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Strawberry - A Shanghai Girl in America Ch. 03


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He smiled at me. Stroked my hair. "Okay Strawberry, no problem. But if you change your mind, let me know, I'll be there so fast you won't have time to blink. Now, you run downstairs...wait, let me check nobody's in the hallway." He peeked out. "All clear."

I slipped out, padded downstairs to the kitchen. Nobody was there either. So lucky for me. Upstairs, Pete was knocking on doors, calling out to his housemates. Soon four of them were downstairs, being so nice to me. So friendly. So eager to go to eat dim sum. Pete came down and told them to go ahead and grab us a table at the Fu King. After they left, he looked at me.

"You wait here Strawberry." Pete hugged me. "I'll go see if Alan's in his room."

I so worried. "You not say anything about you and me, okay Pete, promise me."

Pete touch my lips with his finger. "Nothing Strawberry, I won't say a thing, I promise. Never happened, okay. Nothing ever happened. Don't worry."

"Never happened." I smiled now. Still, I felt a little sick as he turned to walk up the stairs. Pete was halfway up the stairs when the front door opened behind me. I turned to look. Alan! Alan came in. My heart leapt. Cheap looking blonde gwei poh hairy gorilla-cow followed him in, smiling, looking so happy, so contented. My heart sank. No hope. So hopeless. So sad. So wanting to scream and smash things. So about to say something nasty. I felt so faint. So dizzy. So sick at heart. Face turned so pale.

"Oh, hi Strawberry, how're you feeling? Better? You do look pale though." Alan smiled, holding out his hands to me. Hands I so ignored. Horrible horrible Alan. So bad of him. So shameless of him to smile at me when he walked in looking so happy with blonde slut who steal other girl's men. "Hope you're feeling better, your housemate told me what happened. I'm so sorry, I'm an idiot."

He smiled at the blonde girl beside him. She smiled back at him. So affectionate those smiles. So fast they know each other? One night! Ohhhh so heartbroken. So much pain. So brazen of her. The shameless gwei poh who stole other girl's men. She looked like that sort of gwei poh. All big fat bouncy breasts. Big ugly fat breasts like a cow's. Nasty tight little shorts. Blonde hair. Probably she dyed her hair. Such a slutty look. So cheap. So tacky. Her perfume so strong. Smell so cheap. Probably one of those gwei poh girls with no bra that dances on tables with wet t-shirt on. Such a trashy looking girl. So disgusting girl. Probably not even shave her xiǎo bī. How could Alan? How could he possibly? After me? I so beautiful. So charming. So sweet. How could he? I want to cry so much. So not giving cheap hairy gwei poh slut satisfaction of seeing beautiful Shanghai girl crying. So not! So going to lose temper and throw things instead.

"Strawberry, this is my little sister Gwen, she's down for the weekend. I promised her we'd all go out for dim sum with you. Think you're feeling well enough? You do still look a bit pale."

I glanced sideways at Pete, my face suddenly so not pale. My face bright red. My heart pounding. I couldn't make any excuses. Not for what I'd done with Pete last night. I'd been so angry with Alan. So upset. So stupid mistake I make. So stupid of me to think bad thoughts about my so lovable Alan. Instantly I felt so awful. So terrified I screw everything up so bad. So nightmare.

Ohhhh I was so deep in the shit. What to do? What to do? So panicking.

I loved Alan. I did. I knew. I loved Alan, not Pete. Alan!

This so much worse than the Halloween Party.

This worse than Friday night.

So much worse.

So disaster.

Pete understood. I saw it in his face as he looked at me. He knew I really loved Alan. Pete looked so sad. So understanding. He smiled so sadly at me. He turned and smiled so brightly at Alan. "I just told Strawberry you were out dude, we were heading out to dim sum without you, you timed it just right, Strawberry was going to educate the guys, they just headed off to grab a table at the Fu King. Let's all go together. Strawberry and Gwen can talk about you." He smiled at me. So sad that smile.

I blushed. I smiled back gratefully. I took Alan's hands in mine so eagerly. My heart pittered and pattered as Alan held my hands. Reprieved from a fate worse than death. Alan holding my hands again. My heart suddenly unbroken. So feeling whole again. Suddenly so very happy. Ecstatic. So ecstatic but so worried. So hoping Pete says nothing about last night.


"Gwen, this is my girlfriend, Strawberry. I've told Gwen all about you Strawberry." Alan sounded so happy. He looked so happy to introduce me to his little sister. Such a beautiful little sister, so charming, so pretty. Such an attractive figure. So fashionably dressed in those pretty little shorts. Such a nice trendy top. Such nice blonde hair, so beautiful. Really, such a nice looking girl. So lucky of Alan to have so good looking a little sister. Almost as nice looking as a Shanghai girl. So happy to be friends with Alan's little sister.

"Hi Gwen, so happy to meet you." She hugged me. I hugged her. She smelled so nice. "Oh, your perfume smell so nice." Her hug so friendly. Such a wonderful friendly girl. We look so good together. Beautiful girl with pretty blonde hair and so gorgeous Shanghai girl with so silky black hair.

