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Swinging Star Ch. 01: Newlyweds Move In

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Newlyweds move into a very friendly town.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/04/2021
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Jenny and Mark pulled the moving truck to a stop in front of their new home. It was a pale yellow 2 story house, in a suburban area, where all the houses looked the same in different colors. The area was perfect for the newlyweds, who were trying to start a family.

Jenny came from a rich family and her Daddy paid for the house. She was so ecstatic that at 23 she had a Bachelor's in Sociology, a perfect husband and their own home all debt free. Jenny wasn't your typical beauty queen. At 5'3 she was a small little package. Her slender body had very little curves. But her proportioned body drew the eyes of many. Of course the red tank top stretched over her 32b tits, and the short Jean skirt helped a little too.

Jenny's husband was a nice treat as well. With his slicked back dark black hair, and his broad chin he could have had any girl. Of course as the star QB in a football town, he did have many. Jenny met him in college and never got to see that side of him. She met him when she was a freshman and him a Junior long after he shattered his ankle in his freshman year. He never did play another down. However, He did get a good degree in law, and is now a 25 year old prodigy at a criminal lawyer's office. He never lost his football physique or his sexual prowess over the ladies. Having been caught twice in the 5 years they've been together. Jenny stays with him, because she loves him, but also the money potential and his good looks. Plus he is good in bed, there's a reason he has no issues getting the ladies' attention.

Jenny lifted the heavy box and was startled by 2 older people standing a few feet away. "Oh goodness, you startled me" her dainty quiet laugh broken up by her breathing.

"Oh we do apologize sweetie, we're your neighbors. We just wanted to see if you needed help, and welcome you to the neighborhood."

"Aww thank you, but I think we have it from here." Jenny put the box down, any reason for rest was a good one. "Well hello I'm Jenny Bovine and that's my husband Mark Bovine."

"Well it's nice to meet you, we are the Lambs. I'm Beverly, or Bev for short. And this is my husband Nick." Beverly was pushing 50, but for raising 3 daughters her body was in good shape. At 5'2 her short legs were thick, but looked perfect going into her wider hips. She had successful flattened her abs over the 22 years since her last daughter was born. It was a feat she was very proud of, and her husband rewarded her with a breast lift. Her saggy 36c tits now stood high on her chest, her cleavage poking out of the flowery summer dress. She had the typical suburban house wife look. Straight brown hair cut in a bob that framed her circular face. Her smile though could light up a room, and her eyes could make a man melt.

Nick on the other hand was older just past 60, and was nothing to look at in his khaki shorts. He stood shirtless and his abs long since disappeared behind a beer gut. It was clear his muscles were fading as his arms, legs, and chest were mainly loose hanging skin. He wasn't much to look at either with a balding head, and wire rimmed glasses. He sported a mustache straight out of the 80s that had long ago turned white. Jenny couldn't help but wonder if he really did lose all his looks, or what other reason he could have bagged a lovely woman like Bev.

Jenny looked back to her husband and wondered if he would lose his looks also. Jenny wouldn't care if he did, but she also didn't want to be dating a Nick.

Jenny and the couple chit chatted for a while well Mark finished the moving. "Oh well we better let you go so you can get settled in. We have a church that everyone attends, we would love it if you would join us."

Jenny gave a vague answer, and bid them fair well. She started looking around the neighborhood and noticed many stars on the houses. There were many different colors blue, purple, pink, red, black. She wondered what they were for. As she was Googling it on her phone her husband snuck up behind her.

Jenny jumped with fright. "Jesus Mark you scared me half to death. I told you I hate when you do that." Giving him a play slap.

Mark leaned in for a kiss, and vowed to never do it again. "So what were you so interested in your phone for?"

"I was just looking at the stars of all these houses, apparently they are supposed to ward off evil spirits." She showed her husband the wiki page. " I think we should get one, if nothing else they look nice and make it look like a family home.

Mark knew his wife liked the idea of the perfect family home and gave into her request. "But I think we should go with blue, it will look best on our home." He really just didn't want a girly colored star on his home.

The couple brought in the last box, the one Jenny put down, and sat down for a nice ordered in meal. They small talked about the arrangement of the house, and other errands that needed to be completed. They finally retreated to their bedroom where they broke in their new bed in their new house. As usual Jenny got an earth shaking orgasm and then cuddled up feeling secure in Mark's arms.

The days passed the unpacking and settling in keeping them busy. They decided on Saturday that they needed a little break from the home and went out shopping. They stopped into the local do it yourself store and picked up a large blue star. They finally made it home and Mark installing the star on the house, screwing in the last bolt when Jenny yelled up to him. "Hey honey I forgot to tell you the Lambs invited us to attend church tomorrow."

"Church, neither of us are even religious."

"I know, but they said everyone attends, and it would be a good way to meet the community."

