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Slut Wife - Origins Pt. 04

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Building blocks and my compadre.
6.8k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/28/2019
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The morning after daddy gave me my first anal sex experience, I was still feeling lit. I woke up just before daddy, put on the red silk robe and heels that he got me for Christmas, made him a coffee and brought it to him. I tickled his earlobe. He woke up with a smile and pulled himself into a reclined position.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hey daddy." I said as I gave him a mischievous smile.

"What is it?" He asked knowing I was up to no good.

"So." I turned my torso towards him as I undid the sash of my robe and let my tits fall free. "Will you brag to your co-workers that you rocked your teenage girlfriend's world by fucking her in the ass? I mean you are going to have to stay with me at least until I am 20 just so the story doesn't sound too scandalous." I reached beneath the covers and started to edge his cock and balls. "Would you be willing to keep fucking me in the ass at least until I am 20 years old." I said with a mock pout.

"Oh. Fuck yes."

Daddy leaned up into me. I put a single index finger on his chest and pushed him back down on his back. "Finish your coffee. I'll go make breakfast. You'll be eating ass as an appetizer."


By the end of the semester, I was still just 19 years old but rapidly becoming an experienced woman of the world. High school seemed like a lifetime ago and I could barely relate to most of my fellow university students. I was anxious to get out of the dorm. I had to find a place to live. Both daddy and Jake asked me to move in with them, no strings attached. However, that seemed like it would make me dependent, so I declined.

As luck would have it right around then my mother had inherited a notable chunk of money from her aunt. It was enough to pay off her mortgage and help with a down payment on a home for me. Between us we had just enough for me to buy a small bachelor condo. I would still need her to co-sign the mortgage. I knew I could handle it, but the usual bank calculations don't account for the indirect financial benefits of being a sexually permissive and buxom young woman.

I was talking this over with daddy one night and he suggested another alternative. I should buy a much larger and more luxurious 3-bedroom condo and he and Jake would move in. That was more than I could afford, and I wanted to maintain my financial independence, so he suggested that they would pay rent. That stream of income should be enough to underpin a larger mortgage. Daddy would pay whatever rent was necessary to make it work.

When it came right down to it, I ended up needing him to co-sign the mortgage as well. By then we were all so committed I agreed to cede that bit of independence. I trusted him more than any other man and we were rapidly approaching common law marriage although that only occurred to me later. Besides, life is full of compromises and my name is on the deed.

That is how I found myself the owner of a large luxury condo as a nineteen-year old woman. The three of us still live there happily today. Actually we ended up buying a 4-bedroom place with a large office that has a murphy bed, a huge rec room, generous kitchen and living spaces and a large patio that can be enclosed and heated in the winter.

My mom was taken aback when I told her the plan, mainly because I was in a serious relationship with two men. She was even more taken aback when I told her about the other men. But she took it in stride. "Well, I guess I am in no position to question the merits of having more than one man. I just never really thought to have them all at once."

I took the master bedroom and Jake and daddy each took one of the other bedrooms. There was a man in my bed virtually every night whether it is one of them or one of the others.

Much as I liked this arrangement it made it oddly difficult to date new men. I couldn't really bring them into my circle until I trusted them fully and that certainly wasn't going to happen until I had developed an intimate relationship with them. Meanwhile, it was awkward to bring them home because I didn't want to mislead them - I refused to ask Jake and daddy to pretend that they weren't my lovers. Meanwhile if I stayed at my date's house I didn't like being away from Jake and daddy. Oh, and how to explain that the daughter of a single mother with no money owned a huge luxury condo.

Still, I always found ways to make it work. I had an easy time picking up guys and they were usually willing to go along with whatever I wanted, including suspending their disbelief. Guys hit on me all the time and I had learned to be very confident in my boldness if I saw a guy I liked. Not counting my main guys I still got laid more than most college women. Some were short-term or spontaneous. But I was almost always deliberate and aware. Booze fueled one-nighters weren't my thing. And underlying it all I was always on the hunt for long-term lovers. My sexual experiences have always been best with guys with whom I have an established connection.