"Me too Strawberry, thank you, Alan's been telling me all about you."

All? I gulped. I hoped not. Maybe telling some. Some would be okay.

"Let's go," Pete said, grabbing Alan by the arm. "The others are already on their way. We better hurry, they need Strawberry's help."

"Coming," Gwen said, smiling so warmly at me. "Let's go Strawberry, you can tell me all about what Alan gets up to when his little sis isn't around to keep him on the straight and narrow."

I smiled back. Always so happy to talk to Alan's so wonderful and so pretty little sister. So happy to talk about what Alan gets up to. So not talking about what Strawberry gets up to. So definite about that.

The receptionist at the Fu King was as rude as always. Dim Sum at the Fu King was so wonderful. The food tasted so great. The service was so noisy and cheerful. All Alan's housemates were so funny. Alan was so wonderful. So looking after me, even pouring me tea when my cup was half-empty. So wonderful of him to remember that. So nice to see him teach everyone else to do the finger kowtow*** after their cup had tea poured into it. Picking up nice dumplings for me with his chopsticks and placing them in my bowl. It was just so pleasing to see him picking up such civilized behavior. So much face he gave me. I was so happy. So many smiles. Gwen and I talked and talked and talked. Such a nice sister. So friendly. So eager to learn about dim sum and about China. Such a wonderful happy afternoon.

Such happy goodbyes when Alan's little sister finally left to go home. So many hugs.

So honored to be invited to come and stay at Alan's parents for Christmas.

So wonderful to be held in Alan's arms. To look up into his eyes.

Just the two of us together at last.

All so well with the world.

I had Alan back.

Tonight! Such a happy night! Tonight, I was going to cào Alan until he collapsed from exhaustion. Then I was going to give him mouth to diao resuscitation and repeat. Ohhh so much to look forward to tonight. My heart was so singing. My xiǎo bī was so singing. Singing? My xiǎo bī was an opera singer! I couldn't wait to jump into Alan's bed and spread my legs so wide for him. I saw Pete smiling at me as I walked into Alan's bedroom holding Alan's hand.

He caught my eye and grinned, winked, laughed as I blushed. Bad Pete. He'd told me he wouldn't say anything about last night but still, my heart jumped. I felt guilty. A little. Well, a lot. But I put that guilt firmly behind me as Alan closed the bedroom door behind us and turned towards me. So not to think of that guilt. Just like Longwei. So not thinking of Longwei either. History. All history and forgotten. Not to remember bad things. Only to think of Alan and nice things.

So forgetting about Pete. Pete? Who was he?

Already so longing for Alan. So wet.

So eager for Alan.

So happy.

So happy as I pushed my skirt down to drop on the floor around my ankles.

So happy as Alan's hands stripped my little black lace panties off me and lifted me onto his bed.

So happy as I watched Alan's clothes come off while he stood there looking down at me.

So happy as he moved over me on the bed, his hands so eager to spread my legs so wide.

So happy as my hand guided his di diao to my so eagerly waiting xiǎo bī.

So happy as his di diao plunged eagerly into my so wet xiǎo bī.

So happy with his hard work, so much action, so much excitement, so much noises.

So happy as we make love such a long time. So long. Such enthusiasm. Such delight.

So happy as I pull back on my ankles and tickle Alan's ears with my toes.

So happy at what Alan does to me next. So much noise. So much moaning. So much excitement.

So happy when I know Alan about to shèjīng inside me, so offering lots of encouragement.

So happy as he shèjīng inside me so hard, shèjīng so long, feeling his di diao throbbing in me.

So happy after he shèjīng inside me, so much cum inside me, so very much, so flooding me.

So happy as I take his floppy diao and suck on it until it turn into a nice stiff di diao again.

So happy as I lie him on his back and impale my very wet xiǎo bī on his nice hard di diao.

So happy to look down at his so handsome face and make noises while I cào him so eagerly.

So happy when he turn me over and cào me so hard while I cross my ankles behind his back.

So happy when he ride me like that, so losing my English, use so many naughty Chinese words.

So happy when he make so much noise and shèjīng so hard inside me again. So nice to feel.

So happy to lie in his arms at last, so glowing, so content, so smiling.

So happy when he tell me he love me so much.

So happy to be held and loved by Alan.

So happy to tell Alan I love him.

So very very happy.

Happiness, your name is Strawberry.

And a few notes from Chloe:

This is #3 in the Strawberry stories and I so hope you enjoyed. I love writing Strawberry. She just makes me laugh (sometimes she's so sad, but she always tries to see everything through rose-tinted glasses and really, she's so sweet and ditzy and so emotional and so enthusiastic about sex and she always means well and wants to be so special for her guy... And she does love Alan so much. Even if she does like Pete's di diao too ... But she's also very much a Shanghai girl...)

#1 -- "Strawberry's Halloween"

#2 -- "Strawberry Loses Face"

#3 -- "Happiness, Your Name is Strawberry"

Next up: #4 - "Strawberry under the Mistletoe."

