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Tales from a Faggot Ch. 01-01

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Recounted encounters from a blackmailed gay slave.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consentual or reluctant sex.

This is the first story in what will be my "True Tales from a Faggot" series, written at my owner's orders. This story is true. You can believe it or not, I don't really care, I just have to write it. If it gets you off, then I will have succeeded in my goal.

My owner was not specific as to the order of the stories or anything really, aside from the directions that I need to be as descriptive as possible and I need to be honest about everything (or face some unspoken severe punishment). I'm also supposed to try to make it sexy so you can blow your load from reading it (I'll try). Lastly, this is a "safe space" for me to say whatever I want and not get in trouble for it and he has encouraged me to be myself so there is some personality or whatever to it. Please rest assured that if you decide to contact me about the story, I'll treat you respectfully as I have been trained to do.

True Tales from a Faggot: Chapter 1-1 -- Mike and Jenna

So, the first tale I'll tell is what I'll guess is my owner's favorite, mainly because it turned out to be much worse than I expected it to. It wasn't the raciest or most perverse or most miserable situation I've been in as a slave but it still makes for a good story. I'll alter names and won't mention the specific dates this all happened (mostly because I can't remember the exact dates) but otherwise, everything is detailed as it happened, as well as I can recall.

I had just moved to a city from some surrounding suburbs. My owner had allowed me a short break from my slavery to move, get set up at my new shithole job, etc... Once I got settled in at my new place (a dumpstery apartment in the SW area of the city), had internet connected, and had implemented a bunch of new rules and tasks I had to follow at home (I'll have to cover that in a separate story), he threw me right back into my in-person slave duties.

I had some men I'd been servicing regularly in the suburbs and now that I certainly wouldn't be seeing much of them anymore (I sold my vehicle when I moved to the city, so therefore I wouldn't be able to drive out to them again) my owner wanted me to find someone new to be useful to. He gave me three days to find a man that wanted to use me sexually or else he would find two men for me to serve instead. That was about all the instruction I received, pretty vague, so I went about finding the easiest possible way to be of use sexually to someone.

The city had a shitload more postings on Craigslist and the other sites I used than where I came from in the suburbs so I had plenty of options as far as who I could serve. Like I said, since my owner didn't really give me any specifics, I tried to find the easiest possible thing I could do.

I looked around, mostly on Craigslist, and almost responded to some of the guys who were looking for a naked houseboy to come over and clean for them and shit. I'd already done these kind of meets though and they could be a gamble. If you were really lucky then sure, you go clean the guy's place for a few hours while he pretends not to look at you even though he's checking you out the whole time, then you get dressed and leave. If you're unlucky, (I usually was as I always had to identify myself as a slave when I contacted these people) you'd have to perform a range of sexual activities in addition to all the cleaning and then be available to them for future use, which means I'd probably be blowing and cleaning up after whoever I selected for a long time to come. I figured I would have to chance it and pick from one of those kinds of ads but since I had three days to make my selection, I filed them away as options and obsessively monitored Craigslist for something better.

I lucked out on the second day, a Tuesday. It was sometime in the afternoon that a guy in the kind of northeastern part of the city posted an ad that caught my attention. I don't remember the exact wording of his post but it was something like:

"Straight/athletic/24/M. Fiancée is away, want my balls licked while I play video games. No talking or dragged out emails. You come over, lick my balls, I nut on your face, you leave. Be under 30. Looking to do this tonight."

I think that's actually more detail than his ad specified but that was the gist of what I knew going into it (there was no photo). This ad appealed to me for a number of reasons:

First, I didn't actually believe this guy was straight and that his "fiancée was away" as anyone reading this who has ever used Craigslist to hook up knows that like, half of the gay section is filled with alleged straight guys posting for some action while their girlfriends or wives are gone. So, I figured that was bullshit but if it wasn't, I knew I wouldn't have to worry about doing any crazy kink stuff with this guy.

