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A young man hits a superfecta!
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I'm not really a horse racing enthusiast. I've been to several tracks around the U S but don't really understand handicapping, how important trainers or jockeys are, what pari-mutuel betting is, or lots of other things. However, I am curious about trifectas (getting the first three finishers in a race exactly right, in order) and superfectas (getting the first four finishers in a race exactly right). I never hit a trifecta at the track, and certainly never a superfecta, the operative phrase being "at the track."


I probably should have realized that the Jepson family was weird and stayed away from them like they had a contagious disease; but I, Bryce Masters, didn't and I'm not the type to lament previous decisions. Instead I intended to play the cards that I was dealt and do the best I could with them to make me satisfied enough to live with myself without regret.

Marlene Jepson is a hot athletic woman who I met on a bicycle club trip when I was 23, two years after I graduated college with a business degree. She was 24 when I met her and someone who had competed in various track and field events in college, and now was concentrating on biking to stay in shape and travel the countryside near our metropolitan area. I was a High School football player and High School and serious pickup basketball player, not good or dedicated enough to play either in college, but with a competitive attitude in life comparable to that of college players.

I admit to having ignored one of my "principles" when I met Marlene. The "principle" that I violated was "the hotter the woman, the more screwed up she is, so stay away if you want to remain sane." I just couldn't help myself. She had every desirable physical characteristic that I was looking for, and it was clear if you talked with her for just fifteen or twenty minutes that she was very smart (even though unmotivated).

We started dating the week after the introductory bicycle trip and were fucking within a month. In the sack she also was everything that I could have hoped for; adventurous, multi-orgasmic, and wild with a tight pussy, a bulbous ass, and sensitive nipples on her proud B cup titties. She also was skilled in provocative and thought-provoking pillow talk and was fun to be around both in and out of the sack.

We became more serious more quickly than I thought possible -- or actually was comfortable with -- due in large part because Marlene still lived in her mother Sharon's house, as did her younger sister Julie (21 at the time that I first met her). I ultimately figured out that Marlene wanted to get away from them and since I was economically comfortable due to lavish trust funds from both sets of grandparents and business acumen far beyond my years, and at 23 already had my own small house, I was a perfect patsy -- I mean mate.

Sister Julie is bizarre. Overall she is as hot as Marlene although four inches (10 cm) shorter than Marlene's five feet ten inch (178 cm) height and with significantly bigger boobs. It was obvious from the first time that I met her that she and Marlene had a very competitive relationship. After I knew them both better I came to believe that not only was their relationship competitive but that they were acrimonious unless their mother Sharon was around.

Marlene and Julie's mother Sharon, not surprisingly, is also a good looking woman. She must have had her kids young because she doesn't look older than early 40s; but I'm not dumb enough to ask her how old that she is. She is between her daughters in height and bust size. While Sharon appears to be fairly normal in most circumstances she does have one subject that she is aggressive and humorless about -- her ex-husband's wife Gloria.

Marlene had no apprehension in telling me why Sharon and her ex-husband Monty split up; it was because apparently Monty couldn't keep it in his pants with a college intern in his office and Sharon caught him. The intern was/is -- drum roll -- Gloria. Gloria was only 28 at the time that I met her and even though not a blood relative consistent with the other Jepson women is hot. Gloria isn't really any hotter than Sharon is but that's not in any way putting her down because Sharon is hot, although she doesn't act like she knows it like Julie and Marlene do.

I met Gloria more often than you would think I would meet the younger woman Marlene's father was married to, and who broke up their family. That wasn't because Marlene liked Gloria; in fact she seemed to have the same type of competitive/acrimonious relationship with Gloria that she did with Julie. The reason why I often interfaced with Gloria is because Marlene still really liked her father Monty despite his shortcomings and tolerated Gloria because she was rarely separated from Monty. Julie did not seem to have as good of a relationship with Monty as Marlene did, but they weren't really nasty to each other either.

