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Splinter of Mind's Eye


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"Georgie my real business is making dreams come true. I know that you have been struggling to make ends meet. My next proposal will set you up for life. You will never have to work again in your life unless you want to." Bill stated vaguely.

George began to worry. He had suddenly felt disconnected from his wife, something he hadn't felt in years. He felt naked. "Yea I think I know what you're thinking. Nothing that comes easy is worth having or maybe that I might want you to do something illegal. I assure you it is nothing like that." Bill stated.

"This is a trade, if you will. I will give you something that you desire or need very much in exchange for something that has no monetary value." George once again began to worry.

Bill laughed Again. "No Georgie, I don't want your soul. If that was what you were thinking."

It wasn't what he was thinking, however he was trying to smile back anyway.

While Bill was reaching into his case, he spoke. "I want you to imagine, if you will, how much money you think that you would need to never have to work again and take care of your family for the rest of your life."

Bill plopped a large contract in front of George. It looked to be about 20 plus pages. The front page had a bunch of figures. It was easy to see, though. Bill intended to give George 30 million dollars. While George was looking over the documents Bill motioned for two of his ladies to come over to the love seat that George was sitting on. They began rubbing his arms and shoulders and then finally his groin.

George was seriously trying to concentrate on what he was reading. "Where does it say what you want from me?" George inquired.

Bill smiled. "Right here." As he pointed out a paragraph that basically stated what he had said earlier.

Bill could see in his eyes that George was down with everything. The ladies were succeeding in their efforts to distract him. Bill handed George a pen and soon had George initialing and signing on each page as he explained what the mumbo jumbo all supposedly meant.

Meanwhile, the ladies had succeeded they got poor George into the same state he was in the night before. Another woman brought in several glasses of champagne. The glasses were filled, and Bill held up his glass. "A toast! To our awesome future together." Everyone toasted and took the appropriate swigs.

"I think that my wife needs to be here. She should be here to celebrate with me." George exclaimed when he realized that he had just done something that he should have consulted with her first on.

"Oh my god. You're right." exclaimed Bill. He nodded to one of his ladies who promptly disappeared to go fetch George's wife.

Everyone was sitting down enjoying the wine when Lynn walked in. Upon seeing her both men stood to acknowledge her. "Get her a glass of wine." Stated Bill.

"What are we celebrating?" Inquired Lynn.

Bill let George answer. "We are celebrating my biggest sale this year as well as our future business together. Can you believe that?"

"Wow! Good for you George." Lynn was happy for George. Another toast was made, and Lynn sat in a space that had opened up to the right of George. She was still trying to connect with him and very confused as to why she couldn't.

She put her hand in his lap and couldn't help but notice his rock-hard penis. She looked into his eyes and smiled. As she looked around the room the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

When her focus shifted to Bill, she couldn't help but notice his piercing eyes. They stared at her as if they could look into her very soul. "What have you done George." She thought briefly. She willed her look of fear to go away and be replaced with a supporting smile. George didn't seem to hear her.

Bill indicated to George and Lynn that his home was their home and to feel free to look around. He even apologized for all of the things that were covered up. After all he was looking out for their children. He did encourage them to be sure to look under the coverings if they were curious and then Bill left to deal with something else. After all a man's work is never done. George and Lynn's mental connections began again as soon as the left Bill's office.

The ladies gave George and Lynn some space as they explored the large mansion. They exchanged chuckles as they took looks under things. They even commented that they shouldn't be looking at this stuff. They couldn't help themselves and soon found they couldn't wait to see what was under the next blanket or covering. It was too late the visuals that they were seeing together had begun to open their eyes to some very nasty thoughts and they had become addicted to it.

The ladies that had been kind of holding back began to close the gap on them. George and Lynn hadn't even noticed they were caught up in it all.

One of the ladies spoke up startling Lynn who was looking under a blanket that showed a provocative statue of a man with a large cock slipping it into the pussy of very voluptuous naked woman. Lynn jumped as if she had been caught with her hand in a cookie jar. One of the ladies had touched Lynn's ass at about the same time.

