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Still Waters Ch. 01

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Evangeline realizes the truth about her mother.
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Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/19/2018
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Hi everyone,

Welcome back to my world. Alexia's story has helped me so much, that I felt the need to continue. My husband was my rock. Willie saw in me things I never saw in myself. Even when I would be so full of fear and self-doubt, he believed in me. So in this section of the series, I dedicate this to his memory. I believe if he were here, he'd approve. Thanks for reading, and please share your thought.

AN: All characters in this story are eighteen or older.


Evangeline sat on the edge of the riverbank. She loved coming down here and sitting by the river early in the morning. She recalled when she was younger and her sisters and mom would argue. She and dad would always escape to the river. This was where he taught her to fish. Fishing was relaxing, and for years she'd just escape. This morning was no different. This morning, momma just kept coming at her. Ever since breakfast, she kept picking and picking. Evangeline sat with her and daddy as she watched Declan eat alone. Everything in her wanted to join him, but momma growled for her to stay seated. Daddy corrected momma, but the look she gave him cut him to the core, so Evangeline intervened again. It was when they got home. Momma attacked. She was always attacking. This morning, Evangeline simply said, Enough!

Bertha was furious. It was then that she lashed out. Not wanting to escalate the situation any farther, Evangeline left. She walked away as her mother screamed at her retreating back. Daddy called her back, but she kept walking. Now she was here, where there was quiet, serenity, and no Bertha DuPont.

"Hey, I was looking for you. Your dad told me to come here." Declan sat beside Evangeline. He put his arm around her shoulders, and Evangeline leaned into his embrace. "What happened?"

"Nothing, it's just Momma being her usual self. I should be used to it by now." Evangeline sighed.

Declan was quiet. He had his views on Bertha DuPont, but he decided it was best if he kept his thoughts to himself and just support her. Declan stayed silent. He waited. "She is so mean, Declan. All of my life, I have done everything she has asked of me. This morning, she just..." Evangeline paused. "I don't know. I don't know."

"Move in with me. Alpha Ryelle says he will allow it and it will get you away from your Mom. I know you worry about people gossiping, but Babe, I worry about you." Declan whispered.

"What happens when you go home? I can't live in the Commons once you leave. Maybe I can move into an apartment at Sweeten. I don't know, Declan. I'm tired." Evangeline whispered.

Declan sighed; he had to say this now. "When I leave, you won't have to worry about that. When I go home, you're going with me."

Evangeline froze. Her dad was here and right now, she helped deflect Momma from attacking him. "I can't leave. "

Declan froze, "Then move in with me and I'll live here. Besides, I can win your Mom over. I'm cute, and no one can be mad at me for long."

Those words made Evangeline giggle. Declan loved the sound of her laughter. She was so reserved, and around others she was serious all of the time. The pack members watched them and most were truly happy for them. However, out of everyone in the pack, he'd yet to meet her mom and dad. This made him uncomfortable. He'd have to meet them and tonight at dinner, this situation would be rectified. He just hoped Evangeline would not be too upset.


Bertha was furious once again. She had another go at Evangeline and the girl left. Out of respect for her mother, Evangeline never invited her young man to meet them, and Bertha took great pleasure in pointing out to her that a real man would insist on meeting her family.

Willie was tired. He loved his mate. He never thought he'd mate with anyone and for the last fifty years, he had his Bertha. She was loud and mean, but the truth of everything is that Bertha was scared. She was terrified and she was the fixer. When they first mated, he was not very strong. The other males teased him mercilessly but his Bertha would not allow it to continue.

"Bertha, you gotta let that girl live." Willie whispered after Evangeline left this morning.

"Willie, who asked you? You don't know what it's like. She leaves here with that boy and his family can treat her any kind of way in Shreveport. She doesn't understand that things are different for us. She is listening to people lie to her and tell her she can have it all. That boy gets her up there and gets tired of her. What is she going to do, especially if she mates with him? Fair Weres are not like us. They can't endure the things like we have. Evangeline is making a mistake. That boy is not her true mate. He's just a guy she wants. She can sleep with him. Get him out of her system, but she needs to let him go." Bertha explained.