I got the feeling in dealing with all four of the Jepson women that they did not handle money well, and Monty was probably even worse, and close to a failure in the business world. I wouldn't like to believe it but had to reluctantly admit that while all four Jepson women (especially Marlene and Sharon) were very nice to me and seemed to like me my business acumen and financial situation was also something that was important to them. I don't think that any of the Jepson women had even the most rudimentary understanding of a cost/benefit analysis.


As earlier indicated Marlene moved in with me shortly after we started dating; it was only after about three months. Even though I had never had a live-in girlfriend before, I did have a "tight" relationship with a mother and daughter in Sweden when I was a college exchange student there for one quarter. I had enjoyed it, and I enjoyed Marlene's companionship even more. There was a lot about Marlene that I simply didn't understand and I found weird, but she was an excellent companion and an even better lover. Our sex life was as good as any man has a right to expect.

Marlene had only lived with me for three or four months when she started lobbying to get married. When it came to Marlene I'm quite sure that I wasn't really thinking with my brain at that point in time; I'm afraid that despite my business expertise I was Exhibit A for a guy who was young, dumb, and full of cum. After a solid week where Marlene gave me more high quality loving that I thought was possible I asked her to marry me. That night she virtually ripped my dick off while she rode me cowgirl, which was her way of saying "Hell yes."

Our engagement was not to be a long one. Since the Jepsons didn't really have the means to put on even a modest wedding and since I had no desire to hit my parents up for any money when I was myself well-off I knew that I would have to pay for it. I gave Marlene a budget, told her that I wouldn't agree to a dollar more, but apparently the financial restraints that I set were much more than Marlene expected (although she said nothing about it) so she was completely on board. She got a modest venue, a good meal at the reception, a great DJ, and all of the other essentials together within three months so roughly 100 days after I proposed we were married when I was 24 and she 25.

While I was young, dumb, and full of cum, I was still a business man and the business man inside me made me get Marlene to sign a prenup. It wasn't onerous and it was mutual so there was no reason that she wouldn't sign it, and we both did.

My brother was my best man; Sharon -- not Julie -- was Marlene's maid of honor. We had no other attendants.

Given the relationships among the four Jepson women it wasn't surprising that things at the reception weren't exactly calm; at least no one punched or pulled the hair of another, although I think that it was close between Sharon and Gloria. Monty realized that it was not his place to give his two cents worth since he wasn't paying for anything and since he had determined within hours of meeting me that even though I was polite I was a hard ass, so he just smiled, walked Marlene down the aisle, and made sure to keep Sharon and Gloria separated.

The reception was good sized, without about 40 guests from my side of the family and 40 from Marlene's. My father and brother were very impressed with the looks of the Jepson women, but were relegated to frog eyes because my mother and sister-in-law were no nonsense and very observant.

One thing that I did confirm at the reception was that either all of the Jepson women actually did like me, or that they were great actresses. After she had had a few drinks Julie was a little friendlier than she should have been on the dance floor; I couldn't help it when during a slow dance her tits and crotch being plastered against me got an unwelcome rise from me -- but after all as I previously indicated I was just a young, dumb, full of cum guy, so I couldn't be blamed too much. Marlene did separate her from me at one point but didn't blame me for my involuntary reaction and merely promised "To take care of it tonight!" followed by a passionate kiss.

More disturbing than my reaction to Julie, however, were my reactions to Gloria and Sharon. It seemed like they had an unstated competition to gin me up. When Marlene was yukking it up with some of her girlfriends Gloria insisted on a dance. As she plastered herself to me she grinned and said "I'm so happy that you're marrying Marlene, Bryce."

"Why is that Gloria?"

"Because you've had a good effect on her; she's much less wild than when I first met her and since you treat me nicely I think that eventually she'll follow your example and will not be as antagonistic toward me in the future."

"Well I hope that we can all get along; life's too short not to," I smiled.

