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Susan & Edward-Go to Punta Cana Ch. 01


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"No! That's not what this is about. I have no interest in having sex with other women."

Edward continued, "It's just that...it excites me, knowing that other men want you so badly, but knowing that at the end of the evening, you were coming home with me." He confessed that he could not explain why it affected him like it did. He suggested perhaps it was the thought of his wife being so highly desirable, it enabled him to puff up with pride that she was his wife.

Susan saw a look of nervous excitement and desire in her husband. But his admission sent her mind spinning. How could a man want his wife to do such a thing? Did he not love her? Was she not good enough for him? She knew one thing; this was something she believed she could never do.

Edward smiled and said, "Do you think you can at least give it some consideration?"

With no response from his wife, he continued, "If you ultimately decide that you don't want to go down that path, we can just drop the idea. But if the thought of continuing down this road of sexual exploration arouses you like it does me, and somewhere deep down you think you may enjoy it, even a little, then what would be the harm?"

Susan remained silent. But Edward felt the need to lay it all on the table. There was more to explore; and he hoped his wife would be a willing participant.

"Think about it, please? Will you promise me that?"


In fact, since that holiday in Punta Cana, Susan's thinking had changed. She hadn't been lusted over like that in a long time, and surprisingly, the attention on her from other men and the obvious enjoyment they got in watching her made her feel...sexy!

And the fact that she continued to receive complements and encouragement from Edward helped immensely. He essentially made her realize that, despite approaching middle age, her body shouldn't be hidden. And when her cajoled her into wearing some sexy lingerie he bought for her one night, she saw the immediate effect on his libido.

Susan was tall, blonde, and was blessed with a nice body. With firm B-cup perky boobs that did not sag, long legs, and a nice shapely rounded ass, she had a great canvas to start.

So with the encouragement of her husband, Susan slowly transformed from wearing the frumpy, baggy clothes, to wearing sexier, fitted clothes that showed off her curves. She stopped wearing her plain cotton panties and bras, choosing lacy bras of different colors and tinier, sexier underwear, and even thongs. Instead of constantly wearing pants, she wore more skirts and dresses. And her skirts and dresses were shorter, tighter, and more stylish that accentuated instead of hid her assets.

Flat shoes were replaced with heels; and she wore those heels to work or when they went out on the town. Susan even started keeping her pussy hair trimmed and well groomed.

With all of this, and some confidence gained, she was looking hot.

And Edward believed it was important for Susan to know how hot she looked; so he continually reinforced that part daily to Susan. He tried to complement Susan often; how she looked, her body, or her choice of outfits. When she looked good going out to a party, he told her so. If she wore heels, he thanked her for wearing them and told her how good her legs looked in heels. He wanted to let her know that her efforts were not going unnoticed. He wanted Susan to believe in herself and to know not only how good she looked, but also how lucky he was to be with her.

And the result was, she now looked at least 7-10 years younger than her nearly 50 years.

Edward did his part also. He watched what he ate and became educated on healthier eating. He started a regular exercise program. He became disgusted with hearing other guys critique every woman they passed; from the shape of her body to what she wore, while at the same time not looking in the mirror to improve on their own looks and ever expanding waistline. He even started to 'man-scape.' He concluded if he wanted his wife to look good and sexy, he would do the same for her (even if that meant shaving his cock and balls!).

Edward loved everything about the updated Susan! Those little things really improved their love life too and brought them closer together as a couple. After almost 30 years of marriage, it was once again fun and exciting to be with his wife.


"I really don't think you would!" Susan said in a challenging way.


"I don't think you are serious. I don't think you would ever want me to purposely try to get hit on and picked up by another guy!"

Her statement was not entirely intended to challenge Edward's fantasy. Susan had her own fantasies.

After almost 30 years with the same guy, she had thoughts about other men. There were several guys she knew who she was attracted to. She actually let her mind wander at times, wondering what it would be like to be 'with' them. And sometimes she even wondered what they would be like...in bed. But she always dismissed that thinking. She was, after all, a 'good girl' and happily married. Yet, here was her husband asking her to explore his/her fantasy further!

