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Click hereSURRENDER TO LOVE - In the woods of Alaska in a cabin with a bed for two
Note: Part one of this story is; Surrender To Desire. I recommend that you read that before reading this one.
Author's Introduction:
As some may know, I have written elsewhere about how I came to acknowledge my bi-sexuality. A lot has happened since that fateful night when my wife Sylvia, my best friend Randy and I engaged in our first sexual encounter together. Randy was then, and is now, more than a friend. He is someone that both Sylvia and I love. After our first night together in a sexual way, that love continued to grow and evolve. Eventually we all decided that Randy should move in with Sylvia and me. We have lived together ever since.
The most unexpected thing that has occurred in this relationship is how the love between us all has grown and developed. In particular, this story details some of the events and emotions surrounding the discovery and acknowledgment of the love between Randy and myself.
You should know that Sylvia and Randy began to realize the growth of a personal love between the two of them about year or so before he and I acknowledged that a similar love was developing between us. Their relationship matured in the same way as between any man and woman who are falling in love. At times it was difficult for me to be aware of the growing feelings between them and still be strong enough to encourage them to explore and build this special bond. To be honest, we were all a bit apprehensive in treading this path. However, that was only unwarranted fear that somehow one of us would end up as the odd person out of the relationship. So, through many conversations about this we forged ahead, as each of us tried to understand and experience this newly discovered relationship in all of its fullness.
This is all difficult to describe in words, love always is. But simply stated, while we all share in the mutual love of the marriage, at the same time we love and cherish each individual in his or her own special way. On one level, it was the discovery of a separate love between Sylvia and Randy. On another separate level, Sylvia and I continued to have our own special love between just the two of us.
What wasn't fully resolved was; Would Randy and I also find that we were destined to have a separate love as well. It seemed that in order for love between men to grow, the two of us would have to work through our conflicting emotions in much the same way we did when we first accepted our sexual attraction to one another. While both Randy and myself had accepted our bisexuality — I don't think we really understood much about bi-amory or a bi-amourous love. Love between two men isn't rare. But include sexual attraction and desire and it often results in denial or reluctance to go deeper into the acceptance of that love. I think this is where Randy and I were.
One final thought; What you will read here are only my remembrances and emotions. Surely Randy has different recollections. Sylvia also would be able to give another perspective. Perhaps one day they will write down their own memories. We hope that you enjoy our story. We also hope that our story can be an encouragement to others who believe that there is love enough in our hearts for many people. We only need to learn to control our fears and jealousies and then treat each one with the love, kindness and respect that we desire for ourselves. -- Yukonnights
Sylvia kept up her teasing to the last minute. She knew that neither Randy nor I had any intentions of traveling with her to Spokane to spend a week with her and her sister. But she was having fun telling us how bored we would be and what we would be missing. Randy and I played along and had some fun ourselves as we teased her about the things she would be missing with us during our week at the cabin. Actually, if this were not such an obligatory trip for her, she would be going with us. However, she had put off seeing her sister for too long and the cabin was something we all enjoyed many times a year, so with a sense of duty and acceptance she packed the last of her things and got ready to depart.
Randy and I were also packing. It was late summer in Alaska and the weather could not have been nicer. We provisioned ourselves for a one-week stay, loaded the fishing gear and then strapped the canoe that would carry us into the remote cabin onto the top of the 4x4 Chevy truck. The last thing to put in the truck was Sylvia's suitcase and we were ready.
We would drop Sylvia off at the airport in Anchorage and then head out of town. It is about a two-hour drive to the end of the dirt road, and that would be the launch point for the boat. Then it is several miles across one lake, through a connecting stream, and across another small lake to the cabin. It would be a long day before we would be resting in the remote wilderness that we all loved.
It was still a few hours until Sylvia had to be at the airport and everything was packed and ready to go. Randy and I were leaning over the desk taking a last look at the fishing regulations. Sylvia came up behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist and in a pouting voice said, "I don't want to go after all. I'm going to miss you two and I'd rather go to the cabin."
