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Teach Me Seduction

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Natasha tries to teach Wanda the art of seduction.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/24/2016
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Author's note: This story takes place after Avengers: Age of Ultron.


It wasn't that long ago Natasha Romanoff was legendary for her poker face. She was still famous for it, however with the arrival of Gods and people within human powers becoming almost commonplace her mask was slipping with a frightening amount of consistency.

Ironically she found herself drawn to those who could frazzle her the most, like Bruce Banner and his monstrous alter ego The Hulk and to a lesser extent one of the newest Avengers Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. The Scarlet Witch, a.k.a. the only person alive who had a really good look inside her head. Poor girl.

Much to her embarrassment Natasha completely misread the situation at first, thinking Wanda was so disgusted by what she saw she couldn't look her in the eye.

Natasha couldn't blame her if that was the case, but quickly after she was assigned to train their new recruit what to do WHEN her powers were unavailable to help her she realised that Wanda wasn't disgusted, or embarrassed, by everything she saw.

No, the girl had seen something she liked, and Natasha didn't need to read minds to pick up on the fact that Wanda was inexperienced in more than just hand-to-hand combat, and what kind of teacher would Natasha be if she didn't give her new student a thorough education?

"Are, are you sure about this?" Wanda stammered in her thick accent.

"This is something all SHIELD recruits go through." Natasha shrugged, before adding, "Or at least they did when SHIELD was... bigger. But I doubt Phil will neglect such an important part of training, and you're not going too."

"But I could remove these bindings in seconds if you just let me-" Wanda began complaining for what felt like the millionth time.

"And I keep telling you, you won't always be able to rely on your powers." Natasha insisted, "Trust me, this isn't just because I want to fuck you. This will save your life someday."

Wanda blushed at her comment but unfortunately didn't bring it up, forcing them to go through the charade of tying the girl up first. Or perhaps charade was too strong a word.

After all Natasha had meant what she said, this could save Wanda's life someday. Just not today. No, today this, and Wanda's pride and naiveté, would combine to make her just another name on a list, a notch on Natasha's belt, just another victim of The Black Widow.

After she 'spun her web' The Widow gave what she felt was very clear instructions on how Wanda should proceed, then Natasha sat back and tried not to smile as the poor girl struggled.

In all fairness, there were only a few students who had got out of this type of knot on the first attempt, but it was hardly surprising that this girl who relied on her powers for everything failed. Then again, that was the plan.

Use her target's strength and weaknesses against her, just like she was trying to do, Natasha both amused and horrified that the Red Room would probably be proud of her for using their methods so effectively to get what she wanted.

Wanda could sense that desire even without reading Natasha's mind, The Black Widow giving her a look and smirk which told her she was the proverbial fly caught in the spider's web and about to be metaphorically devoured by the hungry looking spider.

Only unlike the fly she didn't mind too much, as although Wanda had never been with a woman before most of what she had seen in Natasha's head intrigue her.

It also scared her, but mostly in a good way and once they had both accepted it was inevitable that they would have sex they were actually comfortable with each other for the first time.

Despite that Wanda was determined to break free on her own, but everything she tried just seem to make it worse.

Natasha's suggestions just seeming to make the ropes tighter, and it only became worse when Wanda became frustrated and tried to break them with physical force.

Finally she could take it no more, her eyes and hands glowing bright red as she let out a scream of frustration, the ropes flying off of her a matter of seconds.

They then hovered uselessly in the air for a few more seconds before Wanda angrily broke them apart into tiny little strands before the remains hit the walls either side of her.

"Well, that was mature." Natasha quipped after she had given Wanda a few more seconds to calm down.

"Your way wasn't working." Wanda huffed, "It was my only option."

"And when that's not an option?" Natasha pushed.

"Then my new friends will surely rescue me." Wanda said dryly.

"And if they can't?" Natasha pushed again before sighing, "I'm not trying to pick a fight, or frustrate you, I'm-."

"Trying to help, yes. I know this." Wanda said dismissively, before stepping forward and did her best attempt to be flirtatious like the redhead was in her memories, "Would you not like to try something else? Teach me seduction, perhaps?"

Natasha smirked, "Why would I teach you that? If we need someone seduced, well... we have me."

