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Submission Ch. 16

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Alanna and her Master attend a party.
5.5k words

Part 16 of the 18 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/04/2012
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Alanna shook with nervousness as Master led her into the mansion by the leash he had affixed to her collar.

It was Saturday night and he was taking her to a party, but she had to follow strict orders about everything. Although Alanna still slept on the mat at the end of Master's bed and he still called her pussy, and the plug with the tail was still hanging down between her legs right now, she knew that this party was both a reward and another test. Ruining things for him here tonight could result in much more than Master's disappointment and punishment of her.

No matter what anyone said, she must not speak without Master's permission. No matter what anyone did, she must allow it unless Master said otherwise. He had told her that she would not be the only Repiban woman here tonight. There would be others. She was not allowed to speak with them at all.

She was wearing a gorgeous gown of deep purple and royal blue, which made her creamy skin glow, especially the swells of her breasts where they were pushed up by the tight bodice of her dress. Alanna was still not entirely comfortable with the clothes that Master had bought her, and was nervous about being here at a party where other people could see her. But she had to admit that when she'd seen herself in the mirror, with the full skirt, narrowed waist and plumped breasts, her hair piled and pinned on top of her head with only a few curls coming down, that she had never looked so beautiful. Ms. Bliss had helped her with cosmetics, enhancing her features.

In fact, as one of Master's employees, Ms. Bliss was here tonight, looking beautiful in a pink gown that had sparkles all over it. Her hair was down. In fact, Alanna realized as she looked around the room, most of the women had their hair down. She caught a glimpse of a woman with her hair up, and then saw the collar that was clasped about that woman's neck. That's when Alanna realized that her hair was piled in order to display the collar. She bit her lip, disliking that she was marked out as different from most of the other women in the room. When Ms. Bliss caught her eye and smiled at her, nodding a greeting, Alanna nodded back and then lifted her chin. She had chosen to be with Master and she would wear his collar and leash with pride.

David was watching his slave carefully, alert to any nuance that might cause her to misbehave. He would whisk her out of here if he had to, hopefully before she could do permanent damage, but either way it would look bad. Bringing her here tonight was taking a risk, but she had been very well behaved for the past few days and he couldn't do an accurate test of his control over her without taking her out of her comfort zone. Curtis was sure to push her on Monday and so he needed to push her now, in an environment that he had more control over.

The saucy tilt of her chin amused him. That was the Alanna he cherished. Realizing that she was dressed slightly differently and daring anyone to think less of her for it. When he stopped to actually talk to some people, her chin went back down again and she remained quite close to him. Keeping her leash firmly in his hand, he wrapped one arm around her, curving his arm around the slender waist of the corset. Feeling her Master surrounding her, Alanna relaxed.

Her tension ratcheted back up when one of the admiring young men in the group ran his finger over the top of her breast. David had not warned her that, in public, any skin showing on a collared woman was fair game for others to touch. At a private party like this, mere touching of exposed skin could always lead to other intimacies as well. Demagon was quite open about sex and there was no stigma attached to sexual displays in public as long as you weren't opposed to others joining in. It was the complete opposite from the culture Alanna had been raised in. She shot an appealing look up at her Master, confused, frightened that she would be punished, and rather mortified that someone other than him was touching her, and Master just stared her down. Alanna bent her head.

"Quite lovely, but not used to being in public?" The young man asked. His finger followed her neckline, which dipped dangerously close to the pinkness surrounding her nipple, and Alanna's breath caught as he rubbed her flesh.

"This is her first outing," Master said.

"Ah," another woman in the group said. "She so shy, I'd wondered. Have you seen Lyle's Cassandra?"

"No, we just arrived," said Master. The group parted on one side and Alanna peered through their bodies and gasped in shock. There was a blonde woman there on a leash, just visible across the room, wearing nothing but a bodice which did nothing to cover her lower parts or her breasts, although it did push the swell of her mounds up as though they were being presented on a platter. The man holding her leash was watching as another young man tugged on the woman's, who must be Cassandra, nipples. Cassandra was panting, her hips moving.

The group laughed, Alanna's cheeks burned as she sank into her Masters side. He would never expose her like that, would he?

