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Tease Too Much

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Naive wife teases hung sailor.
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Too far

How did this happen? what I did was with the best of intentions. I guess I should explain myself.

It all started when my husband and my identical twin sister and myself decided to take a cruise off the west coast of Western Australia from Broome to Darwin. It was a treat for us all as we had just lost our mother suddenly to a particularly aggressive form of cancer. It had left us both exhausted and traumatized. I was also hoping it was an opportunity for my husband and myself to reconnect as we were madly trying to have a child. We just hadn't had much opportunity to make love over the last couple of months. In fact I cant remember when we last did.

The day arrived and we all flew into Broome from Perth. The weather was hot, as it always is in Broome. This was just what we all wanted. I was wearing a light frock with no bra as both my sister and myself were only blessed with small boobs being around a 32C. The advantage of course is that they don't sag and are really quite perky. I have very sensitive nipples which I find a bit embarrassing as they are always poking out and attracting attention, some wanted i.e. my husband but other times not. There are a lot of dirty old men out there.

Both my sister and I are quite petite standing only around five foot and weighing only around 45kg (that's around 100 lbs soaking wet). Like I said we are physically identical. The only difference is that my sister Faye is quite a flirt and quite sexually promiscuous while I have ever only had one sexual partner and that is my loving husband.

I am 25 and my husband Bill is 27. He also is not a big man standing around 5 ft 8 inches tall. He also was not very sexually experienced when we first met having been born in Papua New Guinea to a coffee plantation manager and his wife. As such there wasn't much opportunity for him to gain sexual experiences as there weren't many white girls where he lived and he had been taught not to mess around with the natives. As such we both came into the marriage fairly naive and inexperienced.

My sister and I were brought up in a small coastal town on the New South Wales coast and ended up going to a Catholic girls school. While I adhered to the strict rules of the school Faye tended to do the opposite. She was always going out with boys and coming home late smelling of alcohol and some other smell that I couldn't identify. It was only years later that I identified the smell and it was a pure unadulterated sex smell of heightened female passion and sperm. Again I was very naive and inexperienced.

Anyway back to the cruise. We were met at the Broome airport by a huge brute of a man who must have been 6ft 3in tall and built like a rugby forward. He had huge shoulders and legs that would have crushed a crocodile. He was wearing shorts and a tight T shirt that showed off his bulging biceps and pecs. He was unshaven and had a tangled mass of blonde hair atop his ruggedly handsome face. His name was Ernesto. We were to find out later that he was from Mauritius and was the product of a French plantation manager and a native farm worker. As such he was a beautiful light chocolate in color with piercingly blue eyes. He was definitely impressive, but not my type. Way too macho and domineering. Of course Faye`s eyes lit right up when she met him. She is such a tart but I love her dearly. I could see that he was also attracted to Faye and spent way too much attention on her as he helped with the luggage. Of course Bill and I had to carry our own luggage to the van while he effortlessly picked up Faye's and threw it into the van. Of course this immediately put my nose out of joint, but to be expected.

The trip to the wharf was exciting. I had never seen such a long jetty in my life. It seemed to extend for a kilometer out to sea from the shore. As I was later to find out the tidal range in this part of Australia is 10 to 12 meters (around 35ft) which is huge. As such the jetty had to extend a long way out into the bay to allow the moored boats room to go up and down with the tide.

Our boat was moored at the end of the jetty. It was quite a modern vessel of 30 meters and had 8 twin cabins and 2 single cabins. Bill and I had a twin while Faye had a single cabin which ended up being opposite ours.

We happily boarded the boat and were escorted down to our cabins by Ernesto. He practically pushed Bill and I into our cabin while he fawned over Faye in showing her into hers. To say I was affronted is mild. I was enraged over how we were treated by that great big hulking brute. Why was he being so attentive to Faye and so rude to me and Bill! I was pissed. Bill just took it all in his stride, he didn't want to make a fuss or even worse an enemy of Ernesto who we would be living with for the next 10 days on-board the boat.

