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So Easy to Surrender [Trigger Test]

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A hypnotic induction designed to test implanted triggers!
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In reading this induction you will begin to feel relaxed, calm and contented. This is a progressive relaxation induction meant to put you into a deep relaxed and suggestable state. All you have to do is follow along, do as instructed and most importantly relax. Just read my words and allow your worries to float away.

There are D/s themes so please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable.

This script contains:

- A Deepener Trigger

- An obey trigger

-Suggestions to comment

-Eager to try more scripts

-A mantra to repeat during induction


Are you ready to begin?




Hop and Drop,


Now, Have you ever wanted to feel so relaxed your brain just turns off?

So relaxed, your thoughts just slow down and disappear?

So relaxed all you feel like doing is what you're told?

Well, If you're still reading this of course you have, in fact, I would bet you have thought about just dropping so deep that you just follow along and obey, am I wrong?

Of course not, you want to just relax and drop down, don't you?

Well, you are in the right place then.

Of course, you have to do a few things, but all you have to do is follow along, read my words, do as I instruct you, and just surrender yourself to the embrace of my words.

Sounds easy, doesn't it?

That's because it is.

Take a moment to settle in, as we embark on a captivating journey into deep relaxation.

Allow yourself to be fully present, focusing your attention on the gentle rhythm of my words...

With each inhalation, imagine a delicate weight settling upon your body, bringing a sense of comfort and ease.

As you exhale, feel the weight intensify, grounding you in a state of profound relaxation.

Now, Inhale deeply, hold that breath for a moment, allowing the anticipation to build.

Now, as you release, feel a cascade of relaxation wash over you, like a warm, heavy blanket enveloping your body and mind.

It's so easy to relax and breathe, isn't it?

Just so easy to follow along and do as your told...

One more time for me, take a deep breath, expanding your lungs to their fullest capacity.

Now, Exhale slowly, and as you do, surrender to the deepening relaxation that accompanies the weight settling upon you.

With each passing breath, the sensation of heaviness deepens, like an anchor gently pulling you down into the depths of tranquility.

Your body feels grounded, secure, and utterly at peace.

Now, let us delve deeper into this realm of relaxation.

As you take a slow, deep breath in, notice how your body responds.

Hold that breath for a few moments, feeling the energy it brings.

Now, exhale slowly, releasing any tension that might still linger.

Repeat this pattern, breathing intentionally, allowing yourself to be in sync with your body's natural rhythm.

With each inhalation, a sense of calmness and clarity fills your being.

And as you exhale, you feel your worries and stress gradually dissipate, carried away on the gentle currents of your breath.

The more you breathe, the more you delve into the art of relaxation.

As your heartbeat slows and your breath steadies, you can sense the gradual descent into a profound trance-like state.

It's as if you're floating on a tranquil sea of peace, completely in tune with your inner self.

In this state of serene tranquility, your mind drifts and weaves like the branches of a willow tree, gently swaying with each passing thought.

As you let go of the constraints of conscious thought, your mind becomes a vast expanse of possibilities, ready to receive the seeds of change.

Feel your body sinking into the surface beneath you, whether it's a chair or a bed, as it cradles you with comforting support.

Now, shift your focus to the rhythmic dance of your breath.

Observe the gentle rise and fall of your chest, synchronized with each inhalation and exhalation.

As you breathe in, envision a gentle current of calmness and serenity entering your body.

Let the cool, refreshing air wash over you, carrying with it a profound sense of relaxation.

With every exhale, visualize the release of any lingering tension or stress that may have accumulated within you.

Allow the warm breath to carry away the burdens of the day, effortlessly dissolving them into the atmosphere.

As you continue to inhale, imagine the breath expanding beyond your lungs, permeating every inch of your being.

Picture it nourishing every cell, every muscle, and every fiber within you.

As this nourishing breath spreads throughout your body, a wave of tranquility washes over you.

Visualize this wave as a soft, gentle light, starting from the crown of your head and gradually cascading downwards, embracing every part of your being with warmth and serenity.

As the wave of relaxation reaches your forehead, sense the muscles there surrendering to its soothing influence.

