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Summer School Pt. 02 Ch. 14

Story Info
Tom gets some unusual weight training.
6.5k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/13/2018
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Hello you naughty girls and boys!

Tom's passed out doing pushups. What will happen when he awakes?

All characters in the story are 18 years of age or older.


Tom felt himself waking up. There was a taste on his tongue and an odor in his nose. The taste and odor were both feminine. Then he remembered dirty panties; dirty panties in his mouth and over his head. His tongue moved in his mouth and although the taste wasn't truly gone, his tongue had free movement. He wriggled his nose and it too retained some of the odor, but no longer felt confined within a panty prison.

As he woke fully his mind told him it hadn't been a dream. He remembered the dirty panties, the makeshift hood, and the pushups he had been required to do. But then what? Was he allowed another nap? As he put it together he realized he had probably passed out while doing pushups and enduring her flavor and aroma.

And now he could hear Momma nearby. He was lying on the couch but couldn't remember moving there. Had Momma pulled him to the couch after he passed out? He was now quite awake and there was only one thing left to do. With hesitation, he opened his eyes.

"Titty Baby awake now?"

He was awake. Though he wasn't sure it was for the best. Momma rounded the corner of the couch and stood above him looking down. She was holding a glass of water and he longed for a drink to clear the taste from his mouth. And then he watched her take a drink and knew the water wasn't for him.

"See Titty Baby, dis is what I was afraid of. Can't even handle a few pushups. And after all the trouble I went through so you could enjoy yourself."

Tom didn't know what to say. He didn't know what he could say. He couldn't tell her the trouble her underwear had caused him; and she had to know. He hadn't planned to pass out and he knew she saw that as his fault and not hers in anyway.

"We'll we got plenty more work ta do. Put yo' hands under yo' butt and we'll talk about it."

He didn't know why she wanted his hands under his butt, but he did it all the same. He thought she was putting her glass down on the coffee table. He realized too late she was sitting down on the couch; sitting down on him!

He felt her weight land in his lap and his body immediately sunk in the cushions. She was sitting in the middle of the couch, on his lap, but she covered more than that. He felt her heavy ass on his stomach and thighs. He also realized, with arms at his side, that his hands were effectively pinned underneath him.

Mostly he felt the press on his stomach, forcing some of the wind from him. Under other conditions he would have told this crazy bitch to get her fat ass off of him! But of course that wasn't an option here and now. So he remained quiet and tried to control his breathing.

And the weight was considerable. This wasn't like Josephine falling into his lap. This felt more like someone dropping a bag of cement on top of him; and then adding another. Though as much as he felt he was being flattened, it didn't feel hard and stiff, like he had been trapped under a piece of furniture. Rather it felt soft; heavy, but soft.

"So while I'm not too surprised, I must say I am disappointed in you. You need ta be able ta handle more than a few pushups."

He was listening, but more than that he was watching and waiting. She had sat down on him and it got his attention. They both knew it was no simple matter to be under her like this. She had made her point and he was ready for her to get up off him. But she just sat there, like it was completely normal.

"So I think we're going to haf to put you on some exercises. We can't do it all in one day but we gotta get you betta prepared."

She wasn't going anywhere. And while he knew it couldn't be, it felt as if she were getting heavier. There was the initial crush of her weight and he had to adjust to it. But now even with concentration on his breathing he felt he was being flattened further.

He had been holding some of his breath but now he had to let it out. It sounded as if he were blowing out a birthday cake. It was a sound Momma didn't miss. And as he let it out he felt her sinking deeper into him.

"You okay there Baby? You comfortable down there? Let me get more comfortable too."

And then she spread her arms out along the back of the couch and started moving her hips in circles to get 'comfortable'. This pressed more of the air from his chest and he felt her covering more of his body. And then he noticed something else.

As she moved on top of him he became more aware it was her big, soft ass squashing him. And with her stretchy yoga pants it almost felt as though she weren't wearing any pants. This wasn't an oversized pair of blue jeans pressing into him, This was her ass and her crotch and it pressed against his body.

