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Take the shot Pt. 02

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Managing the rebounds, getting the breaks.
20k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 03/18/2024
Created 01/29/2024
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Cheers everyone. I 'd like to thank those who offered supportive comments for the first part of Take the shot. Part 2 was always in the plan, but I'm putting it out a bit sooner than I targeted. For some reason I have 4 different stories at varying stages and decided I needed to push on this one. I've decided to stay away from a long series for a while. I don't think I have the talent to keep the story line and character's interesting enough for people to keep following. I suppose that's why many of my stories have just become longer. I honestly prefer longer reads vs multiple chapters, but that's just me.

For continuity, I pick up right after Tim and Inga had gotten together. I hope the conclusion of this story hits home with you. I continually try to end somewhere positive and let the reader envision the possibilities from there. As always, I'm not a literary genius and despite my efforts, there will quite possibly be a mis-spell or typo... or two. I hope it doesn't detract from the story.

All the best,



Take the shot... Part 2

When I woke up, the house was lit up by sunshine, streaking through the various windows. It took a moment to realize that I was still in Inga's bed and my heart began to pump as panic set in. I had no idea if Annet was ok with any of this and while I didn't want to hurt or anger her, I definitely couldn't lose my billet place. I sat up and listened for any familiar voices or noises, but the house was deafly quiet. After a quick peak down the hall, I slipped my naked ass back to my room, threw on some of my sweat gear and headed downstairs.

I investigated the living room and saw no one, so I headed to the kitchen where I was greeted with a pot of coffee and a note:

Auntie and I headed to the market for last minute xmas food. See you when we get back.

She signed it with a drawn pair of lips in the form of a kiss. Maybe I was getting worked up about nothing. Chances are they knew what was going on before me. On that thought, I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed back upstairs to get dressed. We were technically on break until the 27th but I wanted to get some gym time in and hopefully get a chance to talk to coach or LT. This Petie thing was weighing heavy on me.

An hour later I was in the weight room doing a bench routine with another player. There were a handful of guys taking the same advantage as me and the buzz of Petie's absence from the last game was a hot topic. A lot of speculation was thrown around from injuries to sickness, but I decided to remain quiet and play dumb.

"Tibo!" I looked at the familiar voice. "Got a minute?"

"Sure coach!" I casually walked out of the gym. Being called in by coach was something that happened often, fortunately. He motioned for me to shut the door when I stepped in and found myself sitting across from his desk.

"I won't take up too much of your time, but I felt I should fill you in on the latest developments." He rubbed his temples... not a good sign. "We traded Petie."

The news was big, although different than what I was expecting. He must've seen the turmoil on my face. "It was the best thing for everyone Timmy." He never used my real name. "In light of Sasha's... involvement... with the team. We felt it was the best approach to keep damage to a minimum." I was about to say something when he jumped back in. "We spoke at length with Sasha, and she agreed. She didn't even want to bring it up, but since you and LT got involved, she agreed to speak with team management. Despite being an idiot, losing Petie is a real hit and we basically gave him away for nothing."

"Does the other team, at least know what kind of guy they're getting?"

"A tough right winger. That's all they know, Tibo. Without a hearing of some kind, it would be slanderous if we projected anything about the event.

I love so much about hockey, but it's times like this that the culture rubs me the wrong way. Nobody wants to make waves, because once you do they continue forever and return to lap on the lives of those involved. Despite my bitterness, I knew I was just as guilty. Still trying to make a name for myself, I couldn't spearhead something like this without blackballing myself altogether. I could already hear my dad yelling at me for not keeping my mouth shut. I hung my head and slowly nodded.

"Ok. Got it coach. Thanks for the heads up." I pushed myself from the chair and exited quietly without looking back.

No longer in the mood for working out, I hit the showers, had a steam and got dressed. As I walked past the Zamboni room, I heard someone call my name.

"Timmy? Can you hold up for a minute?"

I turned to see it was Sasha who came from the ice cleaner's room. "Hey Sasha. Yeah, sure."

She walked up to me and immediately started fiddling with the zipper on her sweater coat. "Timmy... uhm, I just wanted to say thanks."

"Thanks? For what?"