All through 2nd and 3rd year university I maintained my relationship with those five guys. For each I was their girlfriend. I went to their special events and saw them on a regular basis. Except for Brad who also dated Gail, those men rarely dated other women. I never asked or expected that of them. And by Christmas of 3rd year, the frequency with which I dated other guys had decreased. I think we all just found dating and fucking outside the group to be a sub-par experience by comparison.

At the end of 3rd year Gary moved to Chicago. He became the sixth man in my group.

My studies and work kept me busy, but I made it a priority to keep my men happy. I wasn't living the college life. While other college girls were going to parties or football games or hanging out with sorority girls I was studying, working or happily getting filled with cock.

I became the master of the quickie. For me there is really very little reason to deny my lover's sexual urges. If I am not in the mood (rarely) or busy with something else (frequently) I can suck them off or let them have a quick fuck in no time. All my guys knew to build in a few extra minutes when making plans and I would use that time to take care of their needs. They also took care of little things like shopping, cooking, cleaning (well they paid for that service) and transportation. Overall, I came out ahead and so did they. I rarely paid for anything, and they even coordinated things among themselves for my benefit and theirs. We were all in sync.


Brad knew about my other men and he stayed at my home occasionally. He got along fine with daddy and Jake. But he had never participated in any group scene. When he was present, I tended to keep my activities with Jake and daddy low key. Nothing was really hidden from Brad. I just didn't feel like he was fully in the group because we didn't know how he felt about it all.

He still dated Gail as well, but nobody else. The two of us was about all he could handle. He saw her more than he saw me, which was fine with me. I wasn't lacking for men.

Gail and I were both so busy that we didn't get together often but we were still good friends. Part of the reason she was so busy is that her dating calendar was full. She was very much sought after, and she had no problem getting a steady stream of guys. She was pretty good at avoiding the 'one and done' dickheads, but she tended to date what I call traditional guys. They like the idea of female sexuality and a girl who likes to fuck right up until somewhere between two seconds and one month after they fuck her for the first time. Then they start judging her for being sexually open or being insecure about her past partners or trying to possess her. They can't just enjoy a good thing, so it usually crashes out quickly after that. For a hottie like Gail there is always plenty more in the wings, but it is frustrating to keep repeating that cycle.

Gail wanted what I had. Positive romantic relationships that didn't have to come at the expense of her freedom or feeding her voracious sexual appetite.

Around the beginning of 3rd year Gail took a real interest in my situation. She knew from being at my home that something unique was going on. How did I come to own this place and why did I have two loyal live-in boyfriends as well as three more lovers plus Brad? One day over drinks on my balcony I told her everything. She was flabbergasted and very intrigued.

At that time, we were coming up on Christmas of 3rd year. The Christmas of 2nd year was even more crazy than 1st year with Jimmy added to the mix. For 3rd year Gary was going to come in from California (none of us, including him, yet knew he would be moving to Chicago at the end of that school year). It was going to be five guys and me all in my big luxury condo.

I don't know how many guys it takes to qualify as a 'gang bang'. But that year was the first time that I felt as though with the right pace the guys could maintain a cycle that could keep me filled with dick constantly for as long as I wanted. Still, every day of that Christmas break those five men got all the sex they could handle. I never turned one away and I could have taken more.

I asked Gail if she would like to join us and bring Brad along. She jumped at the chance. However, they were each going to be away visiting family so it wouldn't work for them until New Year's Eve. I promised her I would save plenty of energy for a wild party then.


By the time Gail and Brad arrive at my house on 4:00 p.m. of New Year's Eve I had already been wildly indulgent. My sexual appetite was not diminished, but I wanted to reward my guys with a new girl.