"I thought about it a long time. I think it would be hot!"

"How would this happen? How would I find these other guys to 'tease?' "

Edward sat upright. He gathered his thoughts and nervously outlined, in detail, one of his fantasies.

"Well, we could go to a bar in a high-end hotel in the City. In my fantasy world, you are dressed extra sexy -- you know, a short skirt, with a low cut top, and nice high heels. I would drop you off so you can go in alone," he said, his voice shaking with nervous excitement.

He gulped and continued, "Then I would wait a few minutes and come in later and find a seat at the end of the bar. I would watch all these horny men taking turns talking to you and buying you drinks. You would flirt with a few of them and maybe innocently flash guys, showing the tops of your thigh-high stockings or showing a peak of your lacy bra."

"Hmmm, okayyy...anything more?" Susan asked.

She didn't immediately dismiss such a thought, so Edward continued.

"Then, in my fantasy that is, one of them would ask you to dance. I would watch as you both slow danced. His hands would be exploring your body. And by your body language, I would see you were not only accepting, but also loving all the attention. I would know that you were not wearing underwear and would wait for the moment the guy realized also. Then you would flirt a little more before excusing yourself and leaving the bar with me. We would both be so hot and we would play in the parking lot and then again the car ride home before having wild passionate sex in our bed."

"So, you just want me to tease? And then just leave these poor guys...just leave them hanging there...without a word?"

"Well, yes, for starters. Actually, I have fantasized about you going even further."

"Going further means what -- you want me to have sex with another guy?"

"Well...I honestly can't say I want you to...have sex with another guy that is. Right now, I want you to push your boundaries as far as you are comfortable. If you had the opportunity and wanted to take it further, I would be okay with that, as long as you keep no secrets and tell me every sexy detail when you return to me."

"But, what do you mean by 'taking it further?' " Susan pressed.

"Well, it would be up to you. I would not stand in the way as long as you are comfortable with it. I would not want you to do something against your will. I am not forcing you to do anything you do not want to do."

"I am shocked, but strangely curious at the same time. Explain. Would I be alone with these guys? Could I do anything I want? Could I have intercourse, have oral sex, anything?"

"These are my fantasies, and I know there is a chance they would not really happen. But I can tell you I have thought about this many times, and I get so excited at just the thought it!"

"How would you trust me?" Susan stared, mouth open.

"So here's the thing...I want you to experience great pleasure. I know after so many years of being true to each other, our sex life may have become mundane, routine and maybe even boring. I know you are a beautiful woman and would have no problem finding another good-looking guy, but I don't think you realize how desirable you are. I am hoping this will be a positive experience and give you more confidence. Confidence IS SEXY! And I will certainly be the beneficiary of a sexy wife! And again, I am not doing this so that I can have sex with another woman. That is not what I am interested in. And one last thing, I am not forcing you here. If you are not interested in this, that is okay. I want you to be comfortable and happy."

"Well, going out without panties and innocently flashing people - that's one thing. But are you suggesting...in your fantasy that is...that you want me to take a guy to bed? Am I having sex with this guy?"

Well...it would be up to you. It's not something I want, but I want you to be happy. So if that is what you want...."

"I want? I can tell you, this seems pretty crazy to me, Edward!" Susan admonished, cutting him off.

Edward could feel his heart begin to pound in his chest. He was glad he brought it up and put it out there. However, he was hoping she would be more interested.

"Look, let's just forget it. Perhaps I should not have brought it up. I just felt...a connection..."

Susan stared silently into the night sky. She had a mixture of emotions running through her. On one hand, she was shocked by Edward's offer to persuade her to 'date' another man. Did he not love her anymore? Was this really a set up to allow Edward to have sex with another woman?

On the other hand, why was she having feelings of excitement? Was it the wine clouding her thoughts? Could she really do it? Why was she was intrigued by the thought of another man caressing her body; and even feeling his manhood inside her?

