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Susan's Needs

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Step daughter wants step father to tend to her needs.
10.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/20/2023
Created 04/08/2023
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Five years ago when I was in my early forties I met Mary, the woman I eventually married. A mutual friend introduced us at her annual Christmas party. I later found out that Tina had invited Mary with the express purpose of playing matchmaker for her friends. She felt that ten years without dating was long enough for Mary to devote her life to raising her daughters and she thought Mary was perfect for me.

Tina wandered off after her introductions leaving Mary and I to get acquainted. The moment I met Mary I felt a rapport I had not felt with any other woman in my entire life. It didn't hurt that she was gorgeous either. She was tall, but not too tall. Definitely over five and a half feet, but not approaching my six foot height. If I had to guess her weight I would say 120-125 pounds of curvy sexiness. Her hair was dark brown and shoulder length. Matching brown eyes with flecks of gold sprinkled throughout. I was captivated by her pouty lips that developed a sensuous curve when she smiled.

As we talked I continued to take in her beauty. She was dressed conservatively in a knee length navy blue skirt that did nothing to hide the curvature of her hips and ass cheeks that were deliciously full. Her plump breasts were pushing against a white silk blouse that had the top two buttons undone exposing a hint of her fabulous cleavage. Her legs were clad in nude tone nylons and her feet were fitted with blue low heeled pumps. The overall look was stunning. My mind was already creating scenarios that had us fucking before the night was over.

Mary told me she had divorced her husband ten years ago after discovering he was cheating on her with his secretary. After the divorce she decided to devote her life to raising her girls. Now that they were almost grown she was ready to think about her own needs again. The more we talked the more I was intrigued by her. I too had been married and divorced in my early twenties. It only lasted four years before I found out she was cheating with an old boyfriend. After the divorce I remained gun shy of long term relationships. I liked being single.

We were having such a great time talking that I was surprised to realize that we were the only guests left at the party when Tina finally sat on the couch beside us. She smiled broadly and said, "Well kids, looks like the party's over. You are the last holdouts. I think you two hit it off pretty damn good so a thank you might be in order."Tina laughed heartily before continuing. "No, really, I am thrilled that you are breaking out of that shell, Mary. Did you have fun tonight?"

Mary took Tina's hands in hers and said, "I had a wonderful time talking with Paul tonight. Thank you for introducing us, Tina. In fact tonight was so nice that I have accepted a date with him for New Years Eve." She looked around like she was just realizing that everyone had left. Turning back to Tina, she said, "I guess I should head home. It's late and I promised Susan I would be home before midnight. merry Christmas, Tina." As she stood so did Tina and I.

I said, "Thank you, Tina. It was a great party. I'm going to walk Mary to her car, then head on home myself. Good night love and merry Christmas."

Tina squeezed my hand and said, "I am so glad you had a good time Paul. She walked Mary and I to the front door. She hugged Mary and said, "Good night Mary and merry Christmas. I'll call you tomorrow." She turned to me, "Paul, when you get Mary to her car and have said your goodbyes would you be a dear and come back in. I need to talk with you for a minute."

I kissed Tina on the cheek and told her I would be right back. I walked Mary to her car. Once there Mary turned to me before opening the car door. Smiling, she kissed me on the cheek and said, "Paul, it was a real pleasure meeting you tonight. I am looking forward very much to our date next week."

All the scenarios running through my head ending with Mary and I in bed evaporated instantly. Hiding my disappointment I opened her door for her. As she turned to get in her car I said, "Meeting you was a pleasure for me too, Mary. I am looking forward to New Years Eve with a whole new perspective now. I look forward to getting to know you better. Good night and merry Christmas."

As she slid behind the wheel I got a brief look at her stocking tops and the milky flesh of her inner thighs above them. I felt my dick start to expand in my slacks. I loved that she was wearing stockings rather than pantyhose. Stockings are so much more sexy. The door closed and the dome light went out ending my view of her luscious legs. Mary cranked the car, I stepped back and she departed. I stood there for a moment staring after her tail lights lamenting a missed opportunity. I shook myself and walked back up Tina's walkway to see what she wanted to talk to me about.