Feeling her trembling against him, David leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Not to worry Pussy, I would only dress you like that as a punishment if you were very, very bad."

Alanna immediately renewed her vow to be very, VERY good. Sneaking another look through the bodies, she saw the look of erotic lust and eagerness on the Cassandra's face. Is that what she looked like when Master pulled on her nipples?

"Poor darling looks terrified," the woman who pointed out Cassandra said. She cross the small circle to stand directly in front of Alanna. Despite the fact that she was shorter than Alanna by an inch, Alanna had never seen another woman with such a sense of confidence and power about her. She felt rather awed, despite herself. The woman was certainly beautiful, with dark blonde hair that fell to her shoulders, curling only at the very ends, and wearing a green dress that made her eyes look like jewels. Alanna ducked her head. "Look at me pet."

Slim fingers pushed under Alanna's chin and tilted her head back up high enough that the woman could look into her eyes.

"Quite nice," she said, and then she leaned forward and kissed Alanna full on the mouth. Alanna might have tried to jerk away, but Master's arm held her in check, his grip tightening warningly and she remembered that it was up to Master what people were allowed to do with her. Not herself. How far would he let this go? She let her lips open as the other woman's tongue pressed against her, and then they were kissing. It was like the sweetest, gentlest kisses that Master gave her. The woman's lips pressed and her tongue was in Alanna's mouth, and then she pulled her tongue out and closed their lips before pressing forward again.

Finally the woman ended the kiss and pulled away completely, smiling at Alanna. "That wasn't so bad, was it, pet?"

Alanna nodded and glanced up at her Master. He inclined his head.

"Thank you, ma'am," Alanna said, ducking her head down again. She wasn't sure that was the right thing to say, but she felt like she was supposed to say something.

"Lovely acquisition, David," the woman said before wandering off away from the group.

David! Master's name was David! Alanna looked up at her Master. She couldn't think of him as anything else, but it was still wonderful to know his name. Master tapped one finger on her nose.

"Don't get any ideas, imp," he said, but his eyes sparkled in his stern face. Alanna shook her head. He was Master. Although in her heart, secretly, she curled around the knowledge of his name. He was her David.

"Are you willing to let her use her mouth for anything other than kisses?" the young man who had touched her breasts asked. The group laughed again, all of them looking at Alanna. She blushed and looked at the floor again. It seemed safest. She wondered what the young man had meant by that.

"She'll be eating dinner soon," said Master, mildly. That received uproarious laughter, although Alanna didn't entirely understand why. Because she was looking at the floor she missed the acknowledging, but not at all ashamed, look that the young man gave her Master.

Dinner was exquisite. Alanna was seated beside her Master. There were six other women in collars at the entire party and only two others were sitting at the table. The other three were on the floor beside their Masters. Alanna felt a rush of gratitude that Master was allowing her to sit next to him tonight, the first dinner that they'd shared together in a week. More than shared; Alanna didn't have her own plate and Master fed her every bite she took. It created an intimacy that he seemed to enjoy as much as she did, lifting forkfuls to her mouth and inserting them between her lips, watching her face avidly as she chewed and swallowed.

By the end of dinner Alanna was feeling unaccountably aroused.

Afterwards there was dancing, which Master had no interest in participating in. They skirted the edges of the dance floor as Master chatted with several groups of people. Alanna just drank everything in with her eyes. The other Repiban women in particular interested her, she wondered if they were happy with their lot as well. Seeing them had made her realize just how favored she was by her Master. The other women either knelt at their Master's feet or stood just behind him... none of them had their Master's arm around her as Alanna did.

Cassandra was certainly the most visible of the Repiban women... Alanna blushed every time she saw the naked woman's body, mostly because there was always someone playing with it. Lyle, her Master, must enjoy seeing other men and women touching her. When a woman knelt on the floor in front of Cassandra, and put her mouth between the Repiban women's legs, Alanna felt a flush of heat go through her... her owner moved behind Cassandra, letting her lean on him as he played with her breasts. The slave writhed between the two of them, an expression of ecstasy on her face. It didn't appear that she cared if other people were watching. None of them seemed to.

