dinner table. Like I'm a piece of furniture."

She didn't move for several minutes. Neither did I. Only had thoughts that she would now hate me and would move out as soon as possible. Probably never speak to me again.

After spending a few minutes cooling down, she finally said. "I think I can understand you wanting to see what I did. You're a male and that was high-grade porn... I don't like what I feel is an invasion of my privacy...

Rob, you're right that I ignore your feelings. I'll try to do better."

Now she dove into the biggest issue. "Brothers aren't supposed to love their sister that way."

"I know that and have been telling myself that for ten years but I can't convince myself. I love you and won't try to deny it nor try to stop. Nobody gets to pick who they love or don't love. So, if you can't live with that knowledge, one of us will have to move out."

She started to say something but her fucking phone rang... She looked at it, stood up and left the room. I heard her say "Hello, Alex..." then was cut off as the door to her room closed.

I suppose that was an improvement in that she left to answer the fucking phone. God, how I wished they had never been invented.

I sat a few minutes and when it was obvious she wasn't coming back in, I opened up my laptop and started searching for apartments or condos. My search wasn't restricted to the local area, though.

After about 45 minutes she returned. "Rob, where were we?"

"Me finding another place to live."

"Rob, we haven't gotten to that point yet. Can we talk before you do anything?"

"Sure, if you'll turn off your fucking phone."

"Guess I deserve that... OK, it's off."

"Claire, I'm not sure what more I can say. The ball's in your court."

"Rob, I have a bunch of different feelings. The major one is now knowing your feelings towards me. I don't think I've ever really thought about you, us, like that. You've always just been a part of my life that I'm comfortable with... Minus the sex, it's like we've been married for such a long time that we're just ... I don't know... together? You know how I mean?"

"Sort of, I guess... I wouldn't want to lose that but then again I'm very, very not comfortable with some of what's going on. I'll always be your brother, if that's all that I will ever be but we need to make some changes if we are to salvage that."

"Not getting side tracked but I promise to not treat you like furniture and will keep phone conversations more private."

Some of my bitterness concerning her phone crept out. "Think that would mean I'd never see you. So, why don't I just move out? Then at least you'll be able to continue to have phone sex wherever and whenever you want."

She started to turn red. "Are you jealous of my social life? Some of us like to talk and be with other people, unlike you..."

"As far as your social life goes, I don't give a fuck. That's not true. I love you and really hate to see you continue your destructive way as you try to fuck your way through the male population of the city. You can call it jealousy or whatever you want but what do you get from it? Hundreds of notches on the bedpost? Where are you going to be in 10, 15 years when you're no longer the ingénue?"

"Don't be so smug! I'll find the right guy and settle down. And just where are you going to be in the same time? Still single and living in a suitcase?"

"The chance of you finding the right guy in every bar in town is exactly zero. Your ruler for measuring a new guy seems to be only used to measure his dick size. When have you ever... Fuck, what's the use?

I just can't watch anymore and before I stomp on your phone, I'll find an apartment tomorrow and be moved out by the end of the week."

Her face was torn by several different emotions. "Please, Rob, don't move out yet. Let's take some time away and talk more. Please?"

"All right, Claire, I won't move out just yet but I'm still going to try to find an apartment. We can talk tomorrow or whenever."

Before either of us got up I had another thought. "Claire, please before we run off, I don't think we said anything to each other, other than just pushed buttons... So, please think about just the basic things without getting wrapped around secondary issues. I love you more than as a brother. To me that's the only issue. If we can find a way for me to love you as I always have with you only accepting that, everything else can be worked out. You don't have to love me in return, just accept that I do love you."

"OK, I'll try to consider that... I obviously know what you want in return but I can't give you that, at least not now."

"Claire, I understand. Just, please, try not to hurt me too much."

"Of course. You're my brother and I do love you, so hurting you isn't what I want either. I know I'm sometimes inconsiderate and that hurts you in ways I don't understand...

I'm exhausted. Later?"


