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Summer School Pt. 02 Ch. 13

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Tom does some exercise.
6k words

Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

Tom's going to get his first test at the hands of his science teacher. This exercise may leave him a little breathless.

All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older.


"Wake up Titty Baby. Nap time's over."

Tom felt Mrs. Folami tapping his head through her shirt; a shirt he was still under as she held him to her bare chest, his face nestled deep within her enormous breasts. He wasn't sure he had ever really slept, but he wasn't fully awake either.

He had been licking the sweat from between her breasts after having been smothered against her, both above her shirt and then tucked under it. She had mentioned taking a nap and he was allowed one as well, once he finished licking up all her sweat. But he didn't dare quit before she was asleep.

So he had licked and swallowed for a long time before he felt it was safe to stop. But he was still held tightly to her with no means of escape. Between the salty taste of her sweat and the heady scent of her body he was feeling dizzy and light headed. It gave him thoughts of an opium den, although he had only read about them.

And then light, and...could it be? Fresh air? Mrs. Folami was lifting up her shirt and he felt her grip on his arms loosen. Asleep or not, it was time to wake up, time to get up, time to clear his head.

She let go of his arms, giving him the freedom to rise. As he pulled his head back, his mind couldn't escape the thought of how close he was to her bare breasts, and now her large bare nipples. He hadn't seen them in the haze of stars when she had tucked him under her shirt, but now he had a chance to glimpse them bare; it was a chance his eyes were not willing to miss.

"Boy you betta git your eyes back in yo' head. I told you before. You gotta eeaarrnn the nipple."

She had grabbed his jaw and turned his head, forcing him to look over the back of the couch. And she had been quick enough that he was denied the view he sought. He cursed under his breath. He really, really wanted to see those nipples, at least one of them.

They had his attention the moment he saw her standing at the door and he couldn't ignore them as he sat on the couch. He had even hoped to see them, maybe even touch them as she had invited him to her end of the couch; before she thrust his face so deep into her chest without warning.

He needed those nipples. He needed them so bad. He was stirring once again below the waist as he was reminded of them and sought to behold their bare beauty. But why? He couldn't deny the draw they had on him but he also found himself questioning their power over him. This was Mrs. Folami after all. This was his former science teacher? This was a big black woman who had forced him to lick the sweat from her body! Why should he have any interest in her or her enormous, sexy nipples?

He was still asking himself that question as she sat up on the couch and he was able to see her covered nipples poking proudly against the fabric of her shirt. Like her breasts, they were larger than life. There was no way to hide nipples like that; not if one chose to go without a bra!

"Okay Titty Baby, you just wait here. Imma go git something an' will get started on some exercises fo' you."

"The name's 'Tom'."

The first time he heard her call him a 'titty baby' he figured she was just teasing him. But she said it more than once, and now she was using it again and it felt like she thought he should answer to that. Hard enough to get the teachers to accept him as Tom and not call him Timothy or Tim. He needed to let her know where he stood. Unfortunately for him, she was quick to remind him of exactly where he stood.

"What was that boy? Did I detect a disrespectful tone in your voice? Because if I did, I may just have to slap that right out o' you. Let's get something straight right now. In my house I'll call you whateva the hell I want! And right now you're Tommy Titty Baby. So Tommy, if I just want to call you Titty Baby then I will. And you'll answer; just the same as you'll answer if I call you Little White Bitch Boy! You got that!"

He wanted to tell her to go to hell. He wanted to tell her there was no way he would answer to that and she'd best learn to address him as sir if she didn't want any trouble. He wanted to tell her all those things, but as his head filled with steam he knew he couldn't say any of that. He wanted to fight her but in his position he couldn't back up any threats.

"Yes Mrs. Folami. I understand. I'm sorry."

He was sorry; sorry he lost this fight. He was losing too many these days. Even something as simple as his name had been taken from him. He didn't like it; not one bit. He had to remember what it was all for. He had to endure so he could claim his trust money. Once he achieved that it would be a new day.