"I am sorry that I frightened you. I just wanted to tell you that there are more art pieces to enjoy upstairs if you want to look." She smiled as innocently as she could.

"I think that we have seen enough. We probably need to get the kids and go. They have school tomorrow." The woman frowned when George said that. George was trying to convey what Lynn and himself knew was the correct course of action.

"I would be delighted to see what else might be upstairs." Lynn stated obviously aroused by the whole experience. "Besides honey we don't want to come off as prudes in front of these wonderful people." "Where did that come from?" Lynn thought to George.

George looked over at his wife. "What did you do to my wife." And then he laughed. This whole thing was certainly out of character for both of them. Lynn blushed.

"Lead on then." George gestured to the hostess.

None of the things were covered upstairs. They obviously didn't intend for the kids to be going up there. Pictures and statues became more and more provocative, really pushing the envelope. Women that they had seen earlier for dinner were walking around with hardly anything on. As they would stop and look at each artwork a woman on either side of them was feeling them up. One touching Lynn and one touching George. George looked over at his wife to see if she saw what the woman was doing to him. Lynn wasn't even looking at the massive painting of a large orgy. She had her eyes closed as it was obvious that she was being felt up by the sexy blond on her left and she was enjoying every moment of it. George looked to his right to see who had their hand in his pants. The same woman at the bar was working his member for all she was worth. George and Lynn were sharing very nasty thoughts and visions together as the two women worked them up. Let's just say it wasn't very Christ like.

George knew that he needed to do something this was getting out of hand. "I see something interesting up there on the right." Both women quickly removed their hands. George could swear that he could see a wet spot-on Lynn's white dress beginning to form.

George whispered into Lynn's ears. "I think that we need to wrap this up. I really need to do something with you ASAP." Lynn laughed. George didn't need to say anything, she felt the same way.

George was very surprised with Lynn's behavior. He had never, in a million years, expected her to act the way that she was. He wondered what had gotten into her. This is just not the way a church going lady acts.

Lynn ignored George's thoughts. "What are in these rooms? Can we look inside them?" Lynn inquired.

"Absolutely!" The blonde woman giggled.

The blond woman allowed Lynn to open the door as she reached her hand around Lynn's body to touch her breasts. The brunette fondling George earlier began to lick his neck and wormed one of her hands into the back of his pants and began to play with his anus.

Inside what waited for Lynn was a very large bedroom with more provocative art. In the center was a large four post bed with what looked like 2 men and 2 women getting it on. Lynn was frozen in place trying to get her mind around what she was seeing. The blond woman was now kissing and sucking Lynn's neck and she managed to work one of her hands into her panties again. Lynn was starting to get into what the blond woman was doing to her. Then without any warning. Lynn opened her eyes and screamed.

"This is all wrong. All of you guys are sick. Stop touching me you bitch." She yelled as she shoved the blonde lady to the ground.

"And get your hands off of my husband. Come on George we're leaving!" She slapped the brunette across her face.

George supported Lynn's sudden change. After all that was the God-fearing woman that he married.

Two very unhappy children were forced to leave.

"Excuse me, George." Said a brown hair woman, seemingly out of nowhere. "This is a copy of your signed contract. "Just wanted to make sure that you didn't leave without it.

George wanted to thank the woman, however he felt it better to remain as quiet as possible. Kind of hoping that none of the wrath spewing from his wife's mouth would be directed at him.

Lynn was very quiet. When George searched her mind, he saw a jumbo of thoughts. She was angry at herself for falling into the depravity that they were witnessing. How could they enjoy what they saw? Was this the kind of temptation that Jesus faced in the wilderness?

Lynn looked over at George with anger in her eyes. "I am going to put the kids to bed and then you and I are going to speak about this."

George could sense that even though Lynn was not happy with the events of the night, her vagina was very wet. He wondered if she was wet because of the attention, she was getting or was it that she sensed his hard penis with her mind.

