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All Comments on 'Teacher's Crossroad'

by BurntRedstone

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Wow. Great story, thanks for sharing

OmniferisOmniferisalmost 4 years ago
5 *'s

Reading how he kept looking younger than he was I was kinda expecting him to turn out to be alien or some kind of Supernatural being maybe a Fae or something. But the story was really good.

WexenWexenalmost 4 years ago

Excellent. It is always a treat to find a new story from you as along with several other authors on this site your themes are more realistic than the more formulaic stories that appear here.

SorchakSorchakalmost 4 years ago
Ashley coming back

was pretty predictable. I KNEW she'd show up to make his life 'complete', and I was 90% certain that Sidney would be the cause. I also knew that Imani's 'ghost' wouldn't leave until Ashley was back in Tyson's life. Having Christy show up, and with Tyson's child no less, well... that was a surprise. To me at least. Good story.

Hope we get to read about Ben and the assassins, or what happens next with Kyle (going to the UK I believe?), or how Jack's gonna deal with all those kids, soon.

ag2507ag2507almost 4 years ago

Didn't see that coming. But it solves the problem of the property's future.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 4 years ago

What a great story! 5*

My only criticism is that the reconnection and romance with Ashley felt a bit rushed. She had a bare bones introduction at the start of the story, then she comes back and they're immediately in bed and getting married. I liked the way it ended, but you spent much less time on their relationship than with Christy and Miranda.

Other than that minor criticism, fantastic work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Thank you for a wonderful story!

Your concept and writing are supurb. I hope that you will be posting more of your stories.

carindenniscarindennisalmost 4 years ago

Mother of GOD! 5* and a desire to read all that you commit to written word (that used to be paper, but whatever... ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Another Great Story BR , In fact I wish you could pump them out faster!!

SithLord6969SithLord6969almost 4 years ago


Just simply beautiful. Highest marks

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 4 years ago

What a beautiful novella. Thank you.

5-stars & Favorite

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Very long story, but worth the time to read it. The length and subject matter will discourage the riff raff and keep things civil. Very fine work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Even literotica can’t escape today’s poison

You write beautifully. I was enjoying the story until you started to subtlety out in the progressive ideology little by little. A cocky little snit like you’re Raul Jr. is just that. It’s male bravado and cockiness not toxic masculinity. There is nothing toxic about a male being a man in every sense. Some men are jerks and some are gentlemen. The ploy of Christy to get Miranda’s ex boyfriend expelled because he called her a spic on some social media again smacks of the cancel culture. Oh no! He called me a racist word. Again jerk! Sure. Uncalled for? Yes! But now I’m gonna see he gets expelled and ruin his life. Congrats you perpetuated growing resentment even further. That’s not teaching a lesson. That’s emboldening the same idiotic mindset and negative reinforcement. I could only make it though about page five or so. After Dr. Devin/Devon decided that the white boy who got beat up looked like he had white privilege? Why? Cause he was white and rich and thought the world owes him everything and anything. That’s not white privilege that’s just an arrogant stuck up snob that could be any race gender or moron. You as the writer are making race an issue in your writing. Your choice. Your prerogative. You want to create racial tension in a story to include drama fine. But to insert the colloquialisms of modern day progressive/blm/feminist is rather gut turning as most people come here to read these stories and step away from real life but for a moment. I just stopped after the doctor decided the prognosis was white privileged . I couldn’t stomach the rest of the story as every paragraph read I had hoped it was a faux pax and not an intentional plant. Alas after a while it’s grating. I read these to escape the idiocy I deal with in real life. Bringing these into these stories ruins the enjoyment. I truly hope you keep writing as you write exceptionally well but I must say leave the Marxist university mind filth out of your stories. Anyway that’s my two cents.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

great story would bring a tear to a glass eye but i hope its not finished will they have a loving threesome and then tyson wife and devon coming back to visit him as couple lol

steeltiger01steeltiger01almost 4 years ago

Beautifully told, and it's earned itself a solid spot on my favorites list.

