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Small Town Life Ch. 01

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Life in a small quiet town gets a change.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/14/2024
Created 04/21/2011
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Chapter 01: Sharon

Sharon lived in the same small town her whole life and had obtained somewhat of a high ranking status by snagging the clerk's job in the city hall. The town was only about 2000 people and had two grocery stores, three gas stations, a few small shops and eighteen churches. That's right, eighteen churches in the city limits and there were even more on the outskirts of town.

Every day she went to work in modest suits and plain shoes. The rule was, if you worked in the office, you dressed nicely and neatly, but modestly. If you worked in the field, the city provided you really fugly uniforms.

Even her name was modest, Sharon Collins. She lived in a modest house on a boring street surrounded by other modest houses. But what no one knew about Sharon was that underneath the plain clothes was a hot, sexy woman that spent her time behind the closed doors of her home the way she wanted.

Sharon had been making plans. She had quietly applied for a job in a city that was about 80 miles away and just received the news that she got the job. Life in this little town was about to be set on its ear as Sharon was planning to go out with a bang.

On her last Friday at work, Sharon clipped down the hall to her office in her sensible shoes. Sighing to herself, she repeated the reassurance that this was the last time she'd ever wear something so ugly. While unlocking her office door, she glanced over at the other people in the large room and threw out a cheery "good morning."

There was Don, the utility manager, sitting at his desk, coffee cup at hand. His short sleeved blue shirt and striped yellow tie looking totally stupid as usual. And then there was Wanda, the total and utter office bitch in her brown dress, brown shoes and brown permed hair, sitting in her chair at the counter ready to greet, or snarl, at the public.

The thing was, these people really weren't that bad looking if they'd simply get a clue. Don played football in high school, and sure, he'd gone a little soft, but his rich black hair and bright blue eyes made him somewhat good looking. And as for the bitch, Sharon would bet a week's pay that underneath the ugly dresses she had a good body. A decent make over and she'd be hot. Of course, she'd still be a bitch, but Sharon had plans for that too.

After entering the office, she closed the door behind her. Sitting at her desk, she took out the paperwork on her new house in the city. Big and contemporary, it even had a pool. She giggled to herself thinking of all that she would get into. But first, she had business to take care of. Looking up at the shelf behind her, she noted the small camera lens.

Good, she thought, you can't see it unless you know to look for it.

After booting up her computer, she opened the program that would be used to record what happened in the room.

Kicking off her shoes, she opened her briefcase and pulled out a very different pair of shoes. Shiny black with four inch, icepick heels, Sharon slipped them on with a quiet sigh. These were truly fuck me shoes.

So much better, she thought.

Her intercom buzzed on her desk. "The mayor is here Sharon. Says you called him to come in?" Wanda's voice floated through.

"Yes Wanda, please send him in." Sharon grinned to herself. Phase one was about to begin.

The Mayor of this small town wasn't that bad looking, but he was rather short. He owned the local hardware store and kept it clean and well stocked. But in having the only hardware store in town, this little man considered himself quite a big fish in a small pond. Always dapper in pressed khakis and button up shirts, he could never quite hide his small stature and was totally clueless on the "short man" jokes that followed him everywhere.

"Good morning, Sharon. What did you need to see me about today?" Ray entered the office in his normal quick pace.

Sharon stood and walked past him to shut the door to her office. Turning her back to it, she quietly locked the door, making sure he didn't notice. Because of the four inch heels, she now towered over the little 5' 6" man. With a small smile she leaned back against her desk, forcing Ray into sitting in the single chair by the desk.

Ray shifted uncomfortably in the chair. "What's this about Sharon?"

Sharon had dressed very carefully for today. Her dress looked very modest, it crossed over in front and had a single button to fasten it closed at the waist. The navy blue cloth was heavy, the neckline modest and it's length came to just below her knees. Even though it only had the single fastening, the neck was high and the heavy cloth deterred any gaping or hints of cleavage.

Still saying nothing, Sharon stared straight at the Mayor's eyes and slipped the button free at her waist. Using both hands, she slowly shrugged free of the dress, letting it slide to the floor. Because she was watching, Sharon had the joy in seeing the expression on Ray's face. Under the dress, there was nothing modest at all. Actually, there was hardly anything under the dress.

