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Surrender to Paige Pt. 01


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By now I have three men and one woman trailing me. I see Bess approaching from the other direction. Like me, she is dressed in a sexy leather outfit, only red in her case. The colour compliments her complexion beautifully, particularly in the lights of the fair. She too has some men following her, one of whom I recognise as Rob. Bess and I meet and silently turn towards the dimly lit area which is our destination. Some of the men following us turn back at this point ... voyeurs, not serious customers. By the time we reach the large tent with a small red lantern hanging over the door, only Rob and the woman remain. Bess and I go inside the tent, but Gregor steps in front of our two followers before they can enter.

"Welcome to your wildest dreams," says Gregor to Rob and the woman. "For the small price of admission, Bess and Paige will satisfy your urges, no matter how perverse."

Inside the tent I'm waiting eagerly to see if either of the customers is willing to pay for my services. Bess and I wait patiently while Gregor haggles with the two customers. Finally they come to an agreement on price and what perversion is to be satisfied. Neither Bess nor I get any say in the matter, but we both knew that when we accepted this job.

"These two have decided on a foursome," says Gregor as he comes to tell us what is required. The rest of the details surprise me, but I'm okay with playing my part.

I've sometimes fantasised about fucking a man up his arse, but I never thought Rob would be game. It's what he wants, though, and I'm not going to dissuade him. I don't even mind that the woman client, who calls herself Michelle, will be sucking his cock as I ram my strap-on up Rob's arse. Meanwhile, Bess will be fucking Michelle.

Rob and Michelle have only paid for a 'quickie'. In my opinion five minutes is nowhere near long enough. It means that there's no time for foreplay. I grease my cock and cruelly thrust it home into Rob's narrow hole. Fortunately I'm using the short thin strap-on or I'd do some serious damage. He squeals in a mixture of pain and delight. Bess has an easier time since both of Michelle's holes seem to be much larger and show signs of being fucked often. I concentrate on Rob, who is now enjoying Michelle's attention on his cock.

Despite the ridiculously short time available, we achieve something between us which would make a good scene in a porno movie. I don't suppose Gregor told Rob or Michelle that he would be secretly filming us, and that our games would very likely end up as a download on some x-rated video site. The five minutes are soon up, but at least Rob and Michelle seem happy with the outcome as they leave. Bess and I did most of the work, and both of us are left in a state of arousal in need of satisfying.

Bess makes the first move. She kneels down in front of me and starts licking my strap-on cock which is still smeared with traces from Rob's arse. She promptly unfastens it from my hips, letting it fall to the ground. Before I can work out what she's trying to do, she unlaces the front of my leather hotpants and clamps her mouth over my pussy. Her tongue darts into my cunt and I let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure as she goes to work on my clit.

My arousal soon increases to the brink of an orgasm, only for the moment to be ruined by the deep tone and swirling lights which signal my return to reality. Rob is really going to pay for not agreeing to a longer scene.

Although Rob didn't witness my final moments in the scene, he too clearly regrets not agreeing to a longer scene. Perhaps he and Michelle had something going while Bess was servicing me. I feel a slight twinge of jealousy ... hypocrite that I am ... but nothing like as strong as before. As tempting as adding an extension to the fairground scene tonight seems, we opt for some real life play instead. It's getting late and we are both feeling tired. Rob's cock seems to be recharged and I'm still owed an orgasm.

Chapter 4: A Night at the Fair

The next evening we resume our fairground scene. It's the first time we've extended an existing scene, so we are eager to see what happens. This will be different from starting a new iteration, which simply restarts the scenario from the beginning. I for one felt cheated when our scene timed out last time. Bess and I were left in sexual limbo having been denied fulfilment of our burning desire. The familiar lights and sounds marking the transition between reality and fantasy fade as we resume where we left off.

Bess's tongue works wonders. I couldn't prevent a powerful orgasm overtaking me even if I wanted to resist. My hands slip under Bess's leather miniskirt, and seconds later I'm caressing her clit. She renews her efforts to bring me to another orgasm. We're both well down the track of surrendering to our arousal. Unfortunately Gregor chooses that moment to enter the tent.