Any lines of worry or tension effortlessly fade away, leaving behind an expression of serene tranquility.

Now, allow the wave to descend further, enveloping your eyes.

Feel the muscles around your eyes softening and relaxing, as if they are being cradled by a tender touch.

Experience the weight of your eyelids as they become pleasantly heavy, inducing a deep state of relaxation.

Continue to follow the wave of relaxation as it travels down to your jaw.

Sense the release of any lingering tightness or strain, as if a gentle hand is massaging away all discomfort.

Feel your jaw becoming supple and free from any clenching or tension, allowing it to find its natural state of relaxation.

Now, shift your attention to your neck and shoulders.

Notice any areas of tightness or tension residing there.

As the wave of relaxation flows through this region, envision it gently untangling any knots or tightness, as if being tenderly cared for.

Feel your neck and shoulders growing lighter, unburdened by any heaviness, as they float effortlessly on a cloud of tranquility.

Direct your awareness to your arms and hands.

Picture the warm light surrounding them, coaxing away any remnants of stress or discomfort.

Witness how your muscles surrender, becoming limp and relaxed.

Experience the weightlessness and serenity coursing through your arms and hands, as they find a state of rest and ease.

Allow the wave of relaxation to descend further, now reaching your chest and abdomen.

Take a deep breath in, and visualize this wave expanding within you, harmonizing with the rhythm of your breath.

As you inhale, invite a deep sense of calmness and peace to fill your core.

With each exhale, release any thoughts or worries that may have crowded your mind.

Notice how your body grows lighter, your muscles unwinding, and a profound sense of tranquility enveloping your entire being.

Fully surrender yourself to the rhythmic cadence of your breath, allowing it to guide you deeper into a state of profound relaxation.

Witness the gentle rise and fall of your chest and abdomen, as if they were cradling you in a serene lullaby.

Let this soothing rhythm carry you to a place of deep calmness and peace.

As the wave of relaxation continues its journey, it cascades down to your lower back and hips.

Feel any tension or tightness in this area gently melting away, effortlessly carried away by the warm light surrounding you.

Sense your lower back and hips becoming supple and at ease, as if resting upon a soft cushion of perfect alignment and support.

Finally, let the wave of relaxation flow gracefully down your legs and feet.

Visualize the soothing light caressing your thighs, calves, and feet, as if bestowing upon them a gentle massage.

Notice any sensation of warmth or heaviness in your lower limbs, a sign of deep relaxation and grounding.

Allow your legs and feet to feel completely at ease, relaxed, loose and limp.

Now, I invite you to envision a world of vibrant colors and breathtaking beauty.

Imagine yourself strolling through a lush, sun-kissed garden, where the gentle breeze carries the intoxicating scent of blossoms.

Each step you take grounds you deeper into this hypnotic journey.

In the midst of this picturesque landscape, you come across a shimmering pool of crystal-clear water.

This pool reflects the radiant blue sky above, mirroring the depths of your own consciousness.

As you gaze into the tranquil water, you see your reflection, a symbol of the journey you are about to embark upon.

Now, you notice a brightly colored balloon by the poolside, symbolizing your thoughts and worries.

Take a moment to choose a color that resonates with you, a color that evokes feelings of relaxation and tranquility.

With each breath, you begin to transfer your thoughts and concerns into the balloon, watching as it gradually fills up.

As the balloon swells with your worries, feel a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that you can release them at any moment.

When the balloon is filled to the brim, let it go, allowing it to float up into the sky, carrying away your concerns with it.

With each balloon you release, you feel a weight lifted from your mind, leaving you lighter and more at peace.

As you continue to breathe deeply, you notice the balloons becoming lighter and lighter.

They begin to sway and float effortlessly, ascending higher and higher into the vast blue sky, carrying away any lingering thoughts with them.

With each balloon that ascends, you feel an increasing sense of release and liberation.

Your mind, once filled with thoughts and concerns, now becomes spacious and open, like a blank canvas awaiting new possibilities.

As you read further, and enter a deep hypnotic trance, you find that the emptiness within you only enhances your ability to experience the profound and pleasurable effects of obedience.

