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Stiff Sentencing For A Young Man Ch. 02


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Tess grabbed the man's shoulders and shook him, "Where's Queen Katherine, where's Jessica!"

Ellis wound his arms around one of hers and desperately tried to pull her away from the man. She let him go and gave Ellis an angry, betrayed look.

"We've gotta go unless you want to end up back underground in a cell. . .!"

But it was too late. A group of men dressed in company uniforms with stun guns on their hips rushed down the stairs. The men confronted Tess and Ellis. He watched her ball her big fists, Ellis held her arm as tightly as possible, whispering, "Please don't. They'll hurt you." Tess' fists slowly unclenched.

The men led Tess and Ellis upstairs. Each of them kept a close eye on Tess to make sure she didn't try anything. They ushered the two into a large room and Tess sat down in a chair, but one of the men pointed toward the other end of the room where there was a barred door. They locked the couple in there.

Once the men had left, Tess tried to use her great strength to get the door open, but this wasn't Ellis' apartment door, it was solid metal.

"It's useless. We're locked in. What do we do now?" She lamented.

"I'm not sure." Ellis said dejectedly, playing with his fingers in his lap and feeling quite useless, "I have no idea what we should do now."

Tess shook the bars one more time before stepping back and sitting next to Ellis on the bed. "I suppose since we're stuck here, you should be a little sweetheart and start making it up to me." Her hand slipped down his back. Ellis looked at her engorged nipples.

Just then the door to the main room opened. Ellis looked on fearfully as a man with messy hair in a dress shirt walked across the room to them.

The man's face lit up, "Oh my - it's true!" He moved closer to both of them with his mouth half open, "I didn't believe it. I just can't believe it. The stories Donna told me were true!"

Tess jumped up at this, she pressed against the bars, and spoke, "You know where Donna is? Tell me where the others are."

The man started laughing to himself. "You're magnificent. I'm so glad Donna was telling the truth. This is truly unprecedented. It's freaking wonderful. Now I didn't catch your name?"

"Where are the others!" Tess roared.

The man's face became a little darker, "I'm sorry, I've only met Donna before you. Officially she's known as XQ110 around here, but she told me her name was Donna. She's spoken of other ones like her. I hadn't believed it before now." The man's face lightened again, "This is a great day. Please tell me your name?"

"It's Tess. I need to speak to Donna! She may have information I need."

"Of course, I can arrange that. I'd love to get the both of you out of this damn cell. The company takes every precaution possible and that's why you're in there. After the mess Donna caused here, my bosses aren't willing to risk more damage to staff and property." He replied. "My name is Jonathan by the way."

Ellis, who was scared, but also had been drooling over the giant shemale's ass, stepped up next to Tess, "And I'm Ellis. What exactly are you doing with Donna here?"

"Oh hello, yes, I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you earlier; I just got so caught up in your friend here. She's an absolutely beautiful specimen. My bosses have their own reasons for keeping Donna. I became involved because of how keenly interested I am in Donna and the place she and your friend came from." Jonathan looked at Tess, "It's Inacock right? That's the island. It really is a great story how you made it here."

"I want to see Donna now!" Tess growled without a hint of calmness in her voice.

The man looked suddenly nervous, "It's just noon, Donna doesn't often wake up yet. I usually bring her food in an hour or so."

"Wake her up! I don't care. I guarantee Donna and I will give you everything you want once I get the information I need."

Jonathan finally agreed. He unlocked the door without consulting anyone else and led both of them to another room on the same floor. There was another barred door inside this room, but this one was much bigger than where Tess and Ellis had been stored.

It was lavishly decorated. The place looked much like a hut would on Inacock, but with more amenities. There was a massive bed in the corner of the barred room and in the middle of that bed was a snoring Donna. Ellis marveled at her size. She was even bigger than Tess and indeed, looked a lot rougher.

"Donna, would you wake up please?" The man said with little conviction.

Tess shook the bars and suddenly Donna's voice boomed throughout the entire room, "If isn't Mr. Scientist again. Come to feed my desires or did you just bring me breakfast?"

"I have a friend here to see you. She says her name is Tess."

Donna lifted the lid of one eye and saw the three of them at her door. She slowly got up and Ellis could tell she nearly a full head taller than Tess. The giantess of giantesses approached the heavy bars and dedicated her eyes to each of them equally.

"So you're alive." Donna's face opened into a forced smile, "Ain't that great." Donna's looked over at Ellis, "And you brought me a present."

