by 2night_only
This is exactly what I have masturbated to every night since I felt my dad's hard cock. I'm
Wow, i agree with Stacey, that was one hot story. Loved it and it certainly got me hard. Thanks.
How the hell do these trolls think this was a hot story? There was nothing to it.
I wished you had spend some time developing the daughter's character and not just describing her physical looks. It would definitely have added the taboo'ness to the story and made it hotter. Maybe how her innocent daughter have grown into this sexual confident creature, or talk about the development of their father/daughter relationship over the course of the years (increased in sexual tension, strained and distant, closer, flirtacious, whatever).
'little girls large breast'. girl's. Possesive not plural.
'smell her perfume, God it was such a turn on.' / 'I found myself instinctively getting hard.' Rather than just writing that it was a turn-on, it would be hotter to describe his reaction. How her her feminine scent was causing a masculine but unfatherly reaction in him, how he had to carefully readjust himself from his seat without stirring her awake as the growing tent in his pants was getting uncomfortable.
'her very large breasts little girls large well endowed daughter...'. You've already written how her breast has grown at the start, the adjectives are redundant and doesn't add anything to the hot'ness. If you want to make a point that she has big tits, try to do it indirectly. How the initials of her school's name is stretched out tightly across her top as she leaned against you, how her top looks like it was 2 size too small because of the way she fills it out, or how it felt as her breast was smushed against his arm.
'my daughter placed her hand over mine. Again, not thinking much of it, I returned the affection and took her hand into mine and we clasped our fingers together so that we were holding hands.' The paragraph felt out of place from the rest of the writing. You were writing a purely smut/erotica story and that paragraph belonged in a more romantic story (keywords affection, finger clasping, hand holding)
'noting how soft it was from the creamy lotion.... I noted as I reached her pelvic area....'. Less 'noting'. Just write how soft it felt, he didn't have to note it?
'My caresses caused her to stir and moan softly... My caresses caused her to stir and moan softly' . Same as above, less 'caused' ?
'and spanked her ass as she...'. Wished you had described her reaction. Whether she whimpered 'it hurts, daddy', or how she started riding him harder.
Hey there are infinte amounts of taste and there is certainly people that likes this kind of story, in my case Im not fan of this type but even so I quite enjoyed this one.
Stretch it out a little add more drama, more detail. I gave you 4 should have been 3 but keep trying. Oh, can I fuck your daughter? (LOL)
I think this story would be a lot hotter if the daughter was just a little younger, like 15 or 16 years old. Otherwise, I'm definitely wet :)
If one or more of the participants in sexual activity was listed as under 18, then the story would not get posted on Literotica. That is part of the site's terms for story posting.
There are some stories where it is fairly obvious that they were rewritten to adjust ages of teens participating in sexual activity. You are probably welcome to make an adjustment back in your own mind when you read.
I would add that she changer her mind and decides to stay near the house for college.
I also would have the wife go way for a week and what a week it could be wow.
keep up the good work,
They are in the truck, she's fondling him through his pants. He pulls her on top and is inside of her? He must have been fucking her through his pants as neither one ever took it out.
She's a cheerleader for a community college? Can't say I ever heard of a community college with an athletic program, let alone having a cheerleading squad. If they exist at all, they are rarer than hen's teeth.
I really hate stories were the day-after pill is treated as standard birth control. It's for emergency contraception after another method has failed, not because the participants are too stupid to plan ahead. They have sex in the truck. She gets off, but he doesn't. He knows he's going to do her again that night and doesn't bother to buy some condoms? You can't say it was a decision made in the heat of passion. He had plenty of time to think about it beforehand.
The rest of the story covered no ground that we haven't read before in better written stories. It was rather clichéd, at best.
you need to write sequel where he leaves mom and daughter moves in with him.
Ron Texas
Please oh please make a ch.2 I wanna see what happens next? Does the mom find out? Does the daughter and dad move in together? Please make ch 2 happen!!!
It was really good. I hope you'll how she might get pregnant at a later time or the positions the have sex, or the mom founds pout and wants to join them in the fun. Thanks for a great read.
Ahhhh... Lust makes my pussy wet...
I want a man to go and explore my inner body..
Could you be that man????
This story gets my hormones going, teenage cheerleaders (over 18) are a favorite of mine. Good for stroking!!!
Awesome story that got me all wet and horny....sure hope there will be another story soon....
I got a good look at my eldest daughter's cunt one day (she HAD to have let me see it on purpose) and I wanted to fuck her right then whilst she was lying on the couch. Two weeks later I did get into it when we were alone at home and we've been really close since. We haven't done anything again, but we've been close.
