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Tears of the Fallen Ch. 13


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She could imagine what it would be like to lay with him, to bask in the glorious feral lust he would reign over her body. The thought made her breasts ache and her nipples hard, a thrill of anticipation spreading down to the very heart of what made her a woman.

"You are beautiful, Liam. You are strong and I know you would protect me with your life if I allowed you to claim me as yours. Nevertheless, I can't do that, because you would cause me harm. Yes, you appeal to the former vampire in me, but you forget that I am now human. I cannot accept you because you are too dangerous to me. You fight for dominance and seek to take away your softer side. If you were to be the dominant part of your soul then we would never be together."

His head tilted to the right and Liam unconsciously copied the pose as he listened avidly to Reasa.

"You have already rejected the wolf and the man," the vampire argued, pointing one long talon in her direction. "You will not reject me because you know me. I am all you have ever known."

"I am learning something new," she countered, though her tongue did snake out to moisten her lips. Her resolve strengthened, and she squared her shoulders, tossing back her midnight black hair.

"No one owns me, vampire – not him, not the wolf, and not you. I have not endured what I have to suddenly be eclipsed by a male. You seek dominance, submission, to take everything and rule. This body may now be weak, but my mind is still strong, and I will continue to strengthen, continue to learn. No male will stand in my way. I reject you, vampire, as I have rejected the man and wolf. You are fragmented - incomplete. You fall short of my needs."

Liam roared in fury, both within the room and outside. In the distance, a wolf howled mournfully and the glass shimmered again, becoming opaque. The vampire surged forward, pushing at the glass. The material bowed outward, stretching out in the shape of his hands as he pushed with all his might, snarling.

"Stop!" Liam roared, and the vampire was repelled backwards as if struck by an invisible force. Once more, the glass hardened, though the handprints remained etched into it as a reminder of how close the vampire had come to being freed.

"You do not listen," he whispered, his chest heaving from the force of the power he had used. He knew it was his mind that conjured up the image. He knew that in reality, he was still sitting on the bed with Reasa, but it was hard not to imagine the physical exertions on his body.

Taking a deep breath, Liam walked up to the glass and placed his hands where the handprints remained. "Hear Reasa's words. Listen to what she says. Fragmented, we are weak. Fragmented, we are found lacking. Only as one will our mate find us worthy. The human knows it. The wolf knows it. Now you must know it...or we are all lost."

Hearing Reasa talk to the vampire had helped to slot everything into place. She needed the vampiric side of him. She understood it and she respected it. Without it, she would never accept him; therefore he had to find a way of accepting his vampire too. Brown eyes clashed with black, as the vampire rose to his feet and approached the glass in a blur of speed.

"You are weak!"

"Learn a new definition of the word! Blind rage is more of a weakness than compassion and understanding could ever be."

Liam waited to see what else he would come back at him with, but the vampire remained silent, watching him with his black gaze. "It is not weak to have empathy with all around you," Liam continued. "My mind is not weak because I can contain you as I just have. Stop fighting me and join with me. I have learned and I am ready. Have you learned? Are you ready? We have work to do and I can't do it without you by my side."

The vampire's hands touched the glass, framing Liam's in a perfect reflection. The wolf howled again in the distance and then the sound was right beside them. Liam blinked slowly, as he turned to look to his left. Beside him was the magenta door; the one he stood in front of was now a deeper magenta, the glass now removed and the vampire standing within.

"Finally!" his alter-ego growled, a hint of a smile on his face. "It took you long enough. Go. Do what must be done. I will be here when you need me." The vampire waved his talons in a dismissive gesture as he turned his black gaze on Reasa.

"Gotcha," he whispered, throwing his head back and laughing loudly when the colour drained from her face.


Reasa snatched her hands away from Liam, and sprang from the bed with an almost vampiric agility. She could feel his eyes tracking her but the only thing she could hear was that one whispered word, "Gotcha." It sent a shiver of fear down her spine, as well as a tremor of excitement.

"Nothing's changed, Reasa," Liam said in a soothing tone. "I can wait, despite my vampire's flare for the dramatic. You have no need to fear me."

She could detect a subtle difference in Liam's posture when she turned to look at him—a hint of confidence in his eyes that hadn't been there previously. The outward change was infinitesimal, but she could see it and it made her heart kick up a beat. He suddenly looked a bit larger, just a little bit more gorgeous than he had before. Looking at him started a slow burn inside her, an effect she definitely didn't want to experience.

"I think that's enough for now," she managed to get out. She detected a breathiness in her voice that she was sure he could hear too. "I suggest a short break and then we can begin with your tuition. Why don't you take the book with you and read up on the dreaming walking process. When we meet again, I can show you how to focus on individuals and then we should be ready to head up to the Praetorian Compound. I will be following your lead in the dream walking, so it makes sense that you read the book first."