And he found his body was now responding to hers. He couldn't help but think of her bare ass sitting on him and with that thought he couldn't help a stirring in his shorts. And that quickly presented another problem.

When she first sat down he was simply squashed beneath her. Now that his member was trying to fill with blood, he was aware of how bent and crooked he was. He wanted; no he needed to straighten out. But he was also concerned that if he could get his erection straight she would notice it. And he wasn't sure how she would react to that.

Then she lifted a little and came back down, sort of a few quick bounces, before she made more circles. During the bounces he felt a strong pulse and with a slight, almost involuntary shifting on his part, his erection was free to fill. It was a relief. But now he waited to see if that relief was to be short lived.

"There we go. Now we can both be comfortable. Now what was I sayin'?"

She stopped moving and settled on top of him. If she even noticed his hard-on she didn't show it. He was still worried what might happen if she did notice; so while he couldn't make it go away he tried to remain as still as possible, and also still tried to breathe the best he could.

"Oh right, we gotta get you prepared. So we gonna hafta git you some exercises."

He was listening but she really wasn't saying anything new. His mind was now focusing on her ass and how it felt against his stomach. He found himself thinking about her bare ass; about how her bare ass would look on his bare stomach.

It was also clear to him that he couldn't get away from her bare ass. There was no way to slip free. He was pinned and would stay pinned as long as her ass remained in place. Her ass was in charge now and it would decide when he could get up; if he could get up.

He felt smaller. He was just a little prisoner to her big, black, bare ass. And its weight still pressed down on him, reminding him it was there and reminding him how he couldn't breathe properly.

And he felt her on his legs as well. They were just as pinned but there wasn't the same measure of distress. His legs didn't need to breathe. The weight on his legs was just a reminder of her size and a reminder he was being kept under her.

At first he was focused on the ass cheek on his gut. The feeling; the sensation; the weight of it, all playing though his mind. Then he thought about her other side on his legs. Now he was imagining even more of it. He was imagining the large crack of her ass at the back of the couch.

He considered its length and depth as well as its position. He imagined her round cheeks coming away from her crack and wrapping around to the sides. He marveled at the expanse of her ass. And then his thoughts turned to the underside of her seat.

He could picture those big ass cheeks sitting down and flattening against whatever chair or bench she sat on. He imagined her sitting on a copy machine to take pictures. But he knew of no copy machine large enough to handle the job.

And then he began to think of her crotch. Her crotch was above his. He could feel the weight of her ass and knew he was pinned but her crotch also had to be very nearby. In fact it was practically on top of his.

Now his dick was no longer still. It pulsed and throbbed under her. It now wanted to know just where her crotch was. No it wanted more. It wanted to know where her pussy was. It wanted to find it; had to find it. But these damn shorts were in the way! He could feel the heavy fabric of his shorts pressed down against him, trapping his dick and keeping him from discovery.

She had never let up and his breathing was labored. He would occasionally try to fill his lungs and push her up, but it never got far. His chest was heaving as he tried to breathe, but now there was something more. Now as he heaved and his body bent under her weight, he tried pressing his own crotch up into hers. Not that he could make much difference but his dick really wanted to find that pussy.

"...So I don't know what other homework you're gonna have, but you probably need to be exercisin' every night."

Tom had been lost in a daydream. It couldn't have been long; only a matter of seconds. She had said something about him needing to exercise at home as part of her homework assignment. And now she was saying something about needing to exercise every night.

She was of course still sitting on top of him but she wasn't bare assed. She was wearing those same black yoga pants. That didn't change the weight he felt on top of him, and his dick was still throbbing in his shorts.

"You need ta be ready for playtime next week. And you'd betta not disappoint me."

A part of him wanted some playtime right now, alone with her. Some time to see her big nipples, time to see if her bare ass was all that he imagined. Meanwhile another part of him was still focused on breathing and was worried that playtime next week would include her friends. And he still had fears about being 'broken'.

"So you'll work on exercisin' at home as well as workin' on holdin' your breath."