Second, if this guy was serious about what he wanted, it was like finding a fucking unicorn. If you're licking or sucking on a guy's nuts, you know that eventually his dick is going to end up in your mouth. I'd certainly never encountered someone who just wanted their balls licked and nothing else. The only thing easier would be if he just wanted his feet licked but like ball licking, feet always turn into something more. I wasn't excited about his cum on my face (I wouldn't be allowed to wipe it off until my shower the next day and my owner or his minions would verify I kept wearing it on cam afterward when I got back to my apartment) but again, at least I wouldn't be sucking this dude's dick and I'd only have to keep his load on me overnight instead of the entire day.

Third, he sounded very unfriendly in his ad and didn't want any talking. I actually prefer not having to talk when I meet up with someone because it's just embarrassing ("Yes Sir," "No Sir," "Can I lick your balls Sir," blah blah blah. Plus, if he wasn't talking, that meant he wouldn't be ordering me around the whole time, being all verbal and shit.

Fourth, he lived within walking distance. I was forbidden to use the metro to get around (part of my punishment for cash mastering was being denied simple luxuries like fucking transportation). Of course, if I had to meet up with a guy and it was too far to walk, I'd be allowed to use cabs/busses/metro in that case. Having to walk to this meet might sound like a bad thing (it was about 2 miles away I think) but since I was going to have to wear this dude's load on my face all the way back to my place, it's a lot less embarrassing to do that walking back on the streets at night (where I could avoid running into other people) than in a crowded, well-lit metro car or bus. Plus, I already had to walk three miles to my job every day each way, so I was used to it.

Fifth, I love playing video games. As naïve as it sounds, I thought hey, maybe I lick this guy's balls for a while, then he gets off and wants to play some video games with me, then we become friendly and maybe he helps me out with tasks my owner assigns me in the future. I wasn't counting on that actually happening, but who knows, right? I'll go ahead and spoil it for you now and let you know that didn't happen.

And sixth, was the rules. I have a whole bunch of rules I have to follow for when I meet up with someone in person, when I'm interacting online, how I refer to myself, etc... Most are rules I used to set for my own slaves when I was cash mastering but my owner came up with some of his own to add to them as well. I'll cover them all in another story that isn't as long as this one, although I'm sure I'll have to explain a few later on here. For now, just know that they're really stupid and embarrassing. My owner would often email the guys I met in person (after I'd served them) to ensure I was following his precious rules. If they said I didn't do a certain thing (even if they lied, because some assholes just like to fuck around) I'd get some sort of punishment out of it. Based off of his post and the fact that he was possibly straight, I was pretty sure there was no way this guy would bother tattling on me to my owner, which meant I didn't have to humiliate myself anywhere near as much as usual and could ignore the rules.

So, there you go -- this guy was probably as good as it was going to get. Now I just had to get him to select me. I don't want to sound too arrogant here and I'm no male model, but I was young enough and attractive enough that most dudes would want to set something up when I responded to their ads. I was a little worried about this guy though, mainly because my owner had insisted that my messages to guys I was going to hook up with included certain things that might scare this one off since he was allegedly straight and didn't seem like he'd be into any of the weird shit I'd have to put I my message. Plus, he was a few years younger.

Generally, I have to let guys I'm meeting up with know that I'm available for regular use, that I'd be happy to help them with any non-sexual tasks they have (homework, cleaning, laundry, etc...), and I have to specifically mention somewhere in the message that I want to drink and/or wear their piss (my owner designated me as a piss slave, more cash mastering fallout). My owner had access to my email account of course and could see if I didn't message what I was supposed to, so I didn't have much of a choice as far as what I sent this dude. My response to his ad was likely something along the lines of:


I'm a 28-year-old male (I think I was 28 at this time anyway). I'm straight but I'm a slave to a gay man. He wants me to find a man to service and after reading your ad on Craigslist, I'm hoping you'll select me to lick your balls for you. I won't say a word unless you want me to, I will lick and suck your nuts as long as you want, and I'll leave immediately after you shoot your load. Just let me know the time and place and I'll be there, no games.