He watched her silently for a long moment and then he gave her a lopsided grin as he rose from the bed. "I will return after lunch then. That should give me enough time to read through the book and you enough to stabilise your equilibrium."

"There's nothing wrong with my equilibrium," she shot back, but her snappy response called her a liar. Reasa waited for him to laugh or call her on it, but he merely nodded and headed out of the bedroom, book in hand.

Reasa closed the door, and pressed her back against it as if she could bar him from entering again. She had to get control of herself, and fast. She only had a few hours respite before she would once more have to spend time inside his mind, and heaven forbid, he inside hers.

To be continued...

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superfeluously_esuperfeluously_eabout 10 years ago
beautiful imagery! CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP .


DoctimeDoctimeover 10 years ago
Happy Birthday Jaz

I have been avoiding you. Not because I don't like you, but because I adore you. You just write too fucking slow. However, I adore your world. Your characters come alive in your stories and in my mind. Keep on writing darlin. Chuf, chuf....

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago


sexyrican89sexyrican89over 10 years ago
love it more please

please please please more. I love your work. chapter 14 please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Hot! Please don't make us wait too long for the next chapter! Loving it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I wish I could buy this series in hard copy, Tears has brought me to tears yet again. You my lady are a great writer and I can't wait for the next chapter or story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I started FTI about 2 weeks ago. I just got to here and now im sad that i can't keep reading and they're not finished.:((( great work.:)


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Hope the next chapter wont be long... can't wait to read Chapter14/>

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Loved it

Dude I love ur stories and can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

ohhhhhh shit!! most awesome part of the whole story! can't wait for more!!!

KinseyHolleyHubbyKinseyHolleyHubbyover 10 years ago
Very Nice

Thank you for continuing this great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I think your idea about fragmented minds is really accurate

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
At Last!

I have been waiting for this to continue it seems a long time ago and it is worth it. I do hope you upload more as I can't wait. Now I am sure I will be having a hard time to sleep imagining what the chapter will be.

DoctimeDoctimeover 10 years ago
Hail Highness

I read this several days ago, however delayed commenting, your plot development is amazing. Who could ever like Reasa? Well now thanks to you, almost everyone. I have said it before, however I will say it again, Jaz you paint wonderful word pictures. Sure hope you wrote a lot in England.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I missed this chapter as I was looking in the new stories section , great chapter I can't wait for when Reesa finally gives into Liam m beginning to like her.

Great work pls don't make us wait too long for next one x

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 10 years ago
Great stuff!

You never really know a person until you understand where they have been and what has happened to them. It was easy to judge Reasa before we had a peak into her past experiences. Good writing.

zarroc789zarroc789over 10 years ago

You made it were Reasa is likeable, that's amazing.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 10 years ago
Yeah! Welcome back!

Miracle of miracles- you managed to soften my stance towards Reasa. I still don't like her but I don't hate her either.

Looking forward to more time with our other potential couples!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Elina Fan

LOVE, LOVE the back story of how Elina sacrificed her happiness for Liam. They are my favorite characters. Cant wait to see how badass and super powerful Elina really is!! Keep writing for her Jaz!

sweetallissweetallisover 10 years ago

Love, Love, Love everything about this chapter!

You captivate and hold me breathless aching for more.

PLEASE don't make us wait too long for the next chapter!

As always, thank you for sharing your gift with us!

redirish77redirish77over 10 years ago


I LOVE Liams' inner vamp! He's So SCARY/WOW/HOT!!!! Definitely going to make some BAD times for the Euro trash vamps between him & Kothi!!!! HAHAHAHA :)

You are FANTABULOUS and I IMPLORE you and your muse to keep on doing what you are!! LOVE Your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This chapter works

I'm feeling the bad boy, alpha vampire inside of Liam. I haven't been a fan of either Liam or Reasa, though I like the dimension they add to the story. Liam has always seemed too weak and soft to me. How can he get a powerful former vampire to love him, let alone like him, if he is busy cowering behind everyone else for protection? And Reasa just seemed too irredeemable to me... her hatred of Varcolac too strong to even make her worthy of being mated to one. The way that Reasa hates Liam and all of the Varcolac makes it seem unbelievable that she could be his mate and that she will eventually fall for him. But the fact that Liam has a more confident and dangerous vampire inside of him that he is trying to wrangle in and the fact that Reasa is clearly and FINALLY effected by Liam works for the story. This storyline makes it more probable that Reasa and Liam will eventually end up together. Nice work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I have been waiting so long for this! I loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Honestly I am shocked every time you make me cry. This is such an amazing story that I need more. I was sick last year and read everything you wrote. Now I'm a Jaz junkie waiting for more. Please don't lose focus. Please hurry. My inner vamp needs more. You are truly gifted and this storyline could easily be on the NY Times best seller list. Thank you for sharing. Truly a devoted fan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Aw Crap