When I entered the living room Tina was sitting on the couch. She patted the cushion beside her and said, "Come. Sit for a minute." Tina and I had dated briefly before deciding we wanted to be friends more than lovers. The sex had been good, but it really seemed to get in the way of our friendship so we gave that part of our relationship up. I walked across the room and sat beside her. Tina took my hand and turned to face me. "Paul, I invited Mary tonight because I really thought that you two might find a mutual interest in each other. It looks like I was right. Please, I ask you as a dear friend, don't hurt her. She had a rough marriage and has spent the last ten years raising her two girls by herself. It's obvious that she likes you and I think you like her too. Just be gentle and have patience with her. She's a wonderful person and a dear friend to me. Okay?"

I took Tina's passionate plea to heart. Sure, I wanted to fuck Mary, but I also realized there was something about Mary that set her apart from all the other women I had ever known. I had been truthful when I told Mary I wanted to get to know her better. I felt an attraction to her that had me contemplating letting my emotions lead me to places I had feared to go for years. I squeezed Tina's hands lightly and said, "Sweetheart, I think you can trust me when I say that I have nothing but the best in mind for Mary. Thank you for your trust in me. I can tell you right now I am interested in her for more than just sex."

I started to stand and Tina stood with me. She gave me a quick kiss on my lips and said, "Well, I hope things work out for you two. I would love to see you both happy in life." She walked me to the door and gave me another peck on the lips. "Good night, Paul. Merry Christmas."

My drive home was filled with thoughts of Mary. Not just sexual thoughts although I had several, but thoughts of sharing experiences with her. Getting to know her likes and dislikes so I could know her better. I must admit that once home and getting ready for bed I knocked one out with visions of her silky thighs and what lay beyond flashing through my brain. The release felt wonderful, but I experienced something I had not felt before. Guilt for using her in that way for sexual gratification. "Man," I thought, "you are in uncharted territory here."

I resisted the urge to call her during the week before our date. I made reservations at an upscale restaurant and was going all out to impress. Mary had mentioned she liked dancing so my plan was to take her to a dance club after diner to ring in the new year. I called her on the day of to get her address and set a time to pick her up.

Mary answered the chime of the door bell almost immediately; her smile radiant. I was stunned by what I saw. Gone was the conservatively dressed woman I had met a week ago. She was wearing the classic little black dress. The hem stopped inches above her knees and the neck line was cut low enough to show a generous amount of cleavage. A gold chain around her neck supported gold double hearts that were nestled between her breasts. Her brown hair flowed around a face that showed just a hint of make-up. Her legs were encased in dark nylons. She wore black 3 inch stiletto heels. Damn she looked sexy. The look was very arousing.

I took her hand and led her to my car. As she got in she turned to sit on the seat before swinging her legs in while holding then together. Her dress rode up slightly exposing the beginning of her stocking tops. I felt my dick stirring. I quickly closed her door and slowly walked around to get behind the wheel giving myself time to get things under control.

Conversation flowed easily as we drove to the restaurant. Looking at her profile as we talked was challenging my driving ability so I limited myself to concentrating on the road before me. Making it to the restaurant without crashing my car; I parked, then went around to open the passenger door for Mary. As she exited the seat her legs spread slightly, exposing the pale flesh of her inner thighs and a flash of her black panties. My dick immediately started to rise again. I was happy my loose fitting slacks and tight briefs hid my condition.

The dining experience was all that I hoped it would be. During dinner Mary filled me in on her girls. Evelyn was 20 years old and in her Junior year of college. She was attending school on the other side of the country and only came home for Christmas and summer break from school. This year had been rough because Evie, her nickname, decided to spend Christmas holidays with her boyfriend's family in California. Susan, the younger daughter was 18 and in her senior year of high school. Mary was very proud of her daughters and it showed in the way she talked of them. She told me it had been tough raising them on her own, but after her divorce she felt they were her priority. She had put her personal life on hold to make sure they were well taken care of.

