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Susan & Edward-Go to Punta Cana Ch. 01

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A man and woman trying to re-ignite the passion.
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Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 10/28/2014
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A man and woman trying to re-ignite the passion

NOTICE: Copyright © 2021 - This is an original work by EdwardKalb and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at and the Author has not authorized any submission to any other site.

Author's Note: This is the continuation of the journey of a man and a woman trying to re-ignite the passion in their marriage after raising 3 kids. In previous writings, highlights of our experiences on a holiday in the Caribbean a year ago proved life changing and marriage saving. The flame ignited in that trip began to burn a bit hotter each day since.

(This story contains real-life experiences and re-counts actual events of our life. The writer enhanced the story with certain (small) details. If you are looking for a quick fuck and suck story, this is not for you. Follow this couple as they explore new erotic adventures and see where this road takes them)

If you haven't read, "An Unmastered Wife's Re-Awakening", I'd suggest that you do so prior to this...


Edward and Susan were in their hot tub, naked of course, enjoying a few cocktails one beautiful December night.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it? Look at all those stars!" Edward said as he admired Susan's boobs gently bouncing with the flow of the hot water from the Jacuzzi jets.

"Yes -- look at that. Just beautiful! What a lovely night!" Susan leaned her head back obviously enjoying the relaxing feeling of the hot water flowing all around her naked body.

The light of the moon cast a gentle glow all over his wife's body. "Sweetheart, you look really sexy with the moonlight bouncing off your boobs."

"Ahh...thank-you!" Susan answered shyly. "You don't think our neighbors could see us out here, do you?"

Despite the fact that his wife was physically beautiful, Susan was always rather shy by nature. Edward has seen his wife turn heads, especially when she 'dresses up,' yet she refuses to acknowledge just how attractive she actually is.

"If they can, I am certain they would enjoy it as much as I am now!" Just as he said that, Edward raised himself out of the water to show Susan his erection.

" ARE enjoying yourself! What is it that is getting you so excited?"


In his fantasy world, what Edward came to realize was, he was the voyeur and Susan was the exhibitionist. This is what turned his crank. But regrettably, he believed those were likely to remain...just fantasies.

Edward knew both he and Susan loved each other immensely, and genuinely liked being around each other. The problem was that over the years their sex life had started to decline. Edward grudgingly accepted the once-a-week sex (always missionary, always with limited foreplay - as if to get it over with quickly). Despite the help of his hand and an active imagination to relieve his sexual needs, he yearned for more.

His wife had never been an adventurous sexual creature--it just wasn't her thing. And the natural result of being in a long-term relationship, he had a tendency to de-sexualize and de-objectify his wife, taking her for granted and no longer seeing her as an alluring and sexual woman.

Then more recently, Edward endured fellas at work talking about how liberated and provocative their wives were. With envy, Edward listened when one friend described the time his wife slowly stripped off all her clothes and got naked at a roadside picnic, and then sucked and fucked him while cars and trucks sped by a short distance away.

Edward listened to still another friend describe the time when his wife got real playful removing her panties in a restaurant, within eyesight of other patrons, and then letting her husband play with her pussy while the waiter took their order for dessert.

Another good friend recounted the time his wife gave him a blowjob wearing only a short skirt and heels - no top or panties while they drove around the city streets. At stoplights, pedestrians got views of the action...and his nearly naked wife.

Over beers, another friend went even further, admitting he encouraged his wife to dress in short skirts and high heels for a "girls night," in the hopes she would get hit on.

While at the time such admissions were foreign to him -- his wife would never act that way - the thought of his wife acting similarly naughty had a surprising effect. It aroused him.

Edward felt a tinge of jealousy that he was missing a lot of what his friends had. Those wives were great mothers and housewives that turned into hot, sexy, vixens on occasion and it made him ache with envy. He wondered why his wife was so conservative and uptight, almost to the point of being prudish. He wanted to have a frank discussion with her, hoping he could somehow let his wife know how he felt without being scolded, called a pervert, or most importantly, irreparably damaging their relationship.