When I found this series a little over a month ago, I went to the comments page to see if others liked it as well as I did. I must admit that I gloated over the fact that I could just go on to the next chapter. Now I am caught crap

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

WOW You certainly added spice to Liam & Reasa. I can't wait to read more.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Please keep them coming....

blastwizardblastwizardover 10 years ago
Wait a minute?!

Is Liam's Vampire a "Bad Boy Gangsta" :-0) Didn't our parents warn us about those type of guys? HA!!!

Jaz, you freaking rock!!!!

You know that European group over there, they are not a match for the pissed of vampire side of the Valorac. Imagine if Liam or Kothi bring out their inner annihilation, do you think there will even be ashes? We don't even know about the others? Liam & Kothi seem the most imbalanced, but you know Elina has bound a part of herself for the love of her cousin. Who knows what the backlash of that might be. Especially if a loved one is threatened. I am just pondering. Jaz, just keep doing what you do, your fans love you and your amazing brain waves :-)

SouthernGirl30SouthernGirl30over 10 years ago

I'm liking this chapter! Good for Liam! Now back to Pietro & Cassia! :)

RheamistressRheamistressover 10 years ago

You go this chapter to me at just the right time. Time to read, time for my coffee.. Excellent. :)

biggreenfrogbiggreenfrogover 10 years ago

I love this saga please don't stop writing.I need more..oh and Calebs's address if you have it! Lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Liam's alter was described as wearing all black. His Were and human were calmer. Made me think of Kothi, he was introduced wearing all black, what if his vampire has to accept his cat and his human. Maybe that is the issue he has.He, also is fragmented and torn. Once his cat and human surge forward, he might gain balance. Well his little bit of human he has in him.

SexyMom7SexyMom7over 10 years ago

Really Jaz after all that wait only 3 pages???? I need more. Hurry please!!!

Rad'lRad'lover 10 years ago

I'm surprised by my complete immersion in your story - since this a genre that I don't usually read. The flow of your words has captivated me. Thank you for an enthralling chapter. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
more more more

It's been so long

5 starrs

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Holy Mackerel!!!!!

That was just such a fantastic chapter! It definitely makes up for the fact that its been sooooo loooooooooooong since you last posted ;)

I agree with others = one of your best chapters yet. And its another one of your key turnaround moments in your stories. Reasa starts to feel compassion but also gets increasingly turned on by Liam's acceptance of his vampiric side (all which she brought about, ha ha!!)

I love it, thank you Jaz :) Fantastic writing.


Hethen129Hethen129over 10 years ago
You know Jaz did that on purpose

Just like Liam's vampire she is sitting back looking at all her readers and like bam gotcha you know you wont stop reading these.

boneamsboneamsover 10 years ago
Still the best!!!!

My God, you get better and better (if that's possible). This goes to show you why this lady is always at the top of the list and owns more than half of the Hall of Fame.

mike2710mike2710over 10 years ago

Thank you Jaz. Well worth the wait even if the anticipation is torture, and you torture so well. Thanks for the entertainment. Mike from Texas

MizTMizTover 10 years ago
The more of Liam's story I hear the more I want. But I think the reason I want more is that I want to see him healed from what has haunted him his whole life. To be able to be out amount the pack and not need his cousins protection would be great. To have


NicoleAmyNicoleAmyover 10 years ago

'Gotcha' !! Loved that comment from Liam's vampire, and the fact that now they are now on the same page. I like that it seemed to slightly change him and how she see's him - it's going to get delicious, I can't wait !!

Loved the whole chapter, as always :)

BigDog167BigDog167over 10 years ago

Great as always Jaz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Can I respectfully ...

Not loathe, loath.

Not millennia, millenium.

There was one other, but I wasn't keeping score then and it escapes me.

donaldedonaldeover 10 years ago
welcome back

enjoyed the chapter very much thank you

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 10 years ago

Its about time my insomnia worked as an advantage! I have been a fan of yours for years and have read and reread all of your stories. This is on my top five lists for fav chapters. Outstanding!

willieonewillieoneover 10 years ago
great chapter

Even if the whole chapter was about a character I don't like. Sigh I do however love Liam and am so happy to see him and his beasts finally starting to mesh and become balanced!

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 10 years ago
Seeing stars

Five. Great chapter.

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