BarryJames1952BarryJames1952almost 4 years ago

Beautiful story. Beautifully told.

Damn, you’re good. 5* doesn’t express my appreciation well enough, but it will have to do.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
White privilege?

You drinking the koolaid now, Redstone? What a shame.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Absolutely a first class ride all the way

I loved the way you intertwined past and present to reveal the whole story in a great journey. Often romantic without being sugary, it was also full of mystery and painful revelations. A top class novella.

Thank you, sir. 5*

bigbob2406bigbob2406almost 4 years ago

Another wonderful story from this masterful writer.

priv8iiipriv8iiialmost 4 years ago

Incredible!! I love all your stories!! Just keep up the great work!

FireFox59FireFox59almost 4 years ago

You have written a wonderful story. Enjoyed it very much. Thanks.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcalmost 4 years ago
Simply incredible story!

All of your stories are excellent, but I think you've out done yourself with this one. Thank you for sharing a part of your mind with us readers and I can't wait for more in the future.

ranec1ranec1almost 4 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


CooperEssCooperEssalmost 4 years ago
Thank you

Another epic Story, loved it.

Great and loveable People.

Keep on writing please

tangledweedtangledweedalmost 4 years ago

BR has a strong catalog of hits, but this one is a winner all on its own. A lot of his stories feature a strong male that is irresistible to women and this one does that too. He repeats some of his other minor trademark notes here, but in this particular story he does it all with such a light touch that you wouldn't notice if you weren't a follower of his and looking for them.

There are fourteen Literotica pages to Teacher's Crossroad and it didn't feel like any of them were wasted or filler. This story is is the work of a true craftsman who knows how to get the most of his work.

Freddog6601Freddog6601almost 4 years ago

Excellent in all aspects.

Quite an enjoyable read.


tompo296tompo296almost 4 years ago

Fabulous Story

I've enjoyed reading your stories over the years and this one keeps up your excellent writing skills. Brilliant

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I was going to say the story didn't add up mathematically but damned if it didn't! 5*

MissMudMissMudalmost 4 years ago
Just WOW!


Ravey19Ravey19almost 4 years ago

An incredibly moving story at times, beautifully crafted and well written. I was surprised Christy did not return after Ashley reappeared but a nice twist at the end and completely unexpected.

Another masterpiece. Def 5 *

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Best ever

Please continue the work hJx

DFWBeastDFWBeastalmost 4 years ago

Excellent story BR! Thank you!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Did a gender studies major write this?

Toxic masculinity. White privilege. Racist and rich white men (who of course are shitty in bed). This read like Antifa literature. You ruined what seemed like an interesting story.

woodmanonewoodmanonealmost 4 years ago
What a story

I've enjoyed and will continue to enjoy your work. However this one may be your best. Makes us old guys perk up.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Another masterful submission

I loved it. Read it all in one sitting.

BaggyUKBaggyUKalmost 4 years ago
Excellent story

Thank you very much, that really was very good. Always a treat to have a writer of this quality on board providing stories of this calibre. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I wish I could score this 10 stars! What an incredible story!

skiaddictskiaddictalmost 4 years ago

Wow, Just Wow. I know, how original? Seriously, Could not stop reading until the end.

Thank you for sharing your gift.

Lonewolf2015Lonewolf2015almost 4 years ago

Once again, I am left in awe of the absolute power of your writing. The power to captivate, the power to evoke strong emotions within your readers, the power to stimulate the mind so we feel immersed in your stories. The sheer brilliance of your writing leaves us all longing for more! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us in another beautiful story. I always look forward to see what you will write next.

gatorhermitgatorhermitalmost 4 years ago
Superb Story

Best line in the story was, "The ocean wants you." Didn't see the twist coming with the epilogue. Hope Miranda worked out her life as well. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

You had a great story going there and then when Ashley showed up, you shifted into warp speed and rushed to the end. Ruined the whole story!

