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Snowed in with Aunt V Ch. 03

Story Info
Kelly's transformation begins.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 01/24/2023
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Aunt V poured Kelly a cup of coffee and sat down on the stool nearest him. He put her hand on his arm. "Kelly, honey, please don't be embarrassed about who you are," she said softly.

Kelly couldn't help but smile just a little. 'Who you are,' she had said. He had thought about that for years. 'This is just who I am,' he'd told himself. He'd only told that to one other person- a girl in high school. And she said she understood. But she didn't. Did Aunt V really understand?

"I can't help but be, Aunt V," he said, still sniffling and wiping his nose and his eyes, still looking down, avoiding her gaze. "That's not how boys are supposed to be."

"What? Boys aren't allowed to feel pretty?" his aunt asked.

He shook his head. "No. Boys are not allowed to feel pretty. Boys are not supposed to want to feel pretty. I don't understand why I am such a freak! Can you imagine what my dad would say if he walked in here right now?"

"Well, he's not going to come in," she told him. "It's still snowing, and the roads are even worse than they were last night. Bobby called this morning and said if we need anything he can bring it to us with the snow mobile he bought last spring. I swear he's been praying for a storm like this so he can go help people out!"

"But what about Madi?" Kelly asked. "I can't even wear them when she gets here. Isn't she supposed to get here sometime today?"

"Well, we can deal with that when she gets here," Aunt V said. "But I think she won't mind if you want to lounge around in my pajamas. Or a pair of hers. She has some like this in a drawer in her dresser. Or, would you rather wear a nightgown? We both have some nice nightgowns."

Kelly laughed and shook his head. At first the idea of hanging out with his cousin and his aunt in a nightgown was very appealing. But he knew he couldn't do that. "She'd laugh at me, just like everyone else," he said sadly.

"Who has laughed at you?" Aunt V asked.

"No one, lately," he said. "But, a long time ago..."

"You mean when you were little and got caught dressing up in your mother's things?" she asked.

He nodded and took a sip of his coffee. "They used to laugh at me. Not when I was really little, but when I got older and they caught me. Just before the twins were born."

"And that's when you stopped wearing them, wasn't it? When they brought the twins home and your mom was home all the time, right?"

Again he nodded. "Yeah, she was always there. I didn't really have a chance to be pretty."

Aunt V saw a big year roll down her nephew's cheek, then another. He still hadn't looked up to let her see his face. She put her hand over his on the bar.

"I didn't laugh at you, did I?" she asked.

He sat there, thinking, then shook his head. "No, you didn't. Thank you."

"And I won't laugh at you. And neither will Madi. I promise," Aunt V said.

Kelly nodded. "Well, at least it's nice to be able to talk to someone. Even if you don't understand." Kelly said.

"I plan to hang out in my pajamas today. I do that sometimes when I know I'm not going out. You can, too if you want to," she told him. She paused for a moment. "And you're right. I don't fully understand. But I want to. And I want you to be yourself when you're with me."

He pulled three tissues out of the box and blew his nose. "We'll see," he said.

Aunt V stood up and refilled Kelly's coffee cup. "Stay right here. I'll be right back." With that she turned and hurried down the hallway towards her bedroom. Kelly finally raised his head to see where she was going.

"Must have had to pee really bad," he said under his breath as he watched her walk away. He looked at her full butt cheeks wiggling. He knew she had a bra on. He'd felt it when she hugged him earlier. But now he wondered if she had panties on.

Kelly looked at her when he heard her coming back down the hallway. For the first time since he got out of bed V got a look at his tear-stained face. With his puffy eyes and swollen cheeks he reminded her of the little boy she remembered. She had thought he was different back then. Now she was learning how right she was.

She had a brush and a comb and a big hand-held mirror in her hands. He looked at her quizzically. She smiled at him.

"You said you want to be pretty," she said. "So, let's work on that a little. Turn around here and look at me."

Kelly turned on his stool to face her. She put her fingers on his chin to turn his head back and forth. "Ok, this will work," she said as she started to brush his longish hair.

Kelly sat still and let her do whatever it was she was doing. He could only imagine what his hair might look like... what he might look like. He hadn't even washed his face and combed his hair before he came in to face her just... he looked at the clock... had it been less than an hour ago?

Aunt V hummed and smiled while she brushed and combed and used her fingers to do something with his hair. Finally she stepped back and nodded. "Not bad, not bad at all!" she said. She held the mirror up to let him see what she had done.