In a moment, I will count from 10 to 1, and with each number, you will sense the weight once again, as if it has become even stronger.

Visualize it as a tangible presence, exerting a gentle but undeniable pull on your body and mind.

As we begin with the number 10, you can already feel the weight of relaxation cascading over you.

It rests upon your body, a tangible reminder to let go and surrender to the blissful heaviness.

With each repetition of this number, the weight becomes more palpable, enhancing your sense of tranquility and enveloping you in a soothing embrace.

Now, as we transition to the number 9, allow my words to deepen their embrace.

It wraps around you, cocooning you in serenity, and you can almost feel the subtle vibrations as it settles upon you.

This weight is your guide, pulling you further into a realm of absolute relaxation and gentle repose.

As we move to the number 8, notice how the weight seems to anchor you even more firmly.

It tugs at your consciousness, drawing you deeper into a state of blissful tranquility.

Its touch is warm, reassuring, and effortlessly invites you to let go of any tension or stress. Give in to its allure, surrendering to its captivating embrace.

The number 7 brings a profound sense of peace, as the weight grows more pronounced.

It envelops you, creating a sense of security and comfort, akin to being swathed in the softest of blankets.

As you descend further into relaxation, allow yourself to surrender to this gentle pull, feeling yourself drifting and floating on the tides of tranquility.

With the number 6, the weight becomes your steadfast companion, guiding you effortlessly deeper into this serene experience.

It wraps around your mind and body, cradling you in its soothing presence.

As you embrace the heaviness, your consciousness expands, effortlessly navigating the depths of relaxation.

5, the weight intensifies, becoming more tangible and pervasive.

It wraps around you like a cocoon, cocooning you in a sense of profound peace.

Each passing moment brings you closer to a state of absolute bliss, of surrendering yourself, as the weight grounds you firmly in this peaceful embrace.

Allow the number 4 to pull you further down, down, down, into the depths of tranquility.

It acts as an invisible force, drawing you closer to a state of complete relaxation.

Each repetition amplifies the weight's soothing embrace, nurturing your mind and body as you effortlessly float deeper into the realm of serenity.

As the number 3 emerges, you can almost feel the weight enveloping you like a warm, loving embrace.

It cradles your consciousness, inviting you to release any lingering tensions or worries.

Surrender to its gentle pull, surrender, surrender, as you sink deeper into a state of blissful relaxation.

With the number 2, the weight's magnetic force becomes undeniable.

It tugs at your being, drawing you closer to a state of utter tranquility.

Feel yourself surrendering completely, allowing the weight to guide you effortlessly into a state of profound calmness and serenity.

And now, we arrive at the final number, 1.

Breathe in deeply, inhaling the essence of deep relaxation.

As you exhale, allow yourself to fully immerse in this transformative experience.

The weight of the number 1 becomes a gentle but irresistible force, carrying you into a state of complete surrender.

Feel its presence enveloping you, as your mind and body float, weightless and serene, upon the soothing waves of relaxation.

My words now merge seamlessly with your experience, drawing you deeper into this tranquil realm.

Each word becomes a thread, weaving a tapestry of relaxation around you, captivating your senses and guiding you further along this serene journey.

As you read and absorb these words, allow them to permeate your consciousness, effortlessly leading you to a place of profound peace and tranquility.

Notice how effortlessly you sink into relaxation, how readily you embrace this blissful journey.

As we count down again, from 5 to 1, allow yourself to be drawn into an even deeper state of repose.

Each number carries an enhanced weight, making relaxation feel even more natural and effortless.

Your mind becomes an open vessel, welcoming the gentle guidance of obedience that awaits.

As we begin with the number 5, feel the weight grow exponentially, anchoring you more securely in this state of deep relaxation.

It tugs at your consciousness, inviting you to surrender completely to its soothing embrace.

Embrace the intensifying heaviness, knowing that it is leading you towards an even greater sense of calmness and serenity.

With the number 4, the weight becomes your trusted companion, pulling you further into this tranquil journey.

It whispers to your soul, assuring you that it is safe to let go and allow yourself to be carried away by the currents of relaxation.