She knew fantasy was far different than real life.

She felt she could go out without panties. But could she really flash her pussy to strangers in a public place?

And what about the other things Edward suggested? What if she liked it? Would it affect or jeopardize her marriage?

The silence persisted for an even longer time. "This is not good...not going over very well," Edward thought. "Shit...you really screwed up!" Should he tell her he was just kidding? Does she think this is so weird and that he has some sort of sex problem?

He chose to just let it go for a while - let her digest and think about what he said. There was a lot thrown at her and a lot to contemplate. Edward looked down and saw a raging hard-on breaking the surface of the water...


A few days later, Susan was in a small shop in Old Town hunting for a new bikini for an upcoming holiday in the Caribbean. They had decided to take a last minute flight to Punta Cana. Because it was winter, it was far too early for the larger department stores to carry swimwear, so she was left with trying to find a new swimsuit in a specialty shop.

Now a year from the half-century mark, she normally would not consider trying on a bikini, let alone actually purchasing one to actually wear in public. But from her last trip, when her husband 'surprised' her with a new tiny pink bikini, the seeds had been planted -- and surprisingly, she wanted to experience those feelings once again.

The saleswoman was considerate and helped her select a few styles and colors and ushered Susan to one of three change rooms located at the back of the store. In this little boutique shop, instead of doors each of the change rooms had a pull curtain. The woman hung her suggested choices for Susan up on one of the hooks on the wall and pulled the curtain closed behind her as she went back to the front of the store to help another customer.

As Susan turned, she noticed that the curtain was not completely closed. When she forced it closed, a gap appeared on the other side. Despite her best efforts, a small gap that remained. Unfortunately, the curtain needed another few inches of width to 'work' properly.

Another peculiarity about these change rooms was that the height of the curtains. The bottoms started a couple feet above the floor and the tops ended such that most people's heads were visible while changing. Susan felt a wave of anxiety. Being 5'8" tall meant she not only could easily look right over the curtain, but wearing heels the rest of the store would not only see her head, but also a portion of her shoulders would be visible as well.

She heard voices coming closer. The store was essentially empty when she decided to try on this bikini, but now there were obviously a few more people in the store. Turning and peering over the curtain, she saw another couple making their way in her direction. They appeared to be in their late 30's.

As the woman entered the adjacent change room, Susan noticed the man standing in front of her, evidently waiting for his wife to try on her selections. Their eyes met and the man nodded.

Susan's immediate and instinctive reaction was to turn her head. However, with a mirror on the back wall, she was still able to see the man.

She lingered and wondered what to do next. She couldn't actually remove all her clothes to try on these bikinis with a stranger a mere ten feet away, could she? She tried to convince herself that there was no way the man would be able to see anything close to her private parts. But how much of her upper chest would be visible?

Still facing the mirror, Susan took a deep breath, pretended to be oblivious to any prying eyes, and grabbed the hem of her dress. She quickly pulled it over her head and placed it on the hook on the opposite wall. She looked at the mirror to see if the man was watching her. He wasn't, or at least he made it appear not obvious.

Temporarily relieved, she unfastened her bra and let it fall off her shoulders before placing it on a hook as well. She looked at herself in the mirror. She confirmed anyone standing outside the curtains were not likely to see much, if anything, even considering these 'micro' curtains. Yet strangely, standing 'exposed' in just her panties and heels, she could not help but feel a bit...naughty.

She thought about removing her heels to 'lower' herself, but hesitated. She felt a wave of wickedness envelope her. She thought about the conversation with her husband in the hot tub -- where he wanted her to be more open.

Deep down Susan wanted to explore her sexuality more as well. The lovemaking sessions with her husband leading up to this trip included fantasy scenarios about her going topless, other men watching her, and maybe even pushing the limits a little more. She felt tingles as she fantasized about things she never thought she would. They both really got off on the anticipation... and the possibilities of what would happen next. She decided to take Edward's words that night in the hot tub and push her typically conservative self.

