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Starfinder: The Jade Regent Pt. 03


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"Bwahaha! You have fallen for the oldest Ruse, Ameiko! That lying!" She paused. "It's not creative, but it's super old." She snickered slightly, moving to loom over Ami. "Now.. tell us the location of the crown jewels or Rakain won't ravage you!"

Xata's eye were yellow as she watched the scene playing out, her circuits glowing as she drove the music. Ami blinked. "Wait, did you say won't ravage me?" she asked, grinning slightly, clearly trying to remain calm. Sam just stayed quiet and enjoyed the show, and the music, as she sipped her beer.

"Pfft, I know your wicked ways, girl." Hana smirked playfully. "I know your tetrabytes of porn, don't think you can fool me."

"Terabytes?" Rakain whistled, his breath ruffling Ami's hair. "Impressive."

Ami blushed. "T-They're not terabytes!" She squeaked. "They're...I mean..." She stammered, biting her lip. "Fine! Ravage me!" She said, sticking out her chin - calling Hana and Rakian's bluff. "D-Do it!"

Xata's bow on the violin grew a touch more frantic.

Rakain took a deep breath. "As my Queen commands," he growled playfully. He pulled Ami tight against his front, nudging his hips a little against her rump. He wanted to so badly, but he still wasn't entirely sure if they were playing around or were moving on to something else entirely.

"Yattabytes then?" Hana smirked, dropping down, her face inches from Ami's face, "Are you suuuure you want to call down the thunder, dear? We've both seen how vesk fuck. And that's average vesk, we both know Rak is a cut above that." She purred wickedly. "And that's assuming I don't decide to avail myself of your beautiful little body as well.."

Xata introduced a subtle refrain to the music to echo Hana's words: "You know how Vesk fuck? You know how Vesk fuck?"

Nora manged to power down the last of her beer now that the scene was changing. Pushing herself up from her spot she quietly slid through the room to snag herself another beer. Ami's cheeks turned bright red. Her mouth opened as she pressed back against Rakain - as she felt him and more, felt the eyes of everyone else on her. She looked into Hana's eyes, then looked at Xata as the other android played the violin. She quivered, her body looking like a violin string drawn taut, taut, taut enough to snap...but more...her nipples looked hard enough to cut glass, thrusting through her thin cotton shirt. A faint musk filled Rakain and Hana's noses as they were close enough...

Ami whispered. "D-Do i-"


The door burst inwards with a gunshot sound and Bentha strode into the room - which suddenly cuased Ami to teleport out of Rakain's arms (or so it seemed to Rakain) and for Rakain's balls, already blue scaled, to become entirely blue.

"Motherfucking sons of bitches!" Bentha snarled, taking off her jacket and slinging it over the hook on the side of the entrance to the room. She paused, then looked at the party. "Sorry for interrupting" She said. "But..." She snarled, then shook her head, stomping over and picking up one of the last beers from the coolers, opening it with her teeth and starting to drink it down.

Rakain's hands immediately flew to his crotch as he bit off a loud curse, hoping that Bentha wouldn't notice the bulge in his pants. "Bentha hi hello how are you?" He asked, his voice strained in a way that only a young man with very blue balls could get.

"So.. good news then?" Hana asked, raising an eyebrow slightly at the irritated halfling woman. "Should we be getting more of those?"

Xata transitioned immediately into Suspense Music.

Nora ended up fumbling the can she was holding up into the air at Bentha's entrance. She yelped and juggled the drink for a full ten seconds before managing to catch it. Bentha took the bottle away from her face, frowning as she eyed Rakain, then looked at Hana. "Yes, it's great friends, who owned a ship?" She asked, shaking her head. "Yeah. They retired." She sighed. "They run a carnival now..."

Xata's music cut off abruptly. Sam's attention was on the halfling as she burst into the room, her hand already fishing for the oversized rifle in the collection of gear next to her beanbag, though on recognizing just who it was she relaxed and just chugged the rest of her drink.

"..okay, I don't want to come off too callous, but.. seems a bit of an extreme reaction. We just find someone else with a ship." Hana said, smiling. Xata nodded, holding her violin to her chest.

"That is unfortunate. Busking in exchange for travel is sub-optimal. Believe me, it's how I got here." she said. Bentha scowled and then turned to Hana.

"The reason why I'm pissed is because they didn't tell me that they didn't have a ship until having bilked me out of money for the dinner and show..." She rubbed her temples, looking irritated - and slightly flushed.