Kelly gasped. He had always just combed his hair back and let it part naturally in the middle. It wasn't a masculine hair style, but it wasn't a feminine one, either. Aunt V had parted it on the side and pulled some of it back and let some of it hang and... it was pretty! Even with no make-up or anything, he looked like a fairly typical teenage girl. And he smiled.

"There's that pretty smile I wanted to see," she said with a big smile on her own face. "I take it you like what I did?"

"I do," he said quietly. He kept looking at himself in the mirror, turning his head back and forth to see as much of his hair style as he could. "It's sort of pretty," he said, his voice almost a whisper.

"Not sort of pretty," Aunt V replied. "You ARE pretty. I want you to feel pretty."

"I do, Aunt V," he said softly. "Oh, I do! Thank you." He stepped off of the bar stool to give his aunt a hug. She put her arms around him. "Thank you," he said again. He sounded as if he might cry again. "Maybe you do understand," he whispered, more to himself than to his aunt.

They sat back down at the breakfast bar. Kelly reached for his untouched cup of coffee. He wasn't a coffee drinker, but for some reason he felt like he needed some today.

Aunt V refilled her coffee cup and sat back down. "We can do more later," she said. "Maybe if you shower and wash it I can do more with the blow dryer and curling iron."

"Oh, that would be so wonderful," he said. He wasn't doing it intentionally, but they both noticed that his voice was soft and almost breathless sounding... he was talking more like a girl.

"I have an idea that I think you will love," Aunt V said with a mysterious smile on her face. But before she could tell him what it was, her cell phone rang. "But first let's talk to Madi!" she said as she looked at the caller id.

"Please don't say anything," Kelly tried to get out before his aunt pushed the button to talk. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Hey, baby, please tell me you're getting close to home," she said. She pushed the button for the speaker function so Kelly could hear his cousin, too.

Madi laughed. "Close is a relative term," she said. "We are getting closer, though. We're in Western Kansas now."

"Oh?" V said. "Are you still able to travel? I heard on the new that that area got hit pretty hard with the storm."

"You heard correctly, mom." Madi's voice sounded a bit sad. "No, we're not moving from here for a while, probably not until tomorrow. They won't even let the big trucks on the highway."

"So are ya'll stuck on the bus?" V asked anxiously. The buses the college provided for the athletic teams were nice, but not nice enough to live on for several days.

"No, they set up a shelter in the local high school gym," Madi told her mother. "They have some cots and lots of blankets and plenty of heat. And a lot of food, too! And there are three other teams here that were at the tournament. Two from Texas and one from Missouri. You know I'd rather be there, but we're having fun and making the best of things."

V and Kelly could hear laughter and hoots and hollers in the background, and even some of them trying to yell into Madi's phone to tell her mother hi.

"Ok, good," V told her. "We're snowed in here, too. Kelly stayed out here with me last night. We can't get into town for the family gatherings today, but I'm not sure how much they're going to gather."

"Kelly is there? Am I on speaker? Hi, Kelly! Now I'm really sad I can't be there!"

"Oh, really?" Aunt V said sarcastically.

"Hi, Madi!" Kelly called out in his normal voice. "I'm sad you're not here, too, but there is good news!"

"Oh, what's the good news?" Madi asked.

"Your bed is more comfortable than the fold out couch that I'd have to sleep on if you were here!" he laughed.

Madi laughed, too. "So I'm glad me not being there is working out good for you, you punk! And I'm sure my mom has spoiled you with a really great breakfast this morning, too!"

Kelly looked at Aunt V, who held a finger to her lips and nodded her head.

"Oh, yeah, you know how she is when I'm here. She's afraid I'm going to starve if she doesn't." he laughed.

"Yeah, I know how she is," Madi laughed. "Well, you two stay warm! And mom, don't cook all the good stuff until I get home!"

Aunt V laughed. "There will be plenty of food for you when you get here. Uncle Robert is just dying to use that old snowmobile he bought last year to bring us supplies."

Madi laughed again. "I can just see him with that big fur hat on looking like the king of the Mounties riding that thing!"

They all laughed. "Ya'll be safe," Aunt V said seriously to her daughter.

"We are, mom. Our driver won't take any chances. Ya'll be safe, too."

"We will, baby. Love you!"

"Bye, cousin!" Kelly called out as Aunt V hit the button to disconnect the phone.

They both sat back, smiling. Aunt V was relieved to hear from Madi, to know she was in a warm, dry, safe place with friends and plenty to eat. Having been with Madi's teams on trips when she was younger, she could just imagine the fun all those girls were having.