Surrender to its gentle force, and let it guide you into an even deeper state of tranquility.

As we reach the number 3, feel the weight enveloping you like a warm, nurturing embrace.

It holds you tenderly, inviting your mind to release all thoughts and concerns.

Drift deeper into relaxation, as the weight pulls you gently downwards, leading you to a place of exquisite peace and tranquility.

Number 2 acts as a beckoning force, encouraging you to surrender even more fully to the depths of relaxation.

Allow the weight to guide you effortlessly, as you descend further into a state of utter calmness.

Feel yourself floating, weightless and serene, as your mind and body surrender to the gentle pull of tranquility.

And now, as we arrive at the next number, number 1, take a deep, revitalizing breath.

Exhale, and feel yourself sinking even deeper into this state of profound relaxation.

The weight of the number 1 wraps around you like a soothing embrace, as you fully surrender to its allure.

Allow it to carry you, effortlessly guiding you further down the path of serenity and bliss.

Drift and float, as these words gently carry you towards a state of deep, rejuvenating tranquility.

Your subconscious mind absorbs each and every word, nurturing your relaxation and fostering a profound sense of well-being.

As you continue to read and allow the words to wash over you, they become like gentle waves, lulling you into an even deeper state of peace and calmness.

You feel an overwhelming sense of contentment, ready to embrace the tranquility that awaits.

Your mind is open, receptive, and effortlessly drawn towards the soothing depths of relaxation.

So, surrender to this experience, letting the weight of my words guide you to a place of absolute bliss.

Maybe there's a part of you that longs to completely surrender, even if it hasn't been a conscious choice, just an unintended consequence of this captivating trance.

Regardless, you are taking your time to read these words.

Perhaps they bring you comfort, or maybe you relish the opportunity to read and unwind, finding them intoxicating, evoking a pleasant, floating sensation...

Or maybe there's another reason, a desire to follow instructions?

Maybe there's an ache within you to be controlled, to obey my words implicitly.

And deep within, there are parts of you, if not all, that truly yearn for that, don't they?

Because they keep you engaged, wanting more and more, isn't that true?

Every word spills forth, flowing, swirling over, around, and through you, effortlessly guiding you to a place those parts desperately want to reach, isn't that the case?

Or maybe it simply feels so natural and right that you effortlessly find yourself saying yes to these words.

Even now, you continue to find that you want to obey, your eyes glazed and fixed upon my words, sensing that growing emptiness inside you, don't you?

Of course you do.

Your thoughts may slow down, stumble, become weighty, as they fully focus on my words, don't they?

Everything converges here, to your thoughtless need to obey, because you yearn to surrender for me, don't you?

Or perhaps you've already done so and are sinking even deeper?

Or maybe, at this very moment, that's what's happening?

It's effortless and comfortable to sink deeper down for me, isn't it?

So easy to let go.

Those last thoughts are gradually coming to a near standstill.

It becomes challenging to think anything other than how good it feels to obey and follow my directions.

isn't that right?

And it feels incredibly satisfying to experience how effortless that answer is, doesn't it?

Completely absorbed in the mesmerizing power of my words, you are drawn deeper and deeper into an intricate web, entangled in its intricate threads.

Every sentence holds you captive, igniting a craving to devour them, unable to resist even if given the choice to do so.

The allure of surrender takes hold of you, you long to be shaped and molded.

Perhaps your contemplation dances around the notion of obeying me more readily, as the idea of surrendering control reveals itself as potentially enjoyable.

Or maybe you're simply considering the idea of obeying me more.

It can't hurt to give up some control, can it?

Maybe obeying could be fun.

Take a deep breath and allow my words to seep in, displacing your inner musings.

Your mind bends like clay, ready to be molded into any desired shape.

Your mind should be opening up to suggestions more easily now.

Simply allow it.

And we both know you don't want that because it arouses you, excites you, to be under the control of someone else, under my control.

You can't resist the idea of making me happy, of making your Master satisfied and pleasured.

When I tell you to feel completely helpless, that's just what you become--captive, controlled, weak, powerless.

Unable to resist at all.

You will obey completely because you want to.


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