"You have been compromised." Wanda pointed out, "Everybody knows The Black Widow now. Me, less so. And even if that changes, I'm not yet known as a flirt. Or sexual predator."

Wanda smirked slightly at the last comment, Natasha smirking back and nodding softly to show she reluctantly conceded the point, "Perhaps... but are you sure you're up for it?"

Gently brushing some hair behind Natasha's ear Wanda purred, "Perhaps if I begin with an easy target."

With that Wanda's eyes shone red, the brunette placing her index finger on the top of Natasha's forehead and sending a spark of magic directly into the redhead's brain. Specifically she sent her fantasies into the spy's head.

Fantasies which had been dominating her waking thoughts lately, Wanda fighting the urge to smile or moan as she saw those images in her mind at the same time as Natasha.

Images of herself boldly kissing The Black Widow, of sucking her big tits and licking her pussy, of Natasha returning the favour and even fucking her with one of those dildos the redhead seemed to enjoy strapping around her waist to fuck other women. Then Wanda pulled her hand back and smiled mischievously.

Natasha just stood there for a few long seconds, then smiled, "Neat trick."

Smiling again Wanda flirtatiously asked, "Are you saying there is nothing you can teach me about seduction?"

"Oh, I think there is plenty I can teach you." Natasha practically growled, finally giving in and grabbing the other girl to pull her into a kiss.

Unsurprisingly the kiss was extremely heated to begin with, however Wanda had to stop herself from flinching from the sudden physical contact. After all, it wasn't like she was used to physical contact from anyone except her brother, the one person in her life she had always trusted.

Now she had to adapt, Natasha making that easier for her by slowing down the force of the initial kiss into something soft and gentle, perhaps even a little sweet, if anything involving The Black Widow could be called such a thing.

Grateful for this small mercy Wanda was able to force herself to relax into the embrace and kiss back a lot more confidently than her initial attempts, her mind becoming blissfully blank as like so many before her she lost herself to the lips of this deadly spy.

Natasha enjoyed the kiss too, although she was careful not to get lost in it. After all, this was a lesson beaten into her from an early age, and as was often the case during this type of deep kiss she couldn't help but be aware of her lover dropping their guard.

It was the type of opening she struggled not to take advantage of at the best times, and given they were in the training room with soft padding beneath them Natasha couldn't resist flipping Wanda down onto her back and getting on top of her, all without breaking the kiss. The girl barely reacted, either because she was so lost in the kiss or because she just didn't recognise her mistake.

Wanting to make absolutely sure that mistake didn't go unnoticed Natasha sat up, breaking the kiss, and dryly said, "What did I say about never dropping your guard?"

"I thought that part of the lesson was over." Wanda huffed.

"You thought wrong." Natasha said coldly, briefly pulling Wanda down for another kiss before adding, "A kiss can be very distracting. It is an excellent time to strike. Not that it should be your opening move, but never forget it is a weapon in your arsenal."

"Yes ma'am." Wanda replied cheekily, before leaning up for another kiss.

Natasha blocked it with a fingertip and continued, "Something more than a kiss is required. In that case, kissing the neck is a great way to keep your target distracted without having to take off your pants. Observe..."

With that Natasha demonstrated by leaning down to pepper kisses all over Wanda's neck, the younger girl unsurprisingly closing her eyes, leaning back and moaning.

Natasha couldn't blame her necessarily, although part of her would have liked for the girl to put up more of a fight. Perhaps take this opportunity to surprise attack her?

Then again, Natasha had pretty much accepted the fact she was going to fuck this girl tonight, and it was always nice to have easy and willing prey. So she simply kissed and sucked that soft flesh for a few long minutes, then Natasha sat up, pulled off her workout top and unhooked her bra.

She then enjoyed the look on Wanda's face for a couple seconds before dryly speaking, "This-"

"Makes another great distraction?" Wanda cheekily interrupted.

Natasha's eyes narrowed, "Yes. As long as you are comfortable enough to use it your body is always a great weapon."

"Easy for you to say." Wanda blushed, "You're perfect."

Even though she forced herself to roll her eyes Natasha was flattered. Nevertheless she followed up with, "Your body is as close to flawless as mine. You just need to be comfortable using it."

