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Tannah the Warlord Pt. 01

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Tannah meets her husband's new concubine.
12.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/25/2023
Created 03/31/2020
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Tannah bounced in the saddle as she rode into camp, the clink of steel ringing distantly as her men sparred nearby. She reached down and placed a hand on her trapping bag as her horse trotted through a populated stretch of road.

The sack had a tendency to become unhooked from the brass hoop if bumped by a negligent body, especially when it bulged from the day's catch. With one eye on her bag of furred creatures and one on the men around her Tannah kicked her horse into a canter.

"Beustalar!" she yelled at one of the bigger men, pulling the rein to slow her beast as she saw him face off against a new recruit. He looked up and immediately took a sound thwack across the midsection from his young training partner's sword.

"Quit dropping your guard!" Tannah barked, her expression turning into a grin as she watched him glare at his opponent. "And don't take your eyes off your enemy," she teased, riding past. She glanced back at the big man, gazing at his bulky frame encased in leather armor.

"He must be such a pretty man underneath all that," she thought, narrowing her eyes as she pictured his naked body in her mind. "He's large and intimidating. He's got the fire of combat in him and he has the right build for it. Although, I could think of other uses for those strong hips of his," she told herself as she imagined his fully aroused cock standing firm between his muscular thighs.

"It's too bad he's so overconfident," she thought to herself. "Even the largest and prettiest men die in seconds if poked in the right places."

Tannah dismounted in front of her spacious tent. She put one foot on the ground and paused as she noticed a tethered white mare. Tannah's smile widened a little as she recognized her husband's horse.

She removed her other foot from the stirrup and grasped the small metal cage containing Aldaloon, her hawk. The bird let out a low croak as she jostled it with her motions, detaching the cage and carrying it with her.

Tannah threw open the tent flap and saw Balter inside facing a woman, both of them completely nude. The girl turned toward Tannah and smiled. She was as tall as Tannah, with an athletic body and light blonde hair that hung just past her earlobes.

Tannah stepped inside, admiring the woman's body, her perky pink nipples and her blonde bush, her strong thighs and feminine physique.

"Tannah," Balter said in greeting, turning to face her with his pale cock exposed and hard. "This is Aretta," he boomed in introduction. "She's my new concubine."

Aretta looked at Balter, then back at Tannah, following her movements with interest as she hung the bird cage and set her sack of dead skirrik on the table.

"Come here Tannah, leave the skinning for later," Balter demanded. Tannah moved around the table and came toward him, but was blocked by Aretta. The strong woman intercepted her, placing a slender hand on Tannah's shoulder, looking her up and down and measuring her reaction.

Aretta looked into Tannah's eyes as she moved a little closer, leaning in slowly, cocking her head to one side as she brought her lips close to Tannah's.

Tannah stood still, waiting for the touch of Aretta's narrow lips, the woman's breasts pressing against hers, their mouths coming within an inch of each other before stopping. Aretta's breaths were warm against Tannah's face. She smelled like sweet oils and honeyed tea.

Tannah felt her nipples becoming firm and her womanhood growing moist from the press of Aretta's body and the longer she remained in contact with the girl the more she ached for the conclusion of her kiss.

Aretta caressed Tannah's arm while putting her other hand on her abdomen, her lips tantalizingly close.

"I can't wait to please you, my mistress," Aretta said as her hand moved lower and lower until the tips of her fingers slipped just under the waistband of Tannah's trousers.

"You're pleasing me right now," Tannah said, "you'd better not stop."

Aretta laughed softly and put her mouth against Tannah's. She kissed experimentally at first, letting their lips touch and then pulling away, but lingering a little longer each time until finally their mouths came together and remained pressed tight.

Tannah felt the tip of Aretta's tongue against her palate as the woman's fingers slid down into her panties and curled around her sex.

"Mmmm, our master says you like having your pussy licked, is that what you want?" she asked moving her tongue playfully across Tannah's upper lip, her forefinger sliding between Tannah's minora as it followed the valley of her cunt to its wet opening.

"You should get down on your knees and find out," Tannah purred, moving her hands down Aretta's bare thighs and rocking her hips as the girl's slick fingers rubbed between her labia.

Aretta smiled and withdrew her hand. She slid down Tannah's body, brushing a curious palm across her breast and caressing her stomach as she moved lower, hanging her fingers on Tannah's trousers and giving them a tug.

"Balter, the pleasure part of the money I gave you was for whores and mead, I didn't expect you to go out and buy a second wife with it," Tannah scolded as she allowed her pants to be pulled down over her hips exposing her dark haired cunt.

