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Suzy Matron Ch. 09

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George allows Matron to fist herself.
2.7k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/11/2014
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Whilst the ladies moved George's stuff into the Master Suite he thought about what he was going to with them next. He now knew that Julie needed to have a bigger cock than his to have herself fucked with. She had stretched herself that wide that he knew that he would never feel the same in her pussy again and he would have to use her arse for his pleasure which he did not mind.

He got out his laptop and began to do some research and soon he found what he was looking for. He made a phone call and made an arrangement for someone to come round to chat with him about the situation. Satisfied that job was done he began to think that he needed sex and he wondered who had drawn the short straw to fuck him that morning.

It took the ladies about an hour to do the transformation to the house and when they had finished they came down to report to him that the task had been completed. He asked them to show him what they had done. Matron led the way and George followed her upstairs. He checked out the rooms and was a little unhappy.

He had not noticed before but his bed had nothing to attach the ladies to and that would not do at all. This had to be rectified immediately. He also had to get Julie to the tattoo parlour where she could be marked like he had done to Matron. There was a lot to do and he yet he needed sex at this precise moment in time.

He looked at the two women and said.

"Have you tossed the coin yet?"

"No Sir we have not." Said Julie.

He walked up to both ladies and slapped them round the face.

"Why not bitches?" He screamed.

"I do not know." Said Matron.

"Well get on and toss the coin. I am randy and I need to fuck some pussy."

"Yes Sir." They both said.

They looked at each other and Julie found her purse and located a coin. She told Matron to make the call as she tossed the coin into the air.

Matron shouted heads and it came down heads. It was going to be Matron that got fucked by George and he was looking forward to that.

He took Julie downstairs to have a chat with her.

"I have a few jobs for you to do."

"Yes Sir." Said Julie.

"We need a new bed in my old bedroom because the one in there is not good enough for my purposes. It has nothing to attach you and Matron to and I would like it today. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." She replied.

"Also you need to go to the tattoo parlour and ask for the same treatment as Matron."

"I am too young to get a permanent tattoo." Julie whined.

George grabbed her by the hair and said.

"Are you arguing with me?"

"No Sir I am not saying that at all."

"Good for a moment I thought I was going to have to punish you again."

"I do not want that Sir."

"Then you will do all that I said won't you Julie?"

"Yes Sir." Julie replied.

"Good now here is Matron's cash card. Use it to buy what you need and try and get the bed delivered for this afternoon. Pay what you have to after all it is not our money." He said beginning to laugh.

Julie felt a shiver go down her spine as George laughed. It was an evil laugh and she knew that she should not cross him.

"Right you better go and get dressed. Would not want the world to see you naked after all."

"Yes Sir." She replied.

Julie ran upstairs and got herself dressed and left the cottage to do all that she been told to do.

George went back upstairs to look for Matron. He found her in the Master Suite. She had changed into a red negligee with a matching thong and a suspender belt and some stockings. She had her hand down her knickers and was playing with pussy. George stood there for a moment watching her and then he said in gentle tone.

"You look lovely Matron but you know that you are going to get punished for playing with your pussy before I told you to."

"I know Master but the thought of you fucking me just got me so randy I could not wait for you to get here."

"I understand your need to have me Matron but I also have to be seen to be in control of things." George replied.

"You look so sexy though that I will allow you to make yourself cumm whilst I play with your breasts."

"Yes Sir." She said.

George climbed on to the bed and began to watch as Matron played with her pussy underneath her thong.

"Take your thong off Matron. I want to watch you play with your pussy properly." George commanded.

Matron stopped playing with her pussy and drew her hand out of her knickers. She got hold of the waistband of her thong and pulled it down her thighs and off her legs. She kicked them off her feet and watched as they landed on the floor. She now had her pussy naked so that George could watch her play with herself.

She cupped her pussy for a moment just loving the sensation of being able to touch her own pussy. It seemed like an age since George had allowed her to touch herself and she was going to make the most of it if George allowed her to. She was going to try and fist herself and that took time to get herself lubed up.