Willie waited, "Come here." He held his mate. Her body shook. "You've raised her to be strong, and she is smart. She will be ok, but you got let the girl live. We need to meet this boy. He's been here a few months, and you avoid him at every turn. Tonight at dinner, I want to meet him."

Bertha knew her mate was right. She knew he spoke the truth. She thought of her other children. They mated and left and never returned home. Her daughters despised her. They called and often only wanted to speak with their father. They had few or no words for her. She pretended that it didn't hurt, but with every dismissive phone call, her heart was ripped into pieces.

Evangeline loved her. Out of all four daughters, Evangeline worshipped her, and she was driving her away. However, like her predecessor, she didn't believe in race mixing. Her daughter deserved to mate with a male that looked like her. She needed a strong dark king. A man that could protect her and teach his children what they needed to survive. There were things a black man could teach his son that a white man would have no true understanding about. This wolf could decide to change his mind and that would devastate her daughter. What if they had kids, the poor children would grow up confused, not knowing what they were.

"You don't understand." Bertha whispered.

"Yes, I do. Babe, I understand more than you think that I do." Willie replied. Bertha stayed in his embrace. She loved being held by her mate. It was not often that he held her, but when he did. Her entire being relaxed and she felt safe.

Like always, the moment ended much too soon. Bertha, can you stop by? Madam Alpha Tasha sent. She was aware that Bertha and her daughter had words earlier. When she reached out, she could feel Evangeline's pain. She also knew that somehow, Bertha was at the root of this. It was time and as madam alpha, she needed to talk with her pack member.

Ryelle waited. "Do you want me to stay here while you talk to her?"

"No, I can handle this. She needs to open up, and she won't do that if she feels threatened. Let me talk with Bertha first." Tasha replied.

"I can command her to stop being so difficult." Ryelle suggested.

Tasha smiled, "So can I, but that's not what we need to do. Let me talk to her."

Ryelle smiled,. His woman was amazing, and she really understood the women here. "Ok, I'm going out then. Call me."

Tasha knew Bertha would stop by soon. She was nervous. Bertha DuPont was one of the older wolves. She was an original dark were. What could she say to her to help her understand that her daughter needed to be happy.

"Madam Alpha, Mrs. DuPont is here." Her assistant announced.

Bertha entered.

"Hi, Bertha, thanks for coming right over. Would you like a drink or a snack?" Tasha offered.

"No, tell me why you summoned me so I can go about my day." Bertha barked.

Tasha was instantly annoyed. It was in the tip of her tongue to remind her that she was madam Alpha and that title alone demanded respect.

"Look,Madam Alpha, why did you call me over here?" Bertha demanded.

"First of all, You will address me with respect. I will not sit here and allow you to be blatantly disrespectful to me. I will respect you and you will do the same thing accordingly. Next, I will tell you why I called you, but I think you already know. The entire pack knows and today we will address this issue. And finally, you are the oldest female here, but you need to remember that you are only here because my mate and I allow you to stay. Think about that before you spew your vileness once more." Tasha stated. The two women stared at each other. Tasha refused to back down. She had to show dominance, or Bertha would think that her defiance was acceptable. It was not.

"Fine," Bertha backed down and blinked. "What is it, madam Alpha?"

Tasha relaxed. "Your treatment of Evangeline needs to stop. Declan is her mate. He loves her. It's not fair that you're trying to force her to choose."

Bertha stared at her. "Evangeline is my child. I will protect her. That boy is using her, and I won't stand here and let her mess up her life."

"Bertha, Declan is honorable. You need to meet him." Tasha insisted.

Bertha closed her eyes. She recalled everything. Many told her to stop living in the past, but she could not help but remember. "Years ago, I was young and much like Evangeline, I didn't listen. I met a boy, and he was sweet on me. We snuck around an entire summer until his uncles found out about me. Those men beat me, and he stood there laughing. If Alpha Alphonso and Thomas had not come along, I'd be dead. So don't tell me about trust. I lost trust years ago, and I won't let this boy lead my daughter into danger."

Tasha stopped. She knew some of the stories from the past, but this was clearly what drove Bertha's distrust. In all honesty, she understood. Her own past made trusting hard. But in this case, Evangeline was not in danger. No one would hurt her, and somehow Bertha had to understand that.

Tasha took a deep breath. "Bertha, I'm about to share a story with you that no one knows, not even my mate. I ask that this story stays between us."