"So, what you're saying is we should all go over there and break their kneecaps?" Hana said playfully.

Bentha snorted. "Maybe..." she muttered.

Xata was uncertain. "Breaking kneecaps is physiologically problematic. Are there any other choice... errr, Mother Bentha?"

"Not unless you want to build a ship," Bentha said, frowning slightly.

"I can hold them at the right height for you if you'd rather slug them." Sam offered. "Or give them a little trouble with the guard." Sam added in a musing tone. Though it was quite clear Sam wasn't serious.

"You're supposed to call her mommy and flutter your eyelashes." Hana said to Xata, nodding seriously.

"Sign me up," Nora said as she cracked her beer open. "Would rather building something I know will hold up leaving atmo."

"Well, that's not a half bad idea." Sam said with a shrug. "How hard could it be?"

"Whatever we do it'll have to be tomorrow," Rakain said. "It's late, some of us are tipsy and...." Horny. "Flustered."

"I would rather slug them." Xata nodded seriously. "It seems more efficacious than fluttering of eyelashes. But I would rather not do either of those things."

" be fair we have a whole graveyard full of ships we could make use of if we want to build one. I mean.. I figure a good part of why no one else uses them is because of the dangers of the fire swamp," Hana pointed out, laying back on her bean bag.

Bentha snorted, quietly, then blinked. She looked at Nora. "You..." She paused, then looked at Hana. She nodded. "And..." She looked back to Nora. "Didn't you, like, fix up half the town?"

"A fire swamp sounds like no problem," Xata declared confidently. "What is it going to contain? Rodents of unusual size, or something? That seems vanishingly unlikely."

"If it wasn't a busted up HVAC line keeping a cooler cooling, it was damaged wiring, rusting walls, broken lights, buggy computers..." Nora started, counting things off one by one between sips of beer.

Bentha grinned. "Well, if you don't mind putting in the work..." She paused. "Didn't you drag home some power crystals?"

"Yup." Sam replied and lazily patted the sealed pack.

"So, I think it should look like a dragon, have three holodecks, and be made out of spun sugar. All my decrees are utterly sensible!" Hana thrust her arms into the air.

"I'll say we take your expertise when it actually is your area of expertise." Sam teased.

Bentha snorted. "Well...if you want to put in the work, go for it." SHe sighed. "Me? I'm going to sleep off that fucking horrible toyduk they drink in the carnival..." She started to walk away - heading up the stairs. The last thing they saw of her was the jiggling of her curvaceous buttocks as she went up the stairs - a sight that was on a perfect sight line for Nora to watch, if she didn't look away.

As she left, Ami bit her lip. "S-So, uh, we should,! Yes!" she nodded - studiously not looking at Hana, Rakain or Xata.

"You think there is someone here better equipped to bellow random madness than I?" Hana said to Sam, rearing up indignantly.

"Well, no, Hana. But when it comes to what a spaceship should have, I'd rather lean to listening to Nora. For you Hana, we should listen when it comes to lewd and pornographic art within the ship." Sam teased.

Xata cut off her performance and said:"Momentary pause. We are acquiring a space ship?"

Nora was starting to mumbled design basics to herself as Bentha left, very glad to have the view of that bouncing rear in front of her (even if it caused a momentary lapse of design). Xata's circuits glowed with excitement. She added: "Will it contain opportunities for Adventuring Companions to Bond while Fighting Evil? My cultural databases are crying out with wonder!"

Rakain nodded, his head still fuzzy from embarrassment, alcohol, and his own libido. "Imma need a lot of lewd pornography later..." the vesk muttered. Ami blushed, then leaned over to whisper in Rakain's ear.

"You could always ask Hana...apparently, she has Tian porn," she murmured.

"You got paid, so you can get a computer." Sam teased Rakain. "Or- I could relieve you later, get you laid instead." She flirted, her cheeks just a bit flushed from the alcohol.

"So. Much. Porn." Hana nodded sagely. "Did you know Tian regularly involved dragons in their porn?! Tian dragons and western ones too!" She said cheerfully.

Xata's eyes and circuits glowed bright purple. She launched into an entirely new song, her first composition. Its title was Tian Porn Spaceship! Ami gaped. "D...Dragon porn?" She asked. "'s a CGI or animated thing, right?" She asked, sounding baffled and stunned at the same time.

Sam looked over to Xata as she paid attention to the wonderful music once more. "Dear god we are a horrible influence."

"Okay now there's something I'd like to see," Rakain said. "Bet a dragon's got nothin' on a vesk."