AngelCherysseAngelCheryssealmost 4 years ago
There aren't enough superlatives in the English language for this one!

My favorite is "Spellbound!" There's a lot of formulaic dreck out there. I can't recall the number of times I've skipped directly from the second or third paragraph to the end and never missed what happened in-between. This one was worth every sentence of the fourteen pages. I am a huge fan of fleshed-out, multi-dimensional characters I really care about. This story was full of them. There was plot. There was pacing. There was romance, betrayal, pathos, Gothic horror (I love a good ghost story), retribution. Best of all, there was redemption.

There is a small cadre of truly-exceptional authors here whose works I gobble up like Pac-Man any time I see them. You are one of those. Well done!

DogFuzzDogFuzzalmost 4 years ago

Oh. Yeah!,

More of a book than just a story. Delightful way to create your various characters and bring them to life with your insights. Well planned, thought out and delivered. Thanks for sharing.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 4 years ago

Great story! I agree with the Happy Wife, Happy Life sentiment. My only complaint is that it's too long. Two or three parts.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

One heck of a fine story. Well written, well paced. Thank you very much.

linnearlinnearalmost 4 years ago
Always Wonderful

Simply a wonderful story, I was a bit concerned about his age but by the end I realized why you did it. Love all your stories and this is no exception.

LaneBagginsLaneBagginsalmost 4 years ago

Pretty good story. Anymore anything readable is worth a 5 so scoring was no problem. First of all thank you for posting this all at once. If broken up the suspense and tension would have been lost. Story's predictability and the political rhetoric were a little of a turn off but only slightly so and did nothing to spoil your plot. Thank you for your efforts and your story was greatly appreciated.

RRC2RRC2almost 4 years ago

This is a great story!!! I loved it!!!

Thanks for the great read.

Cardswin2011Cardswin2011almost 4 years ago
Another winner!

I kind of figured out the ending early on, but it was still a very nice journey. Thanks for another great tale. You never disappoint.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984almost 4 years ago

I had my moments with this story that it wasn't going to be your usual good story, but when I finished reading not only did it give me a chuckle I came away from it thinking this my be your best yet. Keep them coming.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightalmost 4 years ago
This wasn't a Loving Wife story so much as it was

a very well crafted, action/romance. There was a wife, but she was quite dead. The new era of LW often features stories with no wife, or a wife who has a very minimal role in the story. The category is evolving from stories featuring hot wives and cheating wives to stories which concentrate more on husbands rebuilding their lives after divorcing a cheating wife or becoming a widower who had a cheating wife. This is not a complaint, but more of an observation. This story was long, but it held my interest all the way. I seldom make it through long LW stories, but this one reeled me in. It was well written and quite entertaining. Nice job!

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 4 years ago


I enjoyed how you used George to steer Christy to Tyson's doorstep, to help him out of his hole and I loved the relationship you developed between them. I liked how you handled adding Miranda after Christy exited, and the chauvinistic brother (Raúl, and "chauvinistic" is the proper term, not the other one in the story). Adding a Latina can be a huge pitfall for some writers (and I can name one that doesn't avoid it)--usually just as "sexier, fresh meat" in cinnamon skin--but you captured her appropriate fire and loyalty, which are not stereotypical elements of Latino culture. I commend how you separated Tyson and her amicably too. I certainly was concerned it would become a "free for all" once you got him back to university, but you largely handled that without too many bobbles--with writing Tyson to finally conclude he'd finished with trysts. I always suspected you'd bring Ashley back, but having Christy return with Aiyden and making him a dad was a nice touch.

Other things: you captured a lot of the detail, rhythm and cycling experience quite well, and you pencilled in big parts of the "rush" one gets from engaging in it. You even did a very credible job of reflecting teaching in an unorthodox yet effective way. I tip my hat to you on that. My only eligible gripes would be including two political terms that are greatly misused and I wished had not appeared here; I've already stated one of the correct terms, so you can likely determine the other I haven't mentioned.