Jonathan squealed, he whispered to Ellis, "This is the greatest thing I've ever seen. Donna has taken over my professional life; to see her interact with another of her kind - it's priceless."

"Donna, do you know where the others are?" Tess asked her nicely

"Hey, since. . . " Donna laughed then started again, "Since you spent so much time on Inacock with the Queen's cock up your ass, that makes you her cock-servicer, and since the Queen became my servicer, what does that make you to me?"

"The Queen! Do you know where the Queen is? Please Donna, I need to know. They were your sisters too."

"I'm trying to think. It's hard with my memory being so clouded. I bet I'd be able to think if I could release some of this sexual energy." Donna's hand reached for her crotch and she started to rub it, "How about I fit this through the bars; you get on your knees and help me out with it. What do you say, Tess?"

"If your mind is clouded, Ellis and I will just get out of here and leave you to your room. I've got to say though, it doesn't look like you get laid very often in there, do you?"

Jonathan nudged Ellis on the shoulder and whispered, "I should be filming this. It's fascinating, just fascinating. I gathered from Donna that she was very focused on sex, but I didn't imagine just how significant of an act it is to them."

"Oh yeah, it sure is. That's how we met." Ellis rubbed his recently-reamed ass.

"You, you and Tess have been intimate? Oh my gosh. I couldn't imagine. . ."

"Are you done?" Donna snapped at them. "Get me out of here and I'll tell you what I know. That's all I'm offering."

Tess looked at Jonathan, "Unlock this so we get out of here and I can find my friends."

"Well I can't do that. I'm sorry. Having you is a great joy, but I can't let Donna go. She means too much to this company."

Tess grabbed Jonathan's collar and glared down at him, "Open the door. Don't you understand we can find the rest of my friends. Think about it; wouldn't you like to meet them?"

That worked.

Jonathan unlocked Donna's cell and led all three of them out of the building using a back door. He hurried them to his vehicle. Donna and Tess could just barely fit in the backseat. Their thighs and the side of their tits had to press together just to close the doors.

Jonathan drove them to his apartment and all four of them poured inside. Donna took a seat on the couch, as it nearly imploded in around her extraordinary size, her feet went up on the coffee table and she turned to Jonathan, "I'll take my breakfast now, Mr. Scientist."

Tess flipped Donna's legs off the table, frustration showing on her face, "You're free now. Tell me what I want to know."

Donna bounced off the couch and looked down angrily at Tess, "You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your servicer, would you? Then don't play these games with me!"

There was the sound of a dish dropping in the kitchen. Jonathan sped out of the doorway and looked at the two giantesses standing in his living room, "What's going on in here." His eyes grew wide, "Wow, you two sure do butt heads a lot. This is fantastic; it'll be a great addition to my records. Donna, is everything alright?"

Donna laughed, "We're doing wonderfully out here, Mr. Scientist. Just get my breakfast together. I get aggressive when I haven't had my breakfast."

He dutifully returned to the kitchen and Donna gave Tess a satisfied look. "What does your servicer do for you? Mine will do anything I tell him to. Yours, yours just sits there."

Ellis had been sitting and watching the two of them bicker back and forth, basically speechless. Now all of the sudden the dedication he had for Tess had been questioned. Ellis crawled over to where the two giantesses were standing, he nuzzled his face against one of Tess' thighs and purred.

"Well let's see. . ." Tess started, "Mine actually closes his mouth. He doesn't only want me so he can hear about Inacock. He knows when to shut up and please me. That's what he does, Donna."

Agitation was clearly spelled out on Donna's face as she watched this scene. Tess pulled the stretchy pants down her legs which caused her growing cock to spring it. Ellis' lips slid up the length of her dick until they reached the head, his mouth opened wide, the big mushroom head slipping between his lips.

Tess and Donna stared each other down. Donna envied the giantess standing across from her; she hadn't gotten it on with anyone since they'd locked her up. Sure, Jonathan had taken measurements of her erect cock, but she had been handcuffed at the time and couldn't gain any more pleasure from it.

The hard cock in Ellis' mouth had grown to its full length. The thick serpent spit out hot cum onto his tongue. Tess held his head and directed his mouth. She started pressing her giantess cock deeper into his mouth, deeper into the front of his throat. Ellis willingly accepted every inch of the massive shemale's cock, he wanted to show Donna just how good Tess had it.