"Nah, in this house, while you're here...you'll call me Momma. And you'll say it with respect, even reverence...or I'll teach you to say it with fear! You hear me!"

Now he had done it. He had pushed on his name and she had pushed back; pushed back hard. Mrs. Folami, or 'Momma', was nothing like Felicia. Ms. Rodriguez was stern with him; demanding even, but she had never treated him like this. He was already learning so much more about these women, some things more than he ever wanted to know.

"Yes Momma."

"What's that?"

"Yes Momma I understand. I'm sorry Momma."

"That's better Titty Baby. Now you just sit yer ass right there and wait for Momma to come back. And you betta hope Momma has cooled off a little before we begin."

Momma then walked out of the room with perhaps a little more stomp in her stride. But she was soon gone and Tom was in relative safety. He was still learning just what his place was. It was hard enough to accept what Ms. Rodriguez had required of him, but this was a clear indication that each teacher would be different. He would have to learn them all and learn their expectations and his boundaries.

And while this summer school that Patricia concocted wasn't meant to be any fun, he did want to make it as easy as possible and just get through it. He still had his pride but he kept questioning where he could make a stand and where it was better to just go along. He wasn't really in a position to fight, and he hated that.

And he had no idea what 'Momma' had planned for him. He was already worried about her comments of breaking him. It wouldn't be wise to get her angry or have her decide there was even more he had to deal with. He really did need her to cool down before whatever came next.

And so Tom swallowed another lump of pride and decided he would try to smooth things over when she returned. He wasn't going to be able to refuse her anyway, so he wanted something simple to prove his obedience and acceptance of his position so he could finish the day and move on. There was still so much of this summer school ahead of him.

And so he sat patiently on the couch trying to look on the bright side as he awaited her return. Well the day wasn't a total loss. He got to see more of her nipples than he ever had before, even if he was denied a glimpse of them bare. Right now he didn't care why he was so drawn to them; he just wanted to enjoy thinking about them.

He was just getting into his daydream about her big, beautiful, black nipples when she came back into the room. He turned to see her approach, her breasts jostling within her top and those nipples greeting him with a wave and a wink. He wanted to just stare at those magnificent nubs but there was something else he needed to do. What was it again?

"Momma I want to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was rude and I'm sorry. I know this is your house and you're the one that makes the rules. I promise to do better."

It wasn't easy but he said it. And in a way, he meant it. Now he could only hope that his new 'Momma' would accept it and things might go a little easier.

"Well that's nice to hear Titty Baby. Momma won't tolerate her little Bitch Boy being rude. Hate to haf to spend my time slappin my Bitch around when there's so much work to be done. And you know you're my Bitch, right Titty Baby?"

She was pushing him but her tone was softer than when she left. It felt like more of a test of his sincerity. She wanted to see if he could hold back and take it when she talked to him that way. And while he didn't like it, he knew that's what he had to do.

"Yes Momma I know. I know I'm...I'm your...bitch."

"Oh, don't be so sad suga'. It's a privilege to be Momma's little Bitch. You'll learn that too."

She ended with a smile and a short laugh. It had worked, at least a little. She was still toying with him, and he remembered how she had been referring to him as a toy, but she wasn't angry anymore. That had to help him in some way.

"Now then Titty Baby, we've got some work to do. So we gonna start with some exercise. Go ahead and take off that shirt."

He really couldn't understand her obsession with his physical fitness, but maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He wasn't fond of exercise. He did workout on occasion but he wasn't some gym freak. However he would gladly spend his day lifting weights instead of licking up her sweat.

"Now let me just get this ready."

She had come into the room with a square pillow or cushion in one hand and what appeared to be a laundry hamper in the other. He hadn't really thought about either as his focus was on her nipples and his need to apologize. Now he wondered what she had in mind.

Just a short distance from the couch she dropped the pillow onto the floor. Then she began to dig in the bottom of the hamper. Soon she was pulling out items and tossing them in a pile on and around the pillow. He wasn't sure at first but soon realized it was her underwear.

