by Literotica
Let's see, took a minute to save this to a Microsoft Works Word Processing Document for future reference. What a wonderful guideline.
Really great theory, and a wonderful idea, but definitely lacking in important specifics. For example, where and when and how do we place these When I submit my story? Or, can I go back to the story that I already published and add to it to attract more readers? How? Or do I just put a list of at the bottom of the story when I submit it? Or do the have to go someplace else? Or do I have to submit my story with (in some as yet to be determined place) in html?
Come on, I'd like to be able to do this, but maybe you could give another clue or two as to how.
I changed my, but it doesn't save, my stories still show the randomly generated ones.
It's a good idea I think, once more writers start using it.
Read thru all this about "story" several times, but never did figure out how they're used or where they're used. Need some actual examples of where they go, when they're put in, and how they're used.
How are these supposed to work? In my last two stories both MMF and thighboots were placed in the, plus eight others, but they don't bring the stories up in a search. Is there a missing link that needs sorting?
Thank You...I used your advice and the worked wonders!
Oh...! Thanks so--ooo, so--ooo much...:) Very helpful...:) I had no idea...Thx...Kisses...:)
After applying some clever ingenuity to actually find the search page I tried both victorian and victorian era. I was hoping to find some historicals but most of the stories were either modern day costume parties or Victoria was in the first or last name. I think that is something similar to your situation at the beginning of this essay.
Is it better to add a short, general tag or a long, specific one? For example is "teenage girl" better than "petite blonde teenage girl" since it's broader and more likely to be searched for? If that's the case, then this essay and the Literotica FAQ are contradictory. Overall, however, this is a great resource for new writers like myself.
... to add some after having completed the submission? I mean after the story is online? If there is some to answer my question, please use simple words, because I am not a native english writer). Thanks for any answer!
For reference by anyone reading this: can be added retroactively, by the same process used to edit stories. Check the site FAQ.
I would consider a *sexual deviant* a participant as far as your list of goes. But I suppose that would probably be tagged *deviant* since sexual is too common of a word. Also, the word Seductress (as in my name) could also be tagged as a participant. This is a really good *how to and I found a lot of things that I didn't know explained here. Thanks
I note that one story of mine that has very good ratings has that make little sense. How do I change them once submitted??? Please feel free to email me any suggestions/directions.
how to put in story in my poetry. please help. also why no feedback?
Is there a way to add to an already published story?
I love lit but it is impossible to find most stores using due to incorrect usage.Thanks 4 a guide i hope people use it
I want readers who comment using username to be able to suggest when they are missing. if 5 people suggest the same tag on a story it should be added.
One thing not listed above that every story has is Point of View (POV). Is the story being told in first person (eg: "then, I opened the door, and...") second person (eg: "then, you opened the door, and...") or third person (eg: "then, he opened the door, and..."). For stories in first and second person and for third person stories that have a main character, a tag with the gender identity of the storyteller / main character is also beneficial. Finally, for stories in which a power imbalance is prominent, whether the storyteller / main character is active / dominant or responsive / submissive is good to know as well. So, one could have like POV-3rd-M or POV-1st-F or POV-3rd-F-Sub or POV-1st-F-Dom etc. I reckon that somewhere there's appropriate abbreviations for the full list of the 50-70 Facebook gender identity categories, but I couldn't find such a list when I tried, so I stuck with "F" and "M" in my examples.
Another thing that would make for better tag based searches would be if people had the ability to tell the search engine about the degree of similarity between different The advice not to create new versions of that have the same meaning as extant given at ( ) is good, but I doubt that it will be followed a lot. It would be nice to be able to give the search engine pairs of and a number (say, percentage) estimating degree of similarity between them. For transitive similarity, percentages could be multiplied. Then, people could set a degree of similarity for the inclusion of additional to the ones they list.
Can you edit your once your submission has been posted? I did not realize the importance of the If I cannot edit the can I then resubmit my story with
Numerous gallery sites (ie. Gelbooru) let users propose or challenge, and I think that's needed here as well. For example, I just read a long running series that has edging as a persistent feature and plot point, and yet the author didn't think of the story that way. Another story had strong age play elements. Etc etc. I think readers of stories know what they're looking for, and you should let them help out other users.
And if an author leaves off a tag like incest, rape, torture, etc, they should be boiled in oil.
The story was about older man from london his name is Nik and Cassandra young woman. A very romantic story with happy ended. I could't find it anymore. The title was meant for each other or something like that. Please any one can help.
I would like to change but can't find anything that tells me how to do this.
This is a great resource thank you.
How can I add story after they've been published? Ive been trying everything and can't seem to find ca way to go back and do this.
How can one tell which are more popular? What does the size of the tag/font signify?
This seems to be the only way for me to contact the owners/administrators about "tags". While i agree the creators of the content, writers and artists, should be allowed to come up with the for their works. From another point of view there should be some kind of standardization, that would help the audience find the kind of works and stories that they are looking for.
There are many that are essentially duplicates of each other. some examples:
big dick - big cock
creampie - cream pie
crossdressing - cross dressing
female dominant - female domination
werewolf - werewolves
tranny - what kind exactly
I would think that Literotica could make a standardized list of, that the creator had to match, unless he had a 'new' tag that didn't exist.
I see another comment asking the question I have. How can I add to a story after it's been published?
I some of my earlier works, I now realize I didn't have enough
In the main FAQ, under the section for SUBMISSIONS, there is the following subsection on this topic:
* I want to change the on a submitted work, but want to keep the rest of my work unchanged. How do I do that?
Please follow the instructions for submitting a story edit [ // ]. If you only want to change the, fill out the story title field as "STORYTITLE-EDIT", then fill in the blocks. In the "Story Text" field, write " EDIT ONLY".
NOTE: The above instruction actually differ slightly from what it says in the linked section on submitting a story edit, AND the entry below it, but this slightly simplified version does work. You do NOT have to re-submit the whole story. For easier reference, those two other subsections say:
* I've re-edited my story and want to replace the posted version with my new edited one. How do I do this?
No problem! Simply submit the new version as you submitted the old one, only adding the word "EDITED" to the title (ex. "My Sexy Firefighter Ch. 03 - EDITED") so that we know to replace the old text with the new text. We will then replace the original text with the new text. Your story will retain its previous voting score and views.
Edited stories take up to 48 hours to appear correctly on the site as the pages must be regenerated by the site scripts. If after 48 hours your submission edits are still not showing, please email us a link to the work in question.
* How do I change the category, title,, or description of my story or poem?
Simply follow the instructions above. In the Author's Note section of the submission, please note what changes you are making - category, title,, or description. need to be standardized or allow for user suggested Most stories are missing basic such as characters, relationships or content.
Searching by tag at this point is more likely to omit a relevant story than include it.
1. Needs more detail. Use the web wayback machine and look up the definitions for from Usenet and the now gone ASSTR (that was the place Usenet stuff was archived on).
2. There IS a standardized system to these that's been around since the 1980s. Every tag listed here should have it's definition next to it.
3. You cannot fix your once your story goes out without resubmitting it. So Authors really need to get these right, but there's not enough guidance telling them how to and how important it is for being searchable.
4. This page should be 'front and center' linked next to the form to add, and for readers it should appear as a link under the list of for a story.
5. Stories should be able to edit their without needing a re-submission unless they tag into categories known by the mods to be 'trouble spots'... :)