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Teacher's Pet - Mamma's Boy

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He was Determined to be Exposed to, and Bed his Teacher!
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A fictional story and all fictional characters are over the age of 18. Edited and proofed with software, so errors are possible. If you are nit-picky and are looking for a literary masterpiece, I recommend you move on to another author's story. Comments on the storyline are always appreciated.


It was not until I came of age in high school that my desire to be nude developed. A teacher and my mother were high on my list of people I most wanted to fulfill this exhibitionist/voyeur fantasy with. Was it their authority factor, or because I find a woman of their age sexy? Maybe both factors are involved.

I became determined to fulfill this desire late in my senior year. Mostly female teachers at school were the cause of my involuntary erections. These desires to be naked for teachers became almost as intense as the ones I started carrying for my Mom. At first, I thought that feeling as applied to her could not be sexual, but now I am confused about that. I guess she has to carry some blame for that, it seemed like once my friends and I turned 18 she was dressing more seductively for all of us. When it was just her and I at home, her modesty relaxed even more. Her walking back from her shower, or from washing, or coloring her hair in the big tub in the laundry that was often done topless.

I did not think an incest desire was involved, but it seemed that both of us wanted to see each other absent of clothes. The male anatomy prevented me from being the same level of nude around the house as she was. I only have one part of me that is not normally exposed, my penis. I tried to convince myself if I exposed it to Mom in its flaccid state, it would just make us even for her showing her breasts. But my ultimate desire was to work up to revealing the erect cock hidden in my pants that got my mom, and even teachers at school attention.

As a male, especially one my age, I can not guarantee to not become erect seeing a woman's breasts, no matter what relationship they are with me. It would be up to them to make things even, and that would be to lose everything including that one small piece of cloth that is panties, or a bikini bottom. If they were willing to expose their vagina, my cock becoming erect would not be an issue after a while. Then I could find a way to justify displaying it uncovered to them.

Mom was as hot as some better-looking teachers at school who were causing me erections. I even noticed one of my closer friends getting hard around Mom, and her checking out the bulge in his shorts. It is not right that it would be more in the norm for him to see her nude or for her to see my friend's 18-year-old hard cock before mine. Most if not all my friends are of age. I am not saying that she would blow or fuck one of them, but if she did, it would be her business. If it can't be me, I would like to see her with one of my friends in the raw. I guess that might be more acceptable than her and I being nude in front of each other.

The thought of being seen that way by my Mom would show her that I have nothing to hide from her, and in turn, she might feel the same way. She is a single Mom, and in this case, my only participating parent, so that made us closer than most mothers and sons. To me, we were close enough for it to be no big thing to be naked together. My favorite teacher, I felt the same way about. I guess some of my desire was the approval that might come from either one.

I was sure I had a better chance to show myself nude, or get a blow job from girls my age at school. But even those of age were not mature enough to know how to react to visible boners that were causing our bulges. They had to be obvious, as guys saw them, they would by verbally pointing them out, thinking that might bother me. I think most guys are more immature than they admit. I also think most lie about the extent of their sexual activities, there are more late teen, and early 20s virgins out there than most people think.

I was one of those virgins at 18, I never had intercourse or even been nude with any female. I recognize the signs of guys that are getting it already. They were much smoother acting around women. In High School, my desire to be nude, and maybe even masturbate in front of a female had become greater. My Mom or a teacher would be mature enough to at least understand my desire, and maybe even have a desire to see a nude teen jerk off.

I decided that my favorite teacher should be my first target. If I lost my cherry to her, that would be the answer to a dream. I wanted to say something seductive to her, but her response would have to be guarded because she could lose her job with the wrong response. I have seen, her of all my teachers show the most interest in my bulge when I am around her. Just like a guy focuses on a female's breasts, women, and it seems especially older women focus on bulges shown by younger men.

My desire for a teacher to be my first was higher than that of a fellow female student. I find for one thing, a little natural aging will always be trumped by their maturity and experience. You add the practice of them showing themselves tastefully, and it becomes fodder for one hell of an involuntary hardon to some of us teens. I got to a point where I did not mind letting my covered erections show to my lab teacher. They did not get proper attention from girls my age, but the teachers, and my friends Moms' just loved them. Especially if I was able to show them a large bulge in nothing but shorts. We are allowed to wear them when we have a hot spell, our old school does not have decent air conditioning. I have a few pairs of thin ones that I wear on those days. Women are no different from men when it comes to seeing a hot body, something more prevalent in teens.

This high school science lab teacher whom I considered my favorite was just a knockout in my eyes. She wore tight, and shorter skirts, and showed more cleavage than other single teachers. She was in her thirties and divorced and probably was getting little interest from the few young single teachers we had, or even the married ones. The young male teachers wanted girlfriends younger than themselves.

I started noticing my teacher returning my interest in what I was showing was growing as fast as my boners. So I made her my preferred target when it came to teachers. I made sure she was seeing that not only did I have a fit body, but it also came with both maturity and a bigger cock. I started wearing tighter shirts knowing that women like to talk about young fit guys having six-packs. I thought because of her interest my chances of showing myself to her were much greater than with other teachers or my mom.