"Nope! Actual dragons!" Hana said cheerfully, moving over to the big vid screen and turning it on, an image of a beautiful tian princess being mounted by a massive black dragon, laughing about how he was her property now. Ami flushed, bright red as she gaped at the screen - the massive red shaft of the dragon plunging into the sleek, hairless pussy of the Tian girl, whose fingers gripped onto the carpeting of the room that it was being filmed in. For some reason, Hana had picked a porno whose star was also slender and athletic and also had short black hair.

Though she did lack braces.

Sam had her back to the vid screen, so she had to lean all the way back in the chair and tilt her head back to watch the screen, albeit upside down. "That has to be animatronic, or a cyborg, right?"

Ami bit her lip - subtly looking from the screen to Rakain.

"Nope!" Hana grinned, "Trust me, I've gone over it more than a few times! That's totally a real dragon! Apparently the dragons were reluctant until they realized it meant boning hot Tian babes and basically being worshiped for it." She giggled.

Nora shifted to the TV as it was turned on, cheeks growing red at the scene. She downed the rest of her second beer in a matter of seconds before moving to snatch up a third, "Going to need this."

Rakain was entranced too. Seeing the smaller human underneath the powerful beast played to some primal fetish in his brain. He reached down to adjust himself, then caught Ami's look. He weighed his options, then slowly rubbed himself a bit through his pants.

Xata floated in a hint of lyrics over the music: "The dragons... weren't... reluctant...."

Ami blushed, hard, as the music for the porno started to compete with Xata's violin playing. She stammered. "" She paused, then shifted uncomfortably, then, slowly, her hand moved to her own thigh, resting there as she watched. "He just keeps going, doesn't he?" she laughed as the Tian moaned in...what sounded like a real orgasm.

Hana grinned wickedly, moving over behind Rakain, whispering in his ear, "Dooooo it.." She purred softly, "Don't worry, if Bentha comes down, I'm sure we can smooth it over.." She giggled, then smiled to Ami, "That was actually the biggest problem, the actresses tended to pass out."

As Nora walked back Sam hooked her arm around her hip and gave her a small nudge as an invite to sit with her. Though for a beanbag chair that would mean sitting on her.

"I could give you a hand with the design of the ship. I know a thing or two about security, breaching tight spaces and things of that nature." Sam said with a bashful smile.

Xata feathered her bow to accentuate the dragon's mighty orgasm on the porno.

"Accurate dialog," Nora teasingly remarked at Sam's words, looking down at the arm that hooked around her to get her attention. She felt her cheeks get a little darker before moving to settle herself down into Sam's lap while cracking her third beer open.

Rakain weighed his options. The music, the earlier bumping and grinding, the pornography, all were making him harder than he'd been in a long time. He made his decision, knowing he'd regret it in the morning if he did. He moved over to Ami and loomed in front of her, allowing her to be the one to make the choice to take the plunge. "He's not the only one that can go for a while..." he murmured, his voice husky.

Xata's violined skittered in excitement before returning to its rhythm.

Ami whimpered, then gulped. "I...R-R-Rakain...e-everyone else...they're..." She quivered like a leaf, her eyes wide, her body intensely aroused as she leaned slightly backwards against the bean bag. "I...I'm..." She blushed, even harder - if that were possible, her braces glinting. "I'm a v-virgin..."

"Soooo, here is where I remind you all that I record everything pretty much all the time.." Hana smiled, "So, you'll need to tell me if you don't want this all going up on the net." She said cheerfully, then smiled to Ami, "Doesn't really matter beyond technique, dear." She grinned wickedly at her.

Xata helpfully added into the music: "Virgin... she's a virgin.. I am also a virgin.. we are virgin..."

Ami glared at Xata. "N-Not helping!" She squeaked. "And n-no, no...t-this is for private collections. Ours. I mean, if...uh..." She trailed off.

"What Ami said. Personal collection, uh, please." Nora coughed, following her words with a number of beer gulps. Rakain reached out and put a hand on Ami's shoulder, kneading the muscle gently.

"I don't mind," he murmured. "If you want to."

Hana snickered, "Cool, I'll make us each a copy when I've edited it a bit." She said cheerfully.

Xata course-corrected to: "Vegan... she is vegan... I am not vegan but made an error... we are vegan..."

