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I moved a little closer. I could see that Harvey's chair was close to the pool. He was staring off at the pool, apparently considering a swim. When he pulled the tank top over his head, I figured this to be the case. He'd texted me. He wanted me at the window, obviously, to what... watch him swim?

Harvey tugged his shorts to his ankles and kicked them aside, now fully naked in the morning sunlight.

I stepped back. I could still see him. His tanned body contrasted the concrete around him. The black hair that coated his skin seemed to sweep and swirl right down to one particular spot. Even from my high perch I saw it drooping heavy between his thighs.

My eyes darted toward the hall as if to make sure I was alone, which was ridiculous. The house was mine for several more hours. I glanced back and forth between the window and the telescope. Below, Harvey was beginning to recline in the beach chair. Now I scanned the neighboring homes. Was there no one else around? Harvey was completely nude and lying right out in the open.

And he was angled right toward my window.

Briefly I chewed my lip. I gave in. For heavens sake I was already right here with the window open. I had known what I wanted to do when I opened the blinds. I tipped the telescope down, working to adjust the scopes toward the man by the pool. It took a while to settle down enough to steady my eye at the eyepiece. The masculine form came into focus, and I immediately realized what was happening.

Harvey had a bottle in his hand and was squirting some sort of clear fluid onto his chest and his rippled stomach. I saw the substance begin to sink and settle through the mat of dark hair. The older man pumped a liberal amount of the fluid into his hands, set the bottle on the concrete beside him, and rolled his hands together.

Both of Harvey's hands sank to his skin and began to glide over his every curve. I could see how firmly he pressed his fingers and his palms into his body. The bulk of his flesh gave against his motions. His body hair began to glisten in the sunlight. His tan skin started to glow like juicy cooked meat.

It had to be some kind of body oil. My knees shook. I shifted on my feet, fighting to keep still. My chest shuddered with each breath. Harvey worked his hands carefully over every tight slab of flesh on his upper body. But when his legs split open, I audibly gasped and couldn't contain the moan that punctuated air from my lungs.

One of the man's knees lifted, his leg curling to one side. His other thigh opened wide when he planted his foot on the concrete. Harvey's dick flopped free. His balls sagged to touch the chair. The slightest movement caused all the loose flesh to wobble. I saw the first nod of Harvey's cock. Even from this distance, I could see and feel the man's growing arousal.

Not long after, Harvey pushed both of his hands down toward his pelvis and swept up his cock and balls in an oily grasp. I held my breath. Through my shaky lense, I watched the man's flesh glide through his fingers. His scrotum would bulge and retreat. The reddened tip of his dick would purse like a pair of lips in his palm before disappearing into a wet fist.

I had to stand up. Already I was breathing like I'd been submerged in water for many minutes. I ran my hand through my hair. Sweat was already wetting my scalp. This was insane. Staring at the floor, I noticed the way my shorts pressed outward from the force of my erection. I couldn't believe how aroused I felt all throughout my body.

In an instant my darker impulses swarmed my mind. My shorts and underwear fell away. Clutching my painfully hard dick, I steadied myself at the telescope once more.

Clearly I'd fallen behind. One of Harvey's hands worked beneath his balls, the tight flesh of his arm contrasting the loose skin, all beneath a sheen of hair. The other hand clutched a now rigid shaft, gliding with ease up and down the entire length. I groaned at the sight, wishing it were Harvey's hand stroking my dick. I kept a rythym with the old guy. My eye feasted on the stretched skin of Harvey's cock and the bulbous head that he tortured with a single thumb.

Harvey was staring up at my window. I almost froze when I met his gaze through the scope. His mouth was open, but that grin of his still pulled at the corner of his lips. He knew I was up here watching. He was enjoying every minute of this. I couldn't help the fact that I was enjoying it too.

Without warning, I saw Harvey's cock begin to spit cum straight into the air. A single milky rope of his cum fell to his hairy chest. Then another. More began to rain down onto his stomach. His body clenched and convulsed. His mouth hung open, soundless from my viewpoint. Soon his jerking cock was oozing and dribbling his seed down his hand and forearm.

I just stared with wide eyes.