"You can frig each other to your heart's content in your own time," growls Gregor. "Now get out there and find some new paying customers."

We both straighten our clothing and start our next circuit of the fair. The evening is turning towards night, so more of the crowd will be adults looking for a good time. The sort of good time Bess and I can provide. As we walk towards the main fair, my attention is drawn to a couple in the shadows of the tents. One of them is standing, while the other is kneeling in front of the other. It takes me a few seconds before I recognise the couple; it's Rob and Michelle. It looks as though Rob is getting a blow job.

I part company with Bess and we each do our own circuit of the fair. As before, I soon acquire admirers, a few of whom follow me at a discreet distance. One man stops me and asks if I want a good time. I give him Gregor's card and tell him how to find his tent. The law prohibits me from openly offering sex for payment, so I must hope that the man understands what is involved.

A few minutes later I meet up with Bess and we return to Gregor's tent. Those simply wanting free eye candy drift away, but three men follow us all the way to the tent. I notice Rob and Michelle are still entertaining themselves in the shadows. I don't have time for more than a quick glance so I'm not certain who is doing what to whom.

When Bess and I arrive at the tent, I find that the man whom I met earlier is waiting. Bess and I go into the tent while Gregor haggles with the four men. Gregor is an expert in negotiating a deal and he can quickly tell how much a client is willing to pay to satisfy his lust. Deals with all four men are struck, although it means two of them will need to return later. No group sex this time around.

Gregor comes to give Bess and I our instructions so that we know what our clients require. In my case I need to change clothes. The man who has paid for me wants to fuck a nurse. Fortunately Gregor has a wide selection of costumes and it only takes me a minute to change. Bess has a client who has paid to spank her like a naughty girl before fucking her.

I meet my client in an adjacent tent. It's the same man who stopped me earlier. He's paid for half an hour, so we have time for some foreplay. I don't normally enter into conversations with clients as I've no interest in learning anything about them. We both know he is here to use my body as a plaything to satisfy his sexual perversion. That I like satisfying even the most crude perversions has nothing to do with the matter. It makes no difference to me whether the client has paid to fuck me in any or all of my three holes, spank me, whip me, tie me up, gag me, piss on me, or any of the more disgusting perversions. I am just as happy doing the same to a client instead if that's what they've paid for. I've had clients who think I'm being forced into this line of work ... some sort of sex slave. They want to 'rescue' me and they don't believe me when I say that not only have I chosen to work for Gregor, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The pay is poor but the sex is wonderful, and I live for sex.

"So, is this your idea of a good time?" I ask the man, echoing his earlier invitation.

"Would you like me to take your temperature? Isn't that what nurses do? What do you want me to call you?"

"John. I think my temperature is fine," replies 'John'. "I seem to be having a problem inside my trousers. Can you help me?"

We both know this is just a game. His large erection is hardly an ailment, but I play my part and give it a full 'medical' examination. When I judge him to be ready, I lift my white vinyl minidress and let 'John' solve his problem by fucking me. He's really aroused and despite my efforts to make the moment last, he's soon ready to shoot his cum. Although I've no objection to him coming inside me, he withdraws at the last moment and sprays his load over the front of my costume with a satisfied sigh.

We still have a few minutes left of his allotted time, so I kneel down to suck his cock clean. He stops me from doing so by placing his hands on my shoulders. 'John' puts his wet cock back into his pants and zips up his fly.

"I want to savour your juices on my cock for as long as possible," he says by way of an explanation for his actions.

'John' has the decency to help clean his cum off my costume before returning to the fair. He's hardly left the tent when Gregor comes in to give me my instructions for my next client. What the new client wants is going to need to wait until we buy the full version of PAIGE. We've reached the one hour time limit for a scenario in the trial version and a familiar tone and swirling lights returns me to reality.

I climb out of my couch and look over towards Rob. He clearly needs to go to the bathroom. Whatever he was doing with Michelle has caused him to come in his diaper. I feel a brief moment of jealousy as I know that the template for Michelle is my step-sister Mikaela. Unsurprisingly, 'John' was a close likeness to Rob's cousin Lloyd.