"Don't worry, you'll always be my favorite Tannah," Balter responded with a grin, his eyes on Aretta as she put her face in Tannah's bush. Tannah's mouth hung open as she watched Aretta grip her by the thighs, kissing and sucking at her naked sex.

"Ahhh," Tannah moaned, placing her hands on the girl's head, watching her smile as she ran the flat of her tongue across her pussy. "Ahhh, oh you're good," Tannah shuddered as Aretta wrapped her arms around Tannah's thighs, caressing her lower back and squeezing her butt while she licked.

Balter moved closer, placing a hand on his erect penis and stroking it while Aretta's head moved between Tannah's thighs. Tannah rocked her hips, running her fingers through the girl's short blonde hair and riding her mouth.

"I take it this is all you got done during your trip to the capital?" Tannah asked, blushing as he watched Aretta eat her pussy.

"Hah! You underestimate my resourcefulness Tannah," Balter said, his hand moving along his shaft, clear slime dripping from its tip as he masturbated.

"I know your appetites," Tannah retorted, looking down at his cock. "Do you have any news for me or did you spend your whole trip fucking girls in search of a new plaything?"

"Hanmer's court seems eager to give you your first assignment," he answered, his gaze settling on the blonde girl again as she put her lips around Tannah's mons and sucked.

"Mmnnnh," Tannah moaned, biting her lip and clawing gently at Aretta's scalp. Her knees trembled and her clitoris bulged against Aretta's tongue as she looked into the woman's pale blue eyes. "Ahhh, I need to sit," she gasped, pulling away and walking backward until her heel bumped the wooden leg of her chair.

"Hanmer's vassals, however seem divided about us," Balter said as Tannah sat down with her legs apart, spreading her labia apart with two fingers and stroking her wet sex while Aretta crawled close on hands and knees. "They will oppose us if they get a chance. They see me as an upstart with no heritage and they see you as ... uh."

"A whore?" Tannah asked as Aretta tongued the opening of her cunt and pressed her mouth against it. "Ahhh, hahh," Tannah moaned, her pussy drooling down Aretta's chin as the woman pushed her tongue inside, her spit trickling down Tannah's butt as she devoured her juices.

"Is that surprising?" Balter asked, walking up behind Aretta and placing his hands on her ass, setting his cock on her tailbone while he caressed her bare bottom. "Thankfully none of them know how we met or they'd all be asking for donations in return for their silence," he said, letting his penis rub between the girl's butt cheeks as she buried her face in Tannah's sex.

"Yet you trust Aretta with the information?" Tannah asked, narrowing her eyes at the blonde woman sucking the wet flesh between her labia, the tip of her nose rubbing against her clitoris and making her gasp.

"Aretta would be in more trouble than you if any of them knew," Balter said with a smirk, grabbing his erection and teasing Aretta's cunt with it as she pleasured Tannah with her mouth. "You can survive a prostitution charge under King Hanmer, and with most of your wealth intact. If they learn about Aretta though ..."

Tannah petted Aretta's pretty forehead and watched the girl lick, her slick tongue making small circles around her throbbing clitoris. Balter grasped Aretta by the hips and thrust his cock into her. Aretta swayed gently, wrapping her hands around Tannah's thighs and clinging to her pelvis, her mouth pressed firmly against Tannah's pussy as Balter took her from behind.

Tannah looked at the blonde woman dutifully kissing and tonguing her cunt. She'd been a whore herself once. She recalled a time in her life when she truly thought she would die working at a brothel and despite doing it out of necessity Tannah still didn't hate the profession.

"Better to be a whore than a wife," she always told herself. Then she married Balter. Tannah felt a flutter in her stomach as Aretta sucked on her clitoris, exhaling warm air into her bush while Balter fucked her.

"Mmmm." the girl moaned as Balter began pounding her with rapid pelvic thrusts, the beat of his hips making Aretta's ass shake, her lips trembling as she licked between Tannah's minora. Tannah watched Balter's chest and neck muscles tighten as he drove his cock into the girl, producing a rhythmic slap as his lap struck her butt.

Tannah looked down at Aretta and saw her cheeks turn a little pink as she took each hard shove with some rigidity. She felt a touch of jealousy, wanting to feel his hard manhood thrust deep into her pussy.

"He's been away for weeks, he must miss my cunt by now," she thought, hearing his balls slap against Aretta's sex. Balter always came abundantly the night he returned from a trip. His seed would be extra thick and rich from feasting in a royal court.