"Plus, you're not hard on the eyes, Bryce," she then whispered into my ear -- something that I didn't really want to hear. "Who knows, if I had seen you before I met Monty we might have been an item." I believe that I extricated myself quite cleverly by ignoring her comment and by starting to talk about her favorite rock band -- Green Day -- and it helped that Monty approached us as soon as the song we were dancing to ended and I quickly passed her on to him.

As the next slow song started playing Sharon -- who had been watching me dance with Gloria -- came up to me and with a coquettish smile said "Aren't you supposed to dance with the mother of the bride?"

I laughed "Whether I'm supposed to or not I'd love to because she's as hot as any woman here -- the bride excepted, of course."

While we danced we had a lively chat -- but the chat apparently distracted me from what Sharon was doing because I suddenly realized that my little friend had saluted as Sharon coyly smashed her tits into my chest and her crotch into mine. It was worse when we broke apart after the song ended and Sharon "inadvertently" moved her hand across my tented pants, almost causing a spontaneous ejaculation.

By the time that Marlene and I left the reception I was more ginned-up sexually than I could ever remember. Fortunately Marlene was even more animated than usual when we made love in the hotel where the reception was held that night, including fucking in the middle of the early morning hours, before we left for Bermuda. The only slight downer was the inappropriate thoughts that went through my brain during the early morning fuck, which resulted in an unprecedented discharge of seminal fluid from my rock hard dick.

When Marlene and I returned from our Bermudian honeymoon eight days later I do believe that I was the most sexually satisfied guy on the planet.


In retrospect, maybe I should have done things a little differently than I did in interacting with the Jepson women during my first year of marriage to Marlene. While I always paid most attention to Marlene I didn't shy away from the hugs the other Jepson women were always anxious to give me. I might have encouraged them by giving each of Julie, Sharon, and Gloria very nice presents on their birthdays and for Christmas, but always making sure that Marlene got by far the best presents, then Sharon and Julie, then Gloria. Even though my presents to Gloria were clearly the "least nice" they were nicer than anything else she had ever been given in her life.

My life with Marlene was virtually idyllic until after 18 months of marriage I started talking about children. For whatever reason I always wanted kids; I think it had to do with my brother and I being the only kids in our relatively staid family, and how happy friends and cousins with many siblings were in their fun and exciting families. Marlene seemed much less receptive to the idea than before we married. However, that -- and the need to keep Marlene's spending in check -- were the only drawbacks in our otherwise perfect relationship.

While Marlene did work, despite her native intelligence she was unmotivated in the workplace. She went through various jobs until she found work as a personal trainer for only about thirty hours a week, her happy place. The arrangement we had was that she could do whatever she wanted with the money she made, but that I would only give her $2,000 a month for spending money. That was enough so that she had a fantastic wardrobe and all other material things she could desire.

While I was happy when Marlene was happy I didn't particularly like the people she worked with. They were shallow and materialistic -- especially Justin Timmons, the owner of the fitness studio where Marlene worked, who seemed to love showing off flashy jewelry and other material things even though from my business discussions I had with him I knew him to be a lightweight who was deep in debt. I have an innate dislike of guys who flash bling. I was as polite as could be when we socialized with her co-workers, but never enjoyed it.

The first chink in the happy armor of my marriage came after Marlene and I had been married about twenty two months when I came home from work on a Wednesday and saw a red Ferrari booted in front of my house.

One reason that I could afford the house that Marlene and I lived in despite my young age and its classy architecture and sweeping backyard vista was because there was a fire hydrant very conspicuously located in the median (also called a verge strip, or by many other names) between the sidewalk and street right in front of our house. While that obviously was not aesthetically pleasing it had no effect on the grandeur of the interior of the house but it did depress the selling price of the house so that I got a great deal when I bought it.

The red Ferrari was parked virtually right next to the fire hydrant and obviously a local cop had noticed it. I knew that cars are not booted for a single violation so this vehicle had to have had numerous violations in the past; I later learned that there were thirty seven.

