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Taming an Immortal Ch. 12

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Wedding in the Western Lands.
10k words

Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/28/2015
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Wedding scene so lots of names of course.

Elisa - Etienne's mother

Adam -Human Lord of the South

Johannes -Ancient Pureblood; Grandfather of Zahara and Granduncle of Etienne

Zahara - Etienne's cousin; current candidate for Lady of the West

Keane - Majordormo Pureblood of the West

Ulrich - Changeling Wolf Lord of the East

Anzer - half brother; Noble-birth from Cove Viridian

Drake - Seagull Changeling from Cove Viridian; adopted son of Anzer

Marceau & Annabelle -Zahara's parents. Marceau is the son of Johannes.

Caito -Chief Judge of the Southern council of advisors

Miria -Pureblood warrior of the West

Eulalie - Changeling Wolf Princess of the East


Their forays into his father's work had come up with nothing apart from volumes of poetry written about humanity -nothing specific about his human mate or his Halfling son. It had taken Zahara almost three days to comb through the shelves for books she thought might come in useful but there was just not enough time to read and interpret them all.

After nearly five days of locking himself in the dusty chambers, the Queen Mother herself had entered to drag him back into reality; sending him to the bath house for a good scrub.

"I do not need your assistance Mother."

She merely ignored him as she held out the crisp white uniform up against the light. Etienne had never seen his mother looking almost kind when she finally took her eyes away from the garments to look at him.

"I remembered your father in these... once upon a time," she whispered. "And now it's yours."

Etienne allowed her to slip the sleeves into his arm; keeping still when she knelt slightly to button the front and adjust the braids.

"Did you love him, mother?"

Elisa snapped her head up, blinking in surprise -her expression mimicking her son for he too was shocked at daring to ask his mother such an intimate question.

"I apologise. I didn't mean to -"

"No, it's fine," she replied; the slight strain in her voice apparent in every syllable. "To answer you, it's no."

Etienne wondered if she was lying. It was her only strength over him - this inability for a son to hear his mother's thoughts. In all honestly, he didn't know why he had asked. Was it to convince himself that this union was worth it?

"I don't love Zahara."

Again, it was an unnecessary admission. His mother would not care. Love had always been a conditional arrangement for her - at least that's what she seemed to project.

Winding his sash around his waist, Etienne watched as his mother tied the knot in a graceful bow, allowing the material to flow down from his middle. She didn't seem to have heard him or she was merely denying him a chance to speak.

But as she stood to her full height once more, his mother reached out to pat his cheek.

"Love always gets someone killed. It is best this way my son."

Turning, she smiled and left.

Etienne gave a loud huff as he looked at himself in the mirror. For the first time in his life, his hair had been pulled back and tied into a single braid; golden threads woven into the strands to make him look like a walking angel.

It almost felt like his father was staring back at him in the reflection. Montgomery Arceneaux had the same ethereal quality the day he was crowned but Etienne didn't remember his father looking sad. In fact, he had known that Etienne was hiding behind a pillar in the room and gestured for his son to stand in front of him in the mirror.

"Someday, it would be your turn."

"When I become Lord of the West, I will be the most powerful Vampire of all the lands!"

His father had laughed at him as he played with his son's silvery strands.

"What if I told you that I'm the weakest Vampire in the whole world?"

Etienne of course had been livid then; denying such a blatant lie. Who would have thought that nearly half a millennium later, he would truly understand his father's words?

There was no strength in having no choice in your decisions, nor is there power in a position you didn't earn.

Everything had been given to him.

The one thing that had been truly his from the moment their paths crossed... he had sent her away.

"Then today I will ascend the throne as the weakest Vampire in all the lands," he whispered to his reflection and to the memory of the great Pureblood who once stood before it with him.


The grand hall of the castle had been converted into a ceremonial chamber; the rows of benches arranged with an aisle in the middle leading to the front altar. The glass panels on the high ceilings flooded the hall with a glow that seemed to swallow him up in its pureness; the white of his garb blending in so naturally with the surrounding.

Walking to the altar, he gave a respectful bow and stared up at the light pouring down in front of him.

"It's as it should be," said Etienne to his silent guest.