I will be discreet and this can be a one-time thing or, if you prefer, I can make myself available to service your balls regularly. I'm also available to help out domestically (cooking, cleaning, etc...) or, if you're in college, assist you with your homework or anything else you may need. I also wanted to mention that I am training to be a human urinal and would be honored if you would let me swallow your piss or even just wear it home. Finally, my owner would love to have some photos of your big nuts in my mouth pussy. None of that other stuff is necessary though and I would be happy to stick to the terms you listed in your ad.

My cell is XXX-XXX-XXXX and you can see photos of me at LINK (I included a couple semi-normal photos in the message to keep him away from the link).

Thank You,

fag matt

That's generally what I sent to my intended hookups and you can probably see why I thought it would scare him off. My owner usually lets me choose to mention if I'm straight/blackmailed or not unless he sets up the meet, in which case he decides. I figured it might help with this guy but sometimes it's simpler to just to be in "fag mode" as we call it and let them think I'm into whatever they want me to do. Granted, the whole message after that part made me sound like the biggest faggot in the world, but I had to include all the other stuff. I know the "mouth pussy" part is really weird -- it's just one of the rules of self-reference I follow. The link at that time would go to this file sharing site that had a bunch of my photos that again, might scare this guy off (licking urinals, pissing on myself, sucking dick, posing naked, etc...) so I included some photos in the email in the hopes that he would not follow the link.

Since this story is about him, you can probably guess that he replied to me. It was fast, within 10 to 15 minutes or so. He sent a text and verified that I was available that night, reiterated that I wasn't to speak, gave me his address, and told me to be there at 10PM and just walk through the door and basically get to work on his sack. I texted him back that I'd be there.

I think it was about 6PM or so by the time everything was set up. I was on cam whenever I was home at this point and my owner was online so I gloated a little bit at my small victory of finding this easier option (I know, it's a sad thing when you can gloat about only having to lick balls). He seemed amused by the whole thing but said he'd be more specific the next time since he had wanted me to at least suck dick. There were other guys watching on cam too so he had me entertain them for the next hour or so, I don't remember doing what exactly.

After that my owner and I picked out what I'd wear. One of my old rules for my slaves had come back to haunt me in a big way. Specifically, I'd told them something like fags should always be identifiable and dress slutty. I didn't create this rule or anything and I'm sure I probably stole it from someone else just to get the cash slaves turned on, but it became a rule for me anyway.

So, most of my clothes were altered to be kind of gay whorish. Flip flops or bare feet, shorts cut around mid-thigh, and a cut-off or semi-cut-off wifebeater were pretty standard wear. Since I'd promised this guy discretion though and he was straight, I convinced my owner to lighten up a bit and I got to wear a full, although way too small, pink wifebeater and some jeans that just had holes like, everywhere in them (I hated washing them because they always came out more shredded than they were before and they eventually did fall completely apart). I almost always wore white briefs with the holey jeans since they showed really well through the holes (I didn't choose that by the way) but since the guy I was meeting was straight and I was so worried about turning him off, my owner told me to wear these ridiculous men's pink panty hybrid things (it was feminine underwear but made for men -- wouldn't look good on either sex). That was just his way of getting back at me for trying to get out of wearing the sluttier stuff I imagine.

With that out of the way, I was allowed to take a shower, brush my teeth, get dressed, etc... Deodorant was considered a luxury item which I usually wasn't allowed but it was approved for these meetings unless otherwise stated so I got to use that. Since I had to walk 2 miles in the summer heat (it was mid to late July when this kicked off) it was appreciated. I needed to leave at about 9PM to make sure I had time to walk to this guy's place, so I was about ready to go.

I've already mentioned I was on cam 24/7 at my apartment and this applied to right up to the moment I opened my door to leave. I always had to angle my laptop (or use an attached wired camera) so it was focused on wherever I was in the apartment so the guys watching had something to look at and so that my owner could make sure I was obeying my home rules.