I also had a sense that maybe Brad needed a little extra help to adjust to what was about to happen. It can be a little overwhelming as a woman being outnumbered three to one by horny men. But that is nothing compared to how overwhelming it is for her boyfriend to watch. Even though Brad was not exclusive with Gail he hadn't been witness to her being with other guys.

I made a point of setting the stage and taking the lead. When they arrived, all of my men were dressed in regular street clothes. I on the other hand was dressed like a whore, with black garters, stockings, pumps and a lace bra and panties. That outfit was courtesy of Gerhard. He favours traditional lingerie outfits. That is how I answered the door.

I had already told Gail to expect this. We agreed that I would take the lead to help Brad adjust. We three hugged and exchanged season's greetings. Brad knew all the guys except Gary, but Gail only knew daddy and Jake and even then, just barely. We all had a few drinks and a few tokes over the course of an hour or so. My men made our guests feel welcome and Gail and Brad both warmed up to the scene quickly.

Once I saw that happening, I made a point of starting some sexual engagement. Gary was in a chair in my dining room (maple dining room set courtesy of daddy). I went and sat in his lap.

"We've missed having you around sweetie." I said as a wiggled my ass into his lap and put my arm around his shoulders.

"I've missed being around." He responded as he put his hand on my thigh and ran it gently all the way up to my pussy as we kissed. "I've missed fucking you the most though."

"Mmmmm. Come on back here and you'll have unlimited pussy privileges."


"Ya." I confirmed with a smile as I bit my lower lip seductively. We started making out as his hands explored my body. I had missed Gary, but I also wanted to be sure to break the ice emphatically. We caught the eye of Gail and Brad. After a few minutes I peeled myself off Gary and asked Gail and Brad to follow me to the spare bedroom.

"Gail, this will be your room. Do you have an outfit selected?"


"It is time to put it on."

Gail opened her luggage as I turned my attention to Brad.

"Brad, the way this works is that the women are in charge. You may solicit our affections. We will make sure that no man is left out. But there is no priority of attentions other than that which we set in our sole discretion. You will respond to our direction and never try to change the course of events. This is Gail's room for the evening. How she uses it and who if anyone she chooses to share her bed with is up to Gail. Is that clear?"

He nodded as he looked over my shoulder and observed Gail disrobing then putting on a purple fishnet dress with matching panties and heels. She was slimmer than me but with lovely proportions including long lean athletic legs, a tiny waist that accentuated her hips, perfect C cup tits and large dark areolas clearly visible through the fishnet dress that only came a few inches down her thighs.

"Brad have you ever seen Gail fuck another man?"


"But you know that she does right sweetie?"


"Gail, how many other guys have you fucked since you and I agreed to share Brad back in freshman year?"

"Um, maybe 25."

"Well you have been a busy slut haven't you?"

Gail and I both paused and looked at Brad as he let that sink in.

"Brad I have explained to Gail that I am really passionate about my men. I want this to be a very inclusive experience. I don't want to leave anyone out and she agrees, don't you Gail."

"Oh yes. Yes, I do Cynthia." She said as she walked up and stood next to me. "And they all seem like great guys to me. If I am going to fuck one of them, I am going to fuck all of them."

"Brad you get the same priority as the others. You are one of our men. As long as you want to fuck Gail or me and you can still get it up, we will be receptive."


"I'm not trying to play this up too much Brad, but the reason I am emphasizing it is because we make the same commitment to the other guys. With a three to one ratio there is a one in three chance that when you are done for the evening Gail will still be fucking one or more of those guys out there. And she may choose to spend the night with one of them here. Gail has far more sexual capacity than you and you are going to see that tonight. Are you ready for that?"

Brad nodded. I knew Gail had already prepared him in many ways, through her active dating as well as specifically for this evening. Also, he had been around my promiscuous ways for quite a while. It wasn't like anything I was saying was new, but I really wanted to drive home the point.

"By the way this condo is quite large. Aside from the bedrooms there are couches and futons enough to accommodate all of us. In particular we have three big pull-out couches set up in the rec room. You men will likely be fucking Gail and I on them until the wee hours of the morning."