Just as has happened after our previous games in PAIGE, Rob and I are in the mood for real-life sex as a dessert. PAIGE is definitely influencing our lives. We've had sex more times in the short period we've had PAIGE than in the preceding three months. And it isn't just the number of times we have sex, but our bed-sport is far more adventurous and we are constantly pushing our boundaries. Tonight is no different and it's the early hours of the morning before we both fall into a contented sleep.

I have this week off work so I decide to catch up on a few chores and buy a few things I've never got around to buying. I'm returning from the supermarket when I nearly collide with our neighbour Liz, who is playing with her four year old niece Sophie. I drop one of my shopping bags and the contents spill onto the floor. Sophie quickly disappears inside thinking the accident is her fault.

Despite living next door to each other for over a year, I know very little about Liz's personal life. She's a single woman and she keeps herself to herself. I've occasionally seen Liz's sister when she drops Sophie off at Liz's place, but we've never spoken to each other. I presume Liz looks after Sophie while her mother is at work. Liz and I have been polite and friendly to each other, but never anything more than that. Sometimes I get the feeling that Liz is a little afraid of me, but I can't imagine why. Rob is more gregarious than me, and he's more persistent in trying to establish friendships. But he says Liz has rebuffed his attempts to be more neighbourly on several occasions, and that he thinks she's a bit of a bitch. Having seen how Rob drooled over Bonny Bess in the pirate scenario, I begin to wonder if his approaches to Liz have been taken as unwelcome flirting. Rob isn't the most tactful of people and a woman living alone needs to be careful.

Liz doesn't look exactly like the Bess in either of our PAIGE scenarios. The same could be said for the other people in our games who are based on real life acquaintances. It's as though our memory of someone we know is slightly inaccurate. Bess in our PAIGE scenarios has longer hair than Liz, and some of Bess' physical attributes are more buxom than in the real life version. I recall that the two versions of Bess in our games are both modelled on Rob's interpretation of Liz's personality. But he could be wrong and the bitchy goddess he thought Liz to be could be a false impression.

I crouch down to put my spilt shopping back into the bag. Liz is kneeling on the floor picking them up for me before I can tell her that I can manage. She repeatedly mumbles apologies as though the accident was entirely her fault. I'm just as much to blame, but she won't accept my words of comfort. Liz is nothing like the person Rob described as a 'bit of a bitch'. She's about our age and very attractive. She probably needs to discourage male wolves on a regular basis, which is perhaps why Rob got the impression he did.

I find the scene slightly erotic. I've this beautiful young woman grovelling at my feet and begging for my forgiveness. When I was younger I experienced a few friendships with girls my age which, in hindsight, some people may regard as lesbian relationships. I don't normally think about my sexual preferences in that context. If I like someone enough to form an intimate bond, then I'm not bothered about their race or gender. Equally, I'm comfortable adopting a dominant or submissive role as the occasion demands. The situation before me seems to offer possibilities.

Have you ever had one of those ideas pop into your head which on one hand can make you seem the most insightful person around, or on the other hand a complete and utter fool? I suddenly have one of those moments. Before my brain can stop my mouth from opening I've blurted out my idea.

"Would you like to kiss my feet?" I say, mentally preparing myself to laugh my question off as a joke.

I've no need to laugh. Liz puts aside the items she has picked up and promptly does as I ask. And not just a light peck of a kiss. No. Her enthusiasm for the task borders on full scale foot worshipping. I should be embarrassed, but somehow Mistress Kylie is back in full force. I place my hand under Liz's chin and gently guide her face towards my mouth. We kiss gently and in doing so I realise that I've opened a door into Liz's personality. She's a closet submissive and her sexual leaning is clearly towards other women. Unfortunately we don't have time to explore this new discovery any further at the moment.

"Come round to my place on Wednesday night at seven o'clock," I say.

"Wednesday is Rob's night out with the boys, so we'll have the place to ourselves. Is that alright?"

"Yes ... Mistress," replies Liz tentatively, unsure how far to surrender herself on this first meeting. Calling me 'mistress' is a clear sign that she's willing to try whatever games I have in mind for Wednesday. "I don't normally work on Wednesday, and Claire finishes her job in time to collect Sophie by six o'clock."

"What sort of work do you do?" I ask.

"I work on the stage. A dancer."