The size had thrown him in the beginning as he thought she had tossed a silk shirt. But as more made it to the pile he was able to identify them as a pairs of underwear; large underwear. He examined the growing pile and also came to the conclusion that it was only her dirty panties she was digging for. He was curious to see one of her massive bras, but if they were in the hamper, that's where they remained.

Finally she seemed satisfied with the small mountain of dirty clothes which covered the cushion entirely. She stood there for a moment with her hands on her hips; a look of satisfaction across her face.

"Now then Tommy; I think we're ready to begin."

He still didn't know what was about to begin, but he sensed it would involve him and her dirty, oversized panties. Not sure why the pillow was there but he'd probably find out soon enough.

"Alright boy, come on ova here. Time for some pushups."

Well it really was going to be some exercise. Though he was a little worried now about how the pile of dirty laundry would play into it. He tried to ignore it for the moment and got down on the floor nearby to begin doing pushups.

"Nuh uh Titty Baby. Don't be stupid. Momma's made this nice little target for you. You line up right so yo' nose is right in the middle of it every time you go down."

He was afraid of that. Tom adjusted his position on the floor. His arms supported him as he stared down at the pile of dirty panties. He had some distance, but not much; and he could already catch a scent which had to be emanating from the silky mound below him.

"Alright now, let's see a good pushup. All the way down, hold a moment, den all the way back up. Go on now."

Here it was. Tom slowly descended. He decided it was best to hold his breath before he went all the way down. Soon his face felt the smooth slickness of her underwear. He closed his eyes but there was no denying he now had a face full of her panties. He also felt the cushion on his face before he had made it all the way down.

He pressed into the cushion and held himself for a count of three. He then rose and once back up he opened his eyes and let out his breath. All in all it could have been worse.

"Tsk, tsk. Baby I don't think yo' breathing right. And Momma's gone to all this trouble to make this betta for you. When you get down you need a big inhale. Then you can exhale when you come up. And you didn't go down all the way. Let's try again."

So he wasn't going to be able to avoid any of this by choosing when to breathe. That shouldn't be a surprise. He had his first encounter with her dirty underwear but it had been something of a cheat. Now he was going to have to fully experience them.

He waited a second and shifted on his hands, really just trying to mentally prepare himself for this. Then slowly he lowered himself into the pile and took a deep breath. He almost lost his balance and fell as the wave of feminine odor rushed into his nose. He coughed reflexively but tried to stifle it as he knew Momma wouldn't want to hear that from her Titty Baby.

He rose with a better understanding of what was in store and a new fear about just how long this would go on and how much he could take. He shook his head and breathed out, trying to clear his head of this new scent, and immediately he wished he hadn't.

"It's okay Titty Baby. I know this is special but Momma's allowing you to smell her panties. You may not have earned this treat, but you go on and enjoy yourself. Nice deep breaths."

She was teasing him. So many women had been teasing him lately. He was glad she didn't slap him or yell at him for shaking his head but he still felt the barb when she acted like this was some sort of treat that he should enjoy; and a treat he somehow didn't deserve.

Well she was right about part of that. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be on the floor smelling her dirty underwear. He didn't deserve to be used to lick the sweat from her chest. He didn't even deserve to be forced to come to her house for this punishment. But that didn't matter right now. Now he knew, like it or not, he had to go back down and put his nose into it once more.

He went down again. And reluctantly he breathed in. It wasn't really any better than before but at least it wasn't as much of a surprise. This was a strong odor. He had encountered something similar in the past but never anything quite like this. At least this time he kept from coughing as he rose back into position.

He felt he had been quick to come up and He would try to make sure he didn't rise too fast and draw her attention. But of course he didn't want to remain down there in the odor pile longer than necessary. Even now, above the pile, he could still smell the scent.

He waited a moment but knew he had to continue. He both wanted and didn't want to know how many of these pushups she was expecting of him. Surely it only took a few to make her point. He already felt he wouldn't be able to forget this smell for a long, long time.

Down he went again. He took another breath but decided on one not as deep. Instead he tried to make sure he was down for a full count before he rose. He couldn't really escape the odor but he could control his breathing; somewhat.