She paused to look down at him; watching him. Of course his breathing was still labored; how could it not be? He was still feeling her weight. His dick was also still throbbing and that likely didn't help him to relax his breath.

"Boy just look at you. You look like you won't last five minutes before yo' out again. You'd betta stay wit me. Don't make Momma mad."

She was right. He knew it hadn't been long since she sat her big ass down on top of him, but he also knew he wasn't up to last much longer. He had hoped this was something done just to get his attention and she would be back up and coming up with something else. He really wasn't prepared for a lengthy sit on his body.

But now, rather than hope for quick relief he had to gird himself for more. She was in no hurry to get up and Tom knew he couldn't afford to make Momma mad. He didn't even want her a little upset. He didn't feel like it was a choice when he passed out earlier but he knew he was going to have to do his best to stay present now.

"Now I want you to tell me yo' here to support yo' Momma."

She was still watching him, almost daring him to falter. He wasn't able to daydream now. Now he had to follow her instructions and keep her happy. It was a bit of a joke of course but that didn't really matter.

"I'm here to support you Momma."

He managed to say it, but he also heard himself as he did. He didn't sound like himself; in control. He sounded like a wheezing old man. He sounded frail; like he couldn't support anything.

"Now tell me you'll always be here to support Momma; in any way she needs it."

He was having to show her his obedience with all this talk of support. But more than that, he was finding it an extra chore trying to talk while she sat on top of him. Then he realized it may be a preview of what would be coming in the weeks ahead. This may be why she needed him so fit.

"I'll always support you Momma...in any way...you need."

He was having to catch his breath. Simple phrases weren't so simple now. Wasn't sitting on him enough? Now she wanted him to engage in conversation? Well maybe not real conversation but she definitely wanted him to do some talking.

"Tell me you'll be my support system. Tell me you'll always take care of me."

Tom felt she was pushing the jokes a little too far but none of that was up to him. He just needed to take another breath, the best he could, and give her the response she asked for.

"I'm your support system...Momma...I'll always take...take care of you."

From above Momma was smiling down on him. She was pleased to hear his words, even if they were her words. She paused as if it was over, but Tom could feel there was more coming. And with another smile and a very intent stare, she continued.

"Now say 'I'll never fail to support you Momma'."

Now Tom was a little scared. He knew he had to say it. He also knew that he had already 'failed' her when he passed out doing pushups. He had to say he wouldn't fail, and yet he knew it was almost assured at some point. And then what would happen?

But he didn't have a way out. He couldn't just not say it. That would surely get him in trouble. And he was in no position to oppose her in any way. He could perhaps say he would 'try' to never fail her? He weighed that for a moment and knew it wouldn't work. Momma surely wouldn't accept that.

So he gathered his courage; he gathered his breath, and with a force of will he spoke; knowing in some way he was sealing his own doom.

"I'll never fail to support you, Momma."

She smiled down at him but it wasn't a pleasant smile. He had just signed a contract with the devil and there was nothing he could do now. Now she owned him. Somehow now she owned him more than when he had walked through her front door.

Then she sat up and back against the couch again, her arms spread out as she looked off into space and then let her head fall back as she looked toward the ceiling. She just sat there sighing contentedly. She knew she had won.

He was worried about what sort of bridge he had just crossed, but at least for now she wasn't requiring anymore speech from him. He never really caught his breath, but his breathing was easier when he wasn't trying to talk.

She just sat there above him; well not simply above him but more importantly on him and relaxed. Tom of course wasn't able to relax the same way. He was still 'supporting' her and the weight was ever present.

As the seconds ticked by he was thankful he wasn't having to recite lines and glad she wasn't staring at him, or making more demands, but he was still trapped. And now he was beginning to fear she might take another nap.

With nothing much to do he found himself slipping back into his daydream. His dick had been forgotten as she criticized his stamina and made demands of his willingness to support her. But now as she relaxed and he was ignored he felt the stirring return.