So she took her time, first adjusting the bikini top on her boobs and tying the halter back. Then she picked up the bottoms and slid them up her legs, wiggling her ass to pull them over her hips. She looked at herself in the mirror. She adjusted her boobs. The top was flattering, no doubt, pushing her boobs up and together.

Turning and looking at her ass, she found the bottoms covering her adequately enough. And wearing heels, her legs did look fantastic.

"How does it look?"

Susan nearly jumped out of her skin, as she turned to see the sales lady peeking over the curtain. Feeling a little embarrassed, she turned saying, "I...I like it, but I think the bottoms are a little on the small side."

"Hmmm, let me see," the woman said. And just like that, the saleswoman whipped the curtain open.

Susan was caught like the proverbial deer in the headlights. The woman's action caused the attention of the man to be placed on her -- no doubt to see what the commotion was about. Still shocked, and more than a little self-conscious, Susan just stood there, in nothing but her immodest bikini and high heels. The saleswoman checked the fit, pulling and adjusting her bikini top. Susan looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with the man.

The man smiled and nodded.

"The top looks perfect! Turn please," the woman instructed.

With her heart beating out of her chest, Susan obediently turned slowly allowing the saleswoman, and the man, to examine her backside.

"Well, I think it's perfect!" the saleswoman said as she adjusted the bottom on Susan's ass cheeks. "But I will bring a larger size to you for comparison." The saleswoman closed the curtain behind her, temporarily mollifying Susan's apprehension from her exposure.

As she tried to rationalize and make sense out of the man's reaction on the other side of the curtain, the saleswoman returned with a larger-sized bikini bottom. Handing it to Susan, the saleswoman again quickly closed the curtain. Once again, the curtain failed to close fully.

Susan turned to the mirror. She could see the man peering at her through the opening. Suddenly she felt a flush of warmth course through her at the thought of being a little naughty, allowing the man to see parts of her previously reserved only for her husband.

What was she thinking?? She was a respectable, mature, married woman!!! She was not a floozy! There was no way she could do that, she concluded.

Yet why was it such an exciting thought? The butterflies started to fly a little faster as she noticed the man continuing to peer at her. She turned and looked directly at the man, almost to confront him, perhaps to put him in his place.

When their eyes met, the man nodded again with a smirk. The look was almost like he was pleading...no...daring Susan to continue. She recalled the conversation in the hot tub a few days prior. She felt another wave of impishness course through her at her thoughts.

She chose not to try to 'fix' the approximate two-inch gap on the side. Instead, she turned and placed her hands on her hips, hooked her thumbs on both sides of the bikini bottoms and slowly peeled them down over her hips. She paused, looking over her shoulder. She could see the man's face in the mirror. He was still watching...intently, eagerly, with those piercing blue eyes.

But this time he had turned his body towards Susan. It was as if the man was ignoring his wife and was focused solely and directly at Susan. There were several other people in the store that served to distract the lone saleswoman. Susan felt like she and this man were alone to explore this lewd and immoral interaction further.

She recalled her husband urging her to let go of some of her inhibitions and open up -- to tease and flirt more. While they had role-played in the friendly confines of the bedroom, they had never followed through further. Her conservative upbringing and religious beliefs kept her from exploring the kinkier side of life.

She felt her pulse quicken as she contemplated what to do next. She remembered researching the art of teasing and finding it was much more than just wearing revealing clothing; it was more attitude than anything. And a few seductive poses wouldn't hurt.

Taking a page from that script, she moved her feet about two feet apart and slowly bent over at the waist. "If he wants to look, I'm going to give him something to remember," she thought. Her heart skipped a beat at the idea. It was devilish but she was curious how far she would take this little teasing exhibition.

Making sure to keep her legs perfectly straight and with her thumbs still hooked on the sides of the bikini, she pulled the bottoms down her legs, slowly, and deliberately. Bent over, Susan was sure everything was on display only a few feet in front of the man, if he chose to look.

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