The black shelf bra pushed her firm, ample breasts up without covering them . Her nipples stood proud and free, dark pink raspberries pointing high. She wore no panties, but did have a black satin garter belt holding up sheer black stockings. Sharon had her pussy waxed the last time she had gone to the city and the skin was silky smooth and softly pink.

"Oh my god," Ray breathed, completely stunned at what he was seeing. He was completely unable to look away from the firm body and generous curves presented before him. Ray was devoted to his wife of 24 years but she had nothing... nothing like what was in front of him now. Terri was as slim as a boy, even after two kids, with A cup breasts and barely any butt; Ray simply didn't have the imagination to want her any other way. But oh damn, this was one hot body he was looking at. Just as he started to worry that he may start drooling, he realized his cock was rock hard.

Sharon knew exactly what was happening to Ray and she was loving every minute that passed. In her years of service to the City, she had noticed things. She knew the man had never strayed in his love for his wife, but she also knew that his wife was a dried up twig who never had anything nice to say. And because she was such an unpleasant hag, Sharon had great pleasure in being able to be the one to turn things upside down for the couple.

Taking a step forward, Sharon straddled Ray's knees and slowly sank down until she was sitting on his lap. This put her breasts right in the man's face. Sliding her hands in his soft brown hair, she pulled his face into her soft pillows and rubbed her nipples over him. Holding his head, she offered a bright nub to him to taste.

Ray obediently opened his mouth and sucked her nipple in. He had never had anything like this before. His Terri's nipples were small and she always acted like he was just wasting time if he bothered to give them attention. As he savored the tasty morsel, his hands came up to knead these wondrous orbs. Full and firm and luscious, they filled his hands and caused his prick to weep with joy. Never had just touching and tasting something caused his body to react this way.

Sharon sighed and leaned back a little giving him full access to her generous breasts. "That's it Ray, suck those titties. Take your fill little man 'cuz there's plenty more to come."

Ray suddenly jerked back, his eyes huge. "Oh my god I can't do this! Sharon what are you doing? Oh my god you... you," he sputtered.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be okay. You need this, I need this, everything is going to work out just fine," Sharon reassured him, pulling his head back to her breasts.

Ray groaned, "No, no I can't," he said even as his mouth opened to spread hot kisses over her tits. "Terri will kill me," he whispered his tongue dragging over her soft skin, his hands massaging and stroking her.

Sharon chuckled, "Maybe she'll thank you later." Her hands left his head to work in between their bodies. She quickly unbuttoned his shirt and spread it open then started working on his pants. Since she couldn't get a good angle to undo his pants she lifted up a bit and jerked his hips down in the chair. After that, it was easy work to open his fly and reach in to find his small but hard penis.

"There's the little guy. He seems happy enough right now," Sharon noted.

"Oh god no. Put that back!" Ray exclaimed.

Sharon pushed her tits back in his face."Are you really sure you want me to do that?"

Ray simply moaned and went back to bathing her nipples with his tongue and lips.

His cock was short like him, but surprisingly thick. One of Sharon' s hands easily covered his length, but wasn't quite able to close around him.

Interesting, she thought to herself, he's so thick... is he going to fit? But won't it be fun to find out!

After a short stroking session Sharon knew she'd just have to taste this cock herself. She eased back from Ray's avid sucking and sank down in front of him. With a wicked grin, she quickly lowered her head and swiped her tongue across the fat, bulbous head, sweeping up the drops of pre-cum there.

"Oh god," Ray moaned. "No one's done that since... since... I don't remember when."

Sharon flicked her tongue all around the thick cock, wetting it. Sitting back she studied the glistening prick then tilting her head, opening wide to take him in her mouth. Ray groaned as the purple head passed her lips. Sharon filled her mouth with his hot, smooth cock. Surprisingly, she was able to fit quite a bit in and began to work more and more into her wet mouth.

Ray continued to moan and gasp for air. Sharon kept sucking and licking his hard length until she felt his hips start to twitch. "Not so fast big boy." She gave him one last lick and stood up. Taking one of his hands, she slid his fingers over her bare pussy.

"Oh sweet lord that's soft." Ray sounded awed.

Propping one spike heel on the chair, Sharon brought her smooth wet pussy to his face. Ray took a moment to spread her lips apart to gaze on the dark pink center. "I don't think I've ever seen a pussy like this before. Not with no hair in the way," he breathed. Leaning close he took a deep breath, inhaling her musky scent. Hesitantly his tongue ventured out to taste the slick rose presented to him.