Squirming, Alanna leaned into her Master's body, but she couldn't pay attention to the conversation going on around her. Her eyes kept returning to the erotic sight of the slave climbing her way to orgasm as the small crowd around her watched... Alanna could no longer see the woman between Cassandra's legs, but she caught glimpses of the slave's face.

Sensing his little one's distraction, David turned his head to look at what she was watching. Ah. Lyle and Cassandra again. The expression on her face was both horrified and intrigued... on the other hand, other than the videos he'd put on for her when he'd been preparing her for anal sex, she had probably never seen anyone engaged in sexual contact.

"Excuse us," he said to the circle of co-workers. They nodded and waved him on, pulling Alanna with him by the arm he had secured around her slender waist, and steered her towards the crowd around Lyle and Cassandra. When she realized they were going her steps faltered, but only for a moment.

Looking down at her, David was distracted and entranced by the beautiful swell of her breasts and the generous cleavage that her tight bodice created. He would have to have her wear corsets on a more frequent basis.

When they got close enough, David managed to squeeze him and Alanna into a space where she would have a good view, putting her in front of him and wrapping his arms around her waist. Alanna was completely astounded by the blatant display of lust and eroticism, she barely noticed, but took comfort in, the warm weight of her Master standing firmly behind her.

Cassandra's cries of passion were getting louder and higher, the brunette head between her legs pressed firmly against her. Behind her, her Master was grinding himself into her buttocks, one of his arms around her waist to hold her up while the other continued to play with her breast. This had nothing to do with mating and everything to do with pleasure... Alanna knew that the woman was orally pleasuring Cassandra, the way that Master sometimes did her. Was it different with a woman?

What would it be like to be the woman between Cassandra's legs?

This thought was so outside of Alanna's experience that she shrank back, into her Master. She didn't even realize that her hands were clutching at his arms around her, keeping her safely encircled by his body. The corset was hard to breath in and she was starting to feel a little faint. When Cassandra began to orgasm, her body shuddering between her two lovers, Alanna's own body jerked in reaction to the loud cries, the heaving movements of Cassandra's body.

When Master's hand drifted up and squeezed the swell of her breast that was visible over the neckline of her bodice, Alanna shivered. She realized that she wasn't just shocked or disturbed by the exhibitionism of the Repiban slave... she was turned on. Around them people applauded, as if they had just watched a particularly good theatrical performance. Which, in a way, they had.

The group began to disperse as the woman between Cassandra's legs stood, smiling, and exchanged a few words with Lyle. The three of them moved off, heading towards the stairs.

Master's hard body pressed against Alanna, and even through the layers of skirts she was wearing she could feel his arousal. He'd enjoyed watching too. Alanna turned in his arms, looking up at him with her eyes wide and lips parted. The passion in his eyes as he looked down at her turned her knees weak. She was very aware of the fluttering beat of her pulse against the collar around her neck, the marker of his ownership over her.

If Master wanted to strip her down in front of people, allow someone else to touch her, would she enjoy it? Her mind said no, but the throbbing wetness between her legs said yes.

He bent to her and kissed her hungrily, uncaring of the people around them, as his mouth opened her lips to him and he took her breath away with a deeply passionate kiss. Alanna's fingers tugged at the lapels of his jacket as she kissed him back, her body pressing against him as much as possible. Master kissed her until she really thought she might fall down in a faint, too wound up in his arousal and excitement to be able to concentrate on breathing properly.

When his lips finally left hers and he pulled her against him, her head on his shoulder as she quivered, he whispered into her ear.

"Did that turn you on little one? Did you like watching? Or were you picturing yourself in Cassandra's shoes?"

Being called "little one" instead of "Pussy" made Alanna's eyes tear up... Master must be very pleased with her. But she wasn't sure if she could talk yet so she just nodded, her head rubbing against his shoulder.

"Both?" he asked, and she nodded again. The deep chuckle that went through her Master's body vibrated in her ear drums, and she knew that he was planning something that would make her both uncomfortable and satisfy her completely. She felt Master's muscles shift against her as he turned his head.

"Henry, Patricia, would you like to join us in one of the rooms upstairs?"