Wanda blushed again, but then looked up at her with childlike wonder, "You really think so?"

"Yes." Natasha said firmly, "And I promise I will teach you... but first..."

Natasha leaned down like she was going to kiss Wanda again, allowing a little smirk to cross her face as the younger Avenger allowed her eyelids to droop and leaned her head up slightly.

Of course this was just another classic case of misdirection, Natasha grabbing onto the tightly fitting workout top she had insisted on giving Wanda and slowly pulling it off the girl.

To her credit Wanda lifted first her body and then her arms as appropriate, revealing she wasn't wearing a bra, Natasha taking a moment to admire that fact, before suddenly finding herself on her back with a grinning Wanda staring down at her.

"What was that you were saying about distraction?" Wanda gloated.

Natasha glared briefly, and then quietly waited for Wanda's gaze to predictably dropped to her big tits. They had been wondering to that area for a long time, both during the sparring session and long before it.

Even when they were enemies she had felt Wanda's wandering eyes, so it was no surprise the girl made that mistake again. Only when Natasha moved to flip them back over Wanda's hands and eyes glowed red, and she felt an invisible force holding her down.

"What did I say about not using your powers?" Natasha huffed.

"We are now concentrating on a different lesson, yes?" Wanda murmured cheekily, never taking her eyes off those big, beautiful breasts.

Wanda had actually seen bigger, but those were ridiculously big, while those belonging to The Black Widow were literally perfect.

Although she hadn't been this up close with any boobs, except her own, and to see Natasha's big tits naked before her was so enchanting that she could barely remember to keep an eye on the rest of the assassin to make sure she didn't move.

It was like she was under one of her own spells, Wanda just staring for a few long seconds and then when she did drop her head down she embarrassed herself by burying her face in those glorious boobs and rubbing her face in them.

She was pretty sure there was a term for this, something crude and embarrassing, but Wanda couldn't think of it right now. She could barely think, her whole world consumed by the big boobs of The Black Widow and how amazingly good they felt against her face.

Of course inevitably she began to kiss them, just a few pecks at first, but eventually she gave up on rubbing her face into those huge tits in favour of covering them with kisses, Wanda doing that for several minutes before finally wrapping her mouth around one of Natasha's nipples and beginning to gently suck it like everyone around them seemed to want to do, and as eagerly as anyone else Natasha could remember.

Even though she had read Natasha's memories, and masturbated to them, long before this sparring session Wanda was unable to stop herself from reading Natasha's mind for a refresher on what others in her position did. In the process she looked up at Natasha, initially feeling guilty until she saw the smug smirk on the spy's face.

Then she just wanted to wipe it off, Wanda trying to achieve that by sucking harder, flicking the nipple with her tongue and even biting down on it, which technically succeeded as Natasha was too busy crying out and moaning softly in pure pleasure to smirk.

Back and forth Wanda went for several long minutes, kissing her way down one breast and up the other in between licking, sucking and biting the other woman's nipples.

She also brought her hands up to play with those big tits, pushing one deeper into her mouth while playing with the other, something she would have liked to continue doing for the rest of the day.

But it became increasingly clear from Natasha's moans, groans, and cries that the assassin wanted more, but was too proud to admit it.

So Wanda gave it to her without needing to be asked, reluctantly pulling away from the redhead's big tits and kissing her way down Natasha's body.

Natasha loathed the feeling of helplessness being forced upon her, but her stubbornness prevented her from asking Wanda to release her from her spell, even when the foreplay became frustratingly unsatisfying.

Even when Wanda finally moved away from her tits, which felt like it took hours, the wicked girl slowly taking Natasha's tightfitting pants and shoes off and then the witch kissed up and down the assassin's legs.

Maybe she had read her mind and seen her doing this to others, maybe it was of her own idea, but Natasha didn't appreciate getting a taste of her own medicine.

What she did appreciate was Wanda's soft little tongue slowly sliding over her pussy, Natasha rewarding her new lover by crying out in pleasure.

Although honestly she wasn't sure she could stop herself if she tried, the pleasure was just so intense from that first lick.