We unpacked and changed into more suitable attire for roaming around the boat, being a pair of white cotton shorts and a loose T shirt that tended to hug my small boobs as they moved around. Again my nipples tended to poke out, but hey I was on vacation, so they should be free as well. Of course Bill was feeling amorous and grabbed me as I was putting the T shirt on and said "lets just have a quickie to start the cruise off to a good start and start making that baby you want." I was all for it as he pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me passionately. I do love to be kissed and wooed to make love.

Bill started doing all the right things. As he kissed me he managed to remove my T shirt and started circling my nipples with his finger without actually touching them. It drives me crazy. My nipples seem to be connected to my clitoris and electric bolts started oscillating between my nipples and my clitoris. I could feel myself starting to leak from my pussy. I needed my husband to start the cycle of conception. I was ripe for being made love to and breeding.

Bill quickly tore my shorts from my complying body along with my sensible knickers which were wet through. He quickly doffed his shorts and freed his 6" rampant tool. Just as my husband started to push into me a siren went off and a voice came over the intercom for all passengers to come on deck for an emergency evacuation practice before setting to sea. We looked lovingly into each others eyes, he with his cock half into my willing receptacle. He slowly withdrew. I couldn't believe how horny I was and how I wanted to make a baby with him. I tried to pull him back into me, but he pulled away and said "we need to get up on deck." Quickly we got dressed. I could feel my moisture leaking into my knickers.

We all were on deck within 10 minutes. There was my tarty twin sister with a smug look on her face with Ernesto helping her with her life jacket. I saw him 'accidentally' slide his hand down the sides of her breasts as he pulled the life jacket over her head. She just looked at him slyly with a small grin on her face. Bill and I had to help each other, though Bill was being very attentive and rubbed his hands down the side of my breasts as he helped me. I looked over at Faye and smiled at her knowing that I had Bill while all she had was occasional flings and didn't have a loving husband like I did. I felt sorry for her but also a bit jealous. I had ever only had one lover, whom I loved, while she had many, which she boasted to me about to try and make me jealous.

After the practice abandon ship Faye came over to us as we lent on the gunnels as the boat left the harbor. It was a fantastic sight with the turquoise water contrasting against the ocher red hills that slowly disappeared below the horizon.

Faye couldn't help herself. As we were standing together watching the receding coastline she had to mention that Ernesto had the hots for her and had kissed her while in the cabin. She had kissed him back and he had touched her breasts which she allowed. "As he kissed me I could feel what felt like a huge baseball bat pressed against my stomach. I couldn't believe it was his cock so I gave it a preliminary squeeze. It was all cock. It was huge!" She is such a tease. "Unfortunately that is when the siren went off so I couldn't really confirm it was all him. If it was it is absolutely huge. Shame you are married and don't get to try all the beautiful men and cocks out there like I can."

While a little envious I responded back "at least I have a loving husband who I can have every night while you hop from one unsatisfying relationship to another." Obviously we were both a bit jealous of each other but I wouldn't give up my life with my husband for her lifestyle, though of course I wouldn't be human if I wasn't a bit curious about being with another man and a different cock. I liked my life.

It was now late afternoon and the boat was heading north towards Rowley Shoals, which is meant to be one of the best diving and snorkeling locations in the world as it is around 200 miles out to sea so has crystal clear water and fantastic reefs. We could feel the boat start to pitch and roll as we headed out to sea. Now I am fairly good out in boats and don't get seasick, while both Bill and my sister Faye don't have very good sea legs and tend to suffer at sea. Hopefully the seas will flatten out else I won't be making babies in the near future, and I really want to.

Bill and I went back to the cabin to hopefully carry on what we started earlier. We got back to the cabin and immediately fell on the bed and undressed each other slowly. Bill's cock wasn't fully hard so I immediately grasped it in my hand and started to stroke him slowly how he likes it. It didn't seem to be having much effect as he didn't seem to be getting any harder. I looked up at him and he had a funny look and was looking a bit pale. Regardless I lent over his cock and started to nibble the end as this always worked to harden him up. I slowly lowered my mouth over his cock and swallowed it to the base. It was still soft and malleable in my mouth. It wasn't getting hard. I needed it so badly. Suddenly Bill moaned and I looked up just as he dragged his cock from my mouth and lurched over to the bathroom where he proceeded to vomit his lunch into the toilet. How romantic, how sexy! The boat was rocking and rolling and obviously was having a bad effect on Bill. I was steaming to make a baby and he was not able to perform. My poor darling.