Alanna peeked in the direction that her Master was looking, and blushed deeply as she saw the couple that was entwined next to them. It was the blonde woman in the green dress who had kissed her, standing next to the woman was the young man who had touched her breasts. They looked as though they had just been entwined in a passionate embrace.

"Are you sharing?" Henry asked curiously, his eyes acquisitive as he looked Alanna over. To her surprise Patricia didn't look jealous at Henry's interest, her own eyes were lit up at the suggestion.

"For touching," her Master said, and Alanna stifled a moan. She wasn't sure if she was afraid or excited. "But mostly for watching. And I think she might enjoy an audience."

"I see," Henry said. He glanced at Patricia and laughed, seeing the naked lust on her face as she looked at David's slave. "I think we'd both enjoy that as well."

David's arm held Alanna tightly against him as he led her down the hall, his hand had a firm grip on the leash attached to her collar. Not that she seemed to be thinking about running. Truthfully, as much as he enjoyed watching Lyle and Cassandra, he preferred the position of a voyeur to performer. And he'd rather not share Alanna with anyone, but at least Henry and Patricia were friends and this would help prepare Alanna for Monday when he would require her to perform in front of Curtis. This way her first time being on display and following his orders in front of other people would be pleasurable.

And he certainly had no qualms about watching Henry and Patricia together. They were a lovely couple, not at all adverse to showing off a little, although they didn't seem to be able to make a real relationship out of their trysts. Alanna had already met them, so to speak, and he trusted them not to take advantage of his willingness to let them touch her.

As soon as they got behind closed doors, in a sumptuous bedroom with a very large bed covered in purple fabric that almost matched the purple in Alanna's dress, Patricia eagerly stepped in front of Alanna and kissed her again. Alanna shuddered, feeling both excited and anxious over this turn of events, but her Master's comforting presence stayed close. He stepped behind her again, his body pressing her forward into Patricia's. The other woman moaned into Alanna's mouth, and she opened her eyes to see Henry kissing Patricia's neck. The two women were sandwiched between the men.

Patricia's nimble fingers began unlacing Alanna's bodice, as Henry untied the strap of Patricia's gown that was resting on the back of her neck. When the fabric fell, Alanna found herself unable to look away from Patricia's beautiful breasts. They were slightly larger than Alanna's, with darker pink nipples, and Alanna felt the wetness between her legs growing even more as Henry began to play with them, distracting Patricia and making it harder for her to unlace Alanna's bodice. Master helped Patricia by undoing the laces on the back of Alanna's bodice so that they could lift the stiffened fabric over her head. As soon as her nipples touched the air they hardened to little points.

Fascinated, Henry lifted Patricia's breasts and rubbed them against Alanna's, so that their nipples pressed against each other, circling each other. Patricia laughed and swatted her hand at Henry, making Master chuckle and even Alanna smiled, the humor in Henry's playfulness helping her relax.

"Let me see you suck her nipple," Master whispered in Alanna's ear.

A silent thrill went through her. Fear, desire, worry, lust warred in her body... obedience to her Master won and she leaned forward from the waist to suck one of Patricia's pert nipples into her mouth. It was much larger than Master's nipple, firm and so sensitive. Alanna could feel her Master undoing her skirts and sliding them off of her. She lifted her feet one at a time to step out of them, still suckling at Patricia's breast as the other woman moaned and kissed Henry passionately over her shoulder.

Because of the way she was leaning forward, once Master pressed up behind Alanna again, she could feel his hard shaft against her backside. If he hadn't been wearing pants he would be able to thrust into her, and she tried to rub herself against him as she sucked even harder on Patricia's teat, the desire in her pussy translating to an increased effort with her mouth.

"OH!" Patricia cried out as Henry moved from behind her and joined Alanna at the blonde's breasts, sucking her other nipple between his lips. At the same time his hand slid up Alanna's thigh, fingers questing inwards until he brushed her pussy. She was shocked at this touch, and started to shift away, but Master felt her movement and delivered a short, sharp slap to the right side of her ass, keeping her in place. Henry's fingers slipped between the folds of her pussy and Alanna moaned around the breast flesh in her mouth... was it wrong that it felt so good to be touched by someone besides her Master?


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