Turning into her embrace I kissed her, and trying to be sympathetic said, " You know that we would rather you come with us too. But I think you can live without us for one week, don't you?"
With a sly smile, Sylvia lowered her hand to my crotch and replied,
"I don't know if I can do without this though," and reaching over to Randy, "Or this." Continuing to pout she added, "I love you both so much and can't stand the thought of being alone."
As Randy joined our embrace he said, "We probably have time to at least give you something to hold you over for a few days. Does that sound good?"
"I think so," said Sylvia. " I think I'm really going to miss this. It just dawned on me that I have never been away from both of my men for such a long period of time." Then finishing her thought in an even more serious tone, she added, "It's made me think more about how much happiness and love we all share together."
Randy tried to comfort and reassure her saying, "You know we're going to miss you too. And you must know how much we both love you. It just won't be the same at the cabin without you." Then, to lighten the mood he asked, "What kind of something did you have in mind that might make leaving easier?"
"I'm not sure, but I know I want both of you to fill me before I leave." Sylvia replied.
"Don't you guys think we should take this to the bedroom?" I asked.
My cock was already swelling as we walked to our bedroom. As we passed down the hallway I asked myself how many times had we made this journey since that first time? Too many times to count, was the answer.
While I was trying to remember how many times we had made this trip, Randy was obviously thinking more in terms of what this one would entail. As soon as we were in the room, he picked Sylvia up and tossed her on the bed. She was passive as he held her arms down and kissed her mouth. He then laid his full one hundred and ninety pounds down on top of her and kissed her again.
"So, it seems that we all need something really special as a going away present." Randy said. Looking at me he continued, "Aaron, help me strip her. She has been hinting at how she wished she could be filled by both of us and I think this would be a great time to make that wish come true. Don't you?"
Not needing to be asked twice, I started stripping off Sylvia's shoes and pants. Meanwhile, Randy was roughly removing her shirt and bra. Sylvia simply submitted herself to her "fake-rape" and lay passive as we took her clothes off, leaving her naked and exposed.
We both quickly removed our own clothes and returned to our lady. The speed of Randy's assault had only allowed time for me to become partially erect. Randy on the other hand was obviously more than ready for this adventure to begin. His cock was swollen fat and hard. It seemed that maybe he had been planning this for some time and was now enjoying being in control. Sylvia watched him walk over to get some K-Y from the toy drawer as his beautiful tool led the way swaying in front of him. As Randy walked back over to the side of the bed her eyes were glued on him. My eyes however were devouring the creamy smooth skin and pink erect nipples of her breasts. Seeing Sylvia naked and spread on the bed was beginning to have the desired effect on my own swelling member.
Sylvia startled me from my enchantment by saying, "Suck his cock Aaron! I want to have a picture in my mind of how you look on your knees sucking Randy."
Without further coaching, I quickly went to my knees before him and he positioned his dick near my face so Sylvia could see. She loves to watch us do this and this time we both wanted to give her a special show. I brought my face close and began to smell and kiss all around Randy's cock and balls. He joined in and pulled my face tighter into his crotch and started grinding himself into me. Then he pulled away, and taking hold of himself, he slapped me several times in the face with his hard shaft.
Sylvia said with growing emotion, "Suck it!"
Taking his cock into my mouth as deeply as possible, I began to make loud and exaggerated sucking sounds. It was a nasty and very enjoyable show. My erection soon grew very full and I recall wondering to myself how it could get so hard just by the act of being on my knees and doing this.
I would have been happy to continue, but Randy had his own plan. He pulled away, leaving my mouth empty, and told Sylvia to roll over on the bed.
When she had obeyed, he said in a commanding tone, "Stick your ass up in the air and spread yourself open."