After dinner we hit the dance club. We danced to almost every song as we celebrated the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. Watching Mary have fun dancing to the upbeat songs was enjoyable, but the greatest thrill was holding her lush body as we danced to the slow tunes. The first slow dance started and I held Mary platonically for a moment before she melted into my arms. She put her arms around my neck and laid her head against my chest as we swayed to the music. The feel of her generous breasts pressing against me and the swell of her hip under my hand elevated my arousal and my dick began to expand again.

Mary gave no acknowledgment, but I knew she must feel my hardness as we danced. The next slow dance I tried to stay somewhat separated from her, but she pressed against me again. This time I had no doubt she felt my bulge when a soft moan escaped her as our bodies ground together. Thank goodness for tight briefs or I would have been totally embarrassed as we left the dance floor. That scenario was repeated several times over the evening driving my libido higher and higher. I remained the perfect gentleman and controlled myself from cupping her luscious ass in my hands as we danced.

When midnight arrived and everyone started singing Auld Lang Syne, Mary and I joined in. The boisterous rendition ended and Mary kissed me on the lips. Not a gentle friend kiss. A kiss that invited further exploration as her tongue pressed against my lips seeking entrance. I opened my mouth and our tongues entwined as we shared that passionate first kiss. Her lips were soft against mine in contrast to her probing tongue ravaging my mouth. Using my tongue I forced hers back into her mouth and explored her oral cavity, lost in the moment. We were both breathless as we drew back and gazed into the other's eyes and said at the same time, "Happy New Year!" Then Mary leaned in and kissed my cheek before nuzzling my ear and whispering, "Take me home with you so we can make wild passionate love till dawn. I can't think of a better way to start the new year."

I could hardly believe I heard her correctly. She was offering herself to me in a most straightforward manner. God, I wanted nothing more than to take her home, strip her clothes from her body and ravish her. I leaned back until I could look into her eyes and said, "I would love nothing more."

She smiled and said, "Great. I am definitely looking forward to getting to know you better." She gave me another quick kiss and took my arm. "Let's go handsome."

That made me smile. It felt good that she thought I was handsome. I had always considered myself to be average. Standing at 6' and weighing 190 pounds I am not real muscular, but I do try to keep myself fit. My brown hair and blue eyes are nothing special.

This time when I held the car door for her she sat on the seat and swung her left leg in first exposing the milky flesh of her inner thighs all the way to her black panties. The hem of her dress was high enough that I could see the clips of her garter straps fastened to the tops of her stockings. She slowly raised her right leg and swung it into the car. My dick was almost completely hard as I walked around to slide behind the wheel. I was highly anticipating getting Mary alone in my apartment after that display.

As I pulled out of the club parking lot Mary slid across the car seat and wrapped her hands around my arm as she pressed herself against me. A tiny sigh escaped her as I rested my hand on her nylon clad thigh just above the knee. Speaking softly she said, "Paul, I know this is only the second time we have met and our first date. I hope you won't think poorly of me for being so forward, but at my age I don't have time for games. I feel a connection with you I have never felt before; even with my ex-husband. You are the third man I have dated in over ten years, all in the last three months, and the first I have wanted to have sex with."

Mary let her right hand slip from my arm. It landed in my lap. It was my turn to sigh as she lightly squeezed my erection. It was very refreshing to encounter such honesty. The drive home was a mixture of pleasure and torment as Mary continued to fondle my cock through my clothes; her head resting on my shoulder.

As I got out of the car in front of my apartment Mary slid out behind me; not waiting for me to walk around and open her door. We walked hand in hand to my door. Once inside I turned from locking the latch and Mary immediately wrapped herself around me. She kissed me with a passion that was not to be denied. When she ended the kiss and pulled back we were both breathless. I said, "Let me fix us a drink and we can relax and enjoy more of those."

Mary looked me straight in the eyes and reached behind her back. I could hear the zipper on her dress opening as she said, "Paul, I don't want anything to drink. I want you to take me to your bed and fuck me until I beg you to stop." She shrugged her shoulders and the little black dress pooled around her feet as it fell to the floor. She stood in front of me in lacy black bra and panties, her legs clad in sheer black nylons held up by a lacy black garter belt. She was the picture of sexy. Her breasts were not overly large, but filled the cups of the sheer bra nicely. Her dark areolas were visible behind the lace and her nipples were hard, pressing against the fabric.