Bertha was intrigued. Tasha made sure no one was around, because this was a story she never wanted to share. But for some reason, bertha needed to hear this story. If Evangeline and Declan stood a chance, Bertha had to loosen her hold.

Tasha took a deep breath. "I grew up in the hood. My grandmother took care of us and she worked three sometimes four jobs. Often Lugz and I were home alone. One day, some men moved into the neighborhood. Lugz and I were really young. He was ten, and I was eleven. Kas was six. She didn't really live with us, but she was always at our house, so we stayed together.

One day. I was sick, and grandma had to work. She had no choice but to leave me home. A neighbor agreed to keep an eye on the house, but something happened and she had to leave. I was scared, but I locked the door and went back to bed. Time passed and I relaxed. In my eleven year old wisdom, I decided to get up and watch cartoons. Grandma wouldn't know, and who would tell her. So I snuck into her room. Two hours after grandma left, one of the men knocked, and I refused to answer the door, so he broke in. He and his friend grabbed me and ripped my clothes...," Tasha closed her eyes reliving the assault. No child should ever have to endure such abuse. She did not have to verbalize what happened.

Bertha was furious for the young woman but she wondered how this had anything to do with Evangeline.

"I screamed, and Mr. Potts, an elderly neighbor heard me. He came over. As he rushed in and those men attacked him. They beat him and I ran out for help. The corner guys saw me and came in. They fought. All I remember was that I hurt and I hid. Soon, the men were gone and Mr. Potts went back home. That was when I met Jerome. He stayed to see if I was alright. He was so handsome and to me his dark skin was fascinating. I had the biggest crush on him. Grandma warned me. Lugz and even Kas warned me, but he was a black man, and I was his woman." Tasha took a breath.

"For years, Ms. Bertha, that man put his hands on me. I kept silent. I had to protect him. He was a black man and as his woman I had to protect him. When I turned eighteen, he decided to share me with his friends. When they were done, he told me he loved me. I knew that was a lie. But again I had to protect him. I must admit, Jerome took care of us. Grandma never took anything from him, and when I moved in with him at nineteen, she cried. I stayed with him for three years until I got pregnant. Jerome didn't want kids and he wasn't paying for an abortion. That was the first time he almost killed me. I lost the baby and when I woke up in the hospital, my mouth was wired shut. I never admitted that Jerome hurt me. You might wonder how this has anything to do with Evangeline. Ms. Bertha, I know you are trying to protect her. But I know that just because a man is dark, that does not mean he is good for you." Tasha stopped.

Bertha was stunned. She and others knew that Madam Alpha had a hard life, but to endure this cruelty was unimaginable.

"I remember when I met Jacob. He was white and I was already ticked off. You see, Jerome and I had broken up and I was on the prowl. I met Jamal, Betty's son. He was mated and the girl was white. I was furious. All of the decent black guys wanted white women, and I was stuck with a guy than treated me like garbage. Then later that day, I met Jacob. I hit on him, because I was angry. But, he treated me with such respect that I really didn't know how to deal with it." Bertha sat for a moment. There was more to Madam Alpha than met the eye.

Tasha took a deep breath, once more, "Ms. Bertha, there are good black men, but there are also evil ones. There are good fair men as well as evil ones, too. Evangeline deserves to be treasured and loved. She has had such a hard time, would you deny her even the most fleeting moment of happiness? I know and you know that she hides a lot. She hurts, but with Declan, I've seen her smile. I've seen her relax and for the first time since I've been here, I can relate to what she is feeling. My Ryelle accepted me. He knows a lot of my past, but not everything and one day. I'll tell him. But, we need you to give Declan a chance. He is really a nice guy, and he loves her."

Bertha was silent, then she spoke. "Madam Tasha, we all have gone through something. We all have things we'd rather forget. I know it's the past, but tell Ryelle what happened to you. You see holding on to ghost is never a good thing." Bertha looked away.

Tasha nodded. She never told Ryelle everything and he never asked. Maybe Ms. Bertha was right. She needed to tell her story and not just to Ryelle. Akeemo needed to hear the truth s well. Her son was becoming someone she did not like. She had to do something to help turn him around.