As Sharon' s sweet juices coated his tongue,she moaned and pulled his head closer, burying his face in her crotch. She rubbed her soaking wet pussy over his face, making his mouth and chin shine. Ray eagerly lapped up all he could, savoring the treat that he hadn't realized he'd missed.

After just a few short moments Sharon pulled back. "Can't have us both going over the edge too soon. And besides, I want that fat cock of yours in me."

At her words Ray's confusion returned. What was she doing? Sharon had never acted this way, had never shown anything but modesty and proper decorum. But damn this felt good. Her body was amazing, all lush curves and softness, he discovered that he couldn't wait to fuck her pussy, to spill his seed deep inside her. To hell with his wife, the skinny bitch was going to get a surprise tonight. After this fucking, he remembered what fucking was like and it was gonna happen in his own bed!

Taking charge for the first time, Ray stood and shoved his pants down then pulled his shirt off the rest of the way. He didn't have a bad body, it was just on the small side. Kicking his pants to the side, he pulled Sharon' s head down to his for a hard, hot kiss. Their tongues slid around and across, each tasting their own love juice on the other.

After a final quick fondle of those beautiful breasts, Ray turned Sharon around and pushed her over the desk. Sharon let out a satisfied chuckle at Ray's sudden change. She happily leaned over her desk and after a quick grin at the hidden camera, spread her legs wide presenting her rounded ass to the mayor. She reached down between her legs to give her clit a rub.

Ray ran his hands over the pretty white globes in front of him. Because of Sharon's height advantage and the high heels, she had to spread her legs quite far apart to bring her wet pussy down to the fat prick waiting for her. With a light slap on one ass cheek, Ray eased his hips forward, sliding his cock across her wetness.

Sharon was highly anticipating finding out how that fat dick would feel in her. This was the one thing Ray was sure of, how to enter a woman with his unusual size. After sliding his penis through her canal to get it nice and wet, he gently started probing her love entrance. Once in place, Ray gave a testing push; she was tight, but so wet that he knew there'd be no problems.

With one quick thrust, Ray slammed his dick in Sharon' s tight pussy. Sharon nearly screamed with the sudden wonderful feeling of being so full. Ray's cock might not have hit bottom, but he was so thick she was stretched tighter than ever before. The feeling was so different but so good. She rocked back and pushed against him, urging him on.

Ray began to slowly pump his hips, savoring the feeling of a pussy that was not his wife's. Someone new and tight and wet. But it wasn't long before his pace picked up and and he was slamming into her, shoving her against the desk. Sharon laid completely down on the desk, letting Ray fuck her hard, knowing she wouldn't last long against the assault.

Sure enough it wasn't long at all before Sharon felt the tightness building deep inside. As the orgasm shook through her she bucked back against Ray. Her pussy muscles contracting and rippling hard around his stiff pole. As the milking sensation of the orgasm rocked Sharon' s tunnel, Ray felt his own explosion building.

With a grunt Ray started cumming, blowing streams of spunk into Sharon' s tight hole. It had been more years then he could remember since he'd had an orgasm that hard and that good. His body convulsed over hers, sweat dripping from his brow onto her back as he finally finished emptying himself into her. He collapsed onto her for a minute to get his breath back.

Ray slowly stood back, allowing his now soft penis to slip free. Sharon brought her legs together, and turned around, sliding back to sit on the desk as she wasn't sure her legs would hold her up. "Wow Ray, you really pack a punch."

Ray sank into the chair, his sanity returning. "Oh my god Sharon, what have we done? What will Terri do when she finds out?"

"I'll tell you what she's going to do, she's going to thank you. Ray, you've got a cock that can most certainly please a woman. Terri has become a dried up prude and you need to remind her that she's a woman. Go home, find Terri and fuck her like you just did me. Trust me, she won't know what's come over you but she'll thank you for it. She needs a good fuck... seriously."

Ray nodded, his confidence returning. "You're right. I'm gonna go fuck my wife." With a determined look in his eye, Ray quickly got dressed. "Are you okay?" he asked before leaving.

"See, you can be nice man . You just needed to remember how to fuck," Sharon smiled. "Go on, go have some fun. On your way out, would you tell Wanda to come in here please?"