Kelly was glad to hear from her, too. On the one hand, it was nice to know she was okay in this storm that had basically shut down a multi-state area. And on the other hand, he knew now that he would have some more time to enjoy letting his feminine side show a little.

"So, you said you had an idea," Kelly said. He was now completely at ease sitting with his aunt wearing her pajamas with his hair styled.

"Oh, yeah," Aunt V said. "Ok, first, I saw the three dresses you tried on last night. Which one was your favorite?"

Kelly blushed and looked down. But he answered her. "Well, of course the formal was great. But I'd have to say my favorite was the one I fell asleep in. I liked how it felt on me."

"That is a cute dress," Aunt V agreed. "And that material just sort of flows around your body. I can see why you like it. But... I'm very curious how you look in the silver gown. Would you mind much modelling it for me later? I know you had to feel fabulous wearing it! Did you wear the heels, too?"

Kelly blushed again. "Yes, I felt very elegant when I wore it. And yes, I wore the heels, too. I even walked out on the front porch and smoked one of your 120's with it on."

Aunt V smiled. "I'll bet you did look elegant in it," she said softly. "And you'll feel even more elegant when I do a good job of styling your hair and put some make-up and jewelry on you!"

Kelly looked up at his aunt. Make-up and jewelry? Styled hair? A formal gown complete with matching high heels? And then he remembered looking in the mirror and seeing the armpit hair, and his smile faded a bit.

"What is it, honey?" Aunt V asked. "Is that too much? We don't have to do all that if you don't want to. I just thought that since we have this time on our hands and no one else is around you'd want to dress up more than you're used to."

"Oh, I am, Aunt V," he said quickly. "It's just that... oh, I'm being silly. It's not like it's going to matter. It's just you and me. Yes, I'd love to dress up!"

"But.... I can see a BUT in there somewhere. What is it you're being silly about?" she asked.

He looked down and blushed. "Well, it's just that in that dress, well, the one has little sleeves, but that one doesn't, and, well..." He raised his arm over his head and pulled the arm hole of his t-shirt down so that she could see his armpit hair.

"Is that all?" she laughed. "Honey, when a girl is getting all dolled up for a dress like that one of the first thing she does is shave her pits. And if she's wearing that dress on a date she probably shaves her legs, too!"

Kelly shook his head. "Oh, no. I couldn't do that. My mom and dad... especially dad... would notice. And that wouldn't be good."

"How would they notice? How often do they see your armpits and legs in the winter?"

Kelly thought about it for a moment. "Well, not often, I guess," he laughed. "As I think about it, I'm not sure dad ever does."

"So there ya go!" Aunt V said triumphantly. "You shave them this morning, enjoy a few days of feeling a little more feminine and then when you and your family go back home you make sure you don't wear tank tops or shorts around your mom and dad and let the hair grow back and by the time it's shorts and lake weather it's grown back out and they never knew!"

Kelly had to admit he liked the idea. It made him a little nervous, but he loved the thought of having smooth, sexy legs and armpits for a few days.

"Is it hard to shave them?" he asked. "I mean, I barely have to shave my face."

Aunt V smiled. "It's not hard, but it can be a little tricky," she said. "I will teach you, just like I taught Madi when she was fourteen years old."

Kelly didn't think about how she would teach him. He didn't think about that she would probably need to be there with him, while he was in the shower or the bath, when he shaved. He just liked the idea of being smooth and sexy.

"Oh, and you'll love how hose feel on fresh shaved legs!" she added. "I've been shaving and wearing hose for over twenty years and I still get a little tingly when I'm freshly shaved and put a pair of nice hose on."

Kelly thought about how he felt when he put Madi's hose on last night. They felt so good on his legs! And his little dick stiffened and felt so good! He had fully intended to jack off wearing those hose, but the alcohol got in the way of that. He'd make sure that didn't happen today.

And it dawned on him that Aunt V was expecting that he would have some hose on sometime today!

"So do you want me to make you some breakfast before we start our fun day?" Aunt V asked him.

He shook his head. "No, I want to get started getting dressed up. And to be honest, after last night I'm not sure my stomach can handle a big breakfast. But if you need to eat, you go ahead and eat while I jump in the shower."

She shook her head. "My stomach is right there with yours," she laughed. "Besides, if I'm going to teach you to shave I need to be in there when you shower."