Tannah made gentle humping motions as she thought about Balter's extra goopy load squirting across her tongue and hitting the roof of her mouth. She'd hoped the trip back would starve Balter, so that his cock would be firm and dripping for her by the time she'd gotten his pants off. Now he was starving her, making her watch as someone else enjoyed his affection.

Aretta's cheeks became slick as they rubbed between Tannah's thighs. She salivated profusely, tonguing the opening of Tannah's pussy, the bridge of her nose pressed between Tannah's wet labia.

"Ahhh, ahhhhh, ahhhhh!" Tannah moaned, climaxing abruptly, her clitoris erect, rubbing across Aretta's tongue, her hips bucking while the girl fed on her juices. "Ohhh," Tannah whined as she rocked her hips and came on the girl's mouth.

"Mmmhhm mmmm!" Aretta sighed as Tannah held her firmly against her cunt, her thighs trembling, closing around Aretta's ears while she orgasmed. Tannah gritted her teeth and watched Aretta's butt ripple from the smack of her husband's hips. The girl's tongue slid inside of her and Tannah's mouth hung open in soundless a gasp while Aretta licked the roof of her vagina.

"Ahhh ahhhh," Tannah gasped, her feet in the air, her toes curling as Aretta ran her tongue across the opening of her pussy, up between her labia, and over her throbbing clitoris.

"You made her cum, you're already doing the impossible Aretta," Balter panted over the wet slap of his groin against hers. Tannah laughed as he congratulated her.

"Fuck you Balter," Tannah said with a naughty smile, her heels pressing against Aretta's back, the point of the girl's nose smushed against Tannah's pubic bone. Balter chuckled and pulled out, his cock glistening with her juices, swaying between his thighs as he moved around Aretta and towards the side of Tannah's chair.

He reached down and grabbed the hem of Tannah's tunic pulling it up over her head and letting her plump breasts drop free. Tannah felt Aretta's hands surround her naked tits while the girl's slender tongue stroked the furrow of her sex.

Tannah smelled something pungent and turned to see Balter's cock just inches from her face. She gripped the base of his erection and put her mouth around its pink head, inhaling the strong scent of Aretta's pussy on his length as her lips slid down its shaft.

"Mmmmm," Tannah hummed, shutting her eyes and tasting his precum, sweet and slimy, clinging to her taste buds as it flowed from the tip of his penis. Tannah sucked him noisily, slurping and salivating, his arousal lubricating her mouth.

Balter put a hand on Tannah's head and rocked his hips, thrusting his firm member across her tongue. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, taking her hand away from his penis and watching his expression as he fucked her face.

"Ahhh," Balter sighed as Tannah bobbed her head, her lips gliding down his cock. Tannah felt Aretta's breaths against her cunt as the girl rested her head between her thighs, squishing her exposed breasts with strong feminine hands while Tannah sucked.

"Ooohh," Balter groaned as he shoved his throbbing erection into the back of Tannah's throat, gagging her with the stiff head of his manhood.

"Nnnghhh," Tannah whimpered, her lips against his balls, the smell of Aretta's womanhood filling her nostrils as her nose was squished against his hairy groin. She stared at Balter's stomach, unable to breathe, her nipples becoming firm between Aretta's knuckles and her cunt growing even more moist.

"Chhhhkk," she coughed when Balter finally pulled back, shiny saliva covering his shaft and dripping down her chin. He rocked his hips, one hand on the back of Tannah's head as he forced himself deep.Tannah heard him shudder with pleasure as he thrust his cock between her wet lips.

"Ahhh ahhhhh," he groaned, squirting thick goo against her palate, his member pulsing as he ejaculated. His hands shook and he took sharp breaths as he sprayed the inside of Tannah's cheek with his load.

"Mmmm," Tannah moaned, savoring the salty taste of Balter's cum as it spilled across her tongue. His seed was thick and syrupy, shooting from the tip of his penis with enough strength that Tannah could hear him cumming in her mouth.

"Mmmmmmm," she hummed, feeling his goopy stuff slosh around his cock, his thrusts beating his cum into a froth as it continued to gush from his bulging tip. Tannah moaned through the mouthful while listening to his grunts of satisfaction, his shaft throbbing with arousal as it glided between her lips.

"Oooh, I definitely missed this Tannah," Balter groaned, letting out thin spurts against the roof of her mouth as his orgasm began to ebb. "You suck cock far better than any whore," he shuddered.

Tannah slurped noisily along his slick erection, cum trickling from the corner of her mouth as she struggled to contain his orgasm. He took his hand off of her head and Tannah leaned back, sucking the seed off of his length, pulling her lips off the end of his penis with a sound pop.

She looked up at Balter, opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue so he could see what he had deposited there. The thick stuff clung to her palate and she laughed as it dripped off the tip of her tongue and onto her bare tits.