Randy slapped the palm of his hand a couple of times on Sylvia's plump butt. He then bent forward and kissed the sting away and added a quick peck on the tightly closed hole that lay vulnerable before him. Finally he started to apply liberal amounts of the lubricant. Joining him beside Sylvia, we both started working the slick stuff into her tiny hole. First one finger, then two as she began to relax and open up to our probing fingers. Randy squirted a large glob of the gel into his work-roughened palm and reached over to stroke it onto my stiff cock. Laying the tube aside, he used his free hand to force Sylvia's face into the bed by pressing on her shoulders while saying, " Come on, open up...don't make us hurt you..." Finally his plan was becoming clear to me and we both increased our efforts to prepare Sylvia's ass hole to receive a swollen dick.
When Randy felt that Sylvia was ready, he had her lay on her side. As he lifted her right leg up, he told me, " Go ahead, take her in the ass. She wants it." I took a position laying on my side and snuggled up tight to her back. My cock was so hard, and Sylvia's ass was so relaxed and lubricated, that the hard shaft penetrated her with almost no resistance. She was fully ready for this and it only took her a moment to get used to the new intruder. Soon she began to push into me wanting more. Slowly and smoothly I started to fuck her, first pulling all the way out and then pressing my cock back into her open hole as deeply as possible.
We had only been going for a moment it seemed when Randy laid down on his back next to her. Grabbing her body in a strong grip, he pulled her away from me and onto himself, leaving Sylvia's butt empty and me humping into thin air. As Sylvia straddled him, Randy started to work his hard dick into her pussy. I got up and mounted her from behind and refilled her open and waiting ass. This had been his plan from the start. This was Randy's going away gift.
With me now leaning heavily on her back, filling her butt with hard cock, and Randy under her starting to fill her pussy, Sylvia was responding with passion. She impatiently ground herself into Randy as he was gently trying to get more of his hard shaft into her. When she gets this worked up, she can become a bit wild. So to calm her thrashing, we held her still for a moment so that we could all get into a rhythm. It took a bit of practice, but we all soon managed to work together as first one and then the other would plunge into her and then pull back.
I lost track of how Sylvia was doing and started to become lost in my own pleasure. The sensations in my cock were totally new to me. Imagine if you can the feel of a nice slick ass hole as it at first just accepts and then engulfs you. Then, the erotic mental stimulation of burying yourself in your wife's butt while another man is filling her pussy. The sounds of the moans of pleasure escaping your wife's mouth and the grunts of effort from the man fucking her begin to drive you into your own frenzy. Now add to all of that the unforeseen pleasure of feeling another man's hard dick rubbing back and forth against your own cock with only the thinnest membrane of feminine flesh between them. Surely you get the point, I was about to blow!
Lucky for me this was also something totally new and exciting for Sylvia and she was about to blow too. I was trying hard to hold my climax so this could be her going away gift and not mine, but time was running out. It didn't help to stop pumping my cock into her ass because I could still feel Randy rubbing me as he rammed into her pussy. Then suddenly, it was over. Sylvia tensed her body and cried aloud, "Ohhh fuck.... Oh yes...fuck me!" as waves of her climax shook her. At the same time my cock in her butt felt Randy's cock convulse and let go blast after blast deep into her belly. And finally, I relaxed and allowed myself to pump Sylvia's ass full of my pent up seed, and all the while feeling Randy's hard shaft still inside of her glide up and down my own as if he were milking the last drop from me.
Oh what a wonderful wife and how I loved her! Leaning forward and kissing her shoulder I told her so over and over.
FinnaIy, we were on the road to the cabin. I reached over to turn the volume down on the CD player, and sat back trying to get comfortable behind the wheel of the Chevy. Looking over at Randy, I said, " That was some going away gift you orchestrated for our little lady, hope she recovers her composure before she gets down to Spokane."
Randy grinned back at me and rubbing his crotch replied, " I hope I can recover before we have to unload all this crap and paddle that boat halfway across Alaska."
"You should have thought of that before you made your big plan, genius." I shot back. "Besides, you should be more concerned about Sylvia. Did you see the way she was walking at the airport? I thought for sure that security guy was going to stop her. She looked like she must have a bomb or something in her shorts the way she was waddling along."
