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Splinter of Mind's Eye


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Lynn left her mother in the kitchen to stew while she went out to the car where her husband sat in the car with the weight of the world on his shoulders. She got into the passenger seat and quietly grabbed his hand and held it as tight as she could. She put her head on his shoulders. She should be mad at him, however she loved him more than life itself.

"You need to hold it together, for our children." She stated in his mind. "Our children need their father. We will figure a way through this."

They just sat there holding each other, without a word.

Lynn's mother came to George's side of the car. She began beating on the window. You get out here you piece of shit. You're going to explain to me how you could do something so stupid.

Little Georgie sat at the window looking through the blinds. "What are they doing?" asked Cathy Lynn's younger sister.

"It looks like they are just sitting there. Grandma is yelling and beating on the window." exclaimed Georgie.

"Are they going to be, okay?" questioned little Lynn.

Cathy just held her tightly trying to console little Lynn.

For a few days everyone that was aware of the contract began to think that maybe it was perhaps a gigantic ruse portrayed by a very clever man, however, on day 5 when George logged into his online bank account, he saw that there was a 30 followed by a whole lot of zeroes. It looked like somehow it was always there. It was at this point that Lynn passed out in the kitchen causing her mother to scream.

After George had gently picked his wife off of the floor and laid her on the couch, in the living room, he called his mother-in-law, who wasn't really talking to him anymore, over to show her what he discovered with his bank account. She didn't even question how or why his wife knew, without being told. She just began to beat the crap out of him, while yelling and screaming at him.

After Lynn had woken up, Lynn asked her mother to look after the children while George and Lynn went back. She didn't want the last thing that she saw, in her mind, to be the looks of her children as she was to being taken away.

The last thing that Lynn's mother yelled at George was that she would always hate him forever and that she would never forgive him for what he had done. George didn't even respond to her as he slowly got in the car to wait for his wife. What could he say? He agreed with her. He simply wanted to die.

The whole way back to their abandoned home George and Lynn held each other tightly, their world was shattered beyond repair what could they do? They had spent days praying for God to save them from this. The only thing that kept popping into their minds was the story of Job as if this was anything like that.

George and Lynn quietly arrived at their home exhausted and emotionally spent. They crawled through the front door and just collapsed onto their broken and tattered couch. They had an hour until the appointed time.

Almost immediately, there was a hard knock on the door. Where did the time go?

George and Lynn reluctantly answered the door.

"Good morning campers." Bill said with a all the delight he could muster.

"I am glad that you didn't try and do something stupid like trying to run away.

"Isn't there anything that I can do to undo this?" George pleaded.

Bill laughed. "Nope, you'll get your wife back after 30 years, hem provided that you have 45 million to give me or else she is mine for eternity.

"Georgie, I am not a complete ogre. I have a gift for you." He motioned to a woman, the brunette that was at the bar, the one that had rubbed George through his pants.

"Her husband made more than enough to satisfy her freedom, unfortunately, he didn't live long enough to get her back." He said without emotion. "Georgie, meet Carmen."

Carmen stared at George as if he was a delectable steak.

Bill moved his hands in some kind of strange ritualistic pattern and then yelled as he touched the woman's forehead. "LIBERTAS."

Almost immediately, Carmen's eyes became pitch black and then began to fade gradually as if the evil hidden within her began to empty.

"Yea, I would keep her, however that would be breaking the rules." Indicated a dejected Bill.

Carmen almost fell to the ground as it appeared a great weight was lifted from her.

Lynn guided her to the beat-up couch in their living room. Lynn indicated, by thought, that George should take care of her until any of her living family members could be located.

She then took a deep breath and returned to the entry way where Bill and George waited for her.

Bill smiled and waved his hands in strange patterns causing dark evil angry clouds high in the sky to form directly above Lynn. Causing the sky to be so dark that the sun was blocked out. And then with both hands he touched both sides of Lynn's head while shouting. "TUUM MEUM."

George looked on, frozen with fear.