My plan to start with her seemed to be working, as she started to show more courage to show what she had to offer me in return. She knew I was one of the seniors in the split class, and was already 18. One hurdle was that even though I would soon be graduating, that would not keep her from getting in trouble if she acted inappropriately with a student. I noticed that despite that, she decided to tease me back, by increasing her cleavage and showing more leg. Sometimes even scoot up on the lab table right in front of my desk to get my specific attention. She knew I was the only one in position to see her sexy panties, and what the result would be in my pants.

This new act she was using on me helped me gather the courage to walk up to her in the lab one day with one of my larger boners. Most of the other students were too busy with their experiments to notice what I was doing. I stood in front of her and did nothing to hide or rearrange the huge bulge that was my erection, and her eyes went right to it. I stood there letting her see it and asked her if I could be excused to go to the restroom. I added, "I have something to take care of that can't wait until after class."

I took a step back to make it even more visible to her, and she turned kind of red in the face. She did not hesitate to grant my request. I liked the attention, so I would repeat this act on several occasions when I had them. I started adjusting them in my pants first, but not to make them less noticeable, I did the opposite. Her interest grew in time, and her embarrassment waned. I was not stupid, I knew she was both turned on by and on to my game. The panties she was showing me were getting sexier.

Once when I was exceptionally hard, and showing a small wet spot from some precum, from pocket play, she made what I considered a bold move for a teacher. When I asked her to be excused, she took me out in the hall to say, "I don't just teach science, I have taught health as well. I am limited to what I am allowed to teach or even talk about though. But it's just the two of us here so let's keep this to ourselves. It is obvious that you like sharing what is going on in your pants with me as you express your need to go to the restroom."

"I just wanted to express that you can take as much time as you need to take care of that problem. It's been all I can do not to imagine what it looks like when you do. It might be a good idea to try taking care of yourself before you come to school. That would prevent some less mature girls some embarrassment, and you some harassment by immature guys. It would help me to keep my desires as an older female in check as well. You do seem to be dealing with it better than I have. I am not the only one of the female teachers who have noticed the size and frequency of your recurring bulges. Some of us do talk to each other about older students and the few younger teachers that feed our desires. It sure put me into a dilemma as far as whether I should discuss them with you as well."

I think that was the first time it was confirmed that what I was exhibiting was having a positive effect on older women. She was the first adult female to express enough interest in my boners to acknowledge them. It was a doozy I was showing her, like most guys, during puberty, I measured one. Back then I was already close to 8" when hard. I think it may have grown some since then. Her mentioning it, and looking at it as she stared at the bulge made me want to take it out and show it to her so bad! I guess I was lucky to finally get the opportunity at the end of the school year.

Ms. Lymon would pick students to help clean up the lab after school, with no pay, just extra credit. I would have done it for nothing. I was so glad to be picked just to be alone with her after likely all the other students and teachers left the building.

I was about as stiff as I get by the time I was done, she had undone at least another button on her blouse. She was showing more cleavage than she normally did, I wondered if she was bra-less for me. I wanted to see a nipple so bad. Teachers know what they are doing, they are human. She was not the first bra-less teacher I had encountered, just the one that had large but firm enough breasts to pull it off. She was also willing to show the extra cleavage, to me at least.

When I was done she thanked me and recommended that I stop at the restroom to take care of my recurring problem, acknowledging my boners and their frequency. I understood despite me being of legal age, she was still on thin ice with me being her student, but it was her choice to be.

I went for it and responded to her, "I know you can see my problem that seems worse when I am around you. I also know that you are bra-less and showing me a lot more of your breasts than you do when there is a class here. I would be happy to reciprocate and show you a partial view of the bulge's cause?"

"You're a smart kid, you know I would like to see it. You notice I have this blouse open further than if other students were here. You also know how much trouble I could get into for just talking about your erections. She moved toward me, not only did my cock stiffen even more, I almost went into shock. My shirt was only about half tucked in at the time. She took hold of what was still tucked and pulled it out. Now it is up to you if you want to undo your pants to tuck that shirt in properly before you leave. But do it quickly as the door is not locked."

So I did of course, but I did it slowly to see her reaction, first I undid my belt, unzipped them, and pulled my pants down further than I needed to for the tuck. Some of my thick hard shaft was then visible as it tried to get out of the fly in my boxers. I knew if I stretched myself just right, more would appear, so I did. I saw her staring at it and started to flush like she had done in the past for a bulge. So I paused to say, "I usually tuck my shirts under my boxers as well, it will be easier if I take my pants and boxers down further."

She did not respond verbally, but the flushed look that came over her was expanding in size and color, and her stare down there said it all. So I hooked my boxers with my thumbs and brought them down along with my pants. I was not going to pass on a chance to show her all of my cock, so I did not stop until my pants and boxers were down well below my ass. She became even more flushed but did not complain when my cock cleared the waistband, popped up, and stood straight out.