"Pole. A bit of belly dancing on occasions."

"And coming round on Wednesday night isn't going to interfere with your work?" I ask.

"That's no problem. I work at the Buccaneer Club on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights every week, and the second weekend of each month. I sometimes get called in on other nights if there's a special party, or if one of the other dancers is sick. But at this time of year there are plenty of other girls able to fill in, if necessary."

"I've never thought of pole dancing as being seasonal work," I say.

"Pole dancing isn't the first choice line of work for most girls, so the supply of dancers depends on what other jobs are available. At the moment there are plenty of students looking for part time work which fits in with their studies. In a few months time the summer tourists will start arriving, and there'll be plenty of other jobs competing for part time staff."

"Do you switch jobs in the summer?"

"No. I'm perfectly happy working at the Buccaneer. It may seem strange, but I really like my line of work."

I add 'exhibitionist' to my assessment of Liz's personality.

Chapter 5: Return to the Green Parrot

Our sixth iteration of the 17th century Caribbean tavern scene starts the same way as last time with Rob and his two cronies fucking me over a table in the tavern. If I wasn't quite in the mood for sex when we started, I certainly am now. At least Rob doesn't threaten to sell me in Tortuga this time around, so from here on the scene plays out differently. Minor differences at first, but each change spawns more changes.

There's a larger crowd in the tavern ... the likely result of me tweaking the same game parameter I adjusted in the fairground scenario. That means that I and the other two serving wenches, Sarah and Ruth, are frantically trying to keep up with the patrons demand for more drink. I carry the three mugs of rum which Rob ordered to his table. As before he's gawping open mouthed at the door. I turn to look in the same direction, expecting to see Bonny Bess and her crew. Only this time the pirate leader isn't Bonny Bess. This pirate leader is male and looks remarkably like Rob's obnoxious cousin, Lloyd. With him are four others, one of whom is a beautiful black haired woman. Her attire and demeanour mean that this isn't the Bonny Bess of the previous iteration, although she's undoubtedly moulded from the same template. Rob's eyes are locked onto the delectable woman, although I can't help feeling that he should be paying more attention to the pirate captain.

Sensing pending danger, a few of the patrons decide to leave. However, unlike in the previous iteration, the majority of patrons stay and continue their carousing.

"Gunner Floyd" whispers a man to his drinking mate at the next table. "The Spanish are offering a thousand doubloons for his hide. We could easily overpower him and his crew."

"A reward is no good if you're dead," growls his mate. "Besides, it means going to Tortuga to claim the reward. I don't fancy your chances of getting out of Tortuga with all that money."

"Drink!" booms Gunner Floyd's voice across the room as he and his crew claim a table. The two men who were sitting there hurriedly go to another part of the room.

Both Sarah and Ruth are nearer than me to Gunner Floyd's table, but neither makes a move in that direction. A glare from Gregor sends me over to take Gunner Floyd's order.

"Well, if it isn't the delectable Paige," smiles Gunner. "You and me are gonna spend some time together later on."

"Pay Gregor the fee and you and I can be together for as long as you want," I reply seductively. "What do you want to drink?"

"Four rums and a wine for my pretty Bess here," growls Gunner, indicating the woman next to him.

On closer inspection I realise that this Bess isn't even one of Gunner's crew ... she has the look of a hostage, although she could possibly be a runaway slave whose owner has offered a good reward. Taking hostages isn't uncommon in these parts now that the British, French and Spanish are too busy fighting among themselves to bother policing the remote islands and towns. Anybody who looks as though they might have money ... or a rich relation ... is a target for kidnap and ransom. What is unusual, though, is to bring a hostage into a crowded place like the Green Parrot. Bess's eyes look pleadingly into mine and my heart goes out to her. She clearly wants me to rescue her from this pirate. I'd love to help her since I'm all too familiar with being a helpless woman at the mercy of greedy men. Unfortunately I'm little more than a slave, and I've no means of rescuing her.

I go to the bar and Gregor prepares the drinks Gunner ordered. I dread to think what the oddly coloured liquid Gregor serves as wine actually contains. It's unlikely that a grape has been anywhere near it. Thankfully I'm not the one who will be drinking it.

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