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Sprout Ch. 01

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A short guy is tormented by his roommate’s tall girlfriend.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 08/28/2021
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"Mackenzie, I'd like you to meet my roommate and best friend since childhood, Sprout," Greg announced in the entryway of our apartment. Then he turned to me, "Mackenzie and I have been dating the past few weeks."

The tall pretty blonde cocked her head slightly. Sensing a reaction to my name, Greg continued:

"His real name is Sidney, but he's always gone by Sprout -"

"Because he's such a small fry?" Mackenzie interrupted with a wry smile. She extended a hand, "Greg hasn't really mentioned you before. Nice to meet you...Sprout."

I took her outstretched hand and immediately noticed how large it was. Despite being 5'3" and scrawny, I'm accustomed to most women's hands being about my size. But Mackenzie wasn't most women. She was really tall, over six feet, only a bit shorter than Greg's 6'4". And she looked to be quite athletic, with square shoulders and svelte tan arms left exposed by a low-cut bright yellow tank top. Her boobs were at my eyelevel and I noticed the edge of a red lace bra showing beneath her armpit.

"Nice to meet you as well," I responded, miffed that Greg hadn't brought me up. With my hackles raised, I flashed a glance at my friend, then looked back to her, "Funny, Greg hasn't mentioned you either."

As we shook hands, her fingers clamped down hard and I couldn't help letting out a small yelp. I looked up and her lip seemed to curl in amusement. I quickly averted my gaze, trying not to let her see the grimace on my face, and noticed her tight jean skirt and long, shapely legs ending in sporty white sneakers.

Greg didn't seem to notice the awkward exchange, but I couldn't help thinking, was he embarrassed by me? Sure, we were an odd pairing, but it had never been an issue for him before.

"Mac is on the women's basketball team. We met at an athletic department dinner a few weeks ago," explained Greg, who was himself a starting tight end on the university's football team. "I know I haven't been around much this past month and you were probably curious. Sorry I didn't introduce you sooner."

Ha, I thought. I suspected something was going on when he skipped our last few Friday night Call of Duty sessions. Greg and I have always played video games together since we were kids. It annoyed me to learn he'd been secretly ditching out on me for a girl.

"It's not a big deal," I said as casually as I could, trying to conceal my irritation.

"You know, I didn't even think about the fact that you're both diehard gamers," Greg added cheerily.

"It's how Greg and I hit it off so fast," Mackenzie remarked. "We've been playing a lot of Call of Duty and Mortal Kombat together."

I could feel my cheeks flush. It was one thing for Greg to want a girlfriend - every guy has his needs - but oddly now it felt like he was cheating on me. Those had been our go-to games since winter break.

"Hey, I have an idea," Greg interjected, perhaps sensing my lament. "Why don't we all hang out and play games for a while? Mac, we don't need to be at Steve's party for a couple hours. We can order pizza and down a couple brewskis."

"Sure!" Mackenzie responded, then added with faux courtesy, "That is, assuming it's okay with your little friend?"

"It's fine," I answered curtly, doing my best to brush off her slight.

We settled down to play Call of Duty in split screen mode. I felt like the third wheel right away, with Mackenzie constantly talking and Greg laughing at everything she said. She had a lively sense of humor, albeit a bit lewd for my taste. I made it a point not to laugh.

I also noticed she was a really good player, which for some reason really pissed me off. I was careful not to compliment her.

When the pizza came, I was surprised to see it had pepperoni and green peppers. Greg knew I hated green peppers. He hadn't even bothered to ask.

"Sorry Sprout, Mac loves peppers," Greg said with a shrug. "Hopefully you can pick 'em off."

"Ha, just like my kid brother. He always used to pick off half the toppings," Mackenzie laughed, then added snarkily, "although he grew out of that a long time ago."

What a bitch, I thought. I couldn't believe she would come to my house and needle me like that. Didn't she know Greg and I are best friends? You'd think she would try harder to ingratiate herself.

As the evening wore on, I found I was drinking beer a little faster than I had planned, probably out of annoyance with Mackenzie. At barely over 100 pounds I always have to watch that I don't overdo it.

"Hey Sprout, maybe you should slow down a little, y'know?" Greg implored with a concerned look.

"Yeah, you look like kind of a lightweight, bud," Mackenzie giggled, then glanced down at my body, "Literally!"

"I can handle it!" I retorted, a little too emphatically.