A bulge had developed in Donna's skirt. Since she had the biggest, fattest cock on Inacock, it was even bigger than Tess'. Giantesses were never satisfied, always looking for their next target, their next rump to plunder. She looked at Ellis that way.

"Mmm. . . It's nice to have a personal cock-sucker. You're doing so good, my sweet. Lick my shaft; show me how much you love being my cock-swallower."

Ellis kissed the head of her big dick tip and ran his tongue down the stem of her cock to its root. His tongue fluttered around her big balls like there were two of him. He followed the long, veiny neck of her dragon back up to the precum-leaking head and pulled it into his mouth again.

"This feels really good, Donna. I taught him how to use his tongue last night, and he's a very fast learner. Can you remember the last time you had a great blow job?"

Donna could just barely remember the last time. It had been on their ship; just a few hours before they docked here. She and the Queen had slipped away from the rest. They pleasured each other in the Queen's cabin, sucking one another's cock.

That day they did it with exceptional passion, bestowing one messy blow job upon the other, because they thought they'd have it made once they saw land. It didn't work out that way and all of the giantesses had been rounded up by authorities before they could do much damage.

Donna had barged into a restaurant, making all of the men stand up in a line with their pants down, she trial-tested which ass fit her dick best. The beauty of the moment was that she didn't have to pick just one. But then she was captured and it was over just like that. She'd only had the chance to deposit a couple loads into the men she encountered.

Then at the lab, she'd coerced a few of the staff into compromising positions, but it didn't last long before they locked her away. These memories came back to Donna while she watched this handsome young servicer give Tess' cock some oral love. Donna pulled up her skirt and started stroking.

"I'm next, right? You said it best back at the lab, we're sisters. Sisters share." Donna asked with a hand shooting up and down her impatient, purpling dick.

"Ellis. . . Ellis, Ellis is mine. He's, he's my good boy." Tess showed all the signs of cumming any second. Her cock swelled thicker; her breathing quickened; her cheeks painted with a sex-induced blush.

Donna sat back down the couch and continued to stroke herself. She worked a mixture of precum and fresh spit down the long pipe. Her hand, with an iron grip around her shaft, bounced up and down in her lap.

"Uhhhm, UHHMGhhhh! Ellis, my sweetheart, I'm gonna blast. Swallow it, baby. Swallow it!" Tess' eyes shut, her mouth agape, she held Ellis' head in place, his cheeks puffing out with semen.

"I guess I just have to find my own. . ." Donna mumbled to herself.

At that very moment, Jonathan walked in from the kitchen with a tray of food in his arms. He saw Ellis swallowing Tess' cock, while the happy, orgasm-fueled giantess looked on; he saw Donna's unclothed, shiny, erect dick and dropped the tray. The food went crashing to the floor and suddenly, everyone was looking at Jonathan, even Ellis, with Tess' cock still stuffed down his throat.

"My meal!" Donna shouted, she threw her hands down on the couch and used them to lift herself up. Donna launched forward, her hard cock swaying around, and didn't stop until she was face to face with Jonathan, towering over him with her arms crossed, and her dick, pointed upward, nearly poking him in the chest.

"I'm, I'm so sorry, Donna. The scene out here just got to me. I'll, I'll get you more food and clean up this mess." Jonathan stammered.

"No, you won't. It's too late for that. You know, on Inacock I had food and booty whenever I wanted it. Now I have neither!" Her arms unfolded and she cracked her knuckles as she scolded the man, as if it were all very cathartic.

"I can make you more food. You've got to admit that this is pretty crazy and it just got to me. I never would have believed there could be a woman like you out there before we first met. So strong, so beautiful and so sexually energetic. Let me make you something."

"If anything," Donna thrust her cock forward and bounced the tip of her dick against Jonathan's chest which added a clear emphasis, "I want what she's having." Donna pointed behind her at Tess and Ellis.

Jonathan looked over at the other couple, Ellis was currently cleaning up the sticky mess left on Tess' giantess cock, and swallowing every drop of it, while Tess looked on pridefully. Next he looked at Donna's red, angry cock as it stuck straight forward and leaked precum in long white strands down to his carpet.

"If that's what you want. . ." Jonathan looked up at Donna with a serious look, "I'll do whatever you ask of me. A rare, beautiful creature like yourself can't be denied."