About thirty minutes later. George was trying to will his penis to shrink. He had hung up his suit and had nothing on but his boxers. He listened to his wife dealing with the children. She didn't seem all that upset. He could feel in his mind that his wife was trying to formulate her thoughts about this night. Her mind, like his, was very much cluttered with mixed emotions.

She had finally arrived at their bedroom looking as sexy as ever.

"Who in the heck are these people?" Before he could answer. "And what the heck have you gotten us into?" She thought. "George, I lost connection with you for a short time. It really scared the crap out of me."

George was sitting on the side of the bed and carefully looked up at her. He studied her face. He was trying to determine how best to answer her.

He didn't need to answer her. They both thought and felt the same.

Lynn began to take off her clothes in front of her husband with the lights in the room on. Something that she just never does. She was carefully hanging up the clothes on hangers.

"I felt something dark and evil in that place. It was beginning to suck me, you, us into whatever it is." She stated not even noticing that she had taken off her bra and panties and dropped them to the floor. George continued to stare at his beautiful wife. He was pretty sure that her hands and body seemed to be disconnected from whatever her thoughts were conveying.

"Whatever deal you made with them we need to cancel immediately." She said as she pulled down George's boxers and pushed him back on the bed and began to suck him off.

George was pretty sure that she was not aware of what she was doing. Maybe it was his imagination, he also noticed that his penis seemed about four inches longer and a little bit wider. If he had to guess it had to be about 12 inches long and just shy of being about the size of a coke can in diameter.

Lynn sucked on his penis like life-time experienced whore.

"Argh! I will cancel everything in the morning." As he began to push into Lynn forcing his massive member into her wet mouth.

Lynn was moaning as she was gradually getting more and more of him into her. "Perhaps we need to, as a couple rededicate ourselves to God on Sunday. Oh yeeesss." She couldn't help acknowledging the pleasure that she was receiving while sucking his cock.

"Man, I like this Cock." She exclaimed like a switch had suddenly been switched on.

What were you thinking when that woman was feeling you up?" Thought George thinking it might be safe to ask.

"Hmm I was feeling so good. She really knew what she was doing with her hands. I simply couldn't get enough of those magical hands." She answered as if she was in some kind of a trance.

George was now actively playing with Lynn's nipples. He began to suck and bite one while gently tweaking the other one with his fingers. "Was it turning you on when you saw the other woman touching me?" Where in the world did that come from? George asked himself.

"Oh yes it was stirring things up in me that I never knew existed." Lynn answered without even realizing what she was thinking.

"Did you get any ideas concerning things that we might try from the tour of the mansion?" inquired George as he gently bit on one of Lynn's nipples.

"Hmm yes." Lynn answered dreamily.

George changed positions to where he was laying on his back. Lynn got on top of him a guided his rock-hard cock into her pussy. He gradually worked his new bigger sized organ into her hot wet cunt.

Once George had his cock all the way in her she began to really bounce on his penis getting it all the way into her cervix. He was doing his best to meet her on his up thrusts to hopefully intensify her pleasure.

"Ahhhyheeii!" Lynn screamed, obviously having one of her best orgasms ever. Lynn ground herself into two more even louder orgasms before getting off of him.

"Lynn, I want to try something. I want you to put my cock in your mouth and taste yourself." Lynn was in the zone she didn't even think about it. All those nasty images that they had seen were still bouncing around in her head. She grabbed his cock with both hands and began licking up and down the shaft of it and sucking on his balls one at a time. She began fingering herself at the same time while tasting her delicious self.

"I bet you love tasting yourself on me. Don't you?" George grunted out.

"Mmmmhmmm." Lynn moaned out as she had managed to get the head of it into her mouth.

George was amazed that Lynn continued to suck on his cock like a real experienced slut. Then he wondered where that thought had come from.

"That's it slut lick it like a lollipop and stick your tongue into my ass." George howled at Lynn.

It didn't even register that he had said that either. Lynn complied without even being offended. They were no longer making love. They were hard core fucking. They were getting more and more vocal with each other, and the sex was getting more and more depraved, and they didn't even realize they were doing it.