Aretta crawled up across her body, putting her lips against Tannah's stomach, kissing between her breasts and licking up the globs of Balter's cum as they fell. Tannah closed her mouth and swallowed the whole slimy load in one gulp, not wanting to share another drop of her man's seed.

Aretta's firm nipples tickled Tannah's skin as their lips pressed together and Tannah felt her pussy becoming moist again as the girl's tongue slid into her mouth.

"Mmmhm mmmm," Aretta hummed, kissing Tannah deeply, licking her palate and sucking her upper lip. Despite the overwhelming flavor of Balter's seed Tannah could still taste her own juices in Aretta's saliva.

"Mmm," Tannah whimpered, clamping her thighs around Aretta's waist and making gentle humping motions as her arousal began to drip down her butt crack. "Get your cunt on my mouth girl," Tannah sighed between touches of their lips, her cheeks burning, Aretta's light pubic hair scratching Tannah's labia.

Aretta smiled, giving Tannah one last kiss before climbing over her, putting her hairy womanhood in Tannah's face. Tannah laid back in the chair caressing Aretta's strong thighs and staring at the woman's blonde haired pussy, the pink curtains of her sex just visible within its damp valley.

She looked up at the girl's statuesque figure, her perfectly round breasts topped with perky pink nipples, her hands on her hips and her expression daring Tannah to bury her nose in her pungent smelling bush.

Tannah leaned in and let her lips touch Aretta's labia. She surrounded the girl's clitoris with her mouth, immediately tasting her slick dew. Aretta put a hand on Tannah's head and rocked her hips while Tannah extended her tongue along the furrow of the woman's sex.

"Ahhh," Aretta sighed, leaning her head back while Tannah licked between the lips of her pussy, thrusting her pelvis forward and back, smearing her juices across the flat of Tannah's tongue.

Tannah felt Balter's rough hands on her knees. He lifted her legs up and held them apart while she sucked the hood of Aretta's clitoris.

"Finally," Tannah thought, her heart racing as she felt the fat wet head of Balter's penis press against her cunt, spreading her minora aside and sliding inside of her. He drew it back and then pushed it up to his balls in her slick sex, pausing and letting out a sigh of pleasure as the warmth of Tannah's womanhood surrounded his member.

"Nnnnhhn," Tannah moaned, her nose squished against Aretta's pubic bone, feeling the bulb of Balter's erection reach deep and swell with arousal within her. Tannah looked up at Aretta's heaving breasts and tried to focus while Balter fucked her, her pussy drooling along his cock, her clitoris fully aroused.

Aretta looked down at Tannah again, her face was bright red and she took shuddering breaths while riding Tannah's face. Tannah gazed knowingly up at her, tonguing her opening and sucking the nectar off of her wet labia.

"She may be a whore but she's enjoying this," Tannah decided as she tasted the thick slime flowing from Aretta's cunt. "Either that or she's really good," she thought.

"Ahhh ahhhhh," Aretta whined, her mouth open wide, her hand curling into a fist as she clung to Tannah's scalp and squealed. Tannah's shoulders trembled as she licked Aretta's wet sex, breathing in the strong scent of her pussy with each gasping breath.

Tannah curled her toes and whimpered as Balter pounded her, her moisture dripping down his balls as they beat softly against her ass. She felt her thighs shake and listened to the rhythmic slap of his groin while he drove his cock into her, panting lustfully.

"Mmmhh hmm mmm!" Tannah whined, her nose nestled in Aretta's bush, blushing as she licked the opening of her pussy. Aretta's juices stung Tannah's lips and ran across her chin as she extended her tongue between the folds of her womanhood, stroking the slippery flesh with its tip.

Aretta watched with wide eyes and rosy cheeks as Tannah held her by the waist and licked her open cunt, her shoulders shaking with each shove of Balter's pelvis.

"Ahhh ... ahhh," Aretta moaned over the rhythmic smack of Balter's groin. She bucked her hips and gasped uncontrollably, her fingernails digging into Tannah scalp.

"Ahhh!" Aretta cried out shrilly, removing her pussy from Tannah's mouth and sliding down her body. Aretta sat on Tannah's stomach and craned her neck downward for a kiss while Balter continued to fuck her.

"Mmmm," Tannah sighed as her lips pressed against Aretta's, her palate slimy with the woman's sweet dew, her feet in the air, swaying gently, her toes splayed as she took Balter's length. Tannah inhaled sharply through her nose, feeling Balter's slick shaft thrust deep into her while her and Aretta kissed passionately.

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