Soon he was throbbing again under her, and as much as he could he was thrusting upwards into her. It seemed crazy but maybe if she went to sleep, he would be able to get some sexual satisfaction which would offset some of what he had to endure and whatever else may be on the way. She was still heavy but a nice shoot would make the day more bearable. Any maybe when she woke up he could finally go home.

He slowly built up a rhythm and again he imagined her bare, black ass. He had been taken prisoner and now he planned his escape. His hands chained behind him, there was only one muscle that could break him free. His dick would have to break him out. His dick had the strength of ten men and would not be denied.

He paused to conceal his actions from the guards. But soon his dick continued its slow and steady work. Black prison bars were no match for this dick. This dick would break free. Once the guard fell asleep, freedom would be his.

And then she shifted above him and the dream was broken.

"Well, can't spend all day just sitting around. We've got work ta do. Gotta get you some more exercises."

More exercises? Was that a joke? He hoped it was but feared what would come next.

He felt her pressing down hard onto him just before she rose from the couch, and his body. He almost felt like he was spring loaded and his body shot upward, following her ass, as she left the couch to stand upright.

He heard himself sucking in air as he was once again free to breathe.

Momma turned around, still towering over him. She looked down but appeared to be examining the couch more than him.

"Alright now, scooch up and rest your head against the arm."

Tom moved his body closer to what had been her end of the couch, curious as to what she had in mind. He wasn't sitting up but he had managed to prop his head against the armrest when a cushion passed in front if his face.

Momma was taking the cushions off the back of the couch and tossing them onto the floor. At first he considered she needed then on the floor much as she had brought in a pillow for his pushups, but then he reasoned she didn't need then on the floor she just needed them off the couch; for some reason.

Watching the other cushions follow the first, as they sailed through the air, he wondered if Momma could toss him as easily as the cushions. Not that he was eager to find out.

Soon the back of the couch was bare. But to what end? Momma then looked back at Tom, scrutinizing his position on the couch.

"Move yo' head just a little higher. That ought ta do it."

He made the necessary adjustments, still wondering what was coming next. And then her foot swung out in front of his face as it made its way to the back of the couch.

"Hand back under yo' butt."

His hands were free as he moved himself on the couch at her direction. But now he was instructed to return them and knew this was about keeping his hands out of the way. As he hid his hands from view he watched Momma climb back onto the couch on top of him.

For a moment she squatted above him. Then she carefully placed her knees, one on each side of his body, her massive ass now filling his view. And then she sat down on his chest. Much as before the weight was nothing delicate but it was a soft heavy weight that now pressed down on him.

Again he felt himself sinking into the couch. This was similar yet different to her sitting moments ago. Now she was on his chest rather than his stomach. He felt his chest wasn't as soft and flattened as his stomach but now she was directly on top of his lungs. And now that big ass was even closer to his face.

He also realized that this new position is why Momma had thrown away the cushions. Momma was wide and with her legs straddling either side of his body she needed the space to support herself.

"Oh what's dis? Titty Baby getting' excited?"

She had spotted his erection. With her finger she tapped the head through his shorts. Both his dick and hips jumped at her touch. But it didn't stop there. After a couple more taps to his sensitive head, she began to run her finger back and forth just around the edge.

He wasn't surprised she could notice him making a tent in his shorts, but he was surprised at how expertly she had found just the right spot to touch him. His shorts offered some protection, but if she continued this even just a little longer, he was likely to blow his load right there.

"Ooh you got sumthin' you wanna show Momma?"

Was she serious? Earlier he wanted to see her nipples and thought he would only to find he hadn't 'earned' that yet. Now she had touched his dick, even if through his shorts, and she was suggesting she wanted to see it bare.

"Looks like your peenie wants to come out and play."

Well he didn't like her choice of words. He wasn't some child. But yes, his dick did indeed want to come out and play. But was this just another tease? Could it really happen?

"I suppose we should get these off and have a look."

He was already preparing himself for disappointment when she said it. And as he felt her hands on his shorts he had to accept that she really was going to free his dick.


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