"I am cumming!" George yelled. Lynn had his dick about as far as she could get it down her throat.

She didn't even flinch in fact she mouth fucked him even harder.

"Argh!" George screamed as his first orgasm blasted down her throat.

Lynn was surprised to discover that she had swallowed it all. Right down her throat.

"OMG! I can't believe that I just did that. That was so awesome." She thought.

George was still very hard. He motioned for her to get back on the bed with her ass up in the air.

Even though George had cum his cock was still as hard as steel. George wasn't done with Lynn yet and she squealed with delight considering the possibilities.

George stuck his cock in Lynn's dripping wet cunt. "That's it George give me that wonderful cock of yours!"

George had other motives as he pulled his well pussy lubed cock out of her pussy and began to force it into her ass.

"Um...George...Ooooh...Aaah!" Lynn began to complain.

George managed to push in the full 12 inches of man meat. He held there long enough for her to get used to it as if he had done this many times before. Once she gave the go ahead, he began to saw in and out of her picking up speed. Lynn massaged her clit as George went to town. Soon Lynn was having another mind-blowing orgasm. It wasn't long until George felt the familiar build-up of his own orgasm building in his penis.

Massive spurt after massive spurt of cum flooded his wife's ass. He pulled out his still rock-hard cock, where his wife quickly spun around and cleaned off his dick with her mouth.

"What are we going to do with this bad boy?" She winked at him, holding his still massive erection in her hands.

She quickly laid down, on her back, still holding onto his penis and lined up his rock-hard member with her dripping pussy.

George drove it in with all the strength he had and began to pound away.

Hours later both Lynn and George awoke to a sex pungent smelling room. The bed that they had both passed out in was filled with cum and shit stains everywhere. George and Lynn were incredibly sore and couldn't for the life of them remember what they had done.

Images of the Paintings and sculptures filled their minds. Could they have reenacted what they saw. If so, why didn't they remember any of it?


George studied the contract that he had signed. The item without a price would be his wife. How in the hell did he not see that before he had signed the contract?

In George's mind he saw Lynn's thoughts. She was furious. "How could he be so stupid?"

According to the contract Bill would take possession of his wife in 6 days and there didn't seem to be any way for him to get out of the contract. "Oh wait! What is this that I see?" Lynn watched through George's eyes with hope.

"It says here that the contract is only valid if at least 3 acts of depravity have been committed by the signed. This might be our way out." George exclaimed.

George got in his car with contract in hand and sped off to confront Bill.

"Listen Bill, you tricky piece of work." Indicated George because he was not the type of person who used profanity. "This contract is no good we didn't commit to any acts of depravity."

Bill smiled like he obviously knew something that George didn't. He waved his hand in some ritualist gesture and said "Illustratio."

Suddenly the images of Lynn and Georges night of debauchery flooded into their heads. George fell to his knees. "Why did you do this to us? What did we ever do to you?"

Bill just smirked. "If I were you, I wouldn't waste any time. You have her for 6 days and then she is mine."

Lynn went to the school administrator and informed him that she wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. After that she gathered up her son and daughter from their classes she left without an explanation to anyone.

Lynn and George maxed out their credit cards driving over to Florida where Lynn's mother was. They wanted to spend whatever time that they had together surrounded by family.

George was still bringing in the suitcases from the car when he heard a loud scream coming from the kitchen. Everyone including the children went running to see what Lynn's mother was screaming about.

George was the only one that didn't go running in. He knew why. He calmly placed all of the baggage inside the front door and went back out to his car and just sat in the driver's seat with his head down.

Lynn could always feel everything that George felt and knew where his mind was. She felt his dark thoughts and knew already that he couldn't live without her. What could she tell him to get his mind off of things?

Lynn's mother questioned the validity of the contract, or course, and then she began to trash George and the fact that she had always hated him, which wasn't true. Where was George? She wanted to let him have it. "She wished Bob her late husband was around he would know what to do." she thought.

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