Ray looked confused for a minute and then smiled, "Wanda? You want Wanda to come in here with you sitting there like that?"

"Yep." Sharon grinned.

"You got it," Ray laughed and left out closing the door behind him. Sharon stayed right where she was on the desk.

"You wanted to see me?" Wanda asked on her way in the room. Upon seeing Sharon sitting nearly nude on her desk Wanda stopped cold in her tracks.

"Come in and shut the door Wanda," Sharon told the stunned woman.

The other woman slowly closed the door, unable to take her eyes off of Sharon' s body. "Wanda, you're a cold hearted bitch who thinks you're better than everyone else. I'm tired of your high and mighty attitude and I'm going to take you down a notch," Sharon said. "Take off that hideous dress. Now."

Wanda stood staring, unable to move. It was Wanda's secret fantasy to have sex with another woman. She knew this was extremely sinful and prayed every Sunday in church for God to help her overcome this horrid thing. She was hateful and had no friends, just because she was afraid that if she had a female friend then she would want to do nasty things to her. And now, here was the woman that she had secretly, or so she thought, watched and lusted after, sitting in front of her with her entire body on display. Wanda's mouth started watering and she felt her pussy start to tingle.

Sharon snapped her fingers at the other woman. "Wanda! Earth to Wanda," she called louder.

Wanda suddenly seemed to come to her senses. Knowing the only way to keep her secret safe was to be hateful, she pulled her eyes up to Sharon's and straightened her back. "You appear to not need my assistance at the moment. I'll return later," she said struggling to keep her voice cold.

"No Wanda, I need you now. You will stay and you will remove that fugly dress and you'll do it now," Sharon replied. Though Wanda thought her secret desires were actually secrets, Sharon knew better. She had been in Wanda's home when the woman asked her to feed her cat when she went on vacation. Sharon had used the time to do some checking up on her seemingly frigid co-worker. This led to the the discovery in Wanda's bedroom of a rather nice toy collection and a few magazines of the female on female variety.

"I will do no such thing," Wanda replied icily, subtly pressing her thighs together as they had started to quiver.

"Wanda, I'm sitting here with the mayor's spunk starting to drip out of my cunt. You see he fucked me very nicely a moment ago and left behind a large deposit. Now, you and I know how you really feel about women and I want you to clean this jizz outta my pussy. But you're going to do it out of that ugly dress so I can enjoy looking at what I'm betting is a rather nice body."

At those words, Wanda lost all control. They were words she never thought to hear and wasted no more time in getting rid of the brown dress that covered her. She may be a damned-woman now, but she'd just been offered her fantasy and she was going to grab it with both hands. The dress hit the floor quickly and Wanda stood before Sharon in surprisingly pretty underwear.

The pink and white lacy panties and matching bra covered what Sharon had suspected. Wanda's breasts were smaller than hers, but no less perky. The nipples were larger than expected, with large aerolas in a pretty dark pink. The nipples themselves looked nearly as big as Sharon's thumb and she wondered how they'd taste. Skimpy panties covered a neatly trimmed patch of brown hair.

Sharon reached out and tangled her hands in Wanda's carefully styled hair and brought her face to hers for a wet kiss. Tongues tangled and fought, reaching to taste. Wanda's hands covered Sharon' s tits, squeezing and pinching, pulling gently on the nipples. Sharon' s hands returned the favor, rubbing and playing with Wanda's little boobs.

Wanda's head dropped to Sharon' s breasts and she pulled a ripe nipple in her mouth. Sucking hard and gently biting, Wanda adored what she'd only dreamed of doing. It didn't last long though, the thoughts of what lay waiting for her was too much. She dropped to her knees in front of Sharon' s desk.

"It's all yours, lover," Sharon told the woman as she opened her thighs and laid back on the desk. Wanda took only a moment to enjoy the sight of a pussy with a small amount of white jizz just starting to leak out before diving in. Her mouth covered Sharon' s bare muff completely, her tongue slipping over the juices, lapping them up, sucking them in to savor the taste.

Wanda was in heaven, this had to be heaven, the flavors and scents driving her own passion up higher. She could die right here and be the happiest she had ever been. Working her tongue just under Sharon' s love hole, she created a suction with her mouth that effectively removed the creamy filling left behind by the mayor. Who would have thought the short little prick could produce something that tasted this good.


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