Lynn's head jerked back so that it appeared that she was looking straight up into the sky. Her eyes rolled back into her head so that all anyone could see was the whites of her eyes. The dark clouds descended on Lynn seeping into her through her mouth, eyes, and nose. The sky brightened once again, once all of the evilness had entered her.

She tilted her head back to a normal stance and her eyes were filled with blackness. The fear that she had on her face was replaced by an evil smile. She looked at George as if he wasn't even there. She seemed unbelievably powerful, and George was now just an ant for her to step on.

George reached out with his mind. "Lynn are we still together?"

Lynn's eyes reverted back to their normal color. She smiled, although it didn't seem to be a loving smile. She reached up and caressed the side of George's face and kissed him on the lips. George could sense her thoughts. He wasn't sure, however it still felt like she still loved him, although it seemed perverted, it was changed.

"George." She said in his head. "I still love you, however I don't belong to you anymore. You will need to figure out how to move on."

"George, we have a unique problem." Bill said with seriousness in his voice.

"You have a unique connection to your wife that I have never encountered before. Other than being her soulmate you have kind of symbiote like relationship. So, I am going to make an additional offer to ensure that you don't do anything stupid, like trying to locate her and to try and get her back." Bill paused for effect.

"I am going to let you see her for exactly one day each year of our contract. In exchange you will not try to find us. Let's just put it this way there are forces out there that have set this whole thing up and if I were to kill you, it wouldn't just be bad for you and your wife, it would also be incredibly bad for me."

George was lost in a fog.

"George, are you hearing me? I am going to let you see your wife once a year."

George's eyes focused for a moment with great sadness and then with tears in his eyes he nodded as though he understood.

"Good, good." Bill smiled as if that made all the difference in the world.

Bill put his arm around Lynn and then closed his eyes. "Transportari." He spoke with confidence.

Lynn and Bill disappeared in a puff of smoke.

George stood staring into nothingness. In the distance a certain mansion disappeared as if it was never there.

George could hear Bill's orders to his wife, from who knows where, directing her to suck his cock. He could see her without thought or hesitation get down on her knees and do just that.

George's cock hardened. How could that be? He hated, with every fiber of his being, what Bill was doing to her. It was then that he realized that it was because his wife loved what she was doing and that he was still connected.

George fell to his knees crying and pounding the ground.

2 Years later...

George, Carmon, Rebecca and Ruth were enjoying each other's company. They had been at it for over 4 hours. George couldn't even remember how many orgasms that he had had. He was pounding away at Carmon's arse as he finally came. This time took way longer than previously. He was worried whether or not he could actually cum, in fact, his dick was so sore, and the pain was starting to distract from any pleasure that he might have been receiving.

As soon as his cock deflated, he popped out of Carmon's arse and laid on his side trying to catch his breath.

"Hey Carmon, does Ruth and Rebecca look familiar?" he sneered.

Carmon looked over at the two women that looked like splitting images of each other. They were obviously twins. Both brunettes with the same sized breasts. Upon closer inspection they had similarities that closely resembled some of her own features.

"I can't say with any certainty. Although I have a feeling that I might be related to them in some way." She exclaimed.

George smiled as if he knew something that she didn't. "I know that you indicated that you didn't want me to help you find your daughters. I simply couldn't help myself." He laughed.

"Oh my God! We have been having sex with my daughters for the last month?" Carmon screamed.

"I know that you indicated that they were only 5 years old when you had left. I have actually known where they were for about a year and a half. I just hadn't perfected a certain ritual until about a month ago. It is also why we moved here. They both live very close together." he said proudly.

"Both of your girls are married, and each have children." George smiled.

"Girls, who do you love?" George asked Ruth and Rebecca.

"We love you and our husbands. Although we belong to you." They giggled together.

George smiled and turned to face Carmon. "You all belong to me and as long as you guys please me, I will take care of you ladies. A thrill went down his spine when he expressed that. It was a deep feeling from Lynn, his wife, that he was still connected to, that he felt.

Everything that he did or planned to do was with her assistance and input, and they were together in everything.

Even though she was not directly part of his life, she always would be through his and her thoughts.