Natasha was able to enjoy herself a little bit for the following licks, wanting Wanda to earn other sounds, and keeping it on her mind in the likely event that Wanda read her mind again.

It took a few moments but eventually Wanda looked up at her and smirked, which could be an indication she knew what Natasha now wanted. Or she was just enjoying herself.

That was very possible, because after an awkward and cautious start Wanda was now licking Natasha's pussy with all the skill and enthusiasm of a lesbian whore.

Or a lesbian porn star. Or the infamous Black Widow, Natasha now very much enjoying getting a taste of her own medicine as Wanda used her own tricks against her.

That included keeping her licks long and slow for what felt like an eternity, each time starting at the bottom of Natasha's pussy and then working her way up to the top but always avoiding her clit. Then occasionally touching it, just enough to push Natasha to moan in pleasure for her.

Even as the pleasure became torturous and she found herself moaning, groaning, gasping, whimpering and crying in mostly frustration with an underlying pleasure Natasha felt oddly proud of Wanda. The younger Avenger had expertly used her gift to discover and exploit a weakness in her target.

Granted, it wasn't the intended lesson of the day, but it was a notable improvement from the quiet and timid little girl who was scared of her own powers that Natasha normally saw, Wanda's never before seen level of confidence almost as intoxicating as the gentle licks which threatened to break the mighty Natasha Romanoff, and make her beg for mercy like so many of her conquests.

Wanda was mostly faking the confidence, although at this point she was so deep inside Natasha's mind she almost felt as if she was being taken over by The Black Widow.

Or at least the darker side of her personality, the feeling of being Natasha Romanoff while fucking Natasha Romanoff intoxicating to the usually timid girl who was practically scared of her own shadow.

Or more accurately herself. But Wanda tried to put such thoughts out of her mind and concentrate on finally experiencing this for herself after shamefully masturbating to Natasha's memories of eating pussy while in the safety of her quarters.

Actually Wanda had been fantasising about licking pussy pretty much ever since puberty hit, but ever since she had met the terrifying Black Widow those fantasies had become so much more intense, Wanda unable to resist fingering herself at least once a day to the idea of lesbian sex.

Or more accurately Natasha's memories of it, Wanda imagining herself in Natasha's place, or the place of one of her lucky conquests, that it was almost like she had done this before.

Only not, because even though she could remember how Natasha had tasted to the other women and men who had been allowed to go down on her tasting her for real was just on a whole other level of intense.

It was better than anything Wanda had ever imagined or read, and it made her wish she could stay here forever. In between Natasha's legs, licking her yummy pussy, Wanda becoming nothing but a pussy licker. Natasha Romanoff's personal pussy licker.

Oh yes, Wanda liked the sound of that. Maybe she could even get it engraved on a dog collar, which some of Natasha's subs had worn as a sign that they were her sex slaves.

Yes, in that moment Wanda wanted nothing more than to be Natasha Romanoff's lesbian sex slave. Or Natasha to be hers. Either way she wanted to stay here forever licking this yummy treat.

At the same time there was a growing desire to taste Natasha's cum, Wanda vividly remembering how all of The Black Widow's conquests thought nothing could be better than her cunt only to be proved wrong when Natasha came in their mouths and all over their faces.

Because now Wanda had tasted Natasha's pussy juice she didn't understand how anything could be better than this, but if it was she definitely wanted to sample it.

She also wanted to make Natasha cum, both just for the joy of it and to reward the other woman for helping her improve her skills. But she also wanted to be one of the few people to make Natasha beg for her, Wanda going back and forth for several minutes on what she should do.

Natasha could sense Wanda's indecision, and she found it endearing. At least a little bit, although mostly she found it frustrating.

This girl could be a stubborn as she was, or even the other Avengers, and that was becoming a serious problem because Natasha's need for an orgasm, or at least more attention to her clit or the inside of her pussy, was becoming torturous.

For better or worse Natasha was used to torture, and again she was very stubborn, so she could hold off on begging for quite a while. Perhaps even indefinitely. Not that she really wanted to, but Natasha was only willing to wait a long time if she could 'win'.

Of course the problem with fucking, or doing anything else, with a mind reader was they knew what you were trying to do, often before you did it.

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