There we ended our mutual circle jerk. I tried, but probably failed, to make her understand what was important to me. I certainly didn't fully understand what she felt or needed. That comes, I guess, with her being a woman and me being a man. Probably too simplistic. I knew I wouldn't be sleeping much tonight, so went for a long walk. Returned about dawn and fell into an uneasy bed. Maybe I slept for a couple of hours, maybe not. Did I decide anything? Only went through an endless stream of different outcomes. Running through scripts from the most unlikely and fabulous to the more likely and unpleasant. I knew in my heart of hearts that she would never love me the way I loved her. Finally concluded that I would need to move out, as staying here was just too painful, unless she made big changes that involved less phone calls and fewer overnight visitors.

Not sure what she did while I was out walking. Didn't see her either when I left or returned. Didn't hear her in the morning after I got back and tried to sleep.

I didn't get up till afternoon. When I went into the kitchen to get something to eat, she wasn't in the living room. Her car was gone, though, and there wasn't any note. Like normal. We didn't usually keep track of each other unless I had reason to know when she was going to be here.

When she didn't return by midnight, I figured she found some guy to spend the night with.

I got up Sunday morning to make coffee. About 9:30 she came in and asked for a cup. I handed her one, complete with the right amount of sugar. She didn't look too disheveled so I guess it wasn't very gymnastic night.

Before I could say anything, she said "I went to visit mom and dad."

Wow! Our parents have been dead for three years and are buried 300 miles away in the family cemetery. Don't think I could have been more shocked. Our parents were also our best friends when we were growing up. We miss them, Claire much more than me. I really didn't know what to say other than "Oh."

"I knew I couldn't sleep so I went for a drive. First just wandering around, then found myself headed in their direction. Not sure how long I sat there at their graves, wishing they could answer my questions. Was so tired that I stayed in a motel close by. Couldn't sleep, so I left in the middle of the night. I need some rest, then can we talk some more?"

"Of course. Get some rest."

I just fiddled around, trying to read while she slept. Don't remember anything that I read. She woke up about two and took a shower. I made sandwiches in case she was hungry.

Her face wasn't its lively self. She visible turned off her phone and sat down on the sofa with me. She didn't want anything to eat but took a glass of water. "Rob, I don't know how I could have so messed up my life. I tried to find answers on mom's grave. Why am I such a slut? I know I like sex but it's completely unsatisfying. There's more to life than orgasms. That's, I guess, why I keep trying to find somebody that sees all of me, not just what's covered in skin. You're right that I'm not going to find it in all the bars.

I really hate myself for the way I treated you. Even if I only ever look at you as just a brother, I shouldn't have treated you like shit... I'm so, so sorry."

By this time tears were running down her face. I wanted to hug her, wipe the tears away and say it didn't matter. I could only hold open my arms to see if she would accept the invitation. She shook her head and I shook inside. "Please, Rob, let me finish. If you put your arms around me, I won't be able to say what I need to say."

I was devastated. She felt that she couldn't take comfort from her brother, her best friend.

She took a big drink from the glass. "I'm not completely in control of my emotions, so may not make total sense. I really do love you as the best brother and friend in the world. I don't know if it will ever be more than that. I'm also completely selfish. I don't want you to move out, so I will offer this: No more phone sex except in my room. I will stop bringing guys home unless it's to get your opinion. I don't think I can stop wanting sex but will try to keep it under control. Kind of like it was when we lived at home when the parents were alive.

I only ask a few things from you in return: please don't move out. I know it won't be easy on you but I need you near me. Take me out to places and things where I might meet people who could just be friends. Please don't stop loving me. Even if I won't return the feeling, it causes a warm glow inside."

I had to think for a moment. Could I take the pain of having her near me and her seeing other men? Guess I love her too much to not be ready to suffer for her sake. "OK. If you fall off the wagon or your fucking phone takes over your life again, I'm gone."

"Thank you. Thank you... Now can I have that hug?

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