Otherwise, great way to see the interloper Devon get his comeuppance, topped off with a masterfully-used phrase of "the ocean wants you." ;) However, I certainly didn't see his part nor his "conclusion" coming. Very well done and easily earned a 5.

Thanks for such a well-written tale, especially since I've seen few tales at all this summer worth really digging into. This one was worth part of the "drought."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The prose flows very well

but the plot reads like the jejune fantasy of a man in late middle age and is larded with references to infantile gramscian "concepts" such as "privilege" and "toxic masculinity". The evil, racist "Vince" is a cardboard figure out of some feminist/prog screed. All of that is terribly shallow.

This is a howler: "While it was true that he'd been alone for a little more than five years and was very much a widow"

Tyson is only "very much a widow" if he's had a sex change operation. Otherwise he's a "widower".

In sum, the story strikes me as a technically well written, middle-aged male fantasy delivered in a cloyingly PC wrapper. This author has done better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Oh no...

This grossly over-scored story is unintentionally a politically correct parody of a Hallmark movie. The virtue signaling, the "moral" instruction, the male villains without depth, and the sensitive, caring women...it's an hilariously transparent progressive morality tale in which a elderly man gets to boink early twenty-somethings because he is so sensitive and awesome and looks like he's in his late thirties.

This is one of the worst plotted stories I've read outside of the appallingly numerous LW "cuck tales".

ju8streadingju8streadingalmost 4 years ago

will there be a 2nd part?

overthehillmedicoverthehillmedicalmost 4 years ago
Very good story

Please write more for loving wives category.

OldNewAuthorOldNewAuthoralmost 4 years ago

Your streak of wonderful characters in complex situations continue to entertain me. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I just loved this story. even with all the ups and down, but thats life. great love with a positive ending. needed now in these times of the virus and all. I personally need a get away .I read this site everyday, especially being alone and on lock down. LOVED IT! Babycakes1954

DazzyDDazzyDalmost 4 years ago

Quality, Excellent!!

AmbivalenceAmbivalencealmost 4 years ago
Imani and Devon...

I'm curious if Imani's eyes were sad because she was sorry she was going to kill Devon... or if it was holdout sadness for what she'd done to Tyson...

Yeah, hard to feel real bad for her when she could have just *said* something to Tyson if she had a problem...

cybojicybojialmost 4 years ago

Instantly became my my new favorite story. Perfect ending. 5. And whomever wont give this a 5 is crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great story

Thank you for an excellent read. 😁

SkyKing7SkyKing7almost 4 years ago
I think the negotiations will go his way!

First off, the story is amazing. Full marks. I kind of wished he had come to accept that it was his dead wife’s ghost instead of his own mind, but then again that was not who he was. I did like her last spooky visit with Devon. The BTB crowd should be happy; talk about pulling a train. Mostly, I enjoyed the journey of waking up to life that Tyson was swept up in. Oh, and he got the right girl in then (maybe both of them).

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
To darn long, but a great story.

Great story but I has to read it a little at a time . 5 stars for sure. Keep it up sir and I will be following your stories. Thank you for a great read.

rayironyrayironyalmost 4 years ago
Another absolutely splendid story

A tad sappy, but good enough for... awe

decathlondecathlonalmost 4 years ago

This is an excellent and well-written story. Easy 5.

While not negatives, there were two things that were notable to me for whatever reason. One was that it was written in a way I would expect of a female writer. I wish I could explain that sufficiently. The other is that the protagonist is a superman in the bedroom at age 60. With over 3.5 billion males in the world it is nearly certain there are some who can be like this at that age, but I guess this would be the exception.

I eagerly anticipate reading more from this author.

anubeloreanubelorealmost 4 years ago
page 8 and it's getting thick in here... his "body language screamed *white* privilege"? seriously?