I had released my own cock. As if there were some kind of unseen tether between the two of us, my tip had begun to sting from the fullness of a building climax. For some reason, I didn't want it. My dick bounced and begged for release, but I couldn't touch myself. I remembered the night on Harvey's patio and how sobering the feeling had been. Maybe I was fearful of that. Maybe I was worried that I'd be actually choosing to cum while watching Harvey do the same.

Maybe I didn't want it end.

Instead I just watched Harvey release his nodding cock. Oil and other slimy film slid down the bent shaft into the hair on Harvey's balls. It was such a filthy sight. I couldn't look away. The man's gleaming chest was flecked with milky ribbons of cum. As if he could see me still watching at the telescope, Harvey began to lather his chest and his stomach once more. He wore a big grin as he did so.

I could feel the tiny dribbles of precum leaking from my dick.

My insides sank when Harvey stood. As if nothing had happened, the man fetched the bottle from the ground, picked up his clothes, and dragged the chair back under the patio. I was afforded a final glimpse of his backside before he disappeared into the sliding glass doors to his house.

I raised up from the telescope. There I stood for a long time. With my hands on my hips, I blankly stared down at my cock. Still it pulsed with energy. I couldn't believe how hard I was. I couldn't believe what I'd just witnessed. Each time my dick twitched, I could feel it inside of me. It was like Harvey's finger was pressing my buttons from inside my asshole all over again.

I glanced at my computer. There was so much left I had to do. It was still morning time.

I had no idea how I'd get through the rest of the day.


I'd never experienced a longer seventeen days in my life.

Each morning, my blinds were open. I worked tirelessly at my computer, eager to complete my work so that I could stakeout my neighbor's place. Though my productivity seemed to skyrocket, each day I was left without a glimpse of Harvey.

At least, not the way I wanted.

Every now and then I'd spot him adding chemicals to his pool, or getting something from his little shed near the back corner of his yard. Once, he and Pam had lounged out on their balcony for hours talking. Even then I cautiously peeked through the telescope to see if anything interesting would happen. It never did. Though one time, I think I saw Harvey turn toward the window one afternoon as he walked back into his house. I thought I could see him grinning.

Then came the week of Pam and Harvey's vacation. The days seemed to creep by and at first I found myself in a slump. I would catch myself surfing the internet for things I had never searched before. None of the images I found looked remotely like what I was looking for. Nothing seemed to satiate me. Nothing gave me that thrill that I craved.

I grew more depraved, little by little. Once I went the whole day wearing nothing. I wasn't even sure why. It made me feel daring or dirty in some way. I'd spoken on the phone with clients that way. I stood in front of windows, wondering if there was some other pervert like me watching and hoping to catch a peek at something forbidden.

Then, for several days I was able to find something to keep my desires fed. I was amazed I hadn't thought of it sooner. Claire would certainly never miss what I took from her. She hadn't used the thing since we'd first married, since we'd explored our kinkier sides long ago. Jordan Rawlins would have been shocked for sure if he'd known that we'd spoken on the phone and even conducted video calls on the computer while I had a butt plug stuffed into my asshole.

It had hurt the first time. But that only seemed to feed the fire. Not seconds after I'd gotten the whole thing into me had I shot cum all over the shower wall. I could not get the memory of Harvey's finger out of my head. I was looking for something lewd, something wrong. Claire's forgotten toy served just that purpose. After a few days, the plug would pop into my ass with such ease. I never got over that sensation though.

When Harvey and Pam returned from their vacation, I watched their house daily. Both seemed to be at work most days. My frustration began to mount. On a certain evening, Claire had gone to have dinner her mother and her aunt. I'd tinkered around on my computer until seeing Pam and Harvey swimming in their pool. I watched them, careful not to be seen. Where weeks before I'd entertained the idea of getting an eyeful of Pam in her one piece bathing suit, I was now busy looking for the wet bulge in Harvey's trunks.

At one point I became convinced that Harvey wasn't putting on anymore shows. I went about my work, attempting to regain my good senses and focus what I needed to. Jordan had called me one morning to ask some questions about some trouble he was having with a certain program, which soon turned into a forty-five minute conversation about a skydiving expedition of his. I was surfing social media and half listening to Jordan when my cell phone buzzed against my ear one time.

