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Summer School Pt. 01 Ch. 05

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Tom must pass his classes; one way or another.
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Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

For those of you ready to settle in for a longer story I offer you this tale. It is about lessons learned and steps one must take to achieve a goal. It is also something of a favorite of mine. And there is a lot of naughtiness to enjoy. Many delicious themes will be covered and the cast is large. It is a story about Tom and his attendance of a very special summer school in which he must prove his worth to his teachers. Only then will he be able to gain access to his trust, which will assure him of a life of leisure and high society.

In Part One we find out how Tom landed himself in this very special Summer School. Tom and you the reader, get a taste of what's to come.

Please note the story rosa-blanca.ru I have listed for each chapter cover all 5 chapters of Part One. Chapter 1 is bereft of any sexual activity while providing information about our principle character and his motivations. Chapter 2 introduces the foot worship and foot kissing. Chapter 3 relates to spanking, caning, and whipping. Chapter 4 is again without any sexual encounters. And finally Chapter 5 sees some ass worship and ass kissing.

Chapter 5; Tom's fate is sealed and he must accept the terms of his very special Summer School.

All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older.


Tom had to wait quite a while outside the Principal's office. The school year was all but over and he wasn't sure what she had to be doing, but he had to get things straightened out. He had already gone to some extreme measures to ensure he passed his classes. Now he had to take and pass his finals so he could finally put this place behind him.

"Timothy Marshall? Ms. Eaglebride is ready to see you now."

It was some office person he wasn't familiar with, which also explained why she called him Timothy. He never really liked the name. Timothy and even Tim sounded too silly to him, too childish. He had chosen to go by Tom. Tom sounded much better to him and was a name he could get used to. No one had called him Timothy for quite some time.

He was led into the Principal's office where Ms. Eaglebride was stepping behind her desk, having pointed out a chair that was in front and facing it. He took a seat as she moved a stack of papers on her workspace.

"So, Timothy Marshall, I imagine we have a few things to discuss."

"It's Tom."

"Tom then. I'll let you start."

Tom had figured this meeting would be pretty straightforward. He just needed to find out when and where he could take his final exams. But something told him when he sat in the chair, this wasn't going to be so simple. And the way she spoke hinted that she wasn't on his side.

"Well Ms. Eaglebride, it's all very simple really. I just need to see about scheduling my final exams. As you are aware, I just got out of the hospital."

"You missed your exams Mr. Marshall, Tom, they wrapped up yesterday. I'm sorry you couldn't see your way to be here."

He was still waiting to hear how he could take his exams, but she added nothing further. She was acting like there was nothing more to say. There was no reason to make this difficult he just needed to know when and where to show up and take care of this matter.

"Yes I missed them because I was in the hospital. I need to arrange to take them now or make them up or whatever you want to call it."

"And why would I do that? You missed your exams so you failed your exams. And by the looks of things you were going to fail your classes anyway. So why would I bother. You want to take your final exams? You can take them next year, and you'll have plenty of time to study for them."

"Next year! I need to take them now. I have to pass my classes now. I have to graduate so I can move on with the rest of my life."

"Well I know it's an old song, but maybe you should have thought of that beforehand."

"But I have to take them now. And frankly I don't think it's up to you. Surely a hospital stay is an excused absence and there must be some contingency if this sort of thing happens."

"A hospital stay would be an excused absence, but illegal activity is not."

Tom sat there stunned. What had she just said? She had to know he was in the hospital and surely she knew it involved a car crash, but could she have known more than that? Even if she had suspicions or there were rumors, that wouldn't be enough for her to keep him from taking his exams. While he was trying to sort this out and decide his next move, Ms. Eaglebride stepped in.

"Tom, do you see that TV on the cart over in the corner? Take a look at it for a moment if you would."