Two nights ago me and my 28 year-old daughter was drinking together at home and she ask me if I would want to do something I said what's that she is 120 pounds nice ass Tiny long brown hair she took my hand and went to my bedroom and shut the door and started kissing me and put her hand down my Pants and started rubbing my cock She said she has fantasized about having sex with me for 15 years she told me to lay down on the bed we got Naked and she started to suck my cock the we were doing a 69. Her pussy was so sweet then she turned around and grab my cock and put it in her she was so Tight and wet she said she was going to fuck me till I cum in her and wow did I ever cum in Her it was poring out of her we have been having sex two time a day every day Since then it's like we was made for one another
I told my daughter the same I would get her plan b if let me cum in her pussy, she said I could as long as I forget about trying killing any babies we make, we now have 3 kids, and my wife wants me to watch our other daughters closer so they do not become a slut like their sister..Little does she know I have planed on doing just that
You have to continue this. You have written a very good basis for a story that could be several chapters. Think about it! pussy is so wet right now...I want somebody to explode into me..Who would like to fuck me?Mmmm.. 💦🍆
Ugh I wish my punk past was getting pounded right now fuck I wanna cum
makes me wish I had a hot daughter, with a hot lil teenage cunt to bury my cock in
Coming back from water park with my young teen daughter . we were having sex a lot . we were almost home and pulled off the road and she was fantastic . It has been years and I miss those good times in the truck.
I wish my daddy was still alive so I could fuck his big hard daddy cock!!
had the two sisters next door (they took my cherry) when they started making out in from of one of my sisters and me. We went to my room so our mothers wouldn't see us and my sister went with us. In the end all three sucked my cock and I fucked the two sisters and later my own. Ahhh, sweet innocent. (Of course we were all over 18).
my boyfriend and i played daddy daughter sometimes. the actual thought of fucking a father figure is gross and sad. but i loved how my boyfriend felt like the kinda dad i would have had in an alternate world where we would have a incestuous relationship and i would be his school girl daughter.
i loved it when we'd have sex without condoms, i want him to cum inside me forever, i felt so natural, dirty when i was naked before him. i loved his body. his skin felt like velvet. i actually wanted to sit on his dick. it felt so inviting. unlike the other guys i've been with. my boyfriend and i loved each other, every part physical and mental.
the thought of him filling me up, the sight of him entering me, the sight of him sucking on my breasts, the feel of him filing me up deep, the tightness of my hips on his... oh! sometimes we'd have sex unprotected and i coudn't care less i'd want him to cum inside me...without which i couldn't cum. he'd spank me when i'd be close to cumming on him... he knew exactly what to do when i was close, he'd lift his hips to bring me to the edge. when we'd cum together, everything would be so wet underneath...i wouldn't want him to take himself out of me...i'd rock him to another hard on and make him cum again inside me...until we tired ourselves out.
sleeping with him felt safe and the best part was waking up to fuck again. wish we fucked more.
that's happened to me with my slut 18 years old daughter, her pussy is the best I had fucked
I wish if my dad feel what ai'm suffering from, I hope he can fuck me and fill my pussy with his cum
I love this story so much and so turn on so wet when read this. If you are a teenager and daddy I love to get in touch so we can share the story. Write me at Im a girl
i usually allow my daughters the best dick in their range and yes sex is my fav to gift them with devons my favorite to fuck
That was so cool, even me had it with my two daughters and it feels wild. i wish i had ten daughters and fuck all of them........
Not my daughter but a live in niece that wants it more than I do and thats a treat
I am one father who would love to Fuck my daughter like you, your a lucky man
Oh fuck what I wouldn't do to have daddy fucking my cunt everyday! Certainly got me wet in my panties..
Is there anyone who'd like to fuck my naughty lil pussy? I'd love to ride you like a naughty cowgirl ;)
Spelling and grammar errors made this less sexy than it could have been. Makes it sound unintelligent and cheap.
I'm an athleat and train three times a week, daddy has to run me about as mom doesn't drive, i've had feeling for daddy growing for a year now. i'll have to try smething like this on our way home, my pussy is wet from thinking about it.
for someone who hasn't written anything (I looked up your Bio) your sure are a know it all... some of your comments were so stupid I wondered why you bothered. Until you write something and get some experience I think you should keep your mouth shut. It is better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it..
for a touché`
My daddy fucks me every day. He fucked me while I read this story, and pumped a big load of cum inside my tight pussy... mmmmmmm
I've been my dad's love for about 16 yrs now ,we started the summer right after I graduated high school..we find all kinds of places out of the way to show our love for each other ...a lot of folks now where we live now call us a cute couple and say what a trophy wife he has.. little do they know
Yall are messed up lmao. Also, by the writing, I feel like yall have never had sex before.