George was going to let her indulge herself. He was feeling in a generous mood today and he could wait to fuck her. In the meantime he would help things along by playing with her breasts with the weights still attached to them.

Matron cupped her pussy for quite a while and then she began to play with her lips. She ran her fingers up one and then down the other and could feel herself begin to get wet. She needed to get very wet to give George the show that she so desired to do. She worked her outer lips for a good ten minutes and could feel the moisture begin to grow within her.

She then opened her pussy up and inserted straight away two fingers. She began to move them in and out of her pussy and she began to moan at the pleasure that she was giving to herself. George knew now was the time for him to join in. He ripped opened the negligee that she had on and began to massage her breasts.

He took her big meaty breasts in his hands and began to rub them. He loved the feel of her tit flesh almost as much as her arse but her arse was still his favourite part of her body. He could not wait to get his hands onto it when he was fucking her. Just the sight of her masturbating had given him an erection that he knew that he would have to use soon but he was enjoying the show for the moment.

Matron was beginning to get lost in her own masturbatory world. She loved to play with her pussy and over the years had developed a technique that she thought she would have to teach her Master one day so that she got the ultimate pleasure when they were having sex then she remembered that her life was no longer about her pleasure and today was special.

In and out her fingers moved and she soon inserted the third finger into her pussy. She began to buck on her fingers and she knew that she was near her first orgasm. She raised her buttocks off the bed and as she started to cumm George pulled hard on her nipples and she just screamed out loud.

"Oh shit I am cumming."

Her orgasm overwhelmed her and she soon collapsed onto the bed. She kept her fingers buried in her cunt and began to push them in and out again. George was now pulling hard on the nipple weights and this just heightened her pleasure. She turned to her Master and said.

"Can you give me more pain please?"

George was only too happy to oblige. He let go of his erection knowing that it would stay stood up and ready for action when called on. He reached across and took hold of the other weight and began to pull on it so now he was pulling on both of them. Matron just seemed to be spurred on by this extra pain and she soon had her second orgasm.

She then spread her fingers and attempted to get her fourth finger inside her. She had taken four from George earlier on that day but he had slimmer and longer than hers and she knew that her chubby little fingers would have to work hard to get inserted into her. She spread her thighs as far as they would go and struggled but eventually she was able to get her fourth finger inside of her.

She was now cumming quite heavily and this would help her get the thumb inside of her. She used her spare hand to grab hold of the weight attached to her clitoris and pulled down on it as hard as she could. This caused her to have her fourth orgasm and also caused her to begin to squirt pussy juice on to the bed.

George realised what she was trying to do and stopped pulling on the weights attached to her breasts. He moved down the bed and looked at her pussy stretched as it was by her fingers and thought that he would give her a hand. He took hold of her hand and began to move it in and out of her pussy.

Matron was glad of the assistance and she realised how much she loved her Master. He was going to get that hand of hers inside her pussy if it was the last thing that he did. Her pussy was now nice and stretched but he believed there was a gap for her thumb. He made sure that she nice and open then he took hold of her hand.

He pushed her fingers together to make them as small as possible then he pushed the whole of her hand into her pussy. Matron let out a groan as she felt the whole of her hand going into her pussy. She knew that it was going to happen and she recalled the days when she used to be able to do it regularly to herself for the pleasure of her husband.

Suddenly she felt her pussy give way and her hand was inside of her. She was now fully stretched and felt fuller than she had done in a long time and she was loving the sensation. George allowed her to get used to being so full and then he began to fuck her with her hand. As he did her wrist began to disappear into her pussy.

He managed to get a couple of inches into her pussy and then he began to move it in and out of her pussy. In and out went her hand and George brought her to orgasm after orgasm. She was now cumming constantly and soon she began to squirt her pussy juice into the air. George was now aware of the fact that she was a squirter and he had moved to the side of her so that he did not get covered.