"For talking to LT about Petie, and... well you know why."

"Sasha, they're just sweeping it under the carpet. I don't think I deserve a thank you for that."

"Well, I appreciate that you stood up for me and... yeah maybe it could've been different, but...." She started to cry. "But my dad would have found out about the team parties and that his daughter was a puck bunny slut." She started sobbing.

Instinctively I moved in to hug her and she threw both her arms over my shoulders and cried. I had no clue what to say or what to do so I just held her and waited it out. It took quite some time before the sobs turned to sniffles, and she pulled back from me.

"Sorry. I didn't realize I had so much bottled up." She smiled weakly.

"It's ok Sasha. Everyone needs a good cry once and awhile. Lord knows I've had my share." I joked and she laughed sweetly.

"You're not like the other guys, Timmy." Immediately, my brain went right to that moment when she laughed at my cock. "You're a good person Timmy. I could see that right away. In a way, I'm glad you walked away from me that night. Believe it or not you really got me thinking about myself and what I was doing." She looked down and shuffled her feet. "And... and I still feel horrible about how I reacted... to you."

"Sasha... it's ok." I wanted to squash that memory asap.

"No! No, it's not. No one should ever have to deal with something so disconnected and hurtful, alcohol or not. What I did... what I said... I was an immature bitch. I'm so sorry Timmy. I hope you can forgive me one day."

Granted the discussion wasn't as bad as it could have been, I still wanted to move on from it quickly. "There's nothing to forgive. Water under the bridge." Her eyes showed the doubt lingering in her mind. "Honestly Sasha. Let it go. We're good. Promise."

A small smile began on her full lips and she reached for my hands. "Thanks Timmy. That means everything to me." I smiled back at her. "You know... I told LT my team building days are done."

"Good for you Sasha!" I truly meant it.

"You think a guy might find a retired puck bunny attractive one day?"

"One day? You're already a knockout Sasha. Any man would be lucky to have you." It was a little over the top, but I did mean it.

She put her hands in her pockets and pushed at something with her feet. I sensed we weren't quite done. "I know this is probably the worst timing ever, but do you think you'd like to grab a burger or something, one day, maybe after Christmas."

I don't think I've ever been hit so hard in my life, and I've had a concussion or two! Where the hell did that come from? Did the girl who once laughed at my cock just ask me on a date? "Uhm... like a date?"

"It doesn't have to be a date, but I would be lying if I didn't admit it would be nice." She blushed and looked every bit the sexy, innocent, schoolgirl.

My mind immediately went to Inga and Annet for that matter. While I'd had some great sessions with both now, there had never been any discussion about dating. The sex was amazing, but deep down there must've still been a small part of me that longed for something more... traditional. I knew that now because I was seriously thinking about her offer.

"You know what... I think we could arrange something." *WTF, where did that come from?*

She leaned in and kissed my cheek. "That's a better response than I thought I'd get. I'll see you after Christmas, ok? We can talk about it then."

She spun around and walked back to the Zamboni room. While I gave my stupid smile and mentally chastised myself for the verbal diarrhea that just came out of my mouth, I watched her well-worn jeans walk away with a hypnotic sway.


Christmas was only two days away, and when I got back home, Annet and Inga had the Christmas classics blaring as they went about decorating. The house smelt of gingerbread and apple cider, it was like a warm hug for your nose. I walked into the living room and caught Inga's eye. She ran to me and gave me a big kiss.

"Hey handsome! Where you been?"

Her direct display of affection threw me off at first, but I recovered nicely. "Oh, I went to the rink and got in a good workout." She grabbed my ass and brought her face, nose to my nose.

"I'll be your work out partner." She whispered.

I'd be lying if I said my cock didn't get instantly hard. "Good to know. Now maybe you should take your hand..."

"And what have we got going on here?" Annet's voice was pitchy with sarcasm.

I pushed myself back from Inga and tried to play it cool. "I was just telling her how great the house looks." Annet's face had a soft quizzical look about it. "What?" I projected.

"And I guess your ass was part of the discussion?"

I blushed and looked at Inga, who was trying not to laugh and then back to Annet who was also trying to stifle the giggles. Inga grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch.