He looked up at her quickly. "You mean, like in the shower with me?" He both hoped that was exactly what she meant and at the same time hoped it wasn't. He hadn't been fully naked with a female since he was young. And he'd never been naked with a female who was also naked. He knew what his dick would do!

Aunt V laughed. "No, I don't think I'll need to be actually in the shower with you. But I will be in the bathroom when you shower, and I'll have to see you to help you. Are you going to be okay with that?"

Kelly blushed. "Um, well, I guess I'll have to, won't I? If I want to be fe... um, more feminine."

Aunt V nodded her head. "Yes, this will all be a lot easier if you're not modest with me. If it's just too much I can give you one of my swim suits. That will cover you and still give me access to your pits and legs."

"One piece or two piece?" he asked.

"Well, I've got both. But to do this it would be easier in one of my bikinis that I tan in when no one is around." She saw what she thought was a look of disappointment on his face. "But if you want later you can try on some of my one-piece suits."

Kelly smiled. "I might just take you up on that. But I think the bikini might be a good idea."

"That's fine," Aunt V said. "But you know you don't have anything I haven't seen before. In fact, you might be surprised to know how many of them I've seen," she giggled.

Kelly raised an eyebrow and looked at her. She laughed and said, "I'll tell you later. Over a glass of wine."

Aunt V grabbed his hand and led him to the big master bathroom. She handed him a razor and some shaving gel. "First you need to shave your face. I know you don't have much hair, but I want your face to be completely smooth when I put make-up on you."

She walked back in to the bedroom and came back with a tiny bikini. "I thought you might want the top, too," she said as she put them on the counter. "I'll give you some privacy while you change into it. Oh, and just put your pajamas on the bed. Just in case you want to put them back on later, or sleep in them tonight." She walked out of the bedroom and closed the door.

Kelly stripped down to put the bikini on. His hands trembled as he pulled the tiny bottoms up his legs. He tried to picture his sexy aunt out in the yard in this tiny garment. It was basically two triangles of soft fabric connected by a thin strip of the fabric between his legs, with two matching cords to tie on his hips to keep them in place. The top was also two tiny triangles of fabric with cords hanging off to tie it on. He looked at the small triangles. Aunt V didn't have really huge tits, but there was no way these two small pieces of material were going to cover them. He could imagine that they barely covered her nipples and left most of her boobs to get tanned.

He got the bikini on, then went to the bathroom to shave his face. He liked what he saw in the mirror. His hair still looked more feminine than usual, and now with the sexy bikini on he felt downright sexy. He felt his little cock stirring, and looked down and sighed. If he got hard it was going to be very noticeable!

He was just finishing with his face and wiping the excess gel off when Aunt V came back in. "Oh, don't you look cute!" she said when she saw him in the bikini. She was also wearing a bikini. It wasn't quite as small as the one Kelly was wearing, but it was a fairly small two-piece that left little of her body to the imagination. She saw Kelly looking at her armpit as she checked out his face to make sure he'd gotten all the hair off.

"Okay, don't judge me," she laughed. "I told you I don't always keep myself all smooth in the winter." She raised her arm to show him a half-inch growth of dark hair, then held her leg up to show him the dark stubble that was getting long enough to be soft instead of stubbly. "But I got to thinking that it would be easier for me to help you if I don't mind getting wet, too. I got this one from Madi's room."

He laughed with her. "I won't judge." He looked at the front of the suit Aunt V was wearing and thought how it would contain and hide his small dick even if it did get hard. And he knew it would if he kept looking at her hairy armpit. He didn't know why, but the sight of a sexy woman with body hair had always excited him, especially since most of the women in the magazines were now smooth all over.

He stepped into the shower and turned on the water.

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xDarkAngel0xDarkAngel0over 1 year ago

Every special girl should have an Aunt V. I hope this evolves as lovely as it has so far. luv Chloe

luvtodoitluvtodoitover 1 year ago

Sexy story! Thanks.

Joann69Joann69over 1 year ago

I love this so far. And I was taught by a girlfriend how by her having me shave her legs,yes it was intimate but

Comforting to be trusted in that manner

LudoNylonLudoNylonover 1 year ago

We need more! It's a great start. I appreciate the love and care of the Aunt and can't wait to have Maid join in on the transformation!

MeChelleCD66MeChelleCD66over 1 year ago

oh please go on, tell us more! my panties are barely containg me!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love this story so far it is very intriguing and caring to this point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I like how this is developing - I’m hard as Rick

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