Thankfully there were some encouraging signs that things were going in the right direction. They had rediscovered a missing passion for each other on their previous holiday in Punta Cana almost a year earlier. And in the weeks following, they lusted for each other in ways not seen since they were newlyweds. He believed that was the shot-in-the-arm their relationship needed.

In the weeks following that holiday, they played through thoughts, words, and fantasies. They role-played different scenarios and the sex became as they had not had in a long time -- more passionate, more powerful, and more loving.

He wanted more. So from his continuing research, he knew that communication was a key amongst couples. He decided he would be more open to tell Susan what he wanted and what pleased him, even if those thoughts previously would embarrass him.

But because of Susan's timid and reticent attitudes about sex, he needed to wait for the right time.


" know I absolutely loved it when you took your top off on the beach in Punta Cana," Edward started nervously, tentatively. He knew he had to be careful with his words. But he sensed Susan was in not only a 'good' mood, but he also sensed she may be willing to talk about the sensitive subject of sex. Edward believed he had the opening he was waiting for.

"I loved when we took those long walks and you were topless," he started.

Susan smiled, but did not say a word.

Edward continued. "I loved seeing guys walking towards us staring at your boobs. I saw them watching your boobs jiggle, and I absolutely loved how confident and sexy you were, walking with your shoulders back, not even trying to cover up."

Susan looked down embarrassed. She felt guilty for allowing herself to become so brazen. She did notice guys checking her out as she sunbathed or walked on the beach topless. She noticed some guys staring directly at her tits, and not even trying to be discreet about it. But parading around the beach with her tits out allowing other men to ogle her was really not something she considered 'normal.'

Yet deep down, she did find it thrilling - the whole experience not only gave her an unexpected shot of confidence in her body, but it also made her feel quite sexy and dare say, naughty.

"Okay, I will admit it - that was fun," Susan finally spoke. "At first I didn't like it. It was nerve-wracking, to be honest. I am an older woman and after kids, my body is not where I would like it to be. But I have to admit, I felt liberated and quite rejuvenated. It felt like I was part of a sisterhood. And admittedly, it was flattering to have someone other than you find me attractive."

Susan's admission was so unlike her. She NEVER talked about things that involved sexual situations.

Then Susan added, "Maybe, just maybe, I will do it again some time!"

"Really? I would absolutely love a repeat of those two days. Those were the best two days of my life!"

"Oh come on!! The best two days of your life? Get real!" Susan challenged.

"I'm serious. If you remember, our sex life was at a low point before that holiday. But those last two days of that holiday brought us out of that funk. You were incredible! You were sexy, confident, sensual, and I felt a closeness to you I hadn't felt in years."

"Shall we plan another holiday in Punta Cana?" Edward asked.


Susan was a mother to her three kids and a wife to a wonderful man. She had a great family, a big house in the suburbs, and financially, they were okay. She felt fortunate to have the life she had. She did not want to do anything to screw it up.

Sex was good - every Saturday night, she and Edward would get it on in their bedroom. Missionary was her position of choice. She did not care much about oral, neither giving nor receiving. Anything involving sex toys was out of the question. No porn watching either. And while she tolerated her husband's more relaxed attitude towards nudity and sexuality, those topics made her very uncomfortable when applied to her own state of being.

Occasionally, Susan and her husband would get together with Edward's friends and their wives. She noticed that the wives, at times, dressed quite provocatively with shorter dresses, sexy high heeled shoes, and low cut tops. She actually felt a bit jealous that these women felt comfortable and confident enough to dress like that. Susan was approaching fifty years of age and felt that time had passed.

But at that holiday in Punta Cana, she ventured into that world she once considered lewd and forbidden. First she had the confidence to stride out on to a beach wearing a tiny bikini. After getting past her initial shyness, she wore it with her head held high, not giving a damn about how other people thought of her.