Given the shift that she was working that Wednesday Marlene got home shortly after I did. When I questioned her about the Ferrari she had no explanation. "I was at work from noon on," was her lament, "so I don't know anything about it."

While Marlene is a kind person and a fantastic lover she is a terrible liar; if she played poker she'd lose her shirt. I didn't say anything and pretended that I believed her but made some arrangements I never thought that I'd have to make.

I knew that Marlene would be at work the next day from noon until about six p. m. so while she was gone I had a security company install two high resolution video cameras in front of my house, one in the rear, one in the kitchen, and one in the guest bedroom. All cameras were motion activated and their output was recorded to the security company's cloud and accessible by both my phone and laptop. When I got home from work that Thursday I was pleased that I couldn't really see the cameras at the front of the house even though every part of the area in front of our house to the other side of the street was readily seen on the camera feed to my phone.

The booted red Ferrari was gone but apparently had been taken away before the cameras had been installed since its removal did not show up when I accessed the cloud. I didn't bother asking Marlene about its removal even though she may have been home when it occurred.

I had a great loving weekend with Marlene. We went to dinner and dancing Saturday night with some mutual good friends. Sunday morning we went over to Sharon's house for brunch and had a good time with Sharon and Julie and their dates, and Sunday afternoon we went to a matinee with Monty and Gloria. All four Jepson women looked great and were very friendly with me, if not each other.


The Wednesday after I had the cameras installed I did my normal ninety minutes apart check at about 10 a. m. The red Ferrari was clearly visible parked on the opposite side of the street -- apparently the owner had satisfied the past violations and didn't want another violation or booting. I rewound the video and saw Justin Timmons, the owner of the place where Marlene worked, park the car and then walk to the front door of my house. A minute or two later I saw him and Marlene in the kitchen and he was squeezing her ass as they walked to the stairwell. I intentionally didn't check the camera in the guest bedroom since if it showed what I knew that it would I would be too amped up to drive, or if it didn't show anything (meaning that they went to the bedroom I shared with Marlene) I would crash my car.

Suppressing my anger and angst the best that I could I wondered if I could get home in time to catch them in the act. Since I never, ever, run away from problems in business or my personal life, I decided that it was worth the effort.

By breaking at least a dozen traffic laws I got home within fifteen minutes. As I stormed into the house I found no one on the first floor so I immediately took the stairs two at a time to the second floor. Apparently I had made enough noise to startle the "love birds" because they were lying next to each other, naked, when I burst into the guest bedroom. The only good thing was that I saw a condom on Justin's unimpressive cock.

"Bryce, honey, I can explain," wide-eyed Marlene coughed out as she covered up her crotch area with a pillow.

"No explanation necessary; get the fuck out of here now Timmons and I mean right now," I snarled.

Timmons worked out at his fitness studio and apparently thought that he was a macho man so he took his time getting out of bed and said "Don't rush me pussy."

I knew where the camera was in the room, and had a surprise in my pocket, so I positioned myself with the camera at my side so it could catch the action but no one could read my lips, yelled something nasty to Marlene so that she'd start to cry, and then softly, while smiling, said to Timmons "Apparently Marlene considers you a charity case because there could be no other reason that she'd let someone with your little misshapen dick stick it in her pussy condom or not."

I knew a pompous asshole like Timmons couldn't take that and he predictably swung at me. Because I was ready for I blocked most of it with my left arm although it did glance off my head. In the same motion that I blocked the punch my right hand pulled the brass-knuckles-like implement out of my pocket and I hit him with an uppercut right on his bare testicles as I simultaneously moved my right foot forward and stomped his bare left foot with my right shoe.

After a loud scream Timmons passed out from the pain.

With Marlene's crying providing background noise I pulled out my iPhone and called 911. "I'm Bryce Masters the homeowner at 662 Chardonnay Court; I've just been assaulted in my home by my wife's lover. He seems to be passed out on the floor of our second story guest bedroom. Send an ambulance and police car here as quickly as possible." I then terminated the call despite the 911 operator's attempt to keep me on the line.

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