She had orgasm after orgasm and she just let it happen. She was now overwhelmed by the pleasure that she was getting and it was enhanced by the fact that it was her Master doing it to her. When George thought that she had taken enough pleasure and could have no more orgasms he pulled her fist out of her pussy and told her to get on all fours.

Matron did as she was told. She was eager to be fucked by her Master but she knew that she would now need to be allowed time for her pussy to return to normal. George was also aware of this and he just stroked her arse and he played with it instead.

He slapped each of her cheeks in turn and watched them wobble. He loved to see this sight and it made his erection even stronger and he could not wait to get his cock into her pussy. He stuck his hand between her legs and scooped out some of her pussy juice and lubed up his fingers. He spread her arse cheeks and slowly he inserted a finger into her arsehole. It slid in nice and easily.

He soon added a second and then he began to move them in and out and watched as Matron had yet another orgasm. He played with her arse for about twenty minutes and then he decided that her pussy must have returned to something like normal. It was time to fuck her and bring her to yet another orgasm. He wanted her to be absolutely sexually exhausted but he still needed her for jobs later on in the day.

There was no need to warm her up. She was already soaking wet and when he took his cock it just slid into her but she had at least contracted a bit and gripped his cock when he entered her. He allowed himself to be gripped by her pussy muscles for a couple of minutes teasing her that he was going to fuck her but not letting her know when that would be.

Suddenly he pulled out of her and plunged himself deep into her pussy. Matron let out a groan of pleasure and knew that she was going to get the fucking of her life. George was not subtle with how he fucked her. He just kept plunging his cock in and in out of her and soon she was having yet another orgasm.

She almost collapsed onto the bed George was fucking her that hard but George had a good hold on her hips and he was determined that she was going nowhere. In and out he plunged his cock. He kept her like this for so long that Matron turned to him and said.

"Please give me your cumm Master."

George had no intention of giving her his cumm. She had taken her pleasure for the morning by fisting herself and he was not about to enhance that pleasure. He wanted her to think that he was about to cumm inside of her when suddenly he just pulled out of her and said.


"It is time for your punishment for masturbating Matron."

"Yes Master." She said.

He rooted in the suitcase and found a cat of nine tails. It was a whip and it had little bits of metal attached to the end of each of the tails. He whipped it through the air and Matron seemed to know what it was he was going to use on her. She looked round pleadingly and said.

"God that is going to mark me so much Sir."

"I do not care." Replied George.

"You were caught self-pleasuring yourself and for that you deserve the ultimate punishment and I want to mark you so that you know the rules of the house. You only get to pleasure when I allow it. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." Matron responded.

George brought the cat of nine tails down on her buttocks. He applied six hard strokes and when he was finished her arse was bright red and bleeding. He was satisfied with what he had done and put the weapon away.

"Go and shower that mess off yourself and then get dressed." He ordered Matron.

"Yes Sir." Matron replied.

Her pleasure was over for today and she wondered when her Master would take her again and once more give her his cock. She never knew when it would be and that was what made it fun. George. wiped off his cock on the negligee that Matron had been wearing and then he dressed and went downstairs. He could not wait to see Julie when she got back.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Cat of nine tails.

I would never use that on my slut.

But I still thought the story was hot.

BBBongBBBongover 9 years ago
Is that how it's spelled?

Curious. You say you are from the United Kingdom, which I figured out by how you use arse instead of the American ass.

I've read other stories from writers from the UK but I've never seen cum spelled cumm.

Is that the way it's spelled over there?

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 9 years ago
The problem with this is your Dom

It's one thing to punish in a manner that leaves no permanent mark, another thing to use a cat o' nine rains that is designed to inflict maximum damage as well as scarring.

Not only would the metal shred her ass, but the weights also create massive internal bruising. With 6 lashes, she would be striped 45 times and there is no chance she was be moving anytime soon, let alone go out in public.

Keep in mind, your Dom is responsible for the subs and that means he has a duty to care for them even if they can't. Moreso, in fact, because they trust him to look after their well being.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Teenage Super Doms just don't cut it for me. Reality over runs fantasy by far too much.

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