I thought the "toxic masculinity" stuff was an odd and awkward insertion of a tiresome misandrist trope, but the healthy interaction between Raul and Tyson made it less odious. This, however, is simultaneously awkward, nonsensical, and more than a little racist. Any author who wasn't desperately trying to signal their ideological purity and virtue would've written "screamed 'privilege'" or "screamed 'overprivileged douche'" "entitlement and privilege" or any number of race neutral terms.

Tell me, are you one of those people who claims "critical thinking" and "rationality" are "racist tools of whiteness?" (Google "Smithsonian racist" or "Smithsonian rationality whiteness" for an example)

Black lives matter. This nonsense has nothing to do with that truth. This is just appropriating and shoehorning concepts from social sciences and Critical Theory to make yourself sound like an ally. I don't read your stories to be reassured that you're a good little soldier for the cause. I read your work because it lets me disappear into a world that usually doesn't even *need* the cause, because it's happy. I read your work to escape, and to get off, if you'll pardon my crudeness.

Write what you want, obviously, but this is the opposite of what I hoped for when I came here. I live every day with the reality of what lack of privilege looks like, and I know what privilege looks like. Toxic assholes with privilege aren't a white specialty. And a guy oozing toxic privileged asshole energy isn't screaming white privilege, he's screaming toxic privileged asshole.

I work with whites whose only experience of their racial privilege is that they get treated like shit by racists of every color. The white racists hate them because they're "trash" and that's the nicest term. The white anti-racists hate them because they are white and some of them are racist, therefore all of them are, etc. The rest is similar. And the community many of them come from has had more police shootings than you'd believe, because the cops think they're all meth-heads, heroin addicts, or oxy addicts. It's no less heartbreaking than where I grew up. Different settings and colors of skin, but it's the same song.

TL;DR: White privilege is a thing, but this was a really foolish, inapt, and unnecessary use of the term. I know plenty of my brothers and sisters who would disagree, but I'm voicing *my* opinion, not theirs. Call me an Uncle T if you want, I can't stop you.

EyeOfTheBeholderEyeOfTheBeholderalmost 4 years ago
Another Masterpiece

You never cease to impress and delight in your story telling. Thank you for another great read, (and for making it all one installment).

anubeloreanubelorealmost 4 years ago
while I see you've deleted my previous comment, it won't change my score. this story ended well

despite the issues I mentioned. I don't think I'll reread it because of those issues, but I did love the ending. Five stars.

baulloyder68baulloyder68almost 4 years ago
This is my first of your stories

And it certainly won't be the last. I really liked the story. As I got closer to the end I just knew that somehow you were going to bring Christy back into the story. I was surprised that she returned with his baby. Great surprise and a great ending. Was the terms Ashley decided on to share her husband on Christy's visits? Five*****

FyreHeartFyreHeartalmost 4 years ago

Another epic masterpiece. You are truly one of the best writers I've found on here. Just enough sprinkling of erotica intermixed throughout masterfully told stories.

I'd love to see a sequel to this one.

management91399management91399almost 4 years ago

Very enjoyable, some minor complaints, felt it a little overlong and our dastardly evil doctor really went over the deep end. I kind of enjoyed the way the racism was dealt with, put down quickly and firmly. Tyson's story reminds me of a Marvel Comics superhero origin tale. Our intrepid scientist/do gooder ends up being bathed in Cosmic Rays or caught in a Gamma Bomb Explosion or gets bonked on the head with radioactive waste or gets bitten by a spider. After the accident he becomes superhuman (And in Tyson's case his super power is to be irresistible to 20 year old hotties) and he begins to have a new life and adventures. Very much at work here. I DID enjoy the payoff of Imani's line, the lake doesn't want you, that was very very fun and I didn't get the payoff until it was right in front of my eyes which makes it a great payoff in terms of story. besides the length which slogged me down a little bit was maybe Ashley WOULD have heard of such a terrible homegrown terrorist attack in her town, that bit was some major and serious news and with her being so much a part of that area I was surprised she didn't know until the reporter showed up. But the haunting was done well, sometimes when a dead spouse shows up in these stories I feel it's TOO over the top but here it worked as it did in that short story about COVID 19 by another author. A huge amount of work, thanks so much for sharing this.