"It is my Lord," replied Keane, bowing low behind him. "There is someone here to see you. The Human Lord. Should I ask him to leave?"

Etienne turned slowly before settling his eyes on his majordormo. There was no need to ask the question about her. Adam, had come alone.

"No, I will speak to him outside. He must not step in here until it is time."

Following silently behind Keane, Etienne allowed himself to study the loyal Pureblood before him. Keane had served his father even before Montgomery was married and ascended the throne. He knew they were friends but were they close enough for him to know his father's deepest fears?

Putting a hand on his shoulder, Etienne paused as the older Pureblood turned around.

"Yes my Lord?"

"I need you to find something for me. And it must be done in the strictest confidence - no one must know what you are looking for."

"That is a given."

Etienne locked eyes with Keane, knowing his loyalty was unquestionable. "Find me everything he has written about his son - the other one. Do not be rash but make haste."

Keane blinked as he took a step back. "What makes you think that such a thing exists?"

It would have been insolent of him to be questioning his master's command, but Etienne respected Keane enough to overlook that one transgression.

"Just find it Keane," he urged once more before opening the door for them. "Thank you."

The majordomo bowed before him as he exited the chambers with Etienne following closely behind. Waiting down the hall was Lord Adam himself.

"Adam. You look well."

"My ... aren't you dashing Etienne." The old human Lord looked like he was about to burst into tears.

He didn't need to ask him - even if it was out of courtesy -for he could scent her absence so clearly in the air. Rose hadn't come and he felt something deep inside him that was almost of... disappointment.

"Say what you have to say Adam." There was no doubt that the human Lord didn't agree upon Etienne's decision. But it was not his place to question nor chastise him. Etienne was only giving him that opportunity because Rose was under his guardianship.

"I have made Rose my heir."

Now that was news to him.

Amidst all the commotion with the 60th day preparation and the hunt for his father's works, Etienne hadn't kept up with the state of his neighbours. If Adam's words were true, then in a few years -he would say five at most, considering the old man's state -Rose would be an equal in status to him.

It shouldn't mean anything to him. But it did.

"Stop this Etienne. You know politically our union would be more beneficial to our lands. The South is rebuilding and I admit that it is weak. It needs allies, but I do not have much bargaining power to provide equal contributions."

He knew exactly where the sneaky human was leading to and he didn't like it one bit.

"The laws of our lands are similar is it not?" he grinned, looking up at Etienne. "To ascend the throne, Rose would have to marry. Would it not be better if she already was?"

Keep. A. Straight. Face.

"Then I would attend her wedding, even though she refused to attend mine," he replied coldly. "Besides, a treaty can be signed at any time. A redrawing of our boundaries might be more... appealing than a union."

"Etienne!" Adam turned ash white; his lips parted as a hand pressed against his chest. "Are you truly your father's son?"

The Pureblood simply looked into the sad blue eyes of the human Lord.

"Thank you for coming Adam. I will see you later." Etienne bowed slightly before making his way back into the chamber to await his fate.


Zahara was nervous.

It didn't help that the scratchy lace of her dress irritated her skin constantly; the corset currently depriving her of breathing and the elaborate hairdo making her feel like a walking watermelon-head.

"It'll be alright my love," whispered her mother gently as she smoothened a non-existent crease on her daughter's dress. "Elisa's dress is beautiful and I think you make it even more so."

"Oh mother... I don't know why I'm going through with this. I want what you and father had. Why can't I?"

Annabelle flicked her daughter's tear even before it could mar her flawless make up.

"If you wish to step back, you know your father and I will never be angry with you. It is your choice Zahara."

Zahara wished it was that simple. Etienne needed to ascend the throne. Whatever happened after that would be within his control as the true Lord of the West. This ceremony was important to everyone, including herself. Allegience to their Lord had to be established and this was the only time when they could.

Truth was it was a matter of time before Etienne would leave her to be with his true mate.

Turning to her mother, Zahara smiled. "I'm ready."

The walk from her room down the hallways into the ceremonial chambers seemed to take ages, the distance somewhat tripling although it was mere minutes away. Taking the time to slow down, Zahara tried to still her pounding heart.