Before I left the apartment, it was always the same thing. I'd crawl over to the door (crawling whenever possible was a requirement). Then I'd stay on all fours, pull my pants/underwear down and show my ass to the camera. I had a buttplug that I was expected to keep either in my mouth or my ass at all times -- basically it always had to be in one of my holes unless otherwise instructed. I kept it in my mouth as much as possible at home but guys who were watching me would constantly have me switch it around. So, I'd show my ass to the camera and if the plug was in my mouth at that time, I had to take it out and stuff it in my ass (since I couldn't walk down the street with a plug in my mouth) and then I could pull my pants back up. And if it was already in my ass, I could just show the camera to prove that it was still there and then get dressed again.

Lastly, there were a couple of little hooks by my front door. On one hook, a single pair of white briefs was always hung (I'll cover that in another story) and on the hook beside it was this really shiny linked chain (the links were about 1/3 or 1/4 the size of the classic big chain you might be imagining) and a medium padlock (big enough though that I actually needed to use some pliers to stretch the chain links a bit so it could lock through them) along with its only key. I was allowed to stand up at this point and grab the chain, lock, and key, put them all in my mouth, then get back on all fours, crawl over to table where the laptop was focused on the entryway, stand back up, lift my foot up onto the table so my ankle was right in front of the camera, loop the chain around my ankle (it went around three times with some slack left over), lock the padlock through the chain so it stayed on, and then set the key down in front of the laptop so it could be seen on the camera (to make sure there was no funny business, like unlocking it as soon as I left the apartment). Then I could put my foot down and remove my collar (if I was wearing one -- I had several and sometimes the viewers wanted them on, sometimes off), put that in my mouth, get back down on all fours, crawl back to my door, stand up, and hang the collar from the now empty hook. Finally, I would get back down on all fours, face the camera, kiss the floor and thank my owner for training me to be his slave. Then I'd rise up to my knees, wave goodbye to the camera, thank everyone for watching, and then I could finally open the door and peek out into the hallway, shuffle out on my knees, close the door, and stand up and get moving. Exhausting just to read, right? Anyway, after all that I texted the guy to let him know I was on my way.

I realized the danger of telling these stories a few paragraphs ago when I was describing what I usually had to wear when I left the apartment. As I mentioned at the start of this, when he gave me this task, my owner was very clear that I need to be as descriptive as possible and be completely honest. I'm being pretty damn descriptive so that shouldn't be a problem. I've suffered a lot for lying to him in the past about various things though (he really doesn't tolerate it at all). He promised me that these writings would be a safe space for me to say anything I wanted without fear of punishment (I might even be rewarded if these stories entertain him enough) as long as I'm, again, descriptive/do a good job and honest about everything. As much as I assume I would have been punished long ago for some of the stuff I might reveal, I'm not going to risk that this is a trap to punish me for lying about stuff now. Stuff that maybe he already knows about and has been sitting on this whole time. Granted, this could also be a trap to get me to reveal some of my tricks so he can better monitor me in the future but who knows. Kind of a mindfuck.

I'll take the honest route, so here's one trick. I had several secret sets of clothes I would change into after I left the apartment so I wasn't walking around dressed like a gay slut. I'd had to dress the same way sometimes in the suburbs too but back then I had a vehicle so changing and storing additional clothing was much easier. In the city -- not so much.

I lived on the 8th floor of my apartment building and there was nowhere there or on the seven floors below it to stash clothes (just doors to tons of apartments and a tiny room on each floor with a garbage chute) and since my laptop would still be showing footage of my doorway for a couple hours after I left before it went into hibernation mode, it wasn't like I could just walk back in and change. I initially thought about storing the normal clothes in bushes or something outside of my apartment building but then they'd get wet when it rained, how would I strip to change clothes without being seen, etc...

There WAS an underground parking garage beneath my building though, so I snooped around down there as soon as I moved in, before I even had internet connected, and found some places I could hide jeans (without holes) and shirts, even normal shoes, socks, and boxers. I had a few different hiding spots there but mostly hid everything under the lowest pallet in a stack of pallets that was in one of the corners of the garage (it never moved the entire time I lived there -- why was it there?). I was also able to change easily without being seen by people or the garage cameras if I squeezed in behind the pallet stack and used that to hide me. I still had to make it down eight floors of the apartment building and through the garage while dressed like a whore but it was a lot better than walking around the city that way.

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