She then grabbed a remote on her desk and aimed it at the rolling cart. The screen sprung to life and after a couple seconds of static an image appeared. It looked rather familiar. In fact it looked like a room in his house where his father's liquor cabinet was. And if he wasn't sure, seconds later he saw himself enter the room and crouch down in front of the cabinet. As he watched himself break into the cabinet he tried to place when this occurred, and based upon what he was wearing, it must have been the night he took the fateful drive in his father's McLaren.

There hadn't always been a camera there. If there had he would have been busted a long time ago. It must have been added recently. But how? By whom? Mildred! She must have installed something when she got suspicious. He had been more careful but apparently he hadn't been careful enough. But then how did the video get here? Again, it had to be Mildred. And he would be having a serious talk with her when he got out of here.

Ms. Eaglebride was saying something about the 'best part' when she paused the video. The image froze with him crouched on the floor, bottle in hand, tipped up to his mouth, and for extra points the label was clearly facing the camera.

"So we both know you were drinking. I also know you stole your father's car but that hardly matters to me as much as it does to you and your father. Based on the drinking alone I could have you suspended or even expelled and it wouldn't matter if you ever stepped foot inside a hospital."

It was all caving in on top of him. The last week and a half he'd been battered and bruised, but he was surviving. He made deals he would have been happy to avoid and suffered pain he wouldn't soon forget but it would all be for nothing if he couldn't stop the avalanche that was sliding off the mountain towards him.

"Ms. Eaglebride I don't know what to say. I have to graduate. I really, really, really have to graduate. Let's forget about this video for a moment. Surely there must be a way I can take my exams?"

"Mr. Marshall I feel you want to be honest and honesty is the only way to move forward. So let's be honest with each other. Do you really think, without some kind of cheating, that you can score well enough on these exams to save all your grades?"

Tom sat there in silence. He didn't know what to say. What he did realize at that moment, was that getting drunk and taking the car out for a ride was the biggest mistake he had made in his life. It hadn't helped at all and it sure made matters a hell of a lot worse.

"No, I didn't think so. Now I do agree with you that graduation is very important. I also know that you were willing to work with some of your teachers to be able to graduate."

Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Wechsbotham, had they talked? Oh no, they couldn't have. If Ms. Eaglebride knew what he had done to pass those classes. First there was the humiliation if she had knowledge of what he had been forced to do. Secondly it wasn't likely to help his case now. He had been trying to deal his way to a diploma.

"Now in some cases summer school would be an option. But that's designed for one or two classes and we have a bigger problem here. So the very important question I have to ask you...is just how hard are you willing to work to graduate before the next school year?"

"I'll do anything."

"That's just a start. You have to be willing to do more than anything. You may have to do more than you think is possible. Otherwise the consequences...I just thought of something. I'm sure the police have seen a copy of this video, but I should probably send this to them to be sure."

She didn't really need to add that threat, He was less worried about the law and more worried about fulfilling his trust obligations. Any trouble with the law wasn't good, but it wasn't that serious and even if there was some action taken, it would all be worthwhile in the end if he got his money.

"Please don't send the video. I'm sure the police are busy enough. Just tell me what you want."

"Well I have talked to your Spanish teacher and your History teacher and that gave me some ideas. I've decided to arrange a special summer school just for you. There are five classes you need to pass and pass well for me to feel comfortable letting you graduate. I've spoken to these teachers, and you will meet with each of them one day a week. You will see your Spanish Teacher on Mondays, your Science teacher on Tuesdays, and so on."

She really did seem to have this worked out. She had already confirmed his fear that she had spoken with Ms. Rodriguez and Ms. Wechsbotham, and it sounded like they had told her a lot. Now she was getting more teachers involved and he already knew it was more than just traditional studies she had in mind.

"Each teacher will give you assignments to complete and will grade you on your performance. Each of them must be satisfied with your work. And I must be satisfied as well. Then at the end of summer, if we are all satisfied, you will graduate. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now your teachers have been given complete discretion as to what assignments they give you. However if you feel you are being treated unfairly, you only have to come see me and I'll set things straight."