Talmadge69Talmadge69almost 4 years ago

Loved it. Still waiting for Ben

Bonzodog9Bonzodog9almost 4 years ago

Fantastic yarn full of unexpected and expected moments. Truly enjoyed it.

clarkgarbleclarkgarblealmost 4 years ago
Great story!

I will admit I found the sex scenes boring and a distraction from the story and yes it was long long long. But those are just quibbles.

Ynottony72Ynottony72almost 4 years ago

Loved it, perfect like your others

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great story, I hope the story continues...

green117green117almost 4 years ago
Very interesting story

For me, I was pulled out of the story at several points - not that I am your median reader, but it may be of interest.

The fat old guy -> hot, buff stud transformation seemed a bit too much like wish fulfillment. Could it be done? Possible... after a life threatening and incapacitating set of injuries? Much less possible. But, SOD is a good thing.

The relationships with students at the college - legal? Maybe. Meets with professional ethics? Probably not. The "we are all adults and this frolic is just good fun" rationale really avoids the considerations of power in relationships... which one ignores at ones peril.

The story seemed to have a lot of race subtext. It is skillful of you to keep the actual race of the protagonists vague. Further you keep a black/hispanic option open for interpretation of the subsequent stuff. Not my ox getting gored - but I found that the race question, being opened, was not resolved or developed. There are possibilities - was there a racial similarity between the surgeon and the dead wife, driving some of the affair? Was there a race issue in the rejection of the grandson by the grandfather? The dramatic possibilities of race unfortunately also come with a lot of reader preconceptions, and so side stepping it seemed wise, but also frustrating.

Certainly Chekhov's gun drives Ashleys return - and so the "what is the ghost waiting for?" wasn't too surprising. I'd consider putting less foreshadowing in - maybe even not making Christy Ashley's clone. But I'm weird that way, and maybe the readership wants bold colors and emotions in their stories.



(tl:dnr - good story, a bit difficult for length and structural reasons, which could be a matter of taste.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Good story but

Your handling of the college is quite off. He’s a math genius but never got a doctorate? George not only doesn’t have a doctorate but is a physicist teaching in the math department for five years because they don’t replace a departed faculty member? (So who is teaching George’s classes?). A professor with a personal assistant? The casual acceptance of faculty-student relationships? To anybody who understands even a little bit about academia, it really pulls you out of the story.

lujon2019lujon2019almost 4 years ago

my only complaint is we dont know what it was Ashley did "that night" that she is so sorry for and his wife was so pissed about

BigyanshBigyanshalmost 4 years ago
Ist ever comment

Loved it. Rated 5 star.

Bebop3Bebop3almost 4 years ago

Excellent story, Mr. Redstone.

pepepilotpepepilotalmost 4 years ago

While I have been reading these stories for many years (and most of them I enjoy), I sometimes get disturbed by the viewer's comments.

First off, this is, for the most part, fictional stories. If this is the fact, why does it appear that many of the readers seem to read the stories to catch a storyline, that in their opinion, just can't be true. Get over it and accept the fiction for what it is.

Secondly, grammar mistakes. I really get a good laugh when I see people complaining about grammar and spelling and yet, the posts that they write, are worse spell wise and grammatically than the story they just read, Yes, bad spelling and grammar bother me also, but as long as it is not horrible I can get over it.

Thirdly, I don't see where the authors have asked any of you to edit or correct their "mistakes". If you are that concerned, then may I suggest that you get in line and help the people that are asking for help. I am sure they will appreciate it a lot more than those of us that are reading just for enjoyment!

And finally for BurntRedstone, great story. You held my interest from the beginning. It was a good read and for me, yes, the ending was a bit of a surprise, but as I thought back, it was a logically ending that I enjoyed!