"Brad please go back to the rest of the men." I instructed. He complied.

I could tell that Gail was buzzing with anticipation.

"Are you ready Gail?"

"Oh yes!"

"You don't really have to assert yourself. You can if you want. But these guys will respond to even the slightest direction. They are hyper-sensitive to making sure that you feel that this a safe place. Tell them what you want. They will give it to you."

She nodded. She was anxious, but I knew she would do fine and just needed to get into it.

"Ok. Give me a minute or so to go back out and put some focus on Brad. I want to keep him feeling secure so that you can revel in the opportunity to have the other five men clamour for your attention."

She nodded.

"They won't pounce on you even though they might want to. It works best if you break the ice. Lead them and I am certain they will follow."

She nodded.

"Am I overdoing it?"

"A little bit."

"Ok. Sorry."

"Don't be. This is awesome." Gail said as she walked straight up to me and kissed me full on the lips.

Now it was me who paused. "Hmm. We are going to explore that later."

"I hope so." She said as she planted another on me.

"You naughty little minx." I grabbed her waist and pulled her close. We kissed and I twisted my tongue around that of another woman for the first of many times. Then we kissed a while longer before I left the room.


I could tell that Brad wanted to see what Gail would do. There was no sense trying to distract him. I went straight to him. I took his hand and led him to a small couch that had a clear view of the kitchen dining area where the other men were assembled. Daddy picked up on this dynamic and brought us fresh drinks just as Gail returned to the room.

The guys all fought the urge to just pounce on her. I had felt that energy many times and could tell that she fed on it like I did. Gerhard was working in the kitchen and daddy was going back to help him. Jake, Gary and Jimmy were standing in a semi-circle at the side of the island opposite the main kitchen prep area. They turned as soon as they heard the click, click of Gail's heels, and opened the circle for her to choose where to enter.

Gail sidled up between Jake and Gary and took the initiative leaning her hot body into Jake and reaching her arms around his neck as she planted a soft luscious kiss on his lips. She turned and did the same with Gary then walked around him and kissed Jimmy. Then she did a slow lascivious walk into the prep area and wrapped her arms around Gerhard than daddy giving each a long deep kiss. Each gave her a lingering look and released her slowly. They were all savouring the moment.

When she was with daddy, he held her a bit longer and said "Welcome to our home Gail."

"Thank you, daddy." She responded as they embraced. She sent a glance and a wink in my direction.

I put my hand on Brad's cock which was rock hard as Gail carried that slow seductive gait over to where we were sitting. She bent at the waist and kissed Brad seductively just like she had all the others. Gail smiled at him. Then she switched her mood from sultry to joyful as she turned back to the other men. She positioned herself between Jake and Gary again. They all chatted amiably. Gail made a point of being very flirty, touching each man and pulling herself into them.

After a while Jake put his hand on the small of her back. Gail leaned forward a bit, arched her back, straightened her legs and pushed her ass out just a bit. Then she took Jake's hand and moved it down to her ass. She turned her head to the side and started French kissing him as he felt her up. Then she turned to Gary and started kissing him as his hand went onto her ass as well. She giggled as she gave her ass a little wiggle.

Reading the moment daddy said. "Is dinner around 8:00 good with everyone?"

It was only 6:30 at the time, so there was lots of time to get this party into gear before we needed to sit down to dinner.

Gail took the hint. She took Gary and Jake by the hands and led them to a large couch opposite from where I was sitting with Brad. She first sat right in the middle and the men sat on either side of her. She took turns making out with each of them. Soon their hands were all over her body. They pulled her thighs apart and draped her legs over theirs so that she was fully spread out. Gary nibbled her neck and stroked her thighs while Jake squeezed her tits then traced his way down to her pussy and slowly started fingering her. Gail put her arms around them, nudged Jake's head downwards so that she could look over at Jimmy and motioned him to join them. He complied, got on his knees between her legs and started eating her out.


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