I pulled the phone down to check the screen. My heart galloped.


My head snapped toward the window. I rolled my chair across the floor to peer out toward my neighbor's house. I scanned the area. In seconds I spotted what I was looking for. Harvey was standing on the balcony overlooking his back yard, leaning on the wood railing.

He was looking in my direction, waiting.

"U-uh, hey Jordan?" I blurted. "Listen, m-my neighbor is out in the yard calling for me, uh, I think he needs a hand with something. Do you mind if I let you go?"

"Yeah, sure buddy," Jordan replied. "I'll call you sometime tomorrow and let you know how things worked out with RanTek."

"Sounds good," I said quickly.

"Talk to you later."


In a flash I stood at the window. Harvey was still leaning on the rail at his balcony. Not wanting to miss any detail, I immediately went to the telescope. Much of what I needed was dialed in already. I simply found Harvey in the sights and waited.

Of course he wore a sly grin. He was dressed casual but looked sharp in his collared cotton shirt and shorts. He must have been able to tell that I was at my telescope. He eased up from the railing gave a tiny wave of his hand. I knew something was going to happen. I could see it written on his face, in his eyes. Backing away, Harvey turned toward the open double doors to his bedroom. At first my heart sank, thinking he was merely teasing me.

The man reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. He flung it into the bedroom before unfastening his shorts. I was already rubbing myself, feeling myself grow hard. It crossed my mind to fetch the plug and some lube, but I didn't want to miss anything. I kept watching as Harvey slid his shorts down over his thick, tight cheeks.

Just like that, Harvey was naked again. I'd waited so long. It was happening again.

He didn't turn around until he'd reached the door. I wanted Harvey to come back out into the morning sun. I didn't care who saw. All I cared about was that I could see. The man turned in the threshold and struck somewhat of a lazy pose. His arms were draped upward, his hands clutching the tops of each door. His hair coated pectorals swept up like the wings of a hawk. Everything seemed to stretch tight through his midsection, but was not enough to lift his bushy cock from its place where it drooped between his legs.

Harvey stood in the threshold like that for a while. Then, he tilted his head and made some sort of motion before stepping back into the bedroom and swinging the doors shut.

He was gone. I waited several long moments to see if the doors would open again. They did not. I rose from the telescope to see if he'd gone out onto the patio or into the back yard. He never did. I threw up a single hand. Was it really a tease? I turned the images over in my head. Clearly he wanted me to see something. Was that it?

Then it dawned on me. Harvey had nodded to me... no, he'd beckoned to me.

I thought about it. That had to be right. If that were the case, I was faced with quite the choice. I was more than ready to watch. I was even willing to stroke myself to the finish spying on the man. This was different.

Harvey wanted me to come to his bedroom.

I looked at the time displayed on my computer. It was still early morning. Harvey was apparently home for the day. We were alone for so many more hours. I balked at the thought. Memories of the night under the covered patio surfaced in my head. I'd thought of nothing but that for weeks.

Now it was real. The feeling was akin to stage fright after weeks of rehearsal. It was easy to fantasize from the safety of my own home. When things had gotten out of control on Harvey's patio, it had happened fast. The choices were made for me. It was a misunderstanding that I let happen because I was too petrified to correct it.

My heart felt like a block of ice. I honestly wasn't sure what to do. Going to Harvey's house meant triggering an encounter. Was I even ready for that? I wouldn't be a spectator anymore. I'd be a participant. New images started to form in my mind. I pictured what might happen. It was thrilling to be sure, but also terrifying. And there would be no going back.

A single notion kept gnawing at me though. How many other times in my life would this chance come along? It seemed so unreal. It was the very reason I was addicted to it all. If I did nothing, would I ever be lucky enough to experience something so forbidden or thrilling again? Would I not be haunted by the choice, and forever stuck with my newfound perverted mind and fantasies? The ones I'd likely never get to carry out again?

In a daze, I turned and headed toward the hall, down the stairs, and out my back door. The oppressive morning sunlight did nothing to shake me from my stupor. Though my head was swirling with worries and fears and doubts, I kept walking. I made my way into Harvey's back yard. I passed the pool. I saw the beach chair. I looked at the patio sofa. That was about to all become real again.