Carmon began to think about all of the times that the four of them had intercourse. About how many times she and her daughters had pleased each other without George even being around. She should be very angry, she wasn't. The only thing that she was angry about was that her daughters had children and she still hadn't had a chance to meet them or be a part of their lives.

"Okay ladies, I need to take a shower and then get to work. Today is a very big day. I have a new girl to interview." He beamed. "You guys continue to acquaint yourselves with each other. I will see you at lunchtime.

A young girl sat looking nervously around. A beautiful girl dressed in conservative professional attire. Her appointment was supposed to be at 8 AM, it was now 10 AM. She walked over to the front desk where the information receptionist was diligently typing a way at her keyboard.

"Excuse me ma'am." The young girl squeaked out.

"I was supposed to see a George Bender at 8 AM, its now 10 AM." The girl squeaked out barely audible.

A slight buzzing sound could be heard coming from somewhere under her desk.

The receptionist was obviously irritated with the interruption. "Listen, you have an appointment with George, our CEO, you will go over there, sit-down, and be patient. He will get to you when he gets to you."

She reached under her hand under her desk where she began to move her vibrator in and out of her pussy.

The receptionist's phone began to ring.

"Umm Hello, Argh! Okay I will let her know." The receptionist smiled with her eyes half open.

"Excuse me Cindy, he will see you now." She directed towards the young girl.

"My name is Sally." She mumbled.

"Whatever, take the elevator to the top floor and they will assist you when you get there. They are waiting for you so don't dilly dally." The receptionist indicated as though she was too busy to be of more assistance.

Sally made her way into the elevator and was gone.

The receptionist had watched the young girl walk to the elevator and get in. She fingered herself under the desk remembering back to her first time meeting the boss and the fun times that she knew that he would be having with Sally. She thought to herself that she would have Sally answering to whatever name she wanted to call her and then she smiled to herself with all of her wonderful nasty little thoughts. "Oh yes." As another small little orgasm swept through her body.

Another reception desk awaited Sally as soon as she exited the elevator. A placard on the desk read Bonnie Garfield Executive assistant.

Bonnie, a very voluptuous woman, got up and walked around the desk and gave a very warm unprofessional hug to Sally. She kissed her on the lips trying to force her tongue into Sally's mouth and felt up her arse as she continued to hug the young girl. It took Sally a moment to get a hold of her senses and pull away.

"Please sit over there. George will be ready for you in a moment." She motioned Sally towards seats and couches in a small lobby.

Bonnie took a folder off of her desk and then sashayed over to a door located behind her desk. She overtly swayed her hips from side to side in a very seductive manner knowing full well Sally was staring at it.

Bonnie was in the other room for no more than a couple of minutes when she returned.

She smiled at Sally, seductively. "George is ready to see you now."

Sally was flushed by Bonnie's attitude. She didn't know how she should feel, however something about the situation had gotten to her. She got up and timidly walked over to the door being held open by Bonnie. Her pussy was dripping. Why did she enjoy being felt up by this stranger?

George smiled and stood up to greet the young woman as she entered the room. He reached out to shake her hand and then directed her to take the seat in front of his desk.

"Would you like something to drink?" George asked trying to set the young woman at ease.

Remembering advice that she had heard from somewhere she timidly stated. "I'll take a water, please."

George pressed a button on his intercom. "Bonnie, can you bring miss Smithers a bottle of water, please?"

A moment later the door opened, and Bonnie came in with a bottle of water. She handed the bottle to Sally and then lightly pinched her cheek. "You are so scrumptious. I can't wait to get a taste of you."

Sally was stunned. She sat frozen in her seat not knowing how to respond.

George saw Sally's reaction. "Don't worry about her. She is harmless." He said that trying to get her to relax.

"Okay so you have an MBA from Northwestern." George said as he was reviewing the woman's resume. "Very good university for business." Sally nodded.

"I see that you don't have much experience other than a couple of intern positions. You seem very shy and insecure. I can see by the way you dam near crumbled when Bonnie was playing with you, that you have a serious confidence problem." Sally was trying to figure out something clever to say.