He eventually came back to bed and moaned that he thought he was going to die. He felt terrible and just wanted to curl up and wanted the world to "go away." Suddenly there was a knock on the door which then burst open and Faye burst into the room and staggered over to the bed where she fell down next to Bill lamenting that she was feeling "like death warmed up" and was the boat ever going to stop rolling and pitching? She was as sick as a dog!

I can't help that I felt a bit pleased that she wasn't going to play up tonight and then boast to me the next morning on what wonderful sex she had. She wasn't going to get any tonight, unfortunately, looking at Bill, I wasn't either. Baby making would have to wait.

They both lay on the bed moaning and groaning, so I left them to it. It was dinner time and I could think of no reason why I shouldn't go and have dinner and enjoy myself. So I did. I went up to the dining room and found that there were not many people up for dinner. In fact only around another eight or so people made it so we were all seated at the one table. The others were all fairly elderly, but we had interesting discussions on what we were hoping to do on the cruise and how fantastic Rowley Shoals would be. I must admit that I drank a lot more than I usually would and by the end of dinner was very 'merry', to put it mildly. Luckily I could blame the rolling ship for my stumbling walk from the dinner table to the bar where I thought I would have one last drink before going to bed.

The barman, who I think was Indonesian, was very friendly and noted that as the bar was very quiet with most of the passengers sea sick, that he would love to make me an expensive cocktail 'on the house.' I can't remember what it was, but he poured liquor from a number of bottles and then topped it with fresh lime juice. It was superb, but really had a kick. By the time I finished it I knew that I needed to head to bed as my head was spinning and my legs were very wobbly. As I got up to go to my cabin my arm was grabbed by someone helping me to stand. I turned to my Good Samaritan and saw with a shock that it was Ernesto. Of course it would be!

He said that he had missed me after the boat drill and would help me to my cabin. He obviously thought that I was my twin sister Faye. My brain was too fuddled to correct him and I thought for once I would get someone to help me thinking I was someone else, so I let him help me to Faye's cabin. I was feeling a bit bitchy. I thought I would get him to help me to the cabin then give him the brush off so curtailing my sisters ambition of bedding this supposedly well hung sailor.

He put his arm around me and helped me to my sisters cabin. I must admit, with all the rocking of the boat and my alcohol consumption I did need his help. Of course while we were staggering to the cabin I felt his hand accidentally touch my breast. I didn't try and stop him as I was going to give him the flick as soon as we reached the cabin, though I must admit in my horny and drunk state it did feel good, but it wasn't going to do him any good. Hopefully he would get blue balls. Would serve him right for offending me right from the start.

We eventually made it to the cabin with his hand completely encasing my left breast. I couldn't help how my body reacted, my nipple was standing to attention under his fingers. I was going to make him suffer for both ignoring me when we first came on the boat and for trying to take advantage of who he thought was my drunk twin sister. In my drunken stupor I thought to myself, "why not tease him a bit more then send him away unsatisfied like the bastard he is?" As such I started to pretend I was drunker than I really was, mind you I was pretty drunk and not feeling a lot of pain, plus also I was pretty horny both from my hormones which were racing due to my desire for a baby and from fooling around with my husband before he got sea sick. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

I thought to myself "let's turn the heat up on this bastard a bit and tease him so he will know not to pick on defenseless women again." There were no external locks on the doors so Ernesto just opened the door and half helped me half carried me into the room where we both fell onto the bed. Ernesto was like a vampire and immediately latched onto my neck trailing wet kisses down from under my ear to the top of my breasts. It all caught me a bit by surprise and while I tried to dissuade him by saying "no" my body betrayed me and I found that my hand was resting on top of his head as he slavered down my neck. My heart went into overdrive and started beating faster and a shiver went up my spine. I swear I could also feel my pussy gushing unsolicited juices into my panties. Who was going to tease whom?