That sounded much more like a cruel joke than an offer of assistance. He wasn't quite sure what she had in mind but he was worried. This summer school idea would prolong his suffering, and given that Ms. Rodriguez and Ms. Wechsbotham were involved, suffering was something he knew he would have.

"Now if you think you can satisfy your teachers' requirements, I have drawn up this agreement pertaining to the plan I have just discussed. You'll need to sign this before we can proceed. Are you ready to sign?"

She even had papers for this summer school idea of hers, no doubt for her amusement. The question of signing them was more of a threat or a dare. But of course he didn't dare walk away now. Summer school was going to be hell, but he'd get through it. And with his money he could put this all behind him. He might even buy the school just to tear it down. That thought brought a small glimmer to his eye.

"Yes I am ready to sign."

"Good. Mrs. Parker can you come in here a minute please."

Then she turned to Tom and added "Might as well get these notarized while we're at it."

A few minutes later and Mrs. Parker had come and gone. Signatures were made and witnessed, and Mrs. Parker had embossed her seal on the paper. Some of that was surely for show. Ms. Eaglebride then took the papers and locked them in a cabinet. She had given Mrs. Parker a copy and she had taken them to be filed somewhere else. The Principal stood behind the desk looking very pleased with herself.

"Now then, Mr. Marshall, I think our business is nearly concluded. I just need something from you. A gesture to seal the deal, so to speak."

While saying that she had slowly walked from behind her desk to stand in front of it. There was a sway in her hips and her fingers trailed along the edge of her desk as she rounded its corners. She looked almost predatory, and under different circumstances, he might even have said, sexy.

"Now I want you to get out of that chair, get on your knees, and kiss...my...ass."

"You've got to be joking."

He knew she wasn't but it was reflexive to deny such a proposed reality. It was probably just as well. She needed to win today and it would do him no good to fight her. No reason to bottle it in. Let her know he didn't like his position but there was nothing he could do about it. Slowly he slid out of his seat and onto his knees on the carpet.

"Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?"

"Boy, I'm going to take it so much farther than this it will make you cry. This is just a small taste of what's in store for you."

And with a wicked grin, she turned around and put out her ass while leaning over her desk. Her large, well rounded ass in her stretched tight skirt was already mocking him. He hesitated. This was the third time in less than as many weeks that he was performing an unusual task for the women of the school. What had become of his life? Knowing there was no escape he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her proffered cheek.

Then he sat back, knowing it wasn't over. He was becoming more concerned about this summer school idea. He had already worried about what Ms. Rodriguez and Ms. Wechsbotham would have in store for him but it was becoming ever more clear that Ms. Eaglebride had some requirements of her own. What if all the teachers had their own little games to play?

"Keep going. One kiss surely isn't going to do it. You just keep kissing my ass until I tell you to stop. And no hands, you keep those behind your back. And unless you want to be here all night you'd better put some passion behind those kisses."

"Yes Ma'am."

What more could he say? She had him by the balls and they both knew it. He put his hands behind his back grabbing one wrist and then he leaned in once more to her ass. He planted kisses all over her ass, pushing his face into her cheeks. It wasn't long before her ass was pushing back against him.

It was a rather nice ass and he tried to focus on that and not the fact that he was on his knees behind an older woman forced into service. It wasn't a fat ass. There were certainly larger ones among the faculty. And it wasn't an old saggy ass. While she wasn't a teenager, this ass had shape and tone. But it was a full ass. Not the tight little thing that Josephine had. The tight little ass he would probably never see again. No this was a full ass, a big, round, full ass. An ass in all capital letters. ASS! That's what was in his face right now.

"Now you're getting it. If you like that then you're gonna love this."

She suddenly thrust her ass back in his face nearly knocking him over. As he regained his balance he saw her reaching for the hem of her skirt. He was mesmerized as slowly, inch by inch, she raised her skirt, revealing more and more of her smooth, white cheeks. He was so fascinated it took a moment for him to register that she was wearing a thong.