Nothing solidified the reality of the situation more at that point than the sliding glass door to Harvey's house. It was cracked open. Sure. It could have been a mistake. It could have been coincidence that he texted me, too, that he'd gotten ass naked and nodded me toward his master bedroom.

I knew my way through the house. I had been a guest here many times. I slid the back doors shut and headed for the stairs. I expected my feet to feel like they had weights strapped to them, but I floated up the steps. Just to my right was the open bedroom door. I paused only for a second before stepping into the master bedroom.

Harvey was lounging naked on the massive bed. It was surreal seeing him that way. I wasn't seeing him through the shaky lense of a telescope. This wasn't a wine fogged memory. He was right there, big and bare, his legs open and bent at the knees. His hair matted chest expanded with each breath. Harvey had his arms folded behind him. He turned to look at me, a grin forming on his face.

One of his big thighs shifted. His cock fell to sag between his legs.

"I was wondering when you'd show," Harvey said smiling. "Don't have to ask you twice do I?"

I shook my head, allowing a tiny smile of my own to peek through. I couldn't quit staring. Harvey's body seemed so much bigger in that moment. It was as if being nude allowed me to see just how all the pieces came together to form such a raw specimen. This is the body his clothes always hid.

"Todd, I think you're just a little overdressed."

I blinked at him. Stepping toward the bed, I went deeper. I pulled my shirt off. When I reached the edge of the bed, I unfastened my shorts. Harvey was watching. It was his turn. His smiling eyes looked me over. I could feel it on my skin. I was torn between the embarrassment of being measured up by such a guy and the thrill of seeing the measured excitement in his expression while I undressed. With shaking hands I tugged my remaining clothes to the floor and stood up straight. My cock was pointing right at Harvey now, like it was guiding me to want I really wanted.

Harvey eyed my cock and grinned wider. I had no idea what it meant but it drove me insane. The older man extended an arm, beckoning for me to join him.

"You coming or not?" Harvey asked.


I didn't think about it. I just planted a knee onto the massive bed and crawled up toward Harvey. The man simply looped me into his arm and guided me on top of his body, his hand sliding down to immediately clutch me by a single ass cheek. It felt so strange but thrilling. Harvey's skin was so hot to the touch. My smooth body met his hard and hairy form, and I melted into him. A surge of sexual energy rippled through me and I spread around him. Our cocks piled together, mine stiff against his bushy loose flesh.

Our mouths found each other's. I couldn't help it. When Harvey's rugged face pressed to mine, I writhed like an animal in heat on top of the man. He clearly welcomed it. His arms squeezed me tightly. I could feel his palm slide up my back, while the thick fingers of his other hand tightened painfully into the cheek of my ass. I felt myself pulsating wildly between our skin.

Harvey slid his tongue into my mouth. I groaned and twisted my head, allowing him to probe deep into my mouth. My body started to roll like a wave on top of him. Now I could feel a thick piece of hot flesh prodding at my leg somewhere below.

I jerked upright when I felt my cock begin to sting. My widened eyes searched Harvey's face. His startled expressed slid away into another of his broad grins. He could feel the tension in my body. My movements were stalled. I was afraid to move. I was that close to spewing. Everything was so lewd and it felt like pure ecstasy. If I came now, would it shatter the illusion and send me fleeing like the night under the patio? I didn't want that.

"Pretty worked up, I see," Harvey chuckled. "I'll go as slow as you want me to."

The words were hitting me like bullets. I was naked, grinding on top of this man, and still it was somehow a revelation what we were doing this.

That Harvey was going to fuck me.

He squeezed my ass again, pulling me closer. His bristled face found my neck. I stared blankly at the pillows while Harvey's hot tongue explored my skin. I couldn't get past it. That's what was going to happen. I'd never been on this side of things. But it's what I wanted. One of Harvey's fingers crept down my ass cheek to probe at the sensitive flesh it found deep within. That sensation alone made my body arch and twist. A naughty little smile began to open on my face.

"Put it in me."

My own words surprised me. Harvey turned to look at me. I could see the excitement sparkling in his eyes.


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