After his words had been processed, she gave Tess a "Watch this" look. Donna brought her new servicer back to the couch with her, removed her clothing, and sat back, Jonathan between her legs, she grabbed her cock by the root and aimed the head at Jonathan's awestruck face.

"My gosh, Donna, it's even bigger than I remember it being at the lab." His warm breath washed over her cock and made it twitch. "It's got to be, I mean, you must be the most unique, most physically and sexually-endowed being on this planet."

"Damn right." Donna brought the giant tip to his trembling, excited lips, "Now shut up and suck."

Jonathan's lips opened to the head of her cock. The sheer size of her cock head could just barely pass the ring of his lips. The flared head took up the entire cavity of his mouth. He sucked hard around it, slowly beginning to work his tongue over the underside.

Donna was very happy with herself; having someone on-call to service her cock was going to make life a hell of a lot easier. A woman has urges, and Donna had them the most. Her balls needed draining. If it wasn't a servicer back on Inacock, then it would be the Queen, if not Jonathan then Tess' servicer or Tess herself. Donna would have them all.

Just a few more inches of Donna's cock could fit inside Jonathan's mouth, not for lack of trying, Donna sure did try. She'd have to work on his weak jaw with daily sessions just like this one, but for now, Donna really needed satisfaction. Her nuts needed relief, and more than that, she wanted to take the maiden voyage into his asshole and fast.

"Off my cock now and get your pants down." She ordered him.

Ellis had finally torn his lips from Tess' cock, and Tess was recovering from her orgasm. She looked at Donna, "Give me the information you have now, Donna."

Donna put Jonathan in position on the couch and spread his little cheeks, "I'm going to have a little fun here, then all four of us will go looking for the girls. I'll tell you what I know later. For now, I'm not going to be able to think straight until Jonathan can't sit straight," Donna grinned, returning her attention to his ass and her destination, the hole leading inside him.

"Just remember the pain will end soon. Then it starts feeling pretty good, then finally it starts feeling really, really good!" Ellis advised Jonathan, giving Tess' cock a squeeze while he said it.

"Whatever Donna needs. Just stick it in and take all the pleasure you need." His asshole winced.

Donna gave her cock two hard strokes that sent a string of precum from the tip of her cock straight to Jonathan's asshole. She worked up more of the sticky goo, seemingly an endless supply, and rubbed it all over her thick shaft. Jonathan clenched his eyes shut as the head hit his hole, it penetrated the tiny opening and forced its way inside.

"Should we get lost for a little while?" Ellis whispered to Tess.

"No, no, of course not. I never want to miss a man lose their virginity and get it real good up the ass. I'd like to think I'm pretty good, but Donna is the undisputed champion when it comes to this." Tess smiled down at Ellis, she lifted her big limp cock off her thigh and held up in the air, "Why don't you take a seat on this and see if you can make it hard again while we watch?"

Ellis crawled into the giantess' lap and pulled his pants down, he spit on her hardening dick and then pressed his puckered hole against it.

Meanwhile, Donna worked her cock into Jonathan's ass with short strokes. Going where no cock had gone before, she suddenly grabbed a hold on the back of his neck and snapped her hips forward, sending her cock crashing inside him.

"Unnnhumm!" Jonathan gasped, clutching a couch pillow as his tender anal walls involuntarily clutched Donna's swollen cock.

"Mmmmmm, nice ass. A very nice for Miss Donna. I'm gonna open your ass up good then charge admission. It looks like we already have a couple customers." Donna laughed.

Her cock explored the depths of his aching asshole, poking and prodding every nerve in his abused bottom. Donna's cum-filled balls swung between her thighs and smashed violently into Jonathan's two, tiny nuts.

"Oonnghhhhhhhh." He groaned when Donna's cock went from just the head to the entire length buried deep.

Tess' cock was fully hard inside Ellis again. He humped up and down gently on her lap. Tess' soft lips kissed from his shoulder to his ear, she sucked on the lobe and whispered, "Brings back memories from last night, doesn't it? Now you're used to it. Your ass swallows my cock like it's always been there, deep inside you, stretching your most tender and private of places."

"Ooooh. . . Mr. Scientist. You might be even tighter, even tighter than the Queen. Tess wouldn't know how tight the Queen's little asshole is, though. She was too busy servicing the Queen for that." Donna's cock had never felt harder, her balls never fuller with boiling hot cum. She pounded her cock inside Jonathan's tight orifice with the anticipation of a giantess who was about to fill a servicer's rectum with more cum than it could hold.

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