"Come on, let's run." Declan stated. Pulling Evangeline up.

"No, not now, I have to report in. Later, ok." She leaned over and kissed him gently. Declan held her close.

"OK, I'm going to help Damien with repairs. Meet me for lunch, OK". Declan stated.

Evangeline smiled, and nodded. "I'll see you at noon. Now, let's get to work."

Evangeline did not go back home. She checked on her dad and felt sadness though their bond. She sent him a shaft of love. He returned her hug.

Meanwhile, Bertha was returning home. Willie was there and she just wanted to go in and not have him saying anything to her. Bertha returned home and her mate stood. He headed out. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the stables today. I'll be home for dinner." Willie answered, but she felt strange.

Bertha watched him leave, but deep down she knew that something was not right. He didn't even try to talk with her. He just left. Something was not right. Bertha decided to deal with her mate later, she had responsibilities. She went to her post.

Bertha worked tiredlessly but she noticed things too. She noticed that many in the pack avoided her. They spoke, but mostly they did not like being around her. She was often left alone. This morning, when Willie walked out, she never felt more alone.


Evangeline was a consummate professional at work. She never allowed her personal life to interfere with her job. However, her coworkers wanted to know more about the new man in her life. So they asked and she'd explain that she didn't discuss her personal business.

Her boss was often annoyed with the questions and Evangeline worked to assure her that her work life and private life were completely separate.

"Ms. DuPont, can I see you in my office now?" her boss called over the PA system.

Evangeline frowned. She sounded upset and she wondered what was going on. She entered her office cautiously.

"Please sit. I called you in because this morning you have been receiving personal phone calls." Evangeline started to protest when her boss stopped her.

"The calls were intercepted but your mother should not call this often asking for you every few minutes. Whatever is going on at your home is something you need to deal with." She surmised.

"Wait, my mother called and no one told me. If she called that many times, then there might be an emergency. Excuse me, Ms. Jakes, I'm calling home." Evangeline walked out of her office.

She dialed her mother immediately. Momma would never call her job, unless it was important.

One ring and Bertha answered. She was crying so hard that Evangeline could not understand what she was saying. Madam Alpha Tasha took the phone. "Evangeline, come to the hospital now."

Evangeline left. She knew she may not have a job, but something was wrong with her parents.

As she arrived at the hospital Declan met her and they both rushed to emergency

She rushed in and saw her mother barely sitting, Evangeline rushed to her side. "Momma, what's wrong? What's wrong momma?"

"He left me. He was mad at me this morning and told me he was going to the stables. He collapsed and he's gone. Your daddy is gone, Evangeline. He's gone." Bertha paced back and forth, trying not to break down.

"No, no, there has to be a mistake." Evangeline cried. This was not right. Her father was the kindest, most gentlest of all wolves. He could not be gone.

Declan held her as she fell apart. Evangeline cried. She never should have walked out. She heard him call her back, yet she walked away. Her daddy was gone, and with him the only parent that ever truly loved her.

"Babe, I'm here. I'm here.' Declan whispered. He sent to Deacon immediately, needing his brother with him. Deacon was headed back to Jackson. Kwame and Alexia offered to go with him, but Deacon went alone.

"A nurse came out. You can go see him before the body is taken," She whispered.

Evangeline and her mother walked into the cold room. Willie DuPont lay there with the struggle of his last breath etched on his face. Bertha closed his mouth and then gently closed is eyelids. Then she sat beside his bed and simply stared at his lifeless body. Evangeline watched. Her father was gone.

Often she tried to fix things. She'd do anything to make her mother happy. However, this was one thing she could not change. She couldn't fix this, and she wondered how they would survive.

Bertha sat, staring, unmoving. Evangeline wanted to comfort her, but her mother did not like to be touched. She was tough, always tough. But right now, in this moment, Evangeline saw what her father had always seen. As tough as Bertha Dupont appeared to be on the outside, deep down she hid who she truly was.

Evangeline no longer cared about her mother's preferences. She needed her Mom. "Momma," she whispered.

For the first time in years, Bertha embraced her youngest daughter. She would not cry. She would not show weakness, but for a moment, it was ok to be needy.

Willie would always look at her and say "Bertha, calm down. You're still waters. I know how much you carry. Let me help carry that load."


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