She had chosen to do this. It would be her one promise to Rose to give Etienne the chance to ascend the throne. After all, wasn't this what all the sacrifices were for?

"I only wish you could be happier today Zahara."

Looking up, Zahara smiled at the Pureblood offering his hand. Marceau Arceneaux, her father. Hooking her arm in his, she took a deep breath as the chamber doors were slowly opened; all eyes turned to look at her - except one.

In his uniform of pure white; swords sheathed by his side, hair tied in a single braid down his back - Etienne looked every inch like the Lord of the West that he was. He didn't even need the crown of silver and gold on his head to mark his status to the world.

Next to him, she looked so plain, even dull as she took her place by his side in front of the altar. Etienne had still not looked at her and while she knew he felt nothing of that sort towards her, it still hurt not to be acknowledged.

Until she felt soft cold fingers threading its way into her own -just the tip touching hers in a sign of solidarity. She dared a quick look on her right and caught the slight smirk on his lips and smiled.

She kept her face cheerful even as the Queen Mother stepped in front of them to begin the rites of blessings. It must have been difficult for the reigning Queen to pass the throne to her son and it showed greatly on her face - the mix of pride and melancholy at the thought of losing her position and at the same time, the blossoming of her one and only child.

"Etienne and Zahara Arceneaux, Lord and Lady of the West, I bestow upon you, my most prized breed of dragon, so you may prosper and rule our lands with great power and strength." Lady Elisa got to her knees, hands stretched out, palms facing up.

Zahara watched as Etienne placed his own hands, palms down onto his mother's upturned wrists before letting go.

A thin line, alive and burning, snaked around her wrists bonding her to him as her mark of loyalty and allegiance.

Next was Ealdwin Arceneaux, Etienne's uncle and next in line for the throne should Etienne not sire a child. Zahara knew that this would probably be the most difficult stage to pass for Ealdwin didn't look like he was pleased to be offering anything to his nephew.

He didn't say a word as he offered his wrists; looking away indignantly when Etienne marked him. Unlike the first round with his mother, Etienne kept his hold on his uncle long enough until the Pureblood was forced to look up at him.

"What have you for your Lord and Lady of the West?"

Ealdwin narrowed his eyes; a snarl escaping his lips.

"Fine silk for the robes of your mate and your children."

Zahara felt a chill at the back of her neck. Does Ealdwin know about Rose? He said mate, not wife...

Unless Ealdwin was referring to herself as both, Zahara was sure there was an implied threat there, especially if he knew about the child!

And yet, next to her, Etienne remained the calm, stoic self he always was, simply glossing over his uncle's face as he released his wrists.

The ritual continued but Zahara's mind would linger to what Ealdwin had said and often, she found her gaze straying towards where he stood, almost suspicious of what he was planning.

"Zahara, stop it. Your parents." The whispered order was heeded without question. Etienne might not care much about many things, but even he knew the sacrifice her parents were making to allow her to be married in such a fashion.

"Father, mother..." Annabelle looked like she had shed a few tears but her father looked as he always did - kind and collected.

"Etienne and Zahara Arceneaux, we as your parents, only wish for your happiness," said Marceau as he got to his knees. "For you Etienne, I offer my most treasured book of languages so that you may be the master of words befitting of your stature."

Turning to his daughter, he held a palm out. "And for you my love, I offer my allegiance."

There was silence in the room as everyone stood, shocked at the blatant disregard for custom. Allegience could only be given to the Lord or Lady of the throne; not to their spouse. As the first born descendant of the Arceneaux, it was Etienne who held that honour, even from his elders.

"I accept," said Etienne as he reached out for Zahara's hand to place it on Marceau's wrist. And repeated it for her mother.

When the bond was completed, he merely nodded at them to leave, saying nothing to either her parents or herself as the next tribute came to offer their blessing.

By the time they were finished with the entire Pureblood head of clans, it was time for the last two guests - the Lord of the East and the Lord of the South.

Zahara had almost forgotten about their invitation and was slightly shivering on the inside as Ulrich of the East stepped up on the altar in front of them. It had been decades since she had last been in his lands and that had not ended well if she recalled. Although the Eastern Lord himself had not been involved, he would surely have heard the rumours.