Rakain wanted nothing more than to pounce on Ami, tear her clothes off with his claws and ravish her right then and there. He held himself in check - she was his friend first. No matter how badly he wanted to bury his cock in her. Ami bit her lip, then gently placed her palm on Rakain's shoulder - feeling his tightness, his quivering. "S-So,"

Sam gave a gentle purr and then hooked her legs over Nora's thighs, pulled Nora's butt tight against Sam's groin as she shifted her position to have her face away from the rest of the group. "There, now they won't distract us from our work."

Though either of them could watch the show just by tilting their heads back, or by looking at it through a reflection.

Sam used a hand to snap up the small tablet off of her armor and brought it up for both of them to see and use as a tool in the design. Though, Sam's other hand wasn't shy at all as it rested on Nora's belly and drew teasing circles on her skin.

"Vegan... we are extemely vegan... we have never consumed the products of animal or mythic beasts in any context... except where necessary to complete a quest... completely vegan..." Xata sang, using her Ghost Sounds cantrip to set the music on a loop as she set down her violin.

The phrase 'animal or mythic beasts' echoed in Rakain's head and he made a snap decision. His fingers tightened on her shoulder and he pulled Ami close. He gave a firm nudge with his hips, letting her feel his need. His other hands slipped aorund her lower back, fingers splayed just above her waistline. "Do I what?" he growled, the sound low, primal, and utterly male. Ami squeaked, then blushed as she pressed against Rakain. Finally, she found her voice.

"F-Fuck me silly while Hana sits on my face and records the whole thing?" She whispered, her voice hot as her palms slipped along Rakian's neck, squeezing him as she hung off him - her body trembling.

Xata, watching, began to feel something tingling in her body. Nobody seemed to be watching. Except perhaps Nora. She pulled at her minimal clothing and touched a sigil to open the crotch of her Second Second as her Ghost Sounds cantrip played her last contribution on a loop.

Rakain's hand slid down and squeezed Ami's perky rump, his claws digging in and making her squeak softly. "I think that can be arranged, my queen," he purred. "If Hana's about it?" He looked over at the android.

Xata glanced shyly over at Nora and looked away again. But Nora seemed to be a bit distracted by Sam. Hana snickered, "Personally I prefer to be on my back when I'm eaten out. But assuming Ami doesn't mind doggy style we can have fun." She giggled, then bit her lip, "Shame I don't have one of those body-shifty potions though..."

Xata's hands began to slide over her body, touching one sigil after another, until her Second Skin was peeled back from her throat to her crotch, exposing acres of creamy brown skin. Ami bit her lip, then looked aside as she ground her palm against Rakain's palm. "U-Under the pillow of my bed..." She stammered. "I-In the attic room..." She bit her lip, hard, not meeting Hana's eyes.

Hana blinked, "Huh.. would not have expected that from you.." She giggled, then headed off to find Ami's secret sex potion. The heat rising in Xata's circuits was like nothing she'd experienced to this point. She looked down at her body, fascinated. Reached down to touch the flowery petal of her sex and then looked up to watch the trio as her "music" played blithely on. Xata found herself suckling on a fingertip for reasons she couldn't fathom. The sight in front of her seemed to echo inside her like a hymn in a cathedral.

"I-I use it to change my hair color!" Ami shouted after Hana, sounding guilty.

Hana came back, tossing her clothing to the side as she chugged the potion down and a cock grew from above her hairless sex, her cute blue titties bouncing around as the group saw that the red lines on her body covered over her entire body, the red, canine cock that thrust from her actually glowed the same neon red color. "Wrong potion, Ami dear. But nice try." She giggled, prancing around with no shame or hesitation, purring, "Better hurry up Rak or I'm getting dibs." She giggled, moving over to kiss Ami passionately on the lips.

"Not a chance," Rakain growled, stripping off his clothes with lightning speed. His scales were mottled yellow and black, his frame massive and broad with muscles in all the right places. Between his legs was a shaft that was hard as iron and as black as night, ridged on the underside with his scaled balls dangling below it. Ami's eyes widened...and then she moaned, leaning into Hana's kiss, her tongue darting home, her hands reaching back to grab and squeeze Hana's ass, moaning as she pressed against her just as eagerly as she had with Rakain. Her palm slipped down, caressing and squeezing Hana's cock - though her other slid down, finding and rubbing against Rakain's cock as it sprang free. Ami drew back, whimpering.

Xata watched her new friends with avid, glowing energy as she reached down and touched her thus-far-untouched sex, her body jolting as she bit her lip.

"Y-Yo...You both can't f-fit!" Ami stammered, her eyes wide as Hana and Rakain ground against her. Her eyes were wide and her body glistened slightly with excited, eager sweat. Hana giggled.

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