He would never have guessed that, but as the skirt rode higher and higher no part of those full and fabulous cheeks was hiding behind cotton, lace, or any other panty material. And those cheeks were getting closer. Not because she was moving, but because he felt himself being drawn toward her. He was moving, closer and closer to that perfect ass. And as his lips made contact with that smooth, soft, perfect skin, he heard her voice from somewhere.

"That's right boy. Back to work."

And back to work he went. He covered her with kisses. He would close his eyes to better feel the softness of her skin on his face. She would rock her hips from side to side and he found himself swimming in a sea of ass. If he was to drown here he would die a happy man.

Time slipped away from him, and as he was kissing her ass he found he was doing more. He was rubbing his face against that ass. He was lost in it. His face wanted to somehow give her ass a hug and he hoped the ass would somehow hug it back. Time was a meaningless concept until he heard her speak again.

"Oh Mrs. Parker, I didn't hear you come in."

It was like being shaken from a dream. His face slowed, coming to a natural rest in her crack. Then he slowly pulled back and began turning his head. A part of him knew what was there but another part of him, an uncontrollable part, still turned his head, needing to be sure. And when his head came around he saw Mrs. Parker, a look of shock and amusement frozen on her face.

"Mr. Marshall was just doing me a favor."

He had been somewhere else, in another world, perhaps a bedroom late at night. And now suddenly he was brought back to this place. It was daytime. He was in an office at school, the Principal's office. And standing not ten feet away from him was Mrs. Parker. He hadn't known her before today. He wouldn't have been able to pick out her name or face if he had been asked. But he knew he wasn't going to forget her now. And he was equally sure she would remember him for a very, very long time.

She meekly waved some papers in her hand, her face still frozen in disbelief. Ms. Eaglebride must have nodded her head or given some other indication, for she then set them down on a nearby bookshelf. Her face slowly came back to life and she tried to catch a nervous laugh as it escaped her. She looked as if she might say something when Ms. Eaglebride spoke again.

"That will be all for today Mrs. Parker. Unless you need Tom to do a favor for you?"

Mrs. Parker put up her hand in protest and then turned and left the room. Tom wasn't sure how serious Ms. Eaglebride was about the offer and he didn't want to think about it. He knew his red face could have lit up the room. What had come over him? He was still on his knees, hands clutched tightly behind his back as Ms. Eaglebride stood up and pulled her skirt back down.

"I think that will be all for you as well Tom. Here take this; it has a schedule of dates and times for your summer school. I'm sure you'll be learning a great many things."

Like a robot or wind-up toy, Tom took the paper she held out to him. Slowly he came to his feet and gathered his things. He didn't say a thing as he slung his pack over his shoulder and walked out of the office. He didn't say anything to anyone as he left the building.

It had been settled. The die was cast. He stood at the trailhead of a long journey, a long summer. Timothy Edwin Marshall was going to Summer School.

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thekeenreaderthekeenreaderover 4 years ago

Wonderful. Adore how the trap is closing around him. A trap caused by his own arrogance.

themanredthemanredabout 5 years ago

This is such a good story! I love how his own laziness is his downfall, and it's really hot to see him used by so many older women who know what they want. The dynamic of him having to spend his entire week at school, while the teachers only go once a week to toy with him is brilliant too.

Well-written, concise, and great power dynamics. And so many interesting threads, like with Mildred! Loving this story!!

realbigsid69realbigsid69over 5 years ago
Great progression

Hi Lilith,

Excellent progression and this sets up a great summer school programme! Great to see writings by you being posted, You have a great mind for knowing the ideal dynamic :-)

Paul x

LilithDeVilLilithDeVilover 5 years agoAuthor

There will be a lot more. However you will have to be patient as much of it hasn't been written yet. I hope to add at least another chapter before the month is out. Thanks for your comment.

arrowglassarrowglassover 5 years ago
Quite a series!

Hopefully, there is more!!!!!?

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