Mackenzie rolled her eyes and Greg gave her an apologetic look, apparently more worried about the effect of my outburst on her than by the impact of her insults on me. I scowled, unexpectedly feeling alone and betrayed.

"Oops, look at the time. I think we should head to Steve's party," Greg exclaimed, clearly trying to sidestep the tension. "Do you wanna come, Sprout?"

"Yeah, you should totally come, Sprout," Mac encouraged, a little too sweetly. "That is, if you're up for it. I get how alcohol can be debilitating, especially for such a tiny little twig."

Her eyes flicked down to my crotch, and she laughed under her breath. I suddenly realized she was teasing me about getting off and insulting the supposed size of my manhood. In shock, I turned to look at Greg for support but was disappointed to see he was already at the door putting on his shoes.

"I'm gonna stick 'round here," I answered, surprised by the slur in my voice. "There's a few things I, um, need to catch up on."

To my horror, I hiccupped, and the stuck-up brat doubled over in delight, just managing to cover her mouth to avoid making noise.

"Suit yourself," Greg called out. "I'll probably be back late, so don't stay up."

"Yeah, don't stay up," Mackenzie mimicked with a quiet snort.

To my bewilderment, I could feel my penis suddenly getting hard. I quickly turned away to conceal the growing tent in my shorts. Then I stepped behind the kitchen counter and grabbed a roll of aluminum foil as Greg opened the door to leave.

"I'll clean up the leftover pizza," I said, trying to look busy and divert attention from my crotch.

"Yeah, best not leave a mess," Mackenzie said over her shoulder just before the door shut, and I could have sworn she winked.

My penis throbbed, extending to its full length, and my body suddenly flinched as the tip touched the side of a cabinet.

Why the hell was I hard? Sure, Mackenzie was attractive, but she was a total bitch and definitely not my type. If I had a type, that is. I had never really dated, although I'd had a couple drunk make-out encounters with short girls at parties.

I went to rip off a piece of foil and miscalculated, rubbing a finger along the serrated edge.

"Dammit!" I cried, sticking the bleeding finger in my mouth.

I walked over to the bathroom and opened the vanity to get a Band-Aid. As I closed it, I noticed myself in the mirror. Seeing my scrawny body usually didn't bother me, but I suddenly felt a bout of self-pity come on. I grabbed the edges of the sink and stared into my face. My eyes were a little bloodshot from drinking. I noticed my mottled hair that I should have had cut a few weeks ago.

My small shoulders sloped down, and for some reason I thought of how different they looked from Mackenzie's broad, muscular appearance. She stood so much straighter than me, like she had a stick up her butt. She had the ideal physique, just like Greg. And I was, well, a little wimp.

I looked down at my crotch and pulled down the waistband, exposing my penis, still partly erect. It was the one thing that seemed a bit out of proportion to my body. It was smaller than the ones in the pornos Greg had shown me. But it certainly wasn't a tiny little twig.

"Biiitch!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, surprising myself.

Only then did I fully realize how much she got under my skin. My lips pursed and my breath fumed. I really hated her. I hated the way she carried herself. I hated the way she teased me. I hated the way she had taken away Greg's attention and didn't seem to give a shit about how important our relationship was. I was unabashedly jealous and resentful.

Greg and I are obviously different physically and he plays a lot of sports. But in every other way we are similar. We have so much in common and know each other so well that we're practically symbiotic. I love Greg like a brother, and we would do anything for each other.

I stewed angrily in the bathroom: Who does this bitch think she is? What the hell does Greg see in her?

Eventually I calmed down and brushed my teeth. I was more tired than I realized, probably from the beer. So I walked down the hall to the first entrance, shut the door and flopped on my bed. I was out almost immediately.


I awoke with a start to the sound of laughing, that quickly got louder. There was a thud and a light metallic clink. Something scraped loudly along my bedroom door, then along the hallway wall.

The commotion continued down the hall and I heard Greg's bedroom door swing open and hit the wall between our rooms. Someone gave a loud "Shh!" and a woman giggled.

As I came to, I realized Greg and Mackenzie had arrived home together, obviously drunk. It struck me that he had never brought a girl to his bedroom like this. I thought about how much I hated Mackenzie and my anger from earlier returned.

I lay on my back seething, taking long breaths through my nose. The noise next door seemed to settle down to a constant murmur, intermingled by quiet laughs.