I was dick out, and my exposed ass was no longer in play to help keep my pants up. They were slowly advancing down on their own, exposing even my balls as I stood there. That was when I learned what the expression, (Eyes got as big as saucers.) meant, hers did just that. It was then I realized that the change in her color was not all embarrassment like it used to be, this was partly her turned-on look. I was too, and I felt a good sensation showing it all to her, the kind that would keep it hard.

"Well, I guess being careful of what I say to you does not matter with your cock out. So I will just call it as I see it. That is one big fat cock you have been wanting me to see, and you let it all out, didn't you? Maybe I should lock the door, and give you more time to get something that large back in your pants, and me more time to look it over. Believe me, I was taken by surprise by its debut, but I don't mind looking at it. I would not want you to catch something that big and awesome in your zipper."

So she was reacting well to my full exposure, I always felt if I showed the size of it to the right person I might score. How far she was willing to go I did not know. So as she locked the door I started in the back pretending to flatten the shirt tail to get it ready to tuck and prolong the exposure that we both were enjoying.

When I pulled them back up to below my ass, my last move was to grab my cock by the shaft with my thumb and forefinger. I was well aware that my finger does not come close to meeting my thumb and was the most impressive way to show its length and diameter. Then I pretended to try tucking it back in as I made eye contact. It was the biggest sexual thrill of my young life having my hard cock displayed to my teacher, who was showing such interest in it. It excited me so much that not only was it in its hard state, it had a bit of precum about to drip off of the tip of its oversize knob. Neither of us had anything ready to say. I did notice she was taken back to the point she had to put her hand on a lab table to stabilize herself.

I finally said, "It's too stiff, I think it is obvious that it is too thick and hard to bend enough to get it back in there without it hurting. I don't mind you looking at it, maybe you want to help me tuck it in? I never thought this day would come I would be able to show it to a hot teacher."

"Well I can't put my hand on it, or I might lose control. I guess this way I will get to look at it longer because you definitely can't go home like that. You can't even walk down the empty hall to get to the bathroom to take care of it."

There was a pause in her speech, to think I guess. Tuned out that it was probably to gather more courage to say.

"I guess since the door is locked you could take care of that problem right here. I can't lie and say I would not like to watch, but I will understand if you want me to turn to give you privacy as you do. Just let me know, so I can give you some paper towels to make your deposit."

"It would probably go quicker if I was being watched by a sexy lady like you, and feel free to step in to help me. You would be my first observer of that action. You helped cause this and many others when you sat on the lab table in front of me, especially when your blouse was open that far. So if you did that, and maybe undid more buttons, it should go quicker."

She sat on it, and for the first time gave me a good look at her sexy panties as she opened the rest of the buttons, and opened it up to show her breasts in full. I looked at her large firm breasts exposed, and could not wait to get started. Now it was my move, so I went for it again. I now had a full view of her breasts, so I matched that and pulled off my shirt to show her my fit upper body. Then I let my pants and undies slide the rest of the way down and stepped out of them. I even removed my socks, I hated porn that had guys still in socks. I wanted to be not just nude, but hard and ready to jerk off, and I was. So I leaned back on my desk to make my cock look even bigger. I sucked what little belly I have in, hoping that it made me look like a Chippendale stripper on a full dose of Viagra.

"My God Scott, your body looks so hot nude, you are proud of that body and penis, and you should be. I can't believe that you are going to stand there absent of any clothes like a statue in an art museum. Not only that but that you are willing to take care of that erection in front of me? Do you take care of them that way in the bathroom? That body is half the age of mine or any man I have been with in years. I don't know If I can take just looking at you that way, I am feeling wet already."

"I have not done it nude in the school's men's bathrooms, they are too gross. But I have done it a few times in the ladies' faculty one. I would stand nude in a stall, as they have a door I can close in a hurry. Even though I know that the risk is lower that way when classes are in session, I like the thrill of having some danger of getting caught. I like the feel and risk of doing it in the ladies' room, and usually fantasize about someone hot like you walking in and watching me cum."

She slipped back off the table and stood in front of me as she lifted her tight skirt. She had some of the sexiest panties I had ever seen, I could not imagine them being comfortable as everyday panties. Was she wearing them for me, was I staying after school at least partially thought out and planned?

If she was wearing them for me, she figured they were no longer needed. She finished removing her blouse and shimmed out of her panties, and matched what I first did in front of her. Teach did not let her skirt back down, she scooted back on the table to make sure the first look I got of her bald pussy would last. She liked being on display too, and made sure her legs were open for me.

I had exceeded my experience and was relying on my porn education. I guess I already started my session. My mind was on autopilot, enough so I did not even realize that I was already playing with myself. When we focused on each other's sex, my playing advanced to masturbation. I already felt some more precum form. I used that as lube, and a warning to myself to back off of my knob and glans area. I did not want this to end too quickly. It was difficult to hold back, I felt so studly jerking off nude for a hot teacher. I have seen movies about students and teachers involved, and they did not hold a candle to this. I probably was taking too long, she seemed uncomfortable, but in a good way, as she could not stay still. Maybe she was a little paranoid as well, my age did not matter. I was her student, this could cause her to lose her job.

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