"C'mon silly. I think we should all have a nice talk. Let's clear the air. Right auntie?"

"Good idea hun. Let me grab some cookies and cider."

I watched Annet head for the kitchen and I turned my face to Inga. "What the fuck Inga? What's going on?"

She put her hand on my cheek and kissed me. "Nothing but good things... trust me."

Annet made her way back with a tray full of goodies and sat on the other side of me. She handed me a cup of cider and just as I took a mouthful she spoke up.

"So... Inga told me she fucked you last night." I spurted my cider everywhere, causing the girls to laugh at my expense.

I grabbed a napkin from the tray and stood up wiping my face and chest. I looked at the two of them, quietly sitting, watching me get my act together. "Ok... this is weird right? Like is there a camera somewhere? I feel like someone's about to jump out and yell GOTCHA!"

"Timmy! It's nothing like that. Please... please sit down, so we can talk like adults. Nobody's setting up anybody." Annet tapped the seat between her and Inga. After a minute, I finally had the courage to sit back down between the two women. "I suppose this could have been handled many different ways and likely some that would've been better, but the truth is the same. You are aware of us and our unique bodies. We are aware of you knowing we are aware of each other." She laughed as I tried to keep up.

"What Annet is saying... you know we're not related. In many ways, she's my family, but she's always been much more." She smiled at Annet over my body. "Annet's, uhm... relationship with you was purely organic, meaning she wasn't looking to start something, especially with a billet."

I looked at Annet. "I thought you said you got really close with some of your hockey boys?"

"I did." Annet responded genuinely. "But I never had any sexual relations with them. I was always careful not to cross that line. But then I met you..."

"The small-dicked loser?"

Annet slapped my leg, the same time Inga smacked my opposite shoulder. "STOP IT!" Inga glared at me. "Why is that your go to line? For the record, neither one of us have ever commented on your cock size. We shared that it gets hard as a rock, it tastes yummy and according to Annet you truly know how to use it!"

I looked at Annet and she was smiling. "I wasn't lying when I said you knew how to fuck. You rock my world, Timmothy." Her eyes sparkled. "What I was trying to say, before you so rudely interrupted me..." She gave me a mock stern face. "You were different at so many levels. Respectful, honorable and to be honest, a little innocent. You were carrying a lot of pain Timmy. Pain that you could never talk to anyone about. That night that you opened up to me... well... it made my heart sore." Tears began to well up in her lovely eyes. "Your worries and concerns reminded me so much of my earlier days, when I figured out who I really was. I wanted to protect you, to let you know you're not alone, that you're not so different from anyone else. The rest... well it just happened. And I struggled afterwards. I questioned my motives and what I did..."

I put my hand on her leg. "But Annet. What you did... what we did, meant the world to me. You have no idea how positively you've impacted my life. I could never thank you enough." Tears rolled out of the corners of her eyes.

"That's when auntie called me. She told me all about you and what happened, and she asked if I would come and visit." Inga grabbed my hand. "For women like us Timmy, a good man is rare. A man who see's us as women. Treats us like women... would love us, as women. Her words to me were... Inga, if you don't come here and meet this amazing young man, I'm going to keep him all to myself."

I looked into her crystal blue eyes. "She told you to come here? For me?"

"Not quite in that manner. She knows I'd like to get serious one day and every once in awhile, she puts me onto someone to see if we'd be a fit."

"Do I get a say in the manner?" I looked back and forth between the two.

"What? Of course! Nothing is pre-ordained. It's more of an opportunity for everyone to meet and get to know each other." Annet explained.

"And last night, while awesome, was a little faster than I would have liked." Inga added.

"Wait... are you saying I somehow seduced you into last night?"

"What? Jesus Timmy... slow down." Inga jumped in. "Last night was an accumulation of emotions and I wanted it as much, if not more than you. What I'm saying is that I would like us to get to know each other better. No one's forcing anyone into a relationship, but having a little fun is ok too." Her smile disarmed my anxiety.