I turned to look at my alarm clock and it was after 2:00 AM. Opening my mouth to yawn, I noticed it was super dry after my beer-induced coma. I rolled up to sit on the edge of my bed and the room spun around. I needed water.

As I made to stand up, I had a brief wave of anxiety. I didn't want Greg and Mackenzie to hear me. Maybe I didn't want Greg to feel bad for waking me up? Or maybe I didn't want Mackenzie to think I was paying attention to whatever they were doing? I tried to convince myself that I really didn't care what was going on, I just needed a drink.

I quietly tiptoed to the door, turned the knob and opened it slowly to avoid a squeak. Then I stepped into the hall and stopped as my bare foot touched something. I looked down and by the gleam of the bathroom nightlight, I saw Mackenzie's yellow tank top lying on the floor.

I turned my head toward the living room and saw a number of items haphazardly strewn about: a couple sneakers, a t-shirt, and jeans with a belt. That must have been the clink, I thought.

Then I turned my head down the hall toward Greg's room: more sneakers, Mackenzie's jean skirt, socks, Greg's boxers...Mackenzie's red bra. My breath caught in my throat. Despite being 21 years old, I had never touched a woman's bra before.

Curiosity got the better of me and I crouched down to my hands and knees, then quietly crawled forward. Upon reaching the bra, I extended a hand and picked it up.

I was surprised how light and wispy the lace was. I put my hand in one of the cups and it dawned on me that Mackenzie's boob had just been in it. I felt around the inside and was taken with how large the cup was. I had barely noticed before, but now it hit home how big her breasts were. The cup would have easily fit a softball - with plenty of room to spare. I noticed my penis starting to tent my shorts.

I'm not sure why, but I raised the bra to my nose and smelled it. Tingles went down my spine. The scent of Mackenzie's perfume mixed with her sweat really turned me on for some reason, and my unit bobbed up and down in my pants. I immediately felt angry at myself for being aroused by that awful woman.

I tossed down the bra and made to turn back when my eye caught something else. I should have snuck back into my room then, but something compelled me to crawl forward. My suspicion was confirmed. Mackenzie's matching red panties.

I wanted so badly to touch them, but I was suddenly afraid. It felt like a violation. The bra was one thing, but this had just been covering her vagina, her most private of parts! I sat still, uncertain what to do. I could hear my heart beating loudly with excitement. My willy kept jerking over and over again, rubbing enticingly against my boxers. Needless to say, my virgin curiosity prevailed.

Tentatively, I reached forward and grabbed an edge between two fingers as if it were something dirty. Then I raised it up in front of my face for a better look. I couldn't really see much in the dim light, so I brought it closer. Then I smelled it. Rather, I smelled her.

I had never been near a woman's sexual organ before. It seemed like lightbulbs went off in my brain, like if I were smelling a rose for the first time, or tasting chocolate. I felt like my penis would explode right then and there!

I quickly brought it closer to my nose and accidentally touch it to my upper lip. I was shocked to feel it was all wet. I pulled it away in disgust, but the scent lingered, transferred to the skin below my nose. I wanted to hate it because it was Mackenzie, but I can't deny - I was blown away.

For some reason at that moment, my brain finally connected the dots: if all these clothes and underwear were out here, then they were totally naked in his room! Was Greg having intercourse right here in our apartment?

I turned my head to the side and almost gasped when I saw his door was halfway open. Light from a lava lamp in the corner cast an ethereal blue glow on the ceiling. The brightness changed and it seemed like the walls were moving as a chunk of heated wax floated up inside the lamp.

Just as my eyes adjusted to the light, I heard Greg moan in a soft voice:

"Oh my god, wow, that feels so fuckin' good...aaaah..."

I turned my head toward the sound and suddenly saw Mackenzie's round naked butt, only a few feet away from me. Our rooms weren't very big, and Greg's bed was just to the side of the open door. The tall blonde was on her knees straddling Greg's thighs with her big bulbous ass in the air. Her face was planted right in Greg's crotch!

I watched in astonishment as her head slowly moved up and down, making faint squishing sounds. Greg's arms and legs squirmed and twitched every time her head lowered. By the way he reacted, she seemed like a real expert at giving blowjobs. No wonder Greg put up with her!

I wished I could see her mouth at work, but her long blonde hair hung to the sides, blocking my view. After a minute, I watched her arms slide up his stomach and toward his chest. As her elbows passed her sides, I noticed her boobs flattened against his thighs. I thought excitedly of her bra and how big the cups were.