"You're right I am a little insecure about myself. What I lack in confidence, I make up with enthusiasm." She stated.

"I believe you." George smiled. "At least I know that you will." George indicated as though he knew something that she didn't know.

"I don't see much in your resume about your personal life. Do you have a boyfriend or husband?" George said with a bit of curiosity.

Sally smiled. "I am engaged to be married in about 3 months. Tom is my rock. I can't wait until he is part of my life." As she showed off the cute little engagement ring.

George continued to smile. "I see that you are deeply religious. Baptist, eh? I suppose that you are also still a virgin as well."

Sally frowned. "Yea I am a Baptist. Independent Baptist, at that, and I don't see how whether I have had sex or not is of any importance for me getting this job or not." she stated, getting louder than she felt she should have.

She began to get up from her chair to leave. "In fact, I don't think that I am who you need to fill your position."

"I'm sorry to offend you, it is just I am trying to gage the level of your commitment to your faith. Knowing that might help me to understand you better. It will give me a sense of how that might be applicable to your job here." George lied.

Sally calmed down a little. She was very proud of the fact that she was waiting until marriage to have sex. "I am actually a virgin. I feel it is the most important thing that I have to give to my soon to be husband."

"Good, good." George smiled thinking about how he was going to enjoy breaking her in.

"Okay so I have a contract sitting here in front of me. I want you to look it over carefully and sign."

Sally carefully began to read over the contract. She looked up at George. He seemed distracted, like something was going on under his desk. She could hear slight bumps. She could also swear she had just heard a moan as well. She continued to read the contract pretending that she hadn't heard anything.

"You're going to give me a $10,000 sign on bonus after a physical inspection? What does that mean?" She inquired.

"Not a big deal. We'll cross that bridge in a moment." George deflected.

"What is this non-discloser agreement all about." She inquired.

"It is standard with all of our contracts. You will not be allowed to share anything that happens, while you work here and after you leave, with anyone outside the company." George added.

Finally, Sally smiled and signed or initialed every place that required something.

"Good, good. Welcome aboard." George stood up and reached out his hand to shake Sally's hand. His zipper was unzipped, and his 12-inch hardened penis was sticking straight out.

Sally was beginning to freak out.

"Sorry about that. I forgot all about that little guy." George reach down and shoved his massive hard-on back in his pants and then proceeded to quickly zip up his pants.

While Sally was trying to get out of her head the image of George's large penis she had just seen out of her head, George was calling Bonnie in.

After George had called Bonnie in, he reached under his desk and pulled a young blond-haired woman out by her hand. "This is another one of my assistants, she works in our HR department...Joy. She will be showing you to where your office is located once, we are done here." He smiled.

Joy still had some drool dripping down the sides of her cheeks.

Joy went to Sally's left side while Bonnie went to Sally's right side.

"Please prepare Sally for her physical inspection." Stated George.

Bonnie and Joy began stripping a stunned young girl.

"It will all make sense in a moment. I assure you." Informed George.

George waited until she was naked and then came out from around his desk to inspect her. Both women held on to her tightly not allowing her to escape as George walked around inspecting her.

"Sally it is very important for all my female staff to present a certain image. I found out, early on, that having sexy women being the first thing that people see, makes for a very good first impression for our company." He said as he continued to ogle her.

"Lynn, do you like what you see?" George sent unspoken thoughts to his wife.

His cock twitched as if it had a mind of its own. Apparently, his wife approved.

He made a note to himself that he would make sure that Lynn would feel all of the pleasure that this new girl felt when he was to pleasure her pussy.

George tweaked the young woman's nipples. "I will have to do something with these cute little bee stings." George was referring to the young woman's non-existent breasts.

George grasped her jungle hair covered pussy. It was dripping wet even though he hadn't done anything with her...yet. "Ooh so wet. You must be fantasizing about the wonderful things we are going to do to each other once you begin working for me. You will need to shave this off first though." Stated George as he pulled her pussy hair. He stroked her pussy until a slight moan escaped her.

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