As usual Mark gave in. After another night of amazing sex, the couple woke early for church.

Jenny wanted them to look their best, so she got Mark into a blue leisurely suit with a patterned vest. She made him shave and trimmed up his hair. He looked just like the stud she first met 5 years prior. To match his ensemble she wore a light blue, no-sleeve, knee length skirt, and red knee high boots. She went conservative showing off no cleavage.

The couple left their house and headed for Church. Jenny talked the whole way there, unable to hide her excitement. Upon entering the church the couple was greeted by the Lambs and introduced to many couples, of which there was no way to remember all their names.

The music started indicating the sermon was about to begin. Everyone found their seat. The couple was wedged in between a 43 year old mom of 2, who introduced herself as Tammy Pheasant. Her hair was ear length, in the typical Karen hair cut. She wore a yellow floral pattern with large white flowers. The straps were wide but they had to be to support the large melons popping out of the top. Mark did his best not to look, but at last he was only a man. Tammy caught him looking, and leaned forward giving him a better view. When Mark looked up, she smiled at him in a it's okay I know manner. Mark looked to her husband, who didn't notice the interaction.

On the other side was Johnny Snake. He was a 50 year old teacher at the school. He had an issue being touchy feely, or so Jenny thought as he was constantly patting her leg. Was his pats getting higher each time Jenny thought. He wasn't an ugly man per se, just old, his dark hair was starting to turn grey on the sides. He was a taller man maybe 6'5, and broad shoulders at one time attracted many ladies, unfortunately his body caught up to him, and he now pushed 350, with a real steel worker stomach.

The lights dimmed and the preacher came out starting his sermon. Mark felt a hand on his crotch, he looked over at a smiling Tammy. She started rubbing and squeezing. He tried to whisper for her to stop, but she wouldn't. He didn't want to make a scene, so he tried to ignore her. He looked over at his wife, who looked at him and smiled. He didn't think she could see his lap, as he couldn't see hers.

If Mark could see hers, he would have seen Johnny's hand slithered under his wife's skirt rubbing her dampening panties. She had looked over to him, and felt ashamed that he was thinking of her during this beautiful sermon about loving and helping thy neighbor. Meanwhile, she was getting pleasured by a stranger, and didn't want to stop him in fear of making a scene.

The couple accepted their fate and waited until the sermon ended. The lights illuminated and all hands receded to their owners. Jenny stood first trying to get out, get some fresh air. Mark on the other hand wanted to stay and mingle with the community. He finally got her to stay after she calmed herself down, never telling him what just happened.

She entered the gathering area and saw Mark joking with a few couples. When she approached him, she could hear all the men and women referring to him as sir, even though he was younger than all of them. Jenny couldn't help but notice that all the woman were in summer dresses, leaving very little to the imagination.

Jenny let Mark know she was back and would be okay. She found the Lambs and started talking with them. Nick slowly shifted near Jenny. He reached his hand out, placing it on her opposite side around her hip pulling her into him. As they talked his hand slid to her ass squeezing it right in front of his wife. Who either didn't notice or didn't care. Jenny felt him lift her dress hem, and slide a finger between her ass crack. Jenny jumped and looked around, but no one seemed to notice. "Oh excuse me, sorry my nerves have been a little off lately."

Nick placed his hands on her shoulders and started rubbing. "I can help you with your nerves sweet cheeks." He pulled her into him, his bulging erection pressing into her ass.

Jenny wiggled away, "no please, I just need some fresh air." She walked toward the door, being stopped by many couples. All of them seemingly having no regard for her feelings. They treated her like a piece of meat to grab, and called her pet names. She barely knew these people why did they think it was okay for them to treat her this way.

Jenny made it outside. She was taking deep breaths, and trying to fight the tears from ruining her makeup. She was bent over when she felt his hands slide her skirt up, she quickly spun around into the arms of Mr. Snake. His tobacco flavored breathed suffocating her.

"Well if it isn't sweet little Ms. Bovine that let me finger bang her in church. Are you looking for the real thing now?" He pulled her in by her hips, pressing her damp panties into his bulge. He started sliding her up and down, eliciting moans from Jenny. He pulled her panties to the side, then reaching into his pants to pull out his cock.

"Mr. Snake what do you think you are doing?" A stranger's strong baritone voice interrupted the act.

"Just trying to get a piece of this fine looking philly." He grabbed her tit, squeezing hard.

"You know the rules Mr. Snake, the host gets first pick and this isn't a party."

Mr. Snake shot dagger eyes at the newcomer, zipped up and walked away. Jenny fixed herself and turned to her savior. "Hi, I'm Jenny Bovine. Thank you for coming to my rescue."

"No need to thank me, some people just need to be reminded of the rules."