We both broke out in laughter and Randy continued, "She got her wish though, she definitely has something to remember us by." After a short pause he added a bit more reverently, "and I guess we have something pretty special to help us remember her too."
I looked at him again and smiled my acknowledgment to his sentiment.
We were both a bit subdued now after our busy morning and the conversation slowly died down to just the occasional comment as we continued north along the highway to the cutoff at Trapper Creek. We had dropped Sylvia off at the airport a little over an hour ago and were now about halfway to our destination.
After stopping for gas and a quick lunch, we both began to get a second wind. I resumed the driving duties while Randy controlled the music, sodas and snacks. We were both getting more excited now about the trip ahead of us. Randy became more animated and comical, telling jokes and poking fun at me as we drove along. His blue eyes were alive with sparkles. I had always thought him to be a strikingly attractive man, and today even more so. He looked the typical Alaskan outdoorsman in his brown Carhart pants and camo hunting shirt. His black hair was sticking out a bit wildly from under his cap and the trimmed beard all combined to paint a picture of masculinity.
In fact, we both were just typical Alaskan guys. There was only that one small thing that differentiated us from the many other men in this rugged place, the fact that we shared the same wife...and each other.
Thinking along these lines I asked him, " Do you ever wish that you could be more honest with everyone about our relationship? You know, like let everyone know about your life with Sylvia and me."
Turning down the music, Randy answered, "I think about it a lot, more and more as time passes. It just seems like people wouldn't understand though. Do you think they would?"
"No, most of our friends wouldn't understand at all." I replied. "But, sometimes I'd like to tell them and see if any stayed around."
After a pause, Randy finished my thought with, "Probably only a few of them would."
"You know what I think about sometimes?" Randy asked as he turned his body more towards me. I motioned with my head for him to continue. "What would it be like to walk down the sidewalk in downtown Anchorage holding hands with you on one side and Sylvia on the other? It would be fun to do that so everyone could see us all together."
I smiled at him and said, "That would probably be fun for about one minute before things started to get ugly."
"I know, that's why I've never done it." Randy replied somewhat subdued. "Still, it's a nice thought."
We were quiet for a while as these thoughts played through our minds. Then, Randy continued his thoughts aloud, "You know, those gay guys who are really outspoken and open about being queer... well I've come to have a new respect for them. It's not easy to go against the tide like that. Hell, we're both queer and we don't have the courage to do that. I can't really see myself ever being one hundred percent honest about this."
He sounded a little desperate at the end of his confession. Trying to reassure him, I said, "You shouldn't say your queer. Don't they say that bisexuals and queers are different? It doesn't matter what we call it though. We know. You, and me, and Sylvia, we know how we feel towards one another and it doesn't matter what we tell anyone else, or what they call it, or what they think." Getting frustrated at my own lack of comforting words, I said in anger, "It's none of their damn business anyway."
Still upset, I added, "And if anyone does find out, screw 'em! I could care less. If it ever turned into an issue, we could just move to another place where no one knows us and start a new life totally out in the open. For now, we can only go one step at a time."
Randy sighed and hung his head. It made me angry to see the transformation in his eyes. He had gone from being alive and sparkling with happiness to this subdued quiet. I wasn't angry at him, but at the world in general. Angry because this change was brought about by fear of what others might think about his relationship with Sylvia and me.
"Your right." Randy said, "But sometime it seems to me that what we have will end and I will be left all alone again." After a brief pause, he continued, "And as far as I'm concerned, my feelings toward you and what we do together is queer. At least it's what most people would call queer. Never thought I would say this, but I'm ok with that. In fact, I've never been this happy in my life. It's just that the thought of being alone scares me. And if you and Sylvia ever left me, I don't know how I would deal with all of this."
I had never heard him talk of these things before, but it was clear from both his words and his anxious tone that he was disturbed. I realized for the first time that Randy was insecure in the relationship we all shared. I didn't fully understand his concerns, but it was obvious that he had spent a lot of time thinking about this and was finally expressing some hidden fears. Not knowing what to say, I was quiet for a moment trying to think of something that would help him.