* - The infamous 1985 Austrian vintage - For those too young to remember (like me -- I ran into this when I was looking up Swiss Wine to see if there really was such stuff LOL), the 1985 diethylene glycol wine scandal was an incident in which several Austrian wineries illegally adulterated their wines using the toxic substance diethylene glycol (a primary ingredient in some brands of antifreeze) to make the wines appear sweeter and more full-bodied in the style of late harvest wines. Many of these Austrian wines were exported to Germany, some of them in bulk to be bottled at large-scale German bottling facilities. At these facilities, some Austrian wines were illegally blended into German wines by the importers, resulting in diethylene glycol ending up in some bulk-bottled German wines as well. The scandal was uncovered by German wine laboratories performing quality controls on wines sold in Germany, and immediately made headlines around the world. The affected wines were immediately withdrawn from the market (no, they didn't go to China, or to the US, but how could I not, fictionally, write that one in. Just too good not to use!). A number of people involved in the scandal were sentenced to prison or heavy fines in Austria and Germany. The short-term effect of the scandal was a complete collapse of Austrian wine exports and a total loss of reputation of the entire Austrian wine industry, with significant adverse effects on the reputation of German wines as well. It took the Austrian wine industry over a decade to recover.

** - "Shanghai men so easy" In Shanghai, the women wear the pants, or so the saying goes.

Not that the city's women are particularly masculine, (they're definitely not), it's just that their men have an age-old reputation for being, well, a little on the soft side. The "little men of Shanghai" have been derided for centuries in folk tales, novels, theatre and, more recently, in films, television dramas and, most mercilessly, on the Internet. Invariably, they are depicted as henpecked husbands who willingly subject themselves to a life of servitude at the beck and call of their wives. They carry the bags for the women when shopping, cook and clean the house, and generally are quite domesticated. On the other hand Shanghai girls are independent and extroverted. Many of them show great competence in studying and working. They also care a lot more about their appearance and are more materialistic (perhaps just as much as Hong Kong girls). Those who initiate contact with foreigners are more likely to be keen on face because dating a man with a high-bridged nose and blond hair makes them different. Shanghai girls are smart, hardworking, ambitious, concerned with status, can be very sensitive to criticism and have a widespread reputation as being very sexy (and good at sex too). Like all stereotypes, unique individual's aside, there's a certain amount of truth in them.

*** - "Finger kowtow" - At dim sum, it is customary to pour tea for others before filling one's own tea cup. It is most gracious to be the first to pour tea. When tea drinkers tap the table with two (occasionally one) outstretched fingers of the same hand, an action known as the 'finger kowtow', it means thanks. According to legend, this gesture recreates a tale of imperial obeisance and can be traced to the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing dynasty, who used to travel incognito. While visiting the Jiangnan region, he once went into a teahouse with his companions. In order to maintain his anonymity, he took his turn at pouring tea. His stunned companions wanted to kowtow for the great honor but to do so would have revealed the identity of the emperor. Finally, one of them tapped three fingers on the table (one finger representing their bowed head and the other two representing their prostrate arms) and the clever emperor understood what it meant. This custom spread and has since become a widespread and accepted practice when drinking tea, particularly at dim sum (but can be extended to other meals as well). Next time you're in a chinese restaurant, watch any group of Chinese people and you'll see this. I grew up doing this from when I was a little girl, and honestly, if you're Chinese (or part-chinese like me even), you do it without even thinking about it. But only for tea. Nothing else. One of those weird little customs...

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ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 7 years agoAuthor
Only days late?

Ooooooookay. Months late, then. Mere quibbling. You have to tell me what you think when it's up though. The style's a bit different from 1,2 and 3 and it's a bit longer as well (9 LIT pages). It was a real giggle writing it, I have to say. A laugh a minute.

luedonluedonover 7 years ago
Only days late, Chloe ?

The last chapter was published in February !

Strawberry is too cute to have to wait that long.

Less Isobel and more Strawberry, I say.


ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 7 years agoAuthor
StrawberryCh. 04 just submitted - should be up for the weekend

Okay! I just submitted Strawberry Chapter 4 this morning, so it should be up for the weekend. Hope you all enjoy when it makes its appearance at last, days late......

ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 7 years agoAuthor
StrawberryCh. 04 should be up on LIT for next weekend (Sept 10th)

Strawberry Ch. 04 ("Strawberry Under the Mistletoe - Part I - "I'll Keep You Warm") should be up on LIT for next weekend (Sept 10th). It started as a single story about Strawberry going to Alan's family home for Christmas but just grew. Started on Strawberry Ch. 05 (Under the Mistletoe - Part II - "Dim Sum in Duluth") as well, but that'll take a bit longer.

ChloeTzangChloeTzangalmost 8 years agoAuthor
The last of Strawberry?

Definitely not the last! I love Strawberry and I have a whole lot of Strawberry stories I want to do. My problem is always time. And those long chapters for Chinese Takeout and the other ones all take time. Besides that, I kind of write on a round robin, I burn out on Isabelle, so I switch to Jay-Lin, then on to Jeong and so on. Right now, doing a Barbie Kiu sequel and then the next chapter of Isabelle & Happy Birthday, then its back to Chinese Takeout 6. I promise I'll try and squeeze in a quick Strawberry story soon to give you your fix.

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