Mijn vader is een lieve knappe man en gek genoeg voelde ik mij altijd tot hem aangetrokken.! Mijn grootste geluk was tegen hem aan te liggen in bed zijn armen om mij heen. Toen ik ouder was merkte ik zijn ochtenderektie op en voelde en speelde er nieuwsgierig mee en vond het leuk als hij kreunde en hijgde door mij waarbij ik ook opmerkte dat ik zo nat was tussen mijn benen en een raar gevoel van kreeg.
Van pappa had ik liefde en genot geleerd en we hebben nu een lief zoontje samen
Although it isn't exactly what happened to me, I know how she feels about having sex with her daddy.
After the initial time it happens there's nothing to compare it to
My daddy wasn't the first guy to have sex with me
But after having sex with my daddy there isn't anyone who I'd rather have sex with
I don't know if this is a true story or not
But having unprotected sex is something that I don't recommend unless you are looking to get pregnant because it's going to happen
I know because it happened to me
I've never regretted it and I'm happy with my life with my daddy and our baby girl and the unborn baby that I'm carrying
Def wish my daddy would do this to me. Makes me so wet thinking about him
I loved this. She got such a hard pounding. There's nothing like daddy's cock. My pussy is so wet, oh my god
Overall sorry was good. But I felt it lacked foreplay and felt a bit rushed. Unnecessary time skip towards the end. The tension /build up is cry important in these stories.
I would love to have sucking and licking on both parts and stroking!
"I was in my daughters room, pounding into her like a madman." this!!!!!!!! i love it when a line manages to turn me on ugh 💦
half of the views/clicks/reads will come from me at this point this is literally my go-to jerk off material whaddup
Too fast, I hate stories like this where there's no buildup. There was barely even any background! I like the feeling when it builds up to the sex, makes it fun and exciting like are they finally gonna fuck? Too rushed. Not a fan.
Really enjoyed reading this. Reminded me of taking my 20 year
old daughter that came home from college, as she was knocked
up by her BF, as she refused to get married. So one night I took
her as I got her drunk, climbed in her bed as she was passed out
and pulled off her silk panties, pushed her legs apart, and stuck
my 8 inch cock in the "sweetest pussy I got in years."
: Surprised she didn't kill you in your sleep for raping her (getting her drunk while pregnant, fucking her while passed out) Sick.
It's a little rushed, I enjoy a nice build up of some teasing to enrich the climax of the story and my orgasm lol! Other than that, it's great!
This is probably a pretty good way for this no-good dad to knock up his beautiful daughter. He should be more than ashamed of what he has done to her, and her compliance is no excuse for him looking out for her, instead of filling her with his cum.
Love the story would want to have a nice young lady txt me st 876 223 3525. Or email me at waiting to ere from u
On the way to cheerleading practice if i would have been her daddy I would have made love to her at least 10 years before she was a cheerleader like at 5 or 6
Any young lady 18 and up this daddy will eat your young pussy very Openminded so hit me up.
I enjoyed this so much it got me wet, it reminded me of my daddy. If your a daddy you should pm on my proton;
Half the people who commented on this never had sex before you can tell by how their describing it it’s so cringe their like “ yeah this happened to me before “ GIRL BE FR - LMAO YOU KNOW DAMN WELL NO ONE HAS EVEN TOUCHED YOU -
'D' sized boobs don't suddenly become 'C' sized. It's a rather juvenile story. Either the writer needs more personal experience having sex or needs someone with experience to help with the writing.
Never ceases to amaze me… half the commenters want more, half want less. Half want nasty, graphic details and half want to use their imagination. When will readers simply accept what the author wrote as being what the author wanted to write: no more, no less? It is what it is and it’s fine like it is. Quick, readable, direct, and they both enjoy getting off with each other and continuing their secret relationship. I liked it like it is.
Nice to see a short, simple, realistic incest story that lays out a believable plot and scenario for a father and daughter (or mother and son) to find some sexual satisfaction with each other. Please folks, can’t you accept it for what the author wanted you to have?
yes a good story i knew my stepdad liked looking at me ever since i was 13 14 he liked looking at me my big breasts the shapes of my long nipples in my school blouses my very short school skirts showing lots of my long legs as he drove me to school his eyes looking glancing to me i'd stick my breasts out further i wanted my stepdad to do more than look at me the nights i'd hear him with my mam their bed creaking mams moans hearing my mam saying fuck me darling fuck me hard harder ram all your big cock deep in me i knew he had a big cock the hard bulge in his trousers like now it was sticking up high i was looking at it he knew i was looking at it as we stopped outside the school i moved up close to my stepdad putting my hand fingers on his hard bulge giving it gentle squeeze saying soft you're going to fuck me tonight daddy mams working till 10 it's just you and me