Then, she surprised herself when she removed her bikini top. Although she did it in acquiescence to her husband's request, she still could not explain why or what came over her. But, she did remember how freeing it felt when she sunbathed topless. The warm sun and gentle breezes on her boobs felt exquisite. She felt so very liberated, and became much more accepting of her body.

And despite reservations about her age, she saw the admiring and lustful looks of other men. It boosted her self-confidence. She felt like a sexy, desirable woman once again.

And the additional benefit...their sex life went from mundane to hot!


"And what I found surprising," Edward continued, "I loved it when some of those guys looked over at me and gave me an appreciative nod of approval. I mean, it was almost as if they were saying, 'you are one lucky man!' And I found that quite stimulating, actually. I mean, I didn't know how I would actually react to other guys openly ogling your boobs; but I have to admit, I found it absolutely thrilling!"

"That's what surprised me the most. You used to be so jealous -- so possessive, even if a random guy just smiled at me."

Early in their marriage, she worked in a predominately male firm. Naturally, she became quite popular as working late often led to invitations for drinks or dinners later into the night. Although she was always with a group of colleagues, Edward often became very jealous.

Most of those after work activities were quite innocuous. But because she was one of only a handful of women in the firm, she was quite popular and sometimes boundaries were pushed.

Susan recalled an incident years ago at an after work party at a bar in the City. A guy, a co-worker, asked her to dance. It was late into the night and they both had several drinks. She knew this guy liked her, and for some reason, perhaps feeling the effects of the alcohol, she flirted with him that night and allowed things to go further than she should. When Edward showed up at the bar earlier than expected to take her home, he found the guy kissing and feeling up her ask. And he naturally got pissed. After they left the bar, Susan knew things got out of line and apologized several times, but Edward remained silent the entire ride home.

"Yes, you're right. I remember those days! I admit -- I...I was insecure back then. I had these fears that you would wake up one day and runoff with a rich, smarter, or better looking guy, or just realize you could do so much better than me."


"Well, that's how I felt. I 'married up' and I feared you would come to your senses and realize it was a mistake."

"I hate when you say you married up. It implies I settled for someone."

"Well, you were raised in a higher social class and standing, you were more attractive and more intelligent..."

"Stop it!"

"Okay. Well, I feel differently now." Edward paused before coming back to the subject and admitting, "I really can't explain it. Maybe it's because I feel far more comfortable in our relationship now. Maybe it's because I am confident that we are solid. All I can tell you is, now, I want you to be more playful."

Susan stared at her husband in surprise and disbelief.

"Look, I absolutely loved our time in Punta Cana! I loved your confidence! I loved your sexiness! And I had no problem at all showing you off! In fact, I found it quite exciting!"

Thinking back to that time in the Caribbean, Susan still couldn't believe she did what she did. It was a sharp departure from her usual self. She rationalized the whole idea of that trip was to leave her 'normal' thinking behind.

"And I loved how you teased those guys!"

"Well, I did it just for you!" Susan snapped shyly. She knew what Edward was referring to, and she really didn't know what came over her. Sure there was a point in time last year she may have pushed things too far. She remembered deciding, "Hey, if you want to see my tits, here they are. I will never see you again." But why did she cross the line from innocent sunbathing to outright teasing? And why does she still have trouble admitting to her husband that the experience turned her on as well?

Edward believed his wife's words were a denial of her true feelings, but he didn't care. He was grateful for his wife leaving her comfort zone and being that sexual creature that he believed was inside, and that he craved, even if it was for only a couple days.


Actually, Edward was beyond grateful. After years of puritanical conformism, he watched Susan break free and explore her sexuality. And those memories played through his mind -- constantly. He found himself recollecting every step, in extreme detail, and he often used those moments both for personal gratification as well as 'sexy talk' foreplay with Susan.

But while he loved showing off his wife's tits, he had a hunger for more. As perverse as it may be, he fantasized of his wife elevating her teasing, and flirting more openly with other men. He wanted to 'watch' his wife's interactions with other men.