So when he flashed her a grin, Zahara was thankful she didn't have to interact with the wolf Changeling at all for this ritual.

"Etienne Arceneaux, as I have said to your father before you, I Ulrich of the East, offer you my promise to not take any more Vampire concubines than the ones I already have. But if one so willingly strays into my court..." A flick towards Zahara. "Then I will not object."

"That is indeed a very honourable promise Lord Ulrich and I accept. May our lands be bountiful and safe in our times of peace."

Unlike the bonds of allegiance that the clans have given to their Lord, this time, both Etienne and Ulrich held only one hand out, palm up. Then individually, they reached forward and pressed their free hand over the wrist of the other; a seal between the Lords of the lands.

When that was done, Etienne turned to Lord Adam but instead of gesturing for him to proceed, Etienne left the altar to walk towards the human Lord himself, causing another moment of stunned silence in the room.

It seemed that on his first day at the job, Etienne Arceneaux was already breaking rules and making his own. Perhaps it wouldn't take that long for him to change the laws that had forced them both into this marriage in the first place.

Turning her head towards the two Lords, Zahara knew it was a private moment that was not meant for her or any of their attendance. Whatever it was that passed -

"Etienne!" Every single Vampire and Changeling felt it, the sudden decrease of the human Lord's life.

Zahara ran towards him but Etienne didn't miss a beat as he caught Lord Adam's frail form in his arms.

"Adam... don't do this to me!" he growled - low enough for only Zahara and Adam to hear.

But the human Lord was unrepentant as he looked up at both of them.

"Then complete what you must with me... with my daughter instead," he whispered with a bright smile on his face.

"I don't understand..." whimpered Zahara as she knelt down to press her fingers against Adam's wrists. "He poisoned himself?"

Etienne looked down at her, expressionless. "Make the arrangements to have his body brought back to Seurri."

Catching Adam's limp form in her arms, Zahara gasped as she felt the old man's last breath leaving his body. Death it seems was a heavy weight to bear for the living.

"Then what about us Etienne?" whispered Zahara, watching as Lady Elisa stormed towards them, no doubt hysterical over the interrupted ritual cycle.

"What is this!" she screamed, pulling Adam by the collar towards her. "Poison? Who would dare do this?!"

Looking around, Elisa's eyes scanned the room before landing on her son; anger evident by the glowing red in her eyes.

"You will respect the dead. Remove your hold," ordered Etienne in a cool, calm voice. "The ceremony is over."

Lady Elisa was about to jump on her son when Zahara pulled her backwards. Couldn't she see that he was grieving? Honestly, was she really his mother?

While the familial and clan members have completed their full rites of blessings and allegiance acknowledging Etienne as their Lord and rightful ruler of their kind; the incomplete ritual meant that the two of them could not proceed to the next stage -the matrimonial rites of exchange.

Zahara was aware of this and so did everyone in the ceremonial chambers. However, Etienne didn't seem as perturbed about it. Walking back to the altar, he drew his seven-branched sword, raised it high in the air before thrusting it straight down into the floor; the blade sheathed in marble.

"As per the customs of the Southern lands, we will observe a two weeks mourning period for the passing of the great Lord of the South. During this time, the South will be sacred land and no one here is to cross the borders with offensive weapons or intentions lest you seek my wrath."

There was no hesitation in the crowd as all mimicked the actions of their Lord - save for Ulrich who walked up to the altar once more and took his old friend into his arms.

"I will personally escort him back to Seurri tonight," said the Lord of the Wolves, turning to Etienne. "And you?"

"Somebody has to inform the princess."

For a moment, Zahara thought she saw a flash of regret and fear in Etienne's eyes but when she blinked again, it was gone.

"Adam left an heir?" asked Ulrich, looking from Etienne to Adam; brows raised up high in surprise. "Damn. Didn't know the old man had it in him to sire one this late in life."

His joke wasn't much appreciated by Lady Elisa who slapped his hand with a scowl on her face. She waited until almost everyone had left the chambers before walking up to Etienne with Zahara in tow.

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