"You getting' betta Baby but you still don't have it quite right. Remember this is for yo' own good so we make you strong and healthy. I don't want you breathing while you're up here anymo. You go down; deep breath; breath out as you come up; then hold your breath, go down, and deep breath again. Got it?"

Oh god, was she serious? Of course she was. Now the only breath he would get would be tainted with her feminine fragrance; a dirty and used feminine fragrance. He tried to prepare himself. He also took in a few breaths knowing these would be the closest to fresh air he had for some time.

Then, reluctantly, he returned to the mountain of soiled satin. After taking in another lungful he had the urge to cough once more and he fought to control it. He was sure to breathe out this time, trying to breathe it all away. And where he once found some relief, he was now holding his breath preparing for another return to the torment.

He wasn't sure how many pushups he had done but he was already feeling weak and that dizzy feeling was returning. He couldn't really escape the odor in any way and he kept getting a 'fresh' sample every time he went down.

He went down once more and as he came back up he could feel his arms trembling. He repositioned himself and shook his arms but he didn't have much time as he was holding his breath now. And soon he was forced back down.

He had no choice this time but to take a deep breath as he really needed the air, no matter its condition. He now felt it had crawled inside him and filled him all the way to his toes. Rise and exhale.

"Okay Titty Baby, let's stop a moment. Just lay down and rest your head a minute."

He was thankful for the break but not so thankful that he would have to rest his head within the dirty panties. At least he had the pillow providing some comfort. So he lay down, his arms thankful for the break and looked at Momma while his head rested on the smooth, silky underwear and the ever present scent wafted around his head.

Momma sat down on her knees, hands on her hips, and studied him. She looked to be working something out and Tom could only guess what might be going through her mind. He was thankful for this break but wary of what might be coming next.

"Okay sit up and give Momma a minute."

He wasn't expecting to hear that. It took a second to realize that's actually what she said and what she meant. He then was quick to rise into a sitting position, grateful to have his face some distance from his pushup target.

Momma then started going through the dirty panties in the pile. She was turning them inside out and tossing some to one side and some to another. She appeared to be searching for something, but Tom couldn't imagine what. He also wasn't sure he wanted to know.

While she went through this process Tom could now see the inside of her underwear. He could now see some of the stains and streaks within them and the realization that he had his face buried in them made him gag. Somehow that sight made it all the more real.

She picked up two, one in each hand and held them out in front of herself. She inspected each and finally she made her decision dropping one back down and taking the other in both hands. Then she turned to Tom with a smile that made him cringe. Whatever was making her happy was sure to be at his expense.

And he wasn't wrong. Momma rolled the underwear in her hands so they were inside out, laying over her wrists as she had a hand at each leg hole.

"Come 'ere."

It was all she said and of course all she had to say. Tom didn't like this at all. The last time she had told him to come to her he found himself crushed within her massive chest. This time he feared it was going to be even worse. Slowly, fearfully, he scooted closer to her.

He looked at the panties in her hand. He noted the dark stains and discoloration of the cotton gusset. He guessed it was a mix of piss and sweat and maybe more that he just couldn't think about. In fact he closed his eyes to blot out the image.

But that wasn't going to save him. As the odor suddenly increased he felt the fabric touch his nose and face. He opened his eyes but couldn't really see. There was light at the corners, but the underwear in his face was blocking some of his sight.

Momma was still adjusting it as she pulled the dirty panties over his head. He found himself frozen in place, unable to believe that her stained panty crotch was now against his nose and her panty was now covering his head.

She pinched the crotch at the bridge of his nose and he could now see a little out of the legs holes, but the edges of the openings still tickled at his eyes. She then sat back and smiled as she looked at him.

"Boy, you've got a tiny head don't ya."

He was pretty sure he had an average sized head and it was her enormous underwear which made it look small. But he didn't say that; couldn't if he wanted to; he had lost all power of speech. He was still trying to come to terms with her soiled crotch on his nose as her underwear hung about his head.


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