Before I could push him away his fingers started undoing the buttons on my top. I knew I should stop him but I also knew my hussy sister wouldn't, she was such a trollop. I, in my drunken state, figured I would let him go a bit further, really get him excited before I booted him out of the room. I mustn't have been paying attention as the next thing I knew was that I could feel his lips kissing my erect nipples. When did he get my bra off? I must have been drunker or Hornier than I thought. It felt so good, he licked all around my left nipple while his hand tweaked my other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I couldn't seem to take a breath to say "no." I know I tried but only a low guttural moan seemed to escape my lips. My heart was hammering and my panties were soaked. I needed to stop this soon. I didn't want to go too far. I just wanted to tease him and then kick him out of the room. Payback to both my sister and him.

He did have a sculptured body and my mind went back to what my sister said about him supposedly being well endowed. He was probably just self promoting! I let him kiss me some more and must admit found myself enjoying having a new tongue exploring my mouth. It felt so strange and so wicked! He kept massaging my breast with one hand and then I felt his other hand start to lift my dress. I both wanted it and didn't. I know my brain was trying to get my hand to stop his. It just seemed to move in slow motion. By the time my hand got down to protect my virtue his was there already.

I felt his hand cup my mound with his middle finger magically placed on top of my throbbing clitoris. It felt so wrong, but also so good. I thought to myself "I'll just let him play with me outside my panties, there is no reason I can't enjoy myself. I'll just make sure he doesn't go any further." I don't want him to enjoy himself. I'm still trying to punish him and my sister.

Along with the booze and my raging hormones I was lost in the moment. His kisses were lovely and his finger was making my pussy gush all over my panties. I still had the wherefore-all to stop him moving my panties aside with his fingers, but his ministrations on my pussy and clitoris were having an effect on me. I could feel my legs slowly start to separate which of course allowed him better access to my gushing pussy where only my husband had been.

In my daze I felt him moving around and he was taking his shirt off. I couldn't let this happen. The thought of skin to skin scared me. I wasn't sure I could control the situation. I sat up just as his shirt came off. My naked breasts were sticking out in front of me. My nipples were like little erasers sticking out from my breast. I couldn't believe how sensitive they were. Before I could stop him he leaned over and captured my left nipple in his mouth, sucking on it like an all day sucker. Electricity seemed to travel from my breast, through my brain and down to my molten vagina, making it leak even more. I tried to close my legs but his hand was firmly wedged into my sodden panties, pressuring my throbbing clitoris. How was I to get out of this situation without him finding out I wasn't my slutty sister? My brain wasn't helping me, it was just concentrating of the feelings and emotions that were coursing through my system. Pleasure was foremost in my mind.

I was like a flag in the breeze, writhing around on the bed with this bastard of an Adonis. Ernesto, even though he was latched like a limpet onto my nipple, was wriggling around divesting himself of his pants. I definitely didn't want this. This had gone on far enough. I had to stop before I fell over the precipice. I did want to stop didn't I? I had to stop. I was on the boat with my husband. We were going to make a baby!

I saw his pants hit the floor and he turned to me with even greater vigor. His jocks were tented out in front of him. I must have mistaken with what I saw as it seemed to jut out from his body like a baseball bat. I couldn't be. I needed to get control of the situation quickly. I still wanted to tease him, to make him suffer for treating me so badly, but I also didn't want it to get out of control. I had to be in control.

By this time his fingers has insinuated themselves half way into my pussy, shoving my panties along with them. I grabbed his hand (his other hand was tweaking the nipple that his lips weren't attached to) and pulled it away from my leaking muff and told him to stop. I didn't want to go too far on the first night, that we needed to get to know each other better.

He grudgingly removed his hand from my pussy but still kept massaging my breast which continued to send bolts of desire down to my flooded center. Of course we were both practically naked now, just wearing panties and jocks. His body did feel so good rubbing mine and his lips on my nipple were driving me crazy.


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