He couldn't explain why...he wasn't a cuckold. But he found himself incredibly aroused fantasizing of his wife being naughty.

He fantasized of his wife wearing provocative clothes. He fantasized of his wife getting 'hit on' by other guys. And while he knew it was wrong and perverse, his arousal increased with the thought of his wife acting even more mischievous -- even pushing the social taboos of their marriage vows. It was something that turned him on -- immensely.

Perhaps it was a pride thing - proud that other men found his wife attractive. Perhaps it was a competition thing, where he knew no matter how deep things got, his wife would come home to him. Whatever the reason, all of that became an immense mind-fuck for him.

In fact, he became consumed by fantasies of his wife transformed into a weekend sexy vixen, one that he can show off, and a woman that other men lusted after.

However, he had to deal with the realities of life. Since having kids there simply wasn't much time to talk about, or maybe the discipline, to openly discuss this fantasy with his wife.


"I actually wish that another guy could see you right now; naked and looking so beautiful! You look hot, and I would be so proud to show you off!" He decided to continue before Susan cut him off and shut down the conversation.

Susan kept her head back enjoying the soothing hot water. "Yah right! You really wouldn't mind if other guys saw me completely naked?"

Edward took a deep breath and said, "Actually...I would not only mind, I would be incredibly turned on. In fact, I have fantasized about you taking your teasing further."

Susan opened her eyes wide in shock. "You would want that?" she asked, astonishment clearly in her voice.


"You actually want me to be naked in front of other men? What, like a stripper? And what do you mean, take teasing further? You want me to go out and be a cock tease?" she asked, almost trembling now.

Edward decided to keep going. He thought, "what the hell -- the door is pushed open!" Often times Susan would stop him and say she didn't want to hear any more. Other times she just listened.

And he trusted Susan more than ever, and he believed she trusted him. And even if he admitted to such a perverse fantasy, he believed there were some things that would remain their secret.

"Well...I can tell you I am blessed with a woman who is in all my fantasies," his heart skipped a beat as he explained his idea. "It would turn me on would...just dress a little sexier -- on occasion. I know you would get the attention of other guys...and when you do, just tease them a little more..." Edward admitted he wanted to watch his wife engaged in the flirting process.

Susan looked at her husband in stunned silence.

"And even more if you feel comfortable," Edward blurted, surprising himself. Although he wanted her to know that she could take that flirting even further if she felt comfortable, perhaps it was a step too soon to admit at this point.

"What do you mean, take it as far as I feel comfortable?

Edward now felt embarrassed. He remained silent as he tried to think about getting out of this hole he dug for himself.


The reality was, Edward had this lingering fantasy that was hard to explain. For some odd reason, the fear he once had of his wife leaving him for a richer or better looking guy slowly morphed into an intense desire to share her with another man. He knew the reality was usually different from the fantasy, and it was a potentially risky, forbidden path, but he wanted to explore this kink further.

"Well, it's just that...I want you to discover your boundaries and then move past them. The thought of what other men would be thinking and the thought that another man would want you, sexually, are hell-of-a turn-ons for me," Edward said quietly, looking into the bubbling water and avoiding his wife's glare. He knew it was a devilish statement, but he was curious how far she'd go, and how far he would 'allow' it.

Silence prevailed as they both pondered the next move. He wanted to explore this ultimate fantasy further, but Susan's eyes revealed the surprise and disgust, so he chose to hold those thoughts and not push further.

"Is that what this is about?" Susan asked pointedly breaking the silence after what seemed like minutes. "You actually want me to flirt with men, tease mean, and then what - have sex with other men?"

"Well...I'm not sure about that," Edward explained as he sat more upright. "It's hard to explain and I suspect even harder for you to understand, but I would like you to open yourself up to new adventures. After years of puritanical conformism, set yourself free! Look, I have no doubt you will have the attention of many men, and when you do, maybe don't automatically blow them off. Just enjoy it a little, play with that experience, and see where it takes you, and takes us," he said.

"I don't understand why? Is this so you can have sex with another woman?"

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