I hope to read more of your work. Thank you.

moblanemoblanealmost 4 years ago

Such a great story layered with colour... the sort that " green117" seemed to object to in some measure. The bottom line is surely that this is a story and there was nothing in the story that was in any way false or impossible... OK! I give you the creative licence to deal with the 'ghosts of Imani' but for a piece of fiction it was very gripping and as real as any novel could be..... Great Job Thank You 5***** I loved it from beginning to end. The beginning!... an interesting place to start, at the traincrash. I'm not sure if I would have preferred a bit more on Imani, Tyson and the Doctor before the crash. I only thought about it as I wrote this comment. Your story-Your choice.

Hooked1957Hooked1957almost 4 years ago
15 stars at least

Since this was as long as 3 LW stories, I should be able to give it 15 stars.


mcleanwdmcleanwdalmost 4 years ago
Great story

Love everything you write and this is no exception. Loved the conclusion.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 4 years ago

Great story....well thought out....easy to fall into! Truly enjoyed it! A little different than your usual fare and a good read too! I have been really taken with everything you have written and this one is no exception.

technofrog2002technofrog2002almost 4 years ago

Great Story

This story was so easy to read. It flowed well and had good character development. . Some of the negative comments were just minutia and in my opinion didn’t detract from the story. I liked how Tyson was so convinced the visits from Imani were all in in head. Wonderful story just wish I could give it more than a 5.

LdovigaLdovigaalmost 4 years ago
A rare five stars..

Loved the story and everything about it. I little bit of humour, mixed in with the love passion and terrible experiences life can throw at us. Easy to relate to in some ways, while just as easy to be jealous of the things we wish we could do, have, I mean, achieve! Looking forward to reading more!

johnadpjohnadpalmost 4 years ago
Excellent Story Very Well Written

Interestingly, someone just yesterday told me that sometimes we all need a helping hand. This story is certainly a testament to that notion.

A couple of little quibbles in what is otherwise a great story. First, the Dr. Devon character was weird. Head surgeon, but at the same time impulsive homicidal maniac completely out of control. And after 5 years he reacts to hearing that Tyson was happy so attacks him and then wants to kill him!? Was a bit weird. I know the timing served your purpose of Tyson learning about Imani's infidelity, but it didn't make much sense. Neither the timing or the strange overreaction.

Ashley's come back, although was completely expected, seemed rushed. Also, it seemed like you were trying too hard to show the reader how close they were, but it didn't work well for me. It seemed like the first 12 pages the story was slowly and beautifully displayed, and the last page or two were a bit rushed, and they didn't have the same quality.

Last, I'm a moderate guy politically, but the "toxic masculinity, white privilege, etc" even rubbed me the wrong way and seemed so out of place in the story. You could have gotten your point across and expressed the same things without using those trigger words. They especially stood out because this was such a well-written and thoughtful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

To find this story, this quality of story here, I'm gobsmacked.

Grateful too.

A hard Cock & a soft heart after reading this.


Andrew .

swedishreader1swedishreader1almost 4 years ago
Would have been

A decent story....but the mindless political correctness spoiled it.

patilliepatilliealmost 4 years ago

I thought the writing was sublime until about when the Miranda character showed up. It became somewhat less believable from there on...but a 5* nonetheless.

GrindleGrindlealmost 4 years ago
Excellent writing.

So glad to read another excellent, well crafted story from from a gifted writer. Well done.

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooteralmost 4 years ago
Excellent story!

I thoroughly enjoyed the story, an easy 5 *s!

Yes, I read the negative comments, they are trivial and juvenile.

Great writer, great story. What an ending! I have a suspicion they're going to have to expand the bedroom to fit a California King. I, for one, truly enjoy an unstated ending.

EasyReader44EasyReader44almost 4 years ago

Always a pleasure to read your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
A beautiful masterpiece!

I really liked this gem!

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Welcome! I've added a Twitter feed () where I will post updates as well. My stories are being submitted (gradually) to Amazon. As I understand I'm not allowed to include URLs to other sites here, you can find the books if you search for author name B Redstone ...
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