"Timmothy?" Annet sought my attention. "All three of us are in different places right now. I've long come to terms with who I am and where I'm going. Inga is just in her early stages. I know what I want from life... Inga is still trying to figure it out. And you... young man. You have a lot of stuff on your plate. We may have corrupted you short-term, but we both realize how much of a shift a relationship with a girl like us is. You will need time to explore, think and rationalize. Not to mention you have a hockey career that needs your focus."

"I think what auntie is trying to say is, there's no pressure or expectations from us. We hold no authority or right over you nor do you have any over us. Let's just hang out, get to know each other and if somethings happen along the way, let's try to keep our perspective."

Annet was right, there was a lot to process... including this conversation. I got up from the couch, excusing myself to use the bathroom. I didn't really need to go that bad, but I needed the distraction for a few minutes. Both were quiet as I left the room and shut myself in the bathroom. I turned on the tap and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Well Timmy my boy? Now what?"

I splashed some water on my face, turned off the tap and used the towel to pat dry my face. Hanging the towel back on the wall, I turned to the mirror one more time.

"Fuck if I know." I declared to my reflection, getting nothing but a confused stare in return.

As I headed back into the living room, I could hear the two women whispering quietly. The fact that they stopped immediately upon my arrival made me nervous and suspicious. I walked back to the couch but instead of sitting in between them again, I sat on the coffee table facing them.

"Timmy? We...." I cut Annet off before she confused me more.

"I'm sorry Annet. I... can I just speak for a minute? There's a lot of things running around in my head, and my stomach is in knots." Both of their faces took on a look of concern. I took a few more deep breaths, trying to focus my thoughts on the words.

"When I came here, I had one focus... that was hockey. It had to be, as my timetable on making any type of a career at this is closing quickly." Annet looked like she wanted to say something, but I put my hand up, indicating now wasn't the time.

"Annet, you can attest to this firsthand and I'm sure Inga, you've already picked up on some of this." I struggled, knowing I was about to lay myself bare, and I was terrified. "Hockey, I get. I love it... live it... I'm fully submersed in the culture and business of it. I know my limitations, yet I love nothing more than pushing and proving people wrong about me. It's all stuff I have some form of control on." I paused, as I prepared for the next bit. "My personal life has always been the tough part for me. That's why after my last long-term girlfriend, I basically shut that side of my life down. It was easier than confronting my mental demons... sort of speak."


"Please, Annet. Let me get this out." I watched Inga put her hand on Annet's. "I honestly don't know why I have the hangups I do. Society, hockey culture, social media, pornography. Obviously, something got into my head somewhere and I've struggled with Tim Bower the man."

I took Annet's other hand into my own. "You are the first person I ever opened up to." Her teary eyes smiled. "You made me open my eyes to seeing things from different perspectives and truthfully, that helped a lot. But whatever I've bought into, is deeply woven in my DNA. I hope one day I can put this part of me to rest for good, but I don't know if that will ever happen." Her eyes were no longer smiling.

"Then we had sex." I sat up straighter. "It was scary... amazing and confusing all at once. I wanted to please you and make you happy, but I realize now that it might not be coming from a healthy place. I feel like I must please a woman's every whim, just in case I let her down in the bedroom. So, I try really hard..."

"Timmy? Is that how you felt with me?" Inga asked softly.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "If I'm being 100 percent honest Inga... yes. From the beginning I was smitten with you. How could I not be... you're gorgeous. But you saw how I reacted when you told me you were like Annet. I panicked and freaked out. Not because you had a cock, but because you knew I had been with Annet and what we'd done. I felt set up... kinda. Like I went through some kind of trial run."

"That's my fault Timmothy." Annet jumped in. "Maybe part of me wanted to make sure you were open to women like us. I'm very protective of those I care about, and Inga is very special to me... as are you."

We sat quietly looking amongst each other. No one was sure what to say next. Finally, Inga broke the silence.

"So, here's the deal. Let's all take a step back and let things flow the way they should. No expectations. No guilt. No pressure. If one of us is feeling something awkward or uncomfortable, you say something. It shows respect for everyone and yourself. Let's be honest... none of us know how this is going to play out.

There seemed to be a general acceptance of her idea, but I had one more thing to get off my chest. "I have one question." They both gave me their attention. "I'm trying to be open minded and let me heart lead me, but what if I want to... you know... maybe date another girl?"

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