My eyes raked across her tight belly. Her hips flared and her pale skin highlighted the high cut black panties and dark stockings she wore. Mary stepped out of the pool of dark material and kicked off her high heels. She reached up with her right hand and tucked it behind my neck to pull my lips to hers. Her body crushed against mine as we kissed again. The kiss broke me out of my stupor and I responded by scooping her up in my arms and carrying her to my bedroom.

I laid Mary on the bed and started stripping off my clothes. My shirt first as I kicked off my shoes. As I unfastened my pants Mary sat up and put her feet on the floor. She smiled as my pants slid down my legs to the floor. I stood in front of her in just my briefs and socks. My hard cock was straining against the material of my underwear. Mary reached out and ran her hand over my bulge. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of my shorts and slowly pulled them off my hips. My cock twisted as the elastic of the waist band tugged it downward until suddenly it sprang free and bounced in front of Mary's face.

Mary took me in her warm hand and smiled as she slowly stroked my length. She gripped the base of my cock and pulled causing me to take a step closer. Leaning forward she collected the drop of pre cum from the tip with her tongue. She softly moaned and said, "You taste as good as I imagined." Then she licked me from my ball sack to the tip before taking me in her hot mouth. Mary was a good cock sucker. She had skills.

It was like her innermost desires had been unleashed. She sucked my cock with abandon as she gently massaged my balls. I was approaching the point of no return when I felt her finger press against the wrinkled tissue of my anus. When her finger slipped inside my rectum I moaned with the sensation and without warning began to cum in her mouth. Mary moaned as the first jet of cum soaked her tongue. She backed off until just the head of my cock remained between her lips and accepted every stream of ejaculate that erupted from me. When she was sure there was nothing remaining she let my cock slip from her mouth and looking up at me swallowed my sperm.

"God, I missed doing that more than I realized," she murmured. My knees were weak so I just let myself down between her splayed apart legs. Mary leaned over and kissed me giving me a taste of the remnants of my cum on her tongue. I felt my cock engorging again. I was amazed I was getting hard so soon after getting off but this amazing woman was arousing me more than anyone ever had.

As we kissed I reached behind her and unsnapped the clasp holding her bra together. Bringing my hands forward I slid the straps off her shoulders. Her bra fell in her lap exposing her plump tits. The nipples were hard; even the bumpy tissue of her areolas were firm. Mary dropped her bra on the floor as I bent to suck on her left nipple. She moaned and pressed my mouth to her tit. I gave attention to both her succulent tits for a few minutes before placing my hands on her shoulders and gently pushing her back on the bed.

I trailed my hands lightly across Mary's breasts and abdomen as I sat back on my heels. With a hand on each nylon covered knee I gazed at the beauty lying before me. The glistening fabric in the crotch of her panties let me know Mary was wet with her desire. I kissed her nylon covered leg and moved higher onto the bare flesh above the stocking top as I released the clasps holding it up. I switched to her other leg and freed that stocking before rolling both down to her feet and removing them.

I kissed my way back up her legs alternating between them. For the big reveal I kissed each leg at the hem of the leg openings of her panties, drawing moans from Mary. Brushing my lips lightly across her panty covered crotch drew sharper moans and Mary thrust her hips up trying for more contact. Instead I continued onto her stomach and lined kisses along the waist of her panties as I slid my fingers inside.

When Mary felt her panties sliding off her she raised her hips to assist in the removal. Her pubic area was beautiful. The triangle of dark hair was trimmed short, but not too short, providing a clear view of her clean shaven vulva. The pink line of her inner labia glistened with her flowing juices. I kissed her pussy lips and slid my tongue through them tasting Mary's sweet essence. She moaned and put her hands on the back of my head drawing it against her crotch.

Using my fingers I spread her outer lips and drove my tongue deep inside her before moving it up to her clit. I felt Mary thrust against my tongue increasing the pressure and her pleasure. Reaching up with my hands I found her breasts and played with them as she fucked my face. Mary's hands covered mine encouraging me to pull at her hard nipples. Mary let go of my hands and reached down to pull her lips apart for me and then she was crying out and spasming as she came from my oral ministrations.

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