"All in good time doll. The name's Jack Oxen." Jack was 55, strong, tall, dashingly handsome and made Jenny feel safe. He was dressed in a casual suit, but you could see his rippling muscles trying to escape. "Here let's get you back to your husband, where you can feel comfortable.

The 2 walked back into the Church, and found Mark yucking it up with a few husbands and one way to underdressed wife, whose husband was no where to be seen. Mark saw his wife approaching and introduced them to everyone. The scantily glad wife took a few steps back from Mark, almost giving respect to Jenny.

"Hey honey good news, we found some plans for next Saturday. This is Mr. Swan, Adam is having a party over at his house, and said he would love for us to attend. It's a formal party, so everyone should dress in evening wear. "

"Umm, I don't think I would feel up to it." She looked at the other men openly eye ball fucking her. She felt uncomfortable, but also didn't want to seem anti-social.

"It's okay Little Muffin you don't need to decide now, just sleep on it." Mark patted her on the head laughing with the other guys in how easily it was to brush away her answer.

Jenny felt defeated, her husband had never used any pet names before other than Baby. Now on a day when all these men are treating her like a 2nd rate citizen, he joins in. "Yes you're right Mark, I will sleep on it." She said in a whispered cow tailed voice.

"Thank you buttercup, I'm glad we could come to an agreement."

With this show of dominate and submissive roles by the couple, the scantily clad women stepped forward placing her hand on Mark's chest. "I hope to see you there, the parties are a lot of fun."

As she tried to pull away Mark grabbed her hand "Where you going baby doll, my wife needs to be properly introduced. He turned the lady to his wife. His hand sliding down her back resting on her ass. "Buttercup this is Abby Weasel, her husband is George." Mark pointing to the direction of a little Weasely looking man. With pinched facial features, and fading hair. He was skinny, short and weak looking.

Ms. Weasel on the other hand was 34, and Jenny thought Mr. Weasel must have lots of money. It wouldn't surprise Jenny if Abby cheated and often. She was a tall healthy blonde beauty. Her tits bounced as she walked, the thin fabric struggling to contain the soft 42DD melons. Her dress stretched tightly to her well toned body, evidence of her many hours at the gym. The trim stopped an inch below the curve of her plump muscular ass and her thighs pressed to break free. Jenny couldn't help but be mesmerized by her thighs, thick yet in a sexy way.

Jenny tried to encourage Mark to leave the party, but he said he was having too much fun. She stuck around for 2 hours, then decided to leave. She hoped he wouldn't do anything he would regret in the morning.

She crawled into her cold lonely bed and fell asleep. Her dreams came quickly but none she'd had before. She was in a room, surrounded by a circle of men. They would come forward mauling her ass and tits, and rubbing her pussy. They were all the men from the church. Mr. Snake walked up to her now, spreading her legs and standing between them. She looked up at him, begging with her eyes, her hips coaxing him on. He slid her panties to the side when the room started shaking, a man calling for Jenny's help.

Jenny's eyes snapped open and finally focusing. Her husband stood over her, shaking her calling her. "What, what is it. God you reek of Alcohol." She groggily responded.

"Come on baby wake up. I'm so fucking horny. Those slut wives were rubbing all over me." His hand slid roughly under her panties. He looked into her eyes as he dipped a finger in. "I could have fucked anyone of them."

Jenny had flashes back to church. She grew anxious as she thought of Mr. Snake fingering her. She snapped out of it, "Stop Mark, stop. You can't just talk about other women like that to me." She pushed at his arm and chest. But he was too strong.

Mark ripped his wife's panties off, snapping them across her hip bones. "You are so skinny Jen, you need to beef up. Maybe we can get you some new titties too." He roughly groped the small tits with both hands. He squeezed them until she squealed. "Mmm that is a good little wife. From now on I'm the boss around here."

Jenny pushed and slapped at his chest telling him no. He finally pinned her arms above her head, she was completely at his mercy. The tears rolling down her cheeks had little effect on him. His raging hard cock slipped in her pussy and with a hard agonizing thrust Jenny felt his cock buried deep inside her. She let out a blood curling scream.

Mark laughed, "damn girl you sure did take that quick." He started pounding harder and harder. His grunts adding an extra level of thrust. He was going to cum quick, listen to his wife's grunts of pain and moans of pleasure put him over the top. He plowed into her one last thrust crying out Abby's name. He emptied his load in 3 quick pumps. He pulled out, rolled over and fell asleep.

Jenny cried in her sleep wondering what had come over her husband. She decided to let it be, hopefully he would be too drunk to remember it in the morning.

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NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago


Non consensual physical sexual assault


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Interesting Stepford Wives style plot but the author needs to work hard at writing skills before posting any more stories

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Blood curling

That blood curling scream must have been something. What kind of idiot writes this crap?

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