Without warning, she pinched his nipples and his whole body convulsed. If she weren't so big, he probably would have knocked her right off.

"Babe, I'm so close..." Greg whispered excitedly.

A moment later Mackenzie lifted her head and there was a loud popping sound. I jumped, almost hitting the door jamb. It was only then that I realized my shorts were down and that I had been slowly stroking my penis with Mackenzie's damp underwear. I jumped a second time, shocked that I could have done that without knowing. And only a few feet away from them!

I thought briefly about pulling my shorts up and rushing back to my room. But I was transfixed. I couldn't take my eyes away and my hand kept pumping.

"Nuh-uh," Mackenzie grunted, then she began crawling up his body. She stopped when her hips were even with his crotch, then she spoke in a husky voice, like a sexy jazz singer, "We're both getting off tonight. My pussy is so fucking hot. Are you ready for me to take you?"

"Yes," Greg whispered urgently.

"Tell me," Mackenzie ordered.

"I'm ready for you take me," Greg answered eagerly.

"Where do you want me to take you, Gregory?" she asked, her voice dripping with eroticism.

It sounded weird that she used his given name, but for some reason it turned me on even more and I stroked harder. She was so confident and in control. I had never seen a woman act like that before.

"Take me inside you," he responded frantically, then his voice climbed an octave, "I want my cock inside your hot pussy so bad!"

Just then, her hips shoved down powerfully on his crotch.

"Oh my god!" Greg cried.

I had to cover my mouth with my free hand to avoid shouting out with him. They were totally having sex!

"Shhh!" Mackenzie hissed, then she giggled quietly and began gyrating her butt.

She slid back and forth slowly across Greg's mid-section. His breathing got really heavy, then suddenly got quiet. I noticed she had leaned forward further and while I couldn't see their heads behind the door, I was pretty sure she was making out with him. I speculated that with all her experience she must also be a really good kisser.

My breathing got heavier as I watched her lithe body taking him, in her words. I loved how her giant boobies smashed forward and back on his chest each time she thrust forward. I wished I could see her nipples!

She suddenly stopped moving, then her hips raised and lowered slowly. Up and back down. I couldn't see behind her butt cheek, but from the squishing sounds I knew she was sliding from top to bottom on Greg's penis each time.

His body started to tremble, and his legs thrashed around. He raised his hips to push up into her and she quickly raised up with him, pausing in mid-air. He whimpered, sounding really desperate. In the dim light, I could barely discern Greg's thick penis, its tip hidden just out of view, probably still inside Mackenzie.

"Nn-mmm," she hummed, and I could hear a kiss breaking, then she spoke in a stern voice, "I'm the one taking you, remember?"

Just then, Mackenzie's body shot straight up, perpendicular to Greg's, quickly sliding down his pole and mashing his hips back into the mattress. She twisted slightly and I caught a glimpse of one whole breast in profile, including her nipple. My first real titty! I almost ejaculated on the spot.

Her hips began thumping hard into Greg, with short, forceful strokes. The mattress springs creaked, and the sound of slapping skin filled my ears. I inhaled a deep breath and realized the air was thick with the same scent I had whiffed in Mackenzie's panties. It dawned on me how wet her vagina must be that I could smell it across the room. My breathing became erratic.

I analyzed the movements of her body and noticed in awe how muscular it was, each thrust causing different ripples and bulges that weren't there when she stood still. Her posture was so straight and square, it seemed like the top half of her body wasn't moving, even when the bottom half bucked harder and harder into Greg.

I suddenly imagined my little body under her, my virgin penis inside her wet opening. My testicles began to tingle. I wanted her to take me!

"I-I can't h-hold it much l-longer, b-babe," Greg stammered.

Her hands reached down and frenziedly grabbed at his wrists, pulling them up.

"Squeeze my tits! Hard! Now!" she commanded, strangely ordering Greg around.

His long fingers groped and kneaded at her boobs. I pictured my small hands pawing at her giant mounds. I wanted her to tell me what to do.

All of a sudden, she threw her head back.

"Ah, AH, AHH..." her voice rose as she reached her climax.

"Aaah, fuuuck!" Greg shouted.

At that moment, my hand started to fill with warm sticky goo, and I swear to God I almost screamed out